Exactly what the hell is Mike Pence thinking?

First of all, obviously the egos of national-level politicians exist on another planet and can't really be fully understood. That said:

Now Pence comes out against the former guy in front of a room full of political journalists. Yet before that, he's squirming and trying desperately to AVOID testifying under oath. So he's clearly trying to dance on some kind of fine line here.

But on top of all that is the fact that so much of the GQP base hates him for not destroying the peaceful transfer of power per the Constitution on Jan 6. He clearly appears to believe that he has some kind of chance to get the GQP nomination.

So either (a) he's a brilliant political tactician and will shock the world, or (b) he's dreaming. What's he thinking?

I doubt he’s thinking that you have anything of value to offer.
He isn't a stand up guy...he is a cuck.....probably one of the biggest cucks in American political history.....right up there with Cruz and Lady G
Many Republican voters support their elected or candidates until they do not. And they are justified. Only a compliant party could let the Democrats become Progressives and rule the political roost for the most part.

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