Facebook Goes Full Fascist Mode

tter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Everything will change soon when Dems win the Presidency and Senate and increase the size of the Supreme Court and install an overwhelming majority of liberal judges.
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

Oh, so if it was the people's decision to remove your right to free speech, that would be ok?
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

Oh, so if it was the people's decision to remove your right to free speech, that would be ok?
American justice dead or alive ends your speech!
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

Oh, so if it was the people's decision to remove your right to free speech, that would be ok?
American justice dead or alive ends your speech!

My speech? You would like that wouldn't you?

No, American justice is a far cry from what you want it to be.
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites
I've almost completely stopped checking it at Facebookburning.

I'm using WhatsApp, Zoom and Messaging to keep in touch.

Can you imagine had Hillary won?

Facebookburning, Twitter, et. al. Are ALL violating their commitment under the Telecommunications Act that they are platforms, not content providers.

I guess you don't know WhatApp is owned by facebook. What a dumbass you are.

Nobody ever edited my texts with my kids. Please fuck off and mind your own fucking business
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Idk I grew up with blacks they were very disrespectful to woman,, and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once ,, thats all you get.. hehe
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Idk I grew up with blacks they were very disrespectful to woman,, and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once ,, thats all you get.. hehe

That was the way it was. But not any more. Now the perpetrators will be stopped or they will be tried and sentenced for their crimes.

And just FYI, being disrespectful is not a capital offense.
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Idk I grew up with blacks they were very disrespectful to woman,, and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once ,, thats all you get.. hehe

"...and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once..." Just a reminder, since you used the word "we", that you are not a country boy. You are a city boy. You might want to stay there.
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Idk I grew up with blacks they were very disrespectful to woman,, and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once ,, thats all you get.. hehe

That was the way it was. But not any more. Now the perpetrators will be stopped or they will be tried and sentenced for their crimes.

And just FYI, being disrespectful is not a capital offense.
why can’t we confront them? With guns?
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Idk I grew up with blacks they were very disrespectful to woman,, and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once ,, thats all you get.. hehe

"...and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once..." Just a reminder, since you used the word "we", that you are not a country boy. You are a city boy. You might want to stay there.
Haha we are all equal. I can relate with them country boys
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Idk I grew up with blacks they were very disrespectful to woman,, and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once ,, thats all you get.. hehe

That was the way it was. But not any more. Now the perpetrators will be stopped or they will be tried and sentenced for their crimes.

And just FYI, being disrespectful is not a capital offense.
why can’t we confront them? With guns?

You can. As long as you know that if you shoot them, you will be prosecuted.

And if you lynch innocents, you will be found, prosecuted and either put to death or spend the rest of your life in prison.
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Idk I grew up with blacks they were very disrespectful to woman,, and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once ,, thats all you get.. hehe

"...and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once..." Just a reminder, since you used the word "we", that you are not a country boy. You are a city boy. You might want to stay there.
Haha we are all equal. I can relate with them country boys

Maybe you should stick with the rural areas in Massachusetts or New York. But coming south won't be good for you. With your attitude and accent, you wouldn't do well. hehehe
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Idk I grew up with blacks they were very disrespectful to woman,, and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once ,, thats all you get.. hehe

That was the way it was. But not any more. Now the perpetrators will be stopped or they will be tried and sentenced for their crimes.

And just FYI, being disrespectful is not a capital offense.
why can’t we confront them? With guns?

You can. As long as you know that if you shoot them, you will be prosecuted.

And if you lynch innocents, you will be found, prosecuted and either put to death or spend the rest of your life in prison.
What if I confront him
And say hey stop sexually harassing my sister! And then he text me can I shoot him then?
Face book whether they like it or not is our public online form, we should stay and fight for free speech.

Or, you could start your own social media app.

That would be an excellent idea. Old school conservatism praised initiative and creating for yourself. Pity that is forgotten.
The average American thinks they’re joining a site where it’s a public forum they can share ideas and create business accounts buy space ads, share pictures with friends and family..
If they all had the warning sign ** WE ARE UNAMERICAN WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIEWS** then you will see more platforms .. and a judge will get that to happen

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I see stuff from both sides. I guess maybe you are just too radical (and dangerous) for FaceBook to handle, huh?
Do you even understand why this topic was created Facebook is deleting post about people meeting in a location to assemble in protest lol

I have seen personal posts and news posts about the protests. I am not a member of any group that would attend, so I wouldn't see the call to attend or where meetings are held.

And, as I said before, it is a privately owned business. So your claims of them violating the US Constitution are bullshit.
Do you think when we reopen America is a central political question?

Indeed it is. Just not the question for this thread.
Is it being discussed by billions on Facebook? Hehe

I am pretty sure there are more pictures of cats than there are discussions of when we reopen businesses. Maybe that should be the topic?
Lol the country and the world is on lock down and you don’t think that’s a major discussion?? I know I got you backed in you backed in to a corner, and you can get out. But please

You haven't backed me into any corner. Apparently you want to change the subject. But the subject of the thread is what it is. Stick with it.
Hahahha I WON! Deflected! Yes!! 1001- O

LMAO! You are simply delusional. This thread is about FaceBook censorship. The fact that I refuse to allow you to make it about whether or not businesses reopen is not a deflection.
But that’s what they are deleting it for .. that’s the censorship.. you going to pretend you don’t have a clue now? Lol

They are deleting posts because billions are discussing it? lol
They are censoring a major central political question.

So you claim that billions of people are discussing it. But then you claim FaceBook is censoring those conversations.

If FaceBook is censoring the conversation, how do you know people are having them?

I have seen quite a few posts about reopening businesses. Both Pro and Con.
How do I know people are having them on Facebook? Is that a serious question? This issue has political ramifications. Facebook cannot shut out one voice at this level. Or they need to record it in the books for political influence. PERIOD

I am not saying the conversations are not being held. It is not billions of people having it. But a good number of them.

I was just mocking your claims that the conversations are being censored and that billions of people are having it.
Ok Stalin

Ok liar.

And BTW, I am far more accurate.
OK Stalin


Have I ever talked about killing or imprisoning people for their political beliefs?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever talked about unwavering dedication to the state?
No, I have not. But you have.

Have I ever wanted to remove an entire ethnic group from the country?
No, I have not. But you have.

Sounds like you resemble Stalin far more than I do.
Shutting down free-speech which you support Will take five more lives then this virus

That is an outright lie. I do not support shutting down free speech. I defy you to show where I have.

You demanding that a privately owned business provide you with a platform for your free speech is certainly closer to socialism than anything I have posted. I agree with private property being private property. Apparently you want to be able to commandeer private property whenever you want.

Yeah, I think you are a lot closer to Stalin than I will ever be.
Lol it’s a platform many people use, and if it’s going to influence elections the people have a right to know. You talk about Facebook like it’s a small pizza joint down the road lol .. so dumb

Nothing I have said was even close to me claiming it is a small pizza place down the road.

But whether it is a tiny business or a tech giant does not change anything where your free speech is concerned. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to someone else's privately owned business to support your free speech.
We’ll see what the Supreme Court says, Some of them are very good constitutionalist when you lose I want you to get in your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness

I am happy to wait to see what the US Supreme Court says. I think they will say private property cannot be co-opted for your political free speech.

I have already shown you to be more like Stalin than I am. And now you demand that private property be forced to support your political free speech. And your repeated desires to see people lynched without a trial? Stalin would be proud. You just need the mustache and you would be Stalin. I am very much unStalin-like.
Campaign finance laws

You know, you have a lot of gall to bitch about FaceBook influencing elections. When, for the last 6 months you have maintained that you intend to demand that duly elected officials surrender to you and be removed from office, either willingly or by force.

You really are a hypocrite of the lowest order. You want the system to work for you, even when it shouldn't. But other times you consider yourself above the system.

The only saving grace is that you haven't got the balls to actually DO anything. This past Saturday was 6 months since you announced your intended "coup". And other than some wild claims & lies, you have not done a single thing.
We are in a pandemic in BU cancel this fall semester so all my college Republicans are gone for the season.. but I continue to fight with all the weight on my shoulders I carry forward to fight for freedom and justice an American way.

Fight to remove duly elected people from office? And in your spare time you get on a political forum and complain about someone influencing elections? lmao

If you can't see the irony there, I can't help you.
In a peaceful manner of course.. Who says this is on Facebook?

LOL!! That is why you talked about having an army? Or why you claimed to be talking with the Trump administration about using the US Marine Corp reserves? Riiight.

Do you really expect elected officials to step down because YOU want them to? Or accept going to jail when they have broken no law?
If we get signatures to have every Democrat in Boston removed and they are refusing to be moved, Then I would call on the trumpet ministration to send us arms to peacefully remove them

How many signatures do you think you need?

The voters basically gave you their signatures when they voted. Will you have as many signatures as the Democrats had in votes?
We both know Democrats shut down speech in Boston which you agree with so that means the voters of Boston didn’t get the opportunity to listen to a different opinion

No, I do not agree with shutting down free speech. Repeating the same lie does not make it the truth.

And your assumption that the only reason democrats were elected is because of the ignorance of the Boston voters is nonsense. One rally was stopped. Campaigns still had commercials on tv and radio. In this day and age, the only reason someone does not hear a different opinion is because they don't want to hear a different opinion.
How can you raise money if you can’t talk?

You can talk. You showed where one rally was shutdown because of the threat of a riot. If your entire political campaign depends on a single rally, you were dead in the water anyway.

I wonder, do you fight as hard for the rights of those you disagree with? Actually I don't wonder that. You have shown you do not. Your fight for rights is very self-centered.

If you supported THE GOV'T shutting down a political rally in the public square, he's got you. That's anti-free speech.

If I had supported it, yes he would be correct.

But I did not support it. Not in the least.

If that's true than so far you support free speech as outlined in the Constitution. I don't LIKE that Facebook doesn't allow free speech on their platform and think it's smarmy of them, but it's not unconstitutional. Lots of people do not realize that free speech only guarantees Americans the right not to be prosecuted for speech by the government. It does not mean private companies will let you say whatever you like wherever you like.

I mean witness the rules at USMB for an example. They can have rules because free speech is limited.
I agree with you but according to campaign finance laws if they’re going to use their platform to influence elections then they need to pay a price

Agree with that but that's not freedom of speech
Well if they advertise as a public forum to share ideas they have some answering to do.. and I think all Americans should want all public forms to be a free space for speech. Or have a warning sign that your site promotes left wing ideology

It doesn't matter what you want. The reality is that private property is still private property.
Will let the Supreme Court decide hehe

Fine by me.

The US Supreme Court has also ruled on the limitations of the 1st amendment.
In the future supreme court probably very soon will nullify that decision so stop drooling pull the pants up And act like a man live under the original Constitution and federal list papers

I don't know why you think that. There has been no serious opposition to the ruling.

And before you tell me to live under the original constitution, you should probably apologize to all the victims of lynching for your remarks defending their being murdered.
Why would I ? It was the people’s decision to hand down punishment. Mini gave that authority to a certain person in the town usually it was a sheriff somebody deputized where they would hire a law man.. that’s America

And just to clarify, "The People" did not hand down any decision. A handful of rednecks decided to lynch someone, and did it. Guilt or innocence was not an issue for them. Hell, in many cases there was nothing that they were guilty of except being black.
Don’t like American justice move out.. awwww hell yeah!!

That is NOT American justice. American justice follows the US Constitution. What you are defending if violent, ignorant rednecks trying to keep blacks in line.

And no, I am not moving out. I am part of the general public who stands up to those cowards and and stops them. Rather than see anyone be murdered, in violation of their constitutional rights, I will start shooting the assholes trying to do the lynching.
What’s wrong with keeping blacks in line aren’t they equal to whites

Yes, they are. But the ignorant assholes who favor lynching apparently don't think so. And too many were lynched for bogus reasons or no reason at all, like 14 year old Emmett Till or 18 year old Michael Donald.
Idk I grew up with blacks they were very disrespectful to woman,, and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once ,, thats all you get.. hehe

"...and them country boys don’t play.. we warned you once..." Just a reminder, since you used the word "we", that you are not a country boy. You are a city boy. You might want to stay there.
Haha we are all equal. I can relate with them country boys

Maybe you should stick with the rural areas in Massachusetts or New York. But coming south won't be good for you. With your attitude and accent, you wouldn't do well. hehehe
Amor excepted in a self and you’ll ever be your communist Stalin red jacket loser

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