Fake Trump (Baldwin) goes to jail before Real Trump; Never thought Id type this

Being serious here...how is having live ammo on set versus fake rounds less costly?

Are you talking about taking the projectiles / bullets off the cartridges and somehow this did not happen?

I worked with guys who cut the tops off shotgun shells off, removed the shot, leaving in the powder, for a production once. (Still couldn't aim directly at the person and had to be at a safe distance - it was still stupid IMO.)

Being serious, there wasn't supposed to be any live ammo on set. It was all supposed to be fake.

But if NM can prove that Baldwin cut the budget of the shoot to the bone, so such a degree that it became recklessly dangerous......they have a better case than just going after Baldwin the actor.
Your belief is gloriously irrelevant to the outcome of the grand jury's recommendations. You keep trying to insert yourself, your beliefs, your opinions.....as a legal standard.

But you're nobody. When the grand jury called witnesses, they didn't call you. They called the Secretary of State of Georgia.

If you agree with the Secretary of State of Georgia, if you disagree.......no one cares. You are utterly irrelevant to any legal outcome in this case.

The Secretary of State of Georgia, though? Oh, he's definitely relevant.
same applies to you,,,

sure would like the SoS tell us what the threat was wouldnt you??
Being serious, there wasn't supposed to be any live ammo on set. It was all supposed to be fake.

But if NM can prove that Baldwin cut the budget of the shoot to the bone, so such a degree that it became recklessly dangerous......they have a better case than just going after Baldwin the actor.
thats irrelevant,, baldwin had the gun pointed it at another person and fired it wothout checking the ammo first,,

you seem to think your opinion mattters in a criminal trial when youre not involved,,
Which is why I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting the Secretary of State of Georgia.

Who was clear that Trump threatened him.
if he was so clear then what was the threat??

sounds like hes being evasive by not saying what the htreat was because it wasnt a threat,,
if he was so clear then what was the threat??

sounds like hes being evasive by not saying what the htreat was because it wasnt a threat,,

For the third time, ask the Secretary of State of Georgia.

You keep trying to use your personal opinion as a legal standard. And no one gives the slightest fuck what you think on the matter. Not the Secretary of State of Georgia, not the criminal laws of Georgia, and certainly not the grand jury.

Laughing....mayber you should call the DA in Georgia and tell her you think Brad is being 'evasive'. I'm sure you she'll put you right through.
For the third time, ask the Secretary of State of Georgia.

You keep trying to use your personal opinion as a legal standard. And no one gives the slightest fuck what you think on the matter. Not the Secretary of State of Georgia, not the criminal laws of Georgia, and certainly not the grand jury.

Laughing....mayber you should call the DA in Georgia and tell her you think Brad is being 'evasive'. I'm sure you she'll put you right through.
you said he was clear on it but you cant even say what the threat was,,,

sounds like youre just a useful idiot,,
thats irrelevant,, baldwin had the gun pointed it at another person and fired it wothout checking the ammo first,,

Wasn't it the prop man's job to ensure there were no live rounds in the gun?

Did he not check or had no clue what the difference is?
you said he was clear on it but you cant even say what the threat was,,,

sounds like youre just a useful idiot,,

I'm just someone who thinks that the Secretary of State of Georgia is a better source on whether or not Trump threatened the Secretary of State of Georgia.

....than you citing yourself.

But hey, call the Fulton County District Attorney's office and tell them about how Brad was being 'evasive'.

(404) 612-4981
I'm sure she's waiting with bated breath for your call. Your personal opinion could be the defining moment of the entire investigation.
Wasn't it the prop man's job to ensure there were no live rounds in the gun?

Did he not check or had no clue what the difference is?

The point of contention, from the statements I've seen, is that Baldwin asked an assistant director if the gun was safe. And he should have asked someone else.

Its quite the hill to climb for the prosecutors.
Wasn't it the prop man's job to ensure there were no live rounds in the gun?

Did he not check or had no clue what the difference is?
initially yes,, but once it was handed to baldwin it was his job to not just check it but not point it at another person and draw the hammer and then pull the trigger,,

the prop person is also being charged,,,
I'm just someone who thinks that the Secretary of State of Georgia is a better source on whether or not Trump threatened the Secretary of State of Georgia.

....than you citing yourself.

But hey, call the Fulton County District Attorney's office and tell them about how Brad was being 'evasive'.

(404) 612-4981
I'm sure she's waiting with bated breath for your call. Your personal opinion could be the defining moment of the entire investigation.
but he wasnt clear,, he made a general statement and didnt say what the threat was and then released the call that showed no threats were made,,
thats the opposite of being clear,,
manslaughter doesn’t take criminal intent…it take criminal negligence. Someone driving drunk likely never intents to kill anyone but if they do, they can be convicted of manslaughter. Likewise someone recklessly handling a firearm can be convicted of manslaughter if the gun goes off any kills someone.

Not even a good comparison.

Drunken Driving would require you to
1) Knowingly get drunk beyond your ability to safely operate the car.
2) Knowingly get behind a wheel knowing you are inebriated.

This is not the same as being handed a prop gun and being told by a weapons specialist that it was safe to handle.
Not even a good comparison.

Drunken Driving would require you to
1) Knowingly get drunk beyond your ability to safely operate the car.
2) Knowingly get behind a wheel knowing you are inebriated.

This is not the same as being handed a prop gun and being told by a weapons specialist that it was safe to handle.
a weapon specialist didnt hand it to him,,,
Not even a good comparison.

Drunken Driving would require you to
1) Knowingly get drunk beyond your ability to safely operate the car.
2) Knowingly get behind a wheel knowing you are inebriated.

This is not the same as being handed a prop gun and being told by a weapons specialist that it was safe to handle.
but you have no intent to kill. What you layed out was intent to drive drunk l….not kill

baldwin knowingly pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger…as producer he knew there was already three events were there was accidental discharge of a live round.
but he wasnt clear,, he made a general statement and didnt say what the threat was and then released the call that showed no threats were made,,
thats the opposite of being clear,,

Says you, citing you.

You're stuck on your opinion as a legal standard, having some relevance to any legal outcome in this case.

Its not, you're not. You're nobody.

And the Secretary of State of Georgia is a *far* better source on whether or not Trump threatened the Secretary of State of Georgia...

.....than you are.
Sigh, not this lie again!
You tha lie!

Jenn Vozzo didn't expect to get rushed to the emergency room after a quick visit to the bathroom. Four years ago, Vozzo, then 24, hadn't been feeling well, so she went into the bathroom to splash water on her face. The next thing she knew, she was kneeling on the floor, her head gushing with blood all over the white tile.

Vozzo had fainted, slamming her head into the bathroom vanity on the way down.

She stood up, stared into the mirror and saw a five-inch gash at the top her head. One look at the injury and her family insisted that she go to the emergency room, where she received six staples on her forehead.

"Boy, did it hurt," said Vozzo, of Branford, Ct. "I…had to have a tetanus shot and was put on antibiotics for a week. Two weeks went by, and I had to go back to the hospital to have the staples removed. To this day, however, I have a visible scar about 2.5 inches long from my forehead back."

While the experience was scarring—literally—for Vozzo, a new report shows that bathroom injuries are not all that uncommon. A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that approximately 234,000 people ages 15 and older were treated in an American emergency department for non-fatal bathroom-related injuries in 2008. That averages to about 640 people per day.
Says you, citing you.

You're stuck on your opinion as a legal standard, having some relevance to any legal outcome in this case.

Its not, you're not. You're nobody.

And the Secretary of State of Georgia is a *far* better source on whether or not Trump threatened the Secretary of State of Georgia...

.....than you are.
says me citing the released phone call,,,

the SoS never said what the threat was and the phone call he released didnt show any threat,,

have you even listened to the phone call?? sounds like you didnt and just repeating what youre told to repeat,,
thats whats called a useful idiot,,

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