Fake Trump (Baldwin) goes to jail before Real Trump; Never thought Id type this

You tha lie!

Jenn Vozzo didn't expect to get rushed to the emergency room after a quick visit to the bathroom. Four years ago, Vozzo, then 24, hadn't been feeling well, so she went into the bathroom to splash water on her face. The next thing she knew, she was kneeling on the floor, her head gushing with blood all over the white tile.

Vozzo had fainted, slamming her head into the bathroom vanity on the way down.

She stood up, stared into the mirror and saw a five-inch gash at the top her head. One look at the injury and her family insisted that she go to the emergency room, where she received six staples on her forehead.

"Boy, did it hurt," said Vozzo, of Branford, Ct. "I…had to have a tetanus shot and was put on antibiotics for a week. Two weeks went by, and I had to go back to the hospital to have the staples removed. To this day, however, I have a visible scar about 2.5 inches long from my forehead back."

While the experience was scarring—literally—for Vozzo, a new report shows that bathroom injuries are not all that uncommon. A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that approximately 234,000 people ages 15 and older were treated in an American emergency department for non-fatal bathroom-related injuries in 2008. That averages to about 640 people per day.

You're comparing apples to oranges. Tucker was citing deaths. You're citing non-fatal injuries.

Those, by definition, aren't the same thing.
says me citing the released phone call,,,

the SoS never said what the threat was and the phone call he released didnt show any threat,,

have you even listened to the phone call?? sounds like you didnt and just repeating what youre told to repeat,,
thats whats called a useful idiot,,
Says you citing your personal opinion about the phone call.

Again, you keep trying to insert yourself into the legal process, insisting that your beliefs, interpretations, analysis or opinion somehow have legal relevance. They don't.

You'll note that when the grand jury began their assessment of evidence, they never called you.

The did solicit testimony from the Secretary of State, however. Our sources are not equal.
You're comparing apples to oranges. Tucker was citing deaths. You're citing non-fatal injuries.

Those, by definition, aren't the same thing.
JoeB131 called me a liar for a post in which I cited non-fatal injuries. I never mentioned Tucker Carlson. His injecting Tucker Carlson into it was a function of his homoerotic obession with over-age preppies in bowties.
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The fact that the Fake Trump from SNL is actually going to jail before Real Trump blows my mind. Not saying Fake Trump shouldn’t be bc he shot someone but how can the DOJ still not charge Real Trump with all his crimes
Arrested. Rich people don't go to prison.
but you have no intent to kill. What you layed out was intent to drive drunk l….not kill

baldwin knowingly pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger…as producer he knew there was already three events were there was accidental discharge of a live round.

What I laid out was a series of actions that a reasonable person should have expected constituted a risk.

Baldwin was assured by a gun safety expert that the weapon she had just handed him was safe to handle for the scene he was shooting.
What I laid out was a series of actions that a reasonable person should have expected constituted a risk.

Baldwin was assured by a gun safety expert that the weapon she had just handed him was safe to handle for the scene he was shooting.

Baldwin didn't get the gun from the gun safety expert. He was handed the gun by the film's first assistant director. NM says he *should* have gotten the gun from the gun safety expert, but didn't.
@JoeB131 called me a liar for a post in which I cited non-fatal injuries. I never mentioned Tucker Carlons. His injecting Tucker Carlson into it was a function of his homoerotic obession with over-age preppies in bowties.

Which makes you a liar, since I was never talking about household injuries, I was talking about accidental gun deaths, of which we have 800 a year.
We have nowhere near that many accidents in showers, baths, and sinks.

Jenn Vozzo didn't expect to get rushed to the emergency room after a quick visit to the bathroom. Four years ago, Vozzo, then 24, hadn't been feeling well, so she went into the bathroom to splash water on her face. The next thing she knew, she was kneeling on the floor, her head gushing with blood all over the white tile.

Vozzo had fainted, slamming her head into the bathroom vanity on the way down.

Um, if that's your best argument, she was injured because she fainted, not because her sink was dangerous.

Look, man, we get it. You ammosexuals just love, love, love your guns. And you aren't going to let something like dead kids get in the way of that love.
The fact that the Fake Trump from SNL is actually going to jail before Real Trump blows my mind. Not saying Fake Trump shouldn’t be bc he shot someone but how can the DOJ still not charge Real Trump with all his crimes
Have you ever heard of the word Karma? It comes back to bite you in the ass. All of those fake charges and kangaroo investigations into Trump and now the fake Trump is the one going to jail. When you look up the word Karma in the dictionary that is the definition. And, all of this proves that there really is a God who, by the way, worked it out so that Trump got elected to change the makeup of the Supreme Court so that God's fetuses were not killed. But, I'm guessing you can't see something that is right in front of your face.
Baldwin didn't get the gun from the gun safety expert. He was handed the gun by the film's first assistant director. NM says he *should* have gotten the gun from the gun safety expert, but didn't.

Again, it's an absurd notion. The film set had an armorer, who assured the first assistant director, who assured Baldwin that the gun was safe.

Now, me, I would have opened up the cylinder to make sure they were blank rounds in the weapon, but that comes with 11 years of weapons handling training from the army.

But I've seen even the experts screw up. When I went through boot camp at Ft. Sill in 1981, there was one NCO who had gotten his foot shot off because a trainee hadn't put the safety on his weapon on.
And, all of this proves that there really is a God who, by the way, worked it out so that Trump got elected to change the makeup of the Supreme Court so that God's fetuses were not killed.

You think an omnipotent God would come up with a better plan, especially since almost no abortions will be prevented that way. Women will just drive to states where they can still get them or order abortion pills on line.
Again, it's an absurd notion. The film set had an armorer, who assured the first assistant director, who assured Baldwin that the gun was safe.
I understand. I'm just trying to remain factual and accurate about the chain of custody. Especially given that NM is citing Baldwin's receiving of the gun from the first assistant director rather than the armorer in their decision to levy charges.

I don't think NM has a good case here. The 'reasonable person' standard is not their friend. There was zero expectation that there were ANY live rounds on set. Baldwin asked if the gun was safe. It was drawn from a place where the armorer had supposedly prepared it.

Concluding that the gun didn't have a live round seems very reasonable under those circumstances. I think it will be difficult for NM to convince 12 people otherwise.
Says you citing your personal opinion about the phone call.

Again, you keep trying to insert yourself into the legal process, insisting that your beliefs, interpretations, analysis or opinion somehow have legal relevance. They don't.

You'll note that when the grand jury began their assessment of evidence, they never called you.

The did solicit testimony from the Secretary of State, however. Our sources are not equal.
when did I insert myself in a legal process??

I am stating a fact on a discussion forum,,

you could of course put me in my place and show me what the threat was in the call??
when did I insert myself in a legal process??

I am stating a fact on a discussion forum,,

you could of course put me in my place and show me what the threat was in the call??

When you cited your interpretation of the phone call as defining if a threat had been levied. Then laughably insisted that your opinion is a fact.

You're nobody. Your opinions have zero legal relevance. The Secretary of State of Georgia is somebody in this case.

Our sources are not equal.
When you cited your interpretation of the phone call as defining if a threat had been levied.

You're nobody. The Secretary of State of Georgia is somebody in this case.

Our sources are not equal.
there was no threat,, of course you can prove me wrong anytime you want
there was no threat,, of course you can prove me wrong anytime you want

'Proving you wrong' is irrelevant. As you're agreement is irrelevant. You're nobody in this case. If you agree, if you disagree, it doesn't matter. Your opinion is not a legal standard, nor is it any kind of evidence.

The testimony of the Secretary of State of Georgia.....most definitely is evidence.

I'm citing the Secretary. You're citing your personal opinion. Our sources are not equal.
What I laid out was a series of actions that a reasonable person should have expected constituted a risk.

Baldwin was assured by a gun safety expert that the weapon she had just handed him was safe to handle for the scene he was shooting.
pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger is an unreasonable risk. Especially when you’ve cut corners as the producer and were aware at least three times accidental discharges have happened…his lie about not pulling the trigger shows guilt of conscience as well
pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger is an unreasonable risk. Especially when you’ve cut corners as the producer and were aware at least three times accidental discharges have happened…his lie about not pulling the trigger shows guilt of conscience as well

It was a pov shot with the gun pointed at the camera. There was a very good reason to point the gun at the camera. I would argue that there was a reasonable expectation that the gun had no live rounds.
Which makes you a liar, since I was never talking about household injuries, I was talking about accidental gun deaths, of which we have 800 a year.
We have nowhere near that many accidents in showers, baths, and sinks.
Allow me to remind you of your post:
We have 800 gun accidents every year, most of them involving hard core Ammosexuals who just love, love, love their guns.
You posted about accidents, and I responded about accidents. If you had any decency, you would just admit it if you made a mistake.
Um, if that's your best argument, she was injured because she fainted, not because her sink was dangerous.
Yes, and Halyna Hutchens die because Democratic Activist Alec Baldwin shot her, not because guns are dangerous.
Look, man, we get it. You ammosexuals just love, love, love your guns. And you aren't going to let something like dead kids get in the way of that love.
No abortion loving Democrat has any business accusing someone else of not caring about dead kids.
'Proving you wrong' is irrelevant. As you're agreement is irrelevant. You're nobody in this case. If you agree, if you disagree, it doesn't matter. Your opinion is not a legal standard, nor is it any kind of evidence.

The testimony of the Secretary of State of Georgia.....most definitely is evidence.

I'm citing the Secretary. You're citing your personal opinion. Our sources are not equal.
testimony of what?? he never said what the threat was,,,

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