Family Picnic Targeted by Black Mob

Lock and load. if Zimmerman gets aquitted it's only gonna get worse.

The victims in this Mob Violence at Picnic were Latinos. Playing Latino Music. That is what started it. The African Americans didn't like the Latino Music and wanted it turned off as a show of power - their supremacy over the Mexicans.

There seems to be a Black Mob Violence on Latino unfolding at a rapid pace. More and more these victims are coming up Latino and Fox News refuses to report on these stories.

Could it be that they are wanting the Mexican Mafia to respond? It could be the word is out on the streets that the Mexican Mafia has sent orders to their own gangs to evict any black families out of their neighborhoods. This is their challenge back to them. So.......

It looks like the African American Mobs are wanting the Mexican Cartels to respond.

Are they really prepared for that kind of response? Everyone got life insurance and wills made out and all that good stuff? Just wonderin'!

If George Zimmerman is found guilty because the mobs are in charge and in charge through force or threat of force, the rule of law is dead. It's back to the law of the jungle.

Katz, I don't believe most African American people want any part of rioting and violence against whites and Latinos. They are ordinary folks trying to raise their children and pay their bills like everyone else.

It seems to me there is a core group - movement - perhaps instigated through this administration - not sure - that is going from state to state with these acts of Mob Violence. I have found a news article on it that covers all the states involved so far - the blackout of news media on the story of mob violence and that they are now going into restaurants - disrupting businesses, - creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.

It could be this is part of the OWS group that were trained to create mayhem - kind of a Bill Ayers - take it to the streets with violence movement. It looks like there is an organization behind these black Mob Attacks orchestrating the when, where, how to those willing to be a part of it. OWS protesters were paid very well and it wouldn't surprise me to learn these groups are paid well too.

In this story they arrest 2 people out of 20? What's up with that? Sounds like they need people on the ground to follow up on the names of those involved and see if there is any common denominator to meetings they attend, OWS, whatever links them all together.

I think we'll find this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Lock and load. if Zimmerman gets aquitted it's only gonna get worse.

The victims in this Mob Violence at Picnic were Latinos. Playing Latino Music. That is what started it. The African Americans didn't like the Latino Music and wanted it turned off as a show of power - their supremacy over the Mexicans.

There seems to be a Black Mob Violence on Latino unfolding at a rapid pace. More and more these victims are coming up Latino and Fox News refuses to report on these stories.

Could it be that they are wanting the Mexican Mafia to respond? It could be the word is out on the streets that the Mexican Mafia has sent orders to their own gangs to evict any black families out of their neighborhoods. This is their challenge back to them. So.......

It looks like the African American Mobs are wanting the Mexican Cartels to respond.

Are they really prepared for that kind of response? Everyone got life insurance and wills made out and all that good stuff? Just wonderin'!


Yes indeed that is exactly what's happening.

Attack on family in Compton latest incident in wave of anti-black violence - Los Angeles Times

Taking Over: Hispanics Forcing Blacks To Leave Compton California, Using Violence If Necessary | Experts At Work

Mexican gangs trying to run black families out of southern California - National Immigration Reform |

Conflicting Shades of Brown - Minority Clash - Harry R. Jackson, Jr. - Page full

Plano Police Warn Hispanic Men Of Violent Attacks « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

New York bias attacks highlight tensions between blacks, Hispanics | theGrio

NYC Seeing Surge In Anti-Hispanic Violence, By Blacks - Riehl World News

That's enough. I could go on for pages and pages.
Lock and load. if Zimmerman gets aquitted it's only gonna get worse.

The victims in this Mob Violence at Picnic were Latinos. Playing Latino Music. That is what started it. The African Americans didn't like the Latino Music and wanted it turned off as a show of power - their supremacy over the Mexicans.

There seems to be a Black Mob Violence on Latino unfolding at a rapid pace. More and more these victims are coming up Latino and Fox News refuses to report on these stories.

Could it be that they are wanting the Mexican Mafia to respond? It could be the word is out on the streets that the Mexican Mafia has sent orders to their own gangs to evict any black families out of their neighborhoods. This is their challenge back to them. So.......

It looks like the African American Mobs are wanting the Mexican Cartels to respond.

Are they really prepared for that kind of response? Everyone got life insurance and wills made out and all that good stuff? Just wonderin'!


I thought the US government was supposed to respond?

When will we call out the National Guard?

Detroit, 1967;

What? Flame throwers?

What, you never bring yours with you on a Picnic?

Are the black Mobs in the USA ready to go to war with the Mexican Cartels? Who already have their own soldiers inside the USA? I doubt it. They better starting thinking about exit strategy before they get all froggy on the Latinos. Not too bright when it comes to leaping without thinking. They have not only endangered themselves but their entire families and the neighborhoods they live in. Very stupid.

You do make a good point though. Why didn't they arrest the other 18? Especially the one that was shouting at the guy with the gun to shoot the womans son! It would be a good idea to follow that trial and see what the verdict is on that one. The list of people involved, witnesses, etc. It should have got national media attention but I guess they need everyone on the Zimmerman trial.
Black mob is 2 black kids and a white girl?

Black mob

28 Arrested In Weekend Mag Mile Mob Violence | NBC Chicago

"You have over three to four hundred teenagers with mob action, jumping on individuals that are downtown," community activist Andrew Holmes said. "Multiple people have been arrested and I caution those parents that get this call about your child being arrested -- maybe you need to check your child."

Black mob
Dozens Of Black Youths Attack Whites At Wisconsin State Fair - Business Insider

According to witnesses, a group of anywhere from 30 to 100 young black men descended on the Wisconsin State Fair last night, beating fairgoers and looting carnival games, in what witnesses said were racially-motivated attacks, Milwaukee's WTMJ reports.

Read more: Dozens Of Black Youths Attack Whites At Wisconsin State Fair - Business Insider
Things MUST change and change soon or we are going to have nothing but major problems. That website needs to be taken down and the owners charged with terrorism..same with ALL those in mob violence doing such things. Keep gitmo open. Let them call that place home.

I checked out the website, Gracie and it looks like they scrubbed the videos but Ashton Kutchers face is on the cover of the site and it appears to be a huge site for Hollywood stars and hip hop artists - the Jay Z type crowd - it looks like this website could be a direct link to the people behind orchestrating these Black on White Mob violence sprees as they are the website spreading the videos throughout the net. I'm shocked to see this is not some little blog but a huge website that is viewed nationally. No wonder it is spreading from state to state. This is the vehicle they are using. The website is still up and running.

This should be investigated by a journalist with a backbone. ( cowards need not apply )

I have a news article I'll put up for the report on bigger mobs of 200 - 400 people attacking at a time - the article really identifies the media refusing to report these incidents that are increasing throughout the USA. When you read the report of Black on White Mob violence in 2 months time you will be utterly astonished. I was.

Black mob is 2 black kids and a white girl?

Police report in news article says it was a mob of 20 Black african americans. Here's a good idea: Read the story first. THEN comment. :cool:

- J.

I watched the video and it was about a couple kids beating up another kid. what's the correlation.?

You must be talking about the black guy who pistol whipped the mother before putting the gun on her son while the Mob shouted, Shoot him! Shoot him! 20 on 2 is mob violence. ( a Latino mother and her Latino son )

As to Black Mob violence on Latinos & whites : Busting out all over: Black mob violence
Here is the Link, Katz:

Busting out all over: Black mob violence

It covers all the states where these Mob Attacks have happened - I'm still looking for the news article about the Black Mob of 400 who descended upon a Fair. I don't think it was the Wisconsin one - I'll have to search for it again. Couldn't find it. As to social media reporting these stories - it imperative that we do because obviously FOX NEWS isn't going to do and neither are any of the other national news media outlets.

I prefer social media anyhow. Word travels alot faster and besides.........they get their news from the bloggers. Not the other way around. - Jeri
Police report in news article says it was a mob of 20 Black african americans. Here's a good idea: Read the story first. THEN comment. :cool:

- J.

I watched the video and it was about a couple kids beating up another kid. what's the correlation.?

You must be talking about the black guy who pistol whipped the mother before putting the gun on her son while the Mob shouted, Shoot him! Shoot him! 20 on 2 is mob violence. ( a Latino mother and her Latino son )

As to Black Mob violence on Latinos & whites : Busting out all over: Black mob violence

Black/Latino attacks are actually a good thing. The battle for minority supremacy has to be won by someone. Sadly for blacks though, democrats are about to shaft them big time by bringing in upwards of 30 million more latinos.
Here is the Link, Katz:

Busting out all over: Black mob violence

It covers all the states where these Mob Attacks have happened - I'm still looking for the news article about the Black Mob of 400 who descended upon a Fair. I don't think it was the Wisconsin one - I'll have to search for it again. Couldn't find it. As to social media reporting these stories - it imperative that we do because obviously FOX NEWS isn't going to do and neither are any of the other national news media outlets.

I prefer social media anyhow. Word travels alot faster and besides.........they get their news from the bloggers. Not the other way around. - Jeri

I gave links. Those were two separate attacks. One just recently of a mob of 400 attacking a mall in Chicago.
Black mob is 2 black kids and a white girl?

Police report in news article says it was a mob of 20 Black african americans. Here's a good idea: Read the story first. THEN comment. :cool:

- J.

I watched the video and it was about a couple kids beating up another kid. what's the correlation.?

2 persons out of 20 arrested in this Mob attack on a Latino Family on a picnic. This seems to be a trend with the police depts. Consider the story in the link I gave you about the St. Louis Black Mob attack ( 200 persons reported to be part of that Mob attack ) on Latinos & Whites which resulted in gun violence.

The St. Louis police arrested one person and in the end they charged him with a misd. for posession of pot. No charge for the gun violence. So St. Louis police arrested 1 person out of 200 attackers.

Looks like the police are being told not to do anything about it. Why the cover up. Does anyone remember the story about the military in St. Louis doing exercises with military tanks in residential areas this past year? It was the St Charles area I believe and when I asked someone in St. Louis about it they said they heard citizens were reporting seeing it but no word of it in the news.

I googled the story and found Alex Jones had photographs of the tanks rolling down the streets and troops walking in residential neighborhood and claimed an anonymous caller told him that St. Louis was execting major riots this summer and they were preparing for that. That was the only thing I ever found on that one. Does anyone remember that story?

- J.

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