fans of Wacky Ariana Grande can register to vote at her US concerts...what could possibly go wrong?!

Obviously it's a push to increase democrat votes because dumb tone deaf girls who listen to Ariana Grande are definitely not gonna vote republican. It's weird, you would have thought being in the midst of an Islamic terrorist attack that killed a bunch of her fans might have pushed her towards the other side of the spectrum, towards the side that doesn't invite more attacks.
To register to vote you should have to go to the county courthouse, like Pupps did.
It is "horrifying" that people can vote?
How did that Trump Voter Fraud Commission do?

Didn't he disband it?

How is that recount in North Carolina coming along? Wasn't that a Republican?

Conservatives panic at the idea of "MORE PEOPLE" voting; because they know they always lose...which is why they also panic at switching from an electoral system to a popular vote system -- like all other elections....
Good for her. It is always nice to see more people participate in the process.
she's fine
I think it was a donut. lol. I don’t believe she has said anything similar, so I am going to chalk it up as being a silly kid.
Ariana Grande Apologizes for "I Hate America" Donut-Licking Video
Grande professed hate for America and Americans, triggered by donuts apparently, and she was forced to apologize for her words. Perhaps she was speaking of all the fat people in this nation and their love for fatty foods and not America in general (she was in a donut shop at the time and her companion was buying a donut, ironically).

But yeah, she did say that. And no, no one was behind her with a gun forcing her comments.

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