Fatal shooting at Las Vegas restaurant, Walmart

I agree with much of your post; there is no effort (nor intent on my part) to take guns from law abiding citizens. I believe a sober, law abiding and sane citizen ought to be able to own, possess and have in his home or business a gun.

I don't believe anyone needs to parade around town with a gun and laws ought to prevent such activities, sans a license be issued for cause. If someone is too scared to go out in public unarmed they need to stay home and seek counseling.

Anyone who has been convicted of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence, battery and all violent felonies ought to be denied the right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control a firearm. Those whose Second Amendment rights have been revoked and are arrested or found to be armed with a gun should be charged with a felony and sent to prison.

but someone has the right to parade around town and flaunt I'm gay? what is the need for that? but they are allowed to do it because it is their right. same with gun ownership.

while self protection is a major point of owning a gun, it is hardly the only one. and usuing a gun requires being outside of the house. and having an assinine laws that says my gun has to be unloaded and locked in a glove box and my bullets have to be locked separately in the trunk solves nothing but is an infringment on my rights. saying i don't have the right to carry the weapon i own is an infringement on my right. Imaging saying, ok you can be gay, but you can only have sex in your home. when you go on vacation, no sex for you. how about this. If some one is so afraid of another individiual excercising his constitutional right and carrying a weapon, perhaps they need to stay at home and seek counseling.

And why don't we take your proposed restictions on gun ownership full circle. Anyone who has ever been drunk or hung out at a bar should not be allowed to own a car. anyone who has ever been in a fight or been involved in a domestic disturbance shall be forbidden from future relationships.

Focus on guns, sexual orientation and car ownership is irrelevant and nothing more than a red herring.

Focusing strictly on guns, every citizen has the right to own and carry any gun uninfringed.

Now forget your red herrings too. domestic violence, alcohol, crime, psychological disorders are all red herrings. they are their own problems, not gun issues. if you want to make rules in your arguments, follow your own rules as well
Here's your typical Ammo-sexual exercising his Constitutional rights....in the baby section at Target.

This is really disgusting that people think they have to do this. This youngster compensates for having a shitty job and a tiny penis. Period, the end.

No, wait....It's the junk food diet he obviously lives on.


It is stupid, even though trying to make a point. Sounds like some other groups that do the same type thing. All they do is give their cause a bad name.
Someone swishing their wrists in public does not pose a danger. But waving a loaded gun around? You seriously don't see a difference?

Put that joint down for a moment and tell us your feelings about how many people die from illegal drugs daily.
There is absolutely no connection to the Tea Party with these goofballs. They were psychopathic methheads on a suicide mission.
There is absolutely no connection to the Tea Party with these goofballs. They were psychopathic methheads on a suicide mission.

They were beyond all usual categories, true. Had they no firearms, it is likely others would have died, by other means. Maybe not police officers, though they could have faked needing police assistance, but one way or another.
I once, a few months back, figured the murder rate by guns in the US vs population and it came to something like .0007%. Has anyone noticed they never tout that percentage in trying to ban guns? There is a reason. They would fall flat on their faces. Personally I don't want a gun, but would never want that right removed just because of my own lack of desire. I once had a cop tell me to get a gun to stay safe from a wacko until they could get him. A friend loaned me their body and gun until that happened.

and out of the total number of guns in the usa only .00003 ever commit a murder. the number of guns in personal ownership has more than doubled in the last two decades while the number of murders using a gun has decreased steadily. yet they still argue more guns = more murders.

Thanks for that figure. It is totally asinine. I understand those that have had family members killed with a gun having an emotional issue with them, but govt. officials pushing for gun control obviously have another agenda. And it can't be good.

What's not good about, "...insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare"?
So not only were these two shooters a couple of Teabagging, anti-government whacks, but one of the victims was a "concealed carry" type who was unable to stop them.

I guess the PR department at the National Rampage Association will be working overtime on this one.
Let me correct your first sentence: "Once again, from the slow and stupid..."

That obvious correction aside, in the DoI Jefferson wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; note he did not write about your right to own a gun, he wrote about a citizens right to live. Something morons like you never seem to understand, thus, my right to live supersedes your right to a gun.

Quite true. They wrote that into the Constitution, which is the law of the land, not the DoI, which is not.
And yet the Second Amendment is quite ambiguous.
Only to people who can't handle the truth.

They were drugged out nutbags who liked to dress up as various and assorted fictional characters.

No tea party association at all, unless you want to maintain it's the tea party that evicted them from the Bundy ranch.

Which would sort of put the lie to your weird little story.
and out of the total number of guns in the usa only .00003 ever commit a murder. the number of guns in personal ownership has more than doubled in the last two decades while the number of murders using a gun has decreased steadily. yet they still argue more guns = more murders.

Thanks for that figure. It is totally asinine. I understand those that have had family members killed with a gun having an emotional issue with them, but govt. officials pushing for gun control obviously have another agenda. And it can't be good.

What's not good about, "...insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare"?
Provide... promote. Diiffernt words, different meanings.
Go figure.
By the way, when it's all said and done, three people were killed by gunfire. This would be a quiet weekend in Chicago or Detroit.
So not only were these two shooters a couple of Teabagging, anti-government whacks, but one of the victims was a "concealed carry" type who was unable to stop them.

I guess the PR department at the National Rampage Association will be working overtime on this one.

Is that Captain Obvious in your Avie?? Because that comment sounds a lot like that clueless character.. A private citizen went to confront the guy that fired the shot. He acted to protect the crowds inside the store and distracted the killers for a period of time. His was shot down by the accomplice. Sheriff says he's a hero.. WHY??? Because he died just like the policemen in the restaurant. AND at least the private citizen had a chance to slow them down.
By the way, when it's all said and done, three people were killed by gunfire. This would be a quiet weekend in Chicago or Detroit.


Or anyplace else in America.

So let's be blunt. We have 11,000 gun murders and 20,000 gun suicides every year.

So really, every day, 88 people are killed by guns in America.

So why do we focus on these five?

Because it shows the foolishness of gun ownership being a "right" that anyone can exercise...

Even people who think they are the Joker and Harley Quinn. (Serious, this is the Second mass shooting related to people thinking they are the Joker.)

ANd sometimes, we have these acts of madness that underscore the underlying madness.

That lots of people have guns who don't need them and shouldn't have them.

So, yeah, the guy who shoots his wife over who drank the last can of beer isn't as shocking, and maybe that's the problem. It should shock us.
So not only were these two shooters a couple of Teabagging, anti-government whacks, but one of the victims was a "concealed carry" type who was unable to stop them.

I guess the PR department at the National Rampage Association will be working overtime on this one.

Is that Captain Obvious in your Avie?? Because that comment sounds a lot like that clueless character.. A private citizen went to confront the guy that fired the shot. He acted to protect the crowds inside the store and distracted the killers for a period of time. His was shot down by the accomplice. Sheriff says he's a hero.. WHY??? Because he died just like the policemen in the restaurant. AND at least the private citizen had a chance to slow them down.

You see, I take the absolute oppossite read.

The argument the National Rampage Association gives for wanting to arm everyone is so that the "Good guy" with a gun can take out the bad guy with a gun.

Okay. Here you had it. A "Good Guy" with a gun. Who didn't take them out. They murdered him while he was still trying to assess the situation.

Oh, these two fruitloops were eventually cornered and took their own lives- by trained, professional LEOs.

Why agree? You ought to object to the obvious and lame race-based deflection.

Yeah, we need to focus only on the white on white shootings, instead of the weekly black on black shootings that only make local news.

A deflection...just as defined earlier.

At any rate, surely you know the difference between nutcases who randomly shoot cops and gang on gang warfare. You would think that every white murder was televised and national news...its not.

When radicals go on a shooting spree and attack cops, it is indeed national news.

But you are right lets ignore radical teaper racists who are killing cops. Let's air gangland murders in Chicago and Detroit...is that your agenda...ignore white crime that is indeed national news so we can focus on gang murders that are isolated in certain areas of certain cities.

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