Fatal shooting at Las Vegas restaurant, Walmart

I'm saying the far right has distorted the Constitution to meet their own ends, figuratively and in this case, literally.

:lol: Yeah, the left has never done that.

Neither of you follow the Constitution. You only honor the parts you like while disregarding the parts you don't. Right, left, you're all of a bunch of dishonest and dishonorable hypocrites.
Why? I fucking hate Vegas cops. I dislike all cops. I rejoice at news of their death. This is awesome

I have enjoyed and agreed with most of your posts but you're wrong on this one. There are a lot of scummy and crooked cops but, by far and away, most are just doing their jobs the best way they know how and with little to no support from the community.

They are willing to put their lives on the line for you. They go to work every single day knowing they could be killed, knowing they might not go home to their families. Think about that.

I gave it some thought last night.

Cops- even "good" cops- are a threat to everything I represent. Even if I were not a(n)_______ or involved with________, I have had friends and a family member killed by cops. I reserve a rare, special breed of hate for them. And I do not hate easily.

One of my best friends of my entire life became a police officer. She made her choice, just like I made mine. It was excruciatingly painful for me to end that friendship but she had become a threat to my future. I don't care how much I love someone... if they become a cop, they cross a line that I will never follow... a line that not only divides us, but makes us each other's enemies.

Cops are not putting their lives on the line for me. They are putting their lives on the line against me.

You deserve, at the least, to be in a wheelchair the rest of your life........courtesy of Metro.
It was. The shooter covered the officer's body with the rightwing icon, "Don't Tread on Me" flag. The righties should be so proud today. Sarah Palin is in mourning...over the shooter's death, not the cops.

"Authorities said the suspects stripped the dead officers of their weapons and ammunition. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported they covered the dead officers with the Revolutionary War-era Gadsden flag, which depicts a coiled snake and the words “Don’t Tread On Me.”

Two Cops, Three Others Killed in Las Vegas Shooting Spree - NBC News

Another fucking gun nut.

so what you are saying is the founding fathers were right wingers?

I'm saying the far right has distorted the Constitution to meet their own ends, figuratively and in this case, literally.

oh you mean like the liberals have with the first and 2nd amendments. You know the parts about shlall make no laws against and shall not infringe.

And what does a lib president do when the supreme court doesn not rule in his favor? why he adds more judges and selects judges who will rule in his favor. that kind of distortion?

So tell me, what exactly did this shooter change in the constitution?

Jerad Miller' youtube account. Scroll down to see his own videos after his likes. It's pretty obvious he was heavy into drugs. And reports from a neighbor they did meth are probably correct.

Neighbors seem to be saying these two bragged about doing something like this. I would like to know if anyone reported that to the police before this happened.
As usual the left is over reacting. only .00003 guns in existence ever kills someone. yet libs want to go after all guns. libs want to pass laws that infringe on legal gun owners and they wonder why they get pushback. drunk driving kills more than guns. do we pass laws banning cars, alcohol or that limit what cars a legal driver can own? do we pass laws putting restrictions on legal drivers?

Government over reacting leads to disaterous results. a panicing public screaming for action results in disateous results. there wsa a time when americans were migrating west and citizens were alarmed they were being killed by indians. So they called for government to intervene and governmrnt did. they passed laws putting limits on indians. They wiped them out by the thousands. they destroyed a race. in total less than 300 civilians had ever been killed by indians. but over reaction by a paniced crowd and incompetent government lead to disaterous results

What is a normal reaction to cold blooded intentional murder? Is it too immediately defend the rights of gun owners or to push for open carry; to stifle any discussion on gun violence in America? I don't think that's a normal reaction.

A normal reaction to mass murder is anger, grief and sorrow, IMO. And rational people ask why, and seek potential ways to mitigate what has become all to common in our country.

Each time another incident occurs, the usual suspects defend guns, blame liberals and argue more guns not less is the answer. They rarely if ever (I don't recall any but passing ain't it awful from the gun lovers) mention the innocent victims, the focus is always on their right, not the right of the dead to have lived.


Interesting reading for those who enjoy historical referece as are the other amicus briefs filed here:

Amicus briefs for D.C. available in guns case : SCOTUSblog

and here:

Amicus briefs for Heller available in guns case : SCOTUSblog

so after decades of non reasonable legislation by the left, infringing on the rights of legal gun owners you really expect citizens of the USA to let you continue to push more unconstitutional laws on us? Not going to happen. pony up on your sincerity, wipe the crap off the books that has been forced on americans by you clueless idiots while we sat back and did not object. Then lets talk together about what might work. You really think background checks will work? Show your confidence in your plan by recommending a law that requires background checks but allows unrestricted ownership and ability to carry by individuals who pass. If they pass, there is no risk right? Show us you really believe in what you are pushing.

What do you 'think' I'm pushing?
I gave it some thought last night.

Cops- even "good" cops- are a threat to everything I represent. Even if I were not a(n)_______ or involved with________, I have had friends and a family member killed by cops. I reserve a rare, special breed of hate for them. And I do not hate easily.

One of my best friends of my entire life became a police officer. She made her choice, just like I made mine. It was excruciatingly painful for me to end that friendship but she had become a threat to my future. I don't care how much I love someone... if they become a cop, they cross a line that I will never follow... a line that not only divides us, but makes us each other's enemies.

Cops are not putting their lives on the line for me. They are putting their lives on the line against me.

Oh! I get it now!

That's a pretty loaded statement for a couple of cops who were just eating pizza in a fast food joint, isn't it?

It's a pretty crazy statement. This one is special. Very special.
I agree with much of your post; there is no effort (nor intent on my part) to take guns from law abiding citizens. I believe a sober, law abiding and sane citizen ought to be able to own, possess and have in his home or business a gun.

Show me in the Constitution where it says the right to bear arms solely exists in one's house or business.

I don't believe anyone needs to parade around town with a gun and laws ought to prevent such activities, sans a license be issued for cause. If someone is too scared to go out in public unarmed they need to stay home and seek counseling.

If you're too scared to go out in public without wetting your pants because you think someone might shoot you every time you leave then you need to stay home and seek counseling. Your argument is illogical and just down right stupid. I bet you're one of those idiots who think we can unring the bell on nukes too, right? People like you get innocent people killed.

Anyone who has been convicted of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence, battery and all violent felonies ought to be denied the right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control a firearm. Those whose Second Amendment rights have been revoked and are arrested or found to be armed with a gun should be charged with a felony and sent to prison.

How exactly does a right get revoked?

I posted a number of Amicus briefs - both pro and con on the Second Amendment - filed with the court in the Heller matter. I suggest you read through some of them unless being willfully ignorant and lazy you choose to continue to behave like an ignorant jackass.

Proof there really are stupid comments: "Show me in the Constitution where it says the right to bear arms solely exists in one's house or business".

This stupid comment was made in response to this: "I believe a sober, law abiding and sane citizen ought to be able to own, possess and have in his home or business a gun."

"I believe" is an expression of an opinion, that you can't read with comprehension is sad, that you are arrogant is despicable.
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What is a normal reaction to cold blooded intentional murder? Is it too immediately defend the rights of gun owners or to push for open carry; to stifle any discussion on gun violence in America? I don't think that's a normal reaction.

A normal reaction to mass murder is anger, grief and sorrow, IMO. And rational people ask why, and seek potential ways to mitigate what has become all to common in our country.

Each time another incident occurs, the usual suspects defend guns, blame liberals and argue more guns not less is the answer. They rarely if ever (I don't recall any but passing ain't it awful from the gun lovers) mention the innocent victims, the focus is always on their right, not the right of the dead to have lived.


Interesting reading for those who enjoy historical referece as are the other amicus briefs filed here:

Amicus briefs for D.C. available in guns case : SCOTUSblog

and here:

Amicus briefs for Heller available in guns case : SCOTUSblog

so after decades of non reasonable legislation by the left, infringing on the rights of legal gun owners you really expect citizens of the USA to let you continue to push more unconstitutional laws on us? Not going to happen. pony up on your sincerity, wipe the crap off the books that has been forced on americans by you clueless idiots while we sat back and did not object. Then lets talk together about what might work. You really think background checks will work? Show your confidence in your plan by recommending a law that requires background checks but allows unrestricted ownership and ability to carry by individuals who pass. If they pass, there is no risk right? Show us you really believe in what you are pushing.

What do you 'think' I'm pushing?

based on your posts more restrictions on legal gun owners with no compromise to already existing infringements
I once, a few months back, figured the murder rate by guns in the US vs population and it came to something like .0007%. Has anyone noticed they never tout that percentage in trying to ban guns? There is a reason. They would fall flat on their faces. Personally I don't want a gun, but would never want that right removed just because of my own lack of desire. I once had a cop tell me to get a gun to stay safe from a wacko until they could get him. A friend loaned me their body and gun until that happened.
You don't know much about the Supreme Court and its history of reversing prior rulings. As for its ambiguity I'd argue it was clear in the 18th Century and seriously seriously outdated in the 21st Century.

The closest thing we have to a legal militia today is the National Guard; the middle aged fat guys dressed in camouflage running around the woods are no different than a gang of crips running around the hood - dangerous, ill trained and socially deviant.

It is, nonetheless, the law and changing it will not change our world. I agree with you on the "militias", but they are a tiny minority and pretty much harmless. The gangs are a different story, but we create them with poor schools, poor economic practices and insange drug laws. Removing guns from people who don't commit crimes will not remove them from the hands of people who do. The solution is not stricter gun laws and I see no reason to support laws that will do no good.

I agree with much of your post; there is no effort (nor intent on my part) to take guns from law abiding citizens. I believe a sober, law abiding and sane citizen ought to be able to own, possess and have in his home or business a gun.

I don't believe anyone needs to parade around town with a gun and laws ought to prevent such activities, sans a license be issued for cause. If someone is too scared to go out in public unarmed they need to stay home and seek counseling.

Anyone who has been convicted of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence, battery and all violent felonies ought to be denied the right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control a firearm. Those whose Second Amendment rights have been revoked and are arrested or found to be armed with a gun should be charged with a felony and sent to prison.

but someone has the right to parade around town and flaunt I'm gay? what is the need for that? but they are allowed to do it because it is their right. same with gun ownership.

while self protection is a major point of owning a gun, it is hardly the only one. and usuing a gun requires being outside of the house. and having an assinine laws that says my gun has to be unloaded and locked in a glove box and my bullets have to be locked separately in the trunk solves nothing but is an infringment on my rights. saying i don't have the right to carry the weapon i own is an infringement on my right. Imaging saying, ok you can be gay, but you can only have sex in your home. when you go on vacation, no sex for you. how about this. If some one is so afraid of another individiual excercising his constitutional right and carrying a weapon, perhaps they need to stay at home and seek counseling.

And why don't we take your proposed restictions on gun ownership full circle. Anyone who has ever been drunk or hung out at a bar should not be allowed to own a car. anyone who has ever been in a fight or been involved in a domestic disturbance shall be forbidden from future relationships.
I once, a few months back, figured the murder rate by guns in the US vs population and it came to something like .0007%. Has anyone noticed they never tout that percentage in trying to ban guns? There is a reason. They would fall flat on their faces. Personally I don't want a gun, but would never want that right removed just because of my own lack of desire. I once had a cop tell me to get a gun to stay safe from a wacko until they could get him. A friend loaned me their body and gun until that happened.

and out of the total number of guns in the usa only .00003 ever commit a murder. the number of guns in personal ownership has more than doubled in the last two decades while the number of murders using a gun has decreased steadily. yet they still argue more guns = more murders.
It is, nonetheless, the law and changing it will not change our world. I agree with you on the "militias", but they are a tiny minority and pretty much harmless. The gangs are a different story, but we create them with poor schools, poor economic practices and insange drug laws. Removing guns from people who don't commit crimes will not remove them from the hands of people who do. The solution is not stricter gun laws and I see no reason to support laws that will do no good.

I agree with much of your post; there is no effort (nor intent on my part) to take guns from law abiding citizens. I believe a sober, law abiding and sane citizen ought to be able to own, possess and have in his home or business a gun.

I don't believe anyone needs to parade around town with a gun and laws ought to prevent such activities, sans a license be issued for cause. If someone is too scared to go out in public unarmed they need to stay home and seek counseling.

Anyone who has been convicted of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence, battery and all violent felonies ought to be denied the right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control a firearm. Those whose Second Amendment rights have been revoked and are arrested or found to be armed with a gun should be charged with a felony and sent to prison.

but someone has the right to parade around town and flaunt I'm gay? what is the need for that? but they are allowed to do it because it is their right. same with gun ownership.

while self protection is a major point of owning a gun, it is hardly the only one. and usuing a gun requires being outside of the house. and having an assinine laws that says my gun has to be unloaded and locked in a glove box and my bullets have to be locked separately in the trunk solves nothing but is an infringment on my rights. saying i don't have the right to carry the weapon i own is an infringement on my right. Imaging saying, ok you can be gay, but you can only have sex in your home. when you go on vacation, no sex for you. how about this. If some one is so afraid of another individiual excercising his constitutional right and carrying a weapon, perhaps they need to stay at home and seek counseling.

And why don't we take your proposed restictions on gun ownership full circle. Anyone who has ever been drunk or hung out at a bar should not be allowed to own a car. anyone who has ever been in a fight or been involved in a domestic disturbance shall be forbidden from future relationships.

Focus on guns, sexual orientation and car ownership is irrelevant and nothing more than a red herring.
So it appears they were Neo-Nazis.

Investigators said they believe the shooting was an "isolated act," and that the couple is not believed to be white supremacists. Instead, they said, the couple appears to equate the government and police officers to Nazis.

Jerad Miller has faced vehicle theft charges in Washington, according to police. They said the couple had lived in Las Vegas since January.

Police officially identify couple accused of killing 2 officers - FOX5 Vegas - KVVU
I dunno, I've never heard of any NEO NAZI dressing up as Peter Pan.

I would suspect they're freaking meth-head kooks on a binge.
It is, nonetheless, the law and changing it will not change our world. I agree with you on the "militias", but they are a tiny minority and pretty much harmless. The gangs are a different story, but we create them with poor schools, poor economic practices and insange drug laws. Removing guns from people who don't commit crimes will not remove them from the hands of people who do. The solution is not stricter gun laws and I see no reason to support laws that will do no good.

I agree with much of your post; there is no effort (nor intent on my part) to take guns from law abiding citizens. I believe a sober, law abiding and sane citizen ought to be able to own, possess and have in his home or business a gun.

I don't believe anyone needs to parade around town with a gun and laws ought to prevent such activities, sans a license be issued for cause. If someone is too scared to go out in public unarmed they need to stay home and seek counseling.

Anyone who has been convicted of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence, battery and all violent felonies ought to be denied the right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control a firearm. Those whose Second Amendment rights have been revoked and are arrested or found to be armed with a gun should be charged with a felony and sent to prison.

but someone has the right to parade around town and flaunt I'm gay? what is the need for that? but they are allowed to do it because it is their right. same with gun ownership.


Someone swishing their wrists in public does not pose a danger. But waving a loaded gun around? You seriously don't see a difference?
Here's your typical Ammo-sexual exercising his Constitutional rights....in the baby section at Target.

This is really disgusting that people think they have to do this. This youngster compensates for having a shitty job and a tiny penis. Period, the end.

No, wait....It's the junk food diet he obviously lives on.

I once, a few months back, figured the murder rate by guns in the US vs population and it came to something like .0007%. Has anyone noticed they never tout that percentage in trying to ban guns? There is a reason. They would fall flat on their faces. Personally I don't want a gun, but would never want that right removed just because of my own lack of desire. I once had a cop tell me to get a gun to stay safe from a wacko until they could get him. A friend loaned me their body and gun until that happened.

and out of the total number of guns in the usa only .00003 ever commit a murder. the number of guns in personal ownership has more than doubled in the last two decades while the number of murders using a gun has decreased steadily. yet they still argue more guns = more murders.

Thanks for that figure. It is totally asinine. I understand those that have had family members killed with a gun having an emotional issue with them, but govt. officials pushing for gun control obviously have another agenda. And it can't be good.

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