Father kills gay son

I grew up in an orthodox family, and know of children being killed or arrested for being gay.

Surely that would have been newsworthy where you came from. Can you show us a snippet from the paper or a link to an article proving your experience?
The only child I heard of killed because he was gay was Lawrence King. He tormented Brian McInerney so much that the boy could no longer stand it. Complaints to the school and calling the police wouldn't stop King's unending harassment. So Brian shot him in the head.
Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.
I can just imagine the number of gay people you associate with in your day to day life, who are laughing at you behind your back.

Actually I don't associate with any at all so don't let those folks I associate with worry you. The fags you associate with don't worry me in the least.
Of course you associate with them daily, but are unaware of it.
I'm aware of it! I know just who they are. I get along fine with all of them! I don't have to participate in any of their activities. If I did, I would say no. If they told me I had no right to say no, then we got a problem.
Cool, you're aware of some of them. Trust me there are many you don't know about.
I grew up in an orthodox family, and know of children being killed or arrested for being gay.

Surely that would have been newsworthy where you came from. Can you show us a snippet from the paper or a link to an article proving your experience?
The only child I heard of killed because he was gay was Lawrence King. He tormented Brian McInerney so much that the boy could no longer stand it. Complaints to the school and calling the police wouldn't stop King's unending harassment. So Brian shot him in the head.

I see. Perhaps I could dredge up the news story. Is this what you're referring to?

Boy Who Shot Classmate at Age 14 Will Be Retried as Adult

Lawrence King was openly taunting McInerney in front of his peers. He was making a public display of his homosexuality and causing unrest among the student population. Though King didn't deserve to have his brains blown out, this could have been stopped by the lesbian assistant principal. Why didn't she? Agenda perhaps?

The state of California could also be held liable, if it weren't for its discrimination law, the school could have stopped King from dressing like a woman at school. Problem solved. He was depriving his fellow students of their right to an education by acting as a distraction, though the punishment should have been detention, not a death sentence.

However, this doesn't demonstrate Aris' point about Christians murdering people because they are gay. McInerney was a miscreant, and was far from being a Christian. You don't have to be a Christian in order to oppose homosexuality.
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That descriptor could be construed in a good deal many ways, including negative ones. What is meant by "unremarkable"?

That they're just folks. That once you get past their sexual orientation, they're nothing particularly unique about them as a group. They're people. All the interesting stuff happens at the individual level.
That once you get past their sexual orientation, they're nothing particularly unique about them as a group. They're people.

Agreed. I know I wear this out a lot, but I do have gay friends. I broke bread with one of them at a pizzeria downtown a few years ago. I get it. They are in fact people, with rights.

But let's pose a scenario, purely fictional.

In a galaxy far, far away there is a random family of law abiding Christians living in the town of Nowhere, in the State of Absent, America. The members of this family all oppose homosexuality. The father is a small town business owner who is vehemently so, who's struggling to keep his business and his family afloat. The father happens to own a Christian themed bakery in that town of Nowhere. One day, a gay couple comes in and says, "bake us a cake with the gay pride flag, with two men standing atop of it. We want it delivered and prepared at our wedding." The father, due to his religious beliefs says "I'm sorry, please do business elsewhere."

The gay couple sues under State of Absent's anti-discrimination statutes, accusing them of discrimination, and wins. The ensuing national firestorm and $130,000 fine, plus the increasing amount of death threats against him and his family, puts the father out of business and along with his family, into the local Salvation Army homeless shelter. For you see, without the business and subsequent income, the bank foreclosed on his home, and his car was repossessed. He could no longer afford to feed and clothe his children, nor could he afford their education. Due to his new found financial inadequacy, his wife divorces him, wins the alimony case against him, and takes the children. Finally, he, after having lost everything he held dear and knowing he will never be able to do business or show his face in the State of Absent, commits suicide, all for holding true to his faith.

Now, with that in mind, were he and members of his family just "people"? Or were they monsters? Because due to the reaction of today's society, they wouldn't be unremarkable citizens, they wouldn't be people, they would be villains, monsters. They would be accused of not being true Christians, of being intolerant, that they are simply twisting the Bible in a way to justify their "discrimination." They would be assailed by members of the Democratic Party and members of the activist gay community with Bible verses from Galatians (e.g. there is neither Jew no Greek, male or female) and elsewhere attempting to justify the lifestyle.

The father committed the taboo of remaining loyal to his faith as he knew it. It has become increasingly unacceptable in the public light for an individual to exercise his religious beliefs in the field of commerce, as it will always be an actionable act of discrimination under existing law. There will never be a circumstance where the father in this fictional scenario would ever be granted leniency under the law because of his faith.

In a way, in relevance to this thread, the father was killed not by his own hand, but by the increasing intolerance of his religious beliefs.

However, I would like you to give your opinion of my scenario. I'm not looking for a fight, just a pure and reasoned debate. Is it okay if we do that? However, right now, I have a giant migraine. I will reply later on today. Deal?
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That once you get past their sexual orientation, they're nothing particularly unique about them as a group. They're people.

Agreed. I know I wear this out a lot, but I do have gay friends. I broke bread with one of them at a pizzeria downtown a few years ago. I get it. They are in fact people, with rights.

But let's pose a scenario, purely fictional.

In a galaxy far, far away there is a random family of law abiding Christians living in the town of Nowhere, in the State of Absent, America. The members of this family all oppose homosexuality. The father is a small town business owner who is vehemently so, who's struggling to keep his business and his family afloat. The father happens to own a Christian themed bakery in that town of Nowhere. One day, a gay couple comes in and says, "bake us a cake with the gay pride flag, with two men standing atop of it. We want it delivered and prepared at our wedding." The father, due to his religious beliefs says "I'm sorry, please do business elsewhere."

The gay couple sues under State of Absent's anti-discrimination statutes, accusing them of discrimination, and wins. The ensuing national firestorm and $130,000 fine, plus the increasing amount of death threats against him and his family, puts the father out of business and along with his family, into the local Salvation Army homeless shelter. For you see, without the business and subsequent income, the bank foreclosed on his home, and his car was repossessed. He could no longer afford to feed and clothe his children, nor could he afford their education. Due to his new found financial inadequacy, his wife divorces him, wins the alimony case against him, and takes the children. Finally, he, after having lost everything he held dear and knowing he will never be able to do business or show his face in the State of Absent, commits suicide, all for holding true to his faith.

Now, with that in mind, were he and members of his family just "people"? Or were they monsters? Because due to the reaction of today's society, they wouldn't be unremarkable citizens, they wouldn't be people, they would be villains, monsters. They would be accused of not being true Christians, of being intolerant, that they are simply twisting the Bible in a way to justify their "discrimination." They would be assailed by members of the Democratic Party and members of the activist gay community with Bible verses from Galatians (e.g. there is neither Jew no Greek, male or female) and elsewhere attempting to justify the lifestyle.

The father committed the taboo of remaining loyal to his faith as he knew it. It has become increasingly unacceptable in the public light to for an individual to exercise his religious beliefs in the field of commerce, as it will always be an actionable act of discrimination under existing law. There will never be a circumstance where the father in this fictional scenario would ever be granted leniency under the law because of his faith.

In a way, in relevance to this thread, the father was killed not by his own hand, but by the increasing intolerance of his religious beliefs.

However, I would like you to give your opinion of my scenario. I'm not looking for a fight, just a pure and reasoned debate. Is it okay if we do that? However, right now, I have a giant migraine. I will reply later on today. Deal?

We can count the actual cases of this playing out on two hands over the last 4 or 5 years. Its remarkably uncommon. Its a wedge issue, like transgender people going to the bathroom that has virtually no impact on the lives of people in this country. There are orders of magnitude more people struck by lightning every year than effected by the issue you're raising. With virtually every person in this nation having no issue practicing their faith and conducting commerce.
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There are orders of magnitude more people struck by lightning every year than effected by the issue you're raising. With virtually every person in this nation having no issue practicing their faith and conducting commerce.

Ah.. well since I'm still up with the pain, I'll put it this way (I'm about to go full nerd here):

Lightning hits the Earth an estimated 8.6 million times a day or 100 times per second (or 3.1 billion times a year) with 20 percent of those strikes being cloud to ground. Out of all the lightning strikes in the world, the US accounts for 20 million of them. The point being, lightning can strike anytime, anywhere, and anyone.

As of 2011, there were 11,844,600 or 3.8% of US citizens (311,700,000 in 2011) who identified as gay or lesbian. Given the passage of time since then, that number has likely risen. But the risk of the occurrence I described happening still exists, much like the risk of being struck by lightning. It can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone.

All it takes is for one to say the words "no, my religion forbids me from serving you" and the cycle is set in motion. The lightning strikes, and the victim (or assailant depending on your viewpoint) rarely survives the encounter.

It doesn't matter how often it happens, we shouldn't dismiss it. It effects our lives in more ways than one. It took only two nuclear weapons to bring the once mighty Japanese Empire to her knees. Thusly it only takes one or two examples to bring an entire religion into the crosshairs. Christian entrepreneurs and little girls beware.
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That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...

I've know Christians who are no better when they find out their kids are LGBT

Beaten, tortured, put in forced conversions (attempts), exorcised, thrown out, even attempted to kill them.
Some kids were driven to attempt suicide or drugs.

No kid should have to go through that.

Took four posts.
Homophobic, transphobic parents make abusive homes ...
www.theguardian.com › Opinion › LGBT rights
The Guardian
Jan 5, 2015 - Homophobic, transphobic parents make abusive homes. Let's help LGBT kids get out. Jessica Valenti. We know that conversion therapy is ...

Rejecting Homosexual Children Results in Disastrous ...
Jan 7, 2009 - Illicit drug use, substance abuse disorders, and risky sexual behaviors are also ... So to the parents of homosexual parents an appeal. ... I have gotten into the area of internalized homophobia and minority stress research.
Ricky Gervais slams homophobic parents making anti-gay ...
Daily Mail
Feb 17, 2012 - 'People who make anti-gay comments to their youngsters are child abusers': ... Strong views: Ricky Gervais spoke out against homophobic parents on Piers .... teaching your child that homosexuality is a sin with child abuse!

Family Rejection of LGBT Youth Is No Joke | Wind Youth ...
WIND Youth Center
Jun 13, 2011 - Particularly alarming was his statement that, if his son were gay, he would ... tell horrifying stories of violent abuse and rejection from their parents. ... out a piece of his scalp, and screaming homophobic abuse as her child fled.
The answer is that homosexual children should not be inflicted on normal families. They need to be taken and put somewhere that they can deal with their mental illness. They are no different than anyone else with an unacceptable compulsion. They could be child molesters, animal rapists, any kind of destructive aberrant behavior. Accommodating them isn't helping them.

There's nothing 'unacceptable' about homosexuality. Its just a sexual orientation. And murdering these children isn't helping them.

Thankfully, your perspective is becoming less prevalent as your generation shuffles off.
Homosexuals are freaks. They are a very small minority of deranged and depraved members of the underbelly of mankind.
Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.
They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.
I don't condone their way of being either and I never will, but at the end of the day, they are still people who do not deserve to be murdered or attacked for their way of being. To me, if something or someone doesn't add to your picture in any way, the best thing to do is to just keep to yourself as much as possible.

God bless you always!!!

Homosexuals are freaks. They are a very small minority of deranged and depraved members of the underbelly of mankind.

Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.
I can just imagine the number of gay people you associate with in your day to day life, who are laughing at you behind your back.

Actually I don't associate with any at all so don't let those folks I associate with worry you. The fags you associate with don't worry me in the least.
Of course you associate with them daily, but are unaware of it.

I really don't go around asking people if they are gay or not. I don't ask if they are Democrat or not nor do I ask if hey are Christian or not. It's really none of my business.
The answer is that homosexual children should not be inflicted on normal families. They need to be taken and put somewhere that they can deal with their mental illness. They are no different than anyone else with an unacceptable compulsion. They could be child molesters, animal rapists, any kind of destructive aberrant behavior. Accommodating them isn't helping them.

There's nothing 'unacceptable' about homosexuality. Its just a sexual orientation. And murdering these children isn't helping them.

Thankfully, your perspective is becoming less prevalent as your generation shuffles off.
Homosexuals are freaks. They are a very small minority of deranged and depraved members of the underbelly of mankind.
Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.
They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.
I don't condone their way of being either and I never will, but at the end of the day, they are still people who do not deserve to be murdered or attacked for their way of being. To me, if something or someone doesn't add to your picture in any way, the best thing to do is to just keep to yourself as much as possible.

God bless you always!!!


I've never attacked or murdered a single one of them. I simply want them to quit trying to shove their perversions down my throat. Let them keep to themselves as well.
^^^ Well as long as they have the same freedoms and rights as the rest of us have, that's never going to happen. All that we can do is make sure that what we stand for is kept out there as well. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

There's nothing 'unacceptable' about homosexuality. Its just a sexual orientation. And murdering these children isn't helping them.

Thankfully, your perspective is becoming less prevalent as your generation shuffles off.

Homosexuals are freaks. They are a very small minority of deranged and depraved members of the underbelly of mankind.

Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.
I can just imagine the number of gay people you associate with in your day to day life, who are laughing at you behind your back.

Actually I don't associate with any at all so don't let those folks I associate with worry you. The fags you associate with don't worry me in the least.
Suuuuuure you don't. :rofl:As I said...they are laughing behind your back....at your stupidity.
Homosexuals are freaks. They are a very small minority of deranged and depraved members of the underbelly of mankind.

Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.
I can just imagine the number of gay people you associate with in your day to day life, who are laughing at you behind your back.

Actually I don't associate with any at all so don't let those folks I associate with worry you. The fags you associate with don't worry me in the least.
Suuuuuure you don't. :rofl:As I said...they are laughing behind your back....at your stupidity.

That's a real difference between us. I'm old enough and wise enough to care less what other people think about me. All that really matters is family. Other folks really have little bearing upon one's life. I'm not looking for acceptance -- you are
Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.
I can just imagine the number of gay people you associate with in your day to day life, who are laughing at you behind your back.

Actually I don't associate with any at all so don't let those folks I associate with worry you. The fags you associate with don't worry me in the least.
Suuuuuure you don't. :rofl:As I said...they are laughing behind your back....at your stupidity.

That's a real difference between us. I'm old enough and wise enough to care less what other people think about me. All that really matters is family. Other folks really have little bearing upon one's life. I'm not looking for acceptance -- you are
Suuuuuure. That's why you stupidly claim you don't associate with any gay people.....just like Iran doesn't have any gay people. :rofl:
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...

I've know Christians who are no better when they find out their kids are LGBT

Beaten, tortured, put in forced conversions (attempts), exorcised, thrown out, even attempted to kill them.
Some kids were driven to attempt suicide or drugs.

No kid should have to go through that.

So, you equate killing your child with any attempt - right or wrong - to change their behavior/sexual orientation.

Whatever those "go through" they stay alive.

You are a true winner.

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