Federal Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Rittenhouse To Proceed

No. It is not a problem. A mob is a deadly force, it just is . And yes, you just might have the right to use deadly force to stop my advance. Let's say for example, you are at work in an office with no way out besides the way me and 10 of my buddies are coming at you. We had destroyed your outer offices, hit a fellow employee in the head with a fire extinguisher, used bear spray and beat other co empolyees over the head with flag staffs. There is one last door and you will have no defense, you have no way out, 10 of me are trying to overrun your position. And you don't know how many more rioters are to come. Are you reasonably in fear of your life?

If you say so. The fact I don't and never will take a leftist loon seriously sorta means you're wasting your time
If you say so. The fact I don't and never will take a leftist loon seriously sorta means you're wasting your time
Of course I am wasting my time. I am bored, I come here to do exactly that, waste my time. I know closed minded partisans hacks listen to no one except people that completely agree with them. That is why they are so ill informed and fall for silly conspiracy theories.
Of course I am wasting my time. I am bored, I come here to do exactly that, waste my time. I know closed minded partisans hacks listen to no one except people that completely agree with them. That is why they are so ill informed and fall for silly conspiracy theories.

Stop wasting mine
Stop wasting mine
Do you think this is your job? Are you not wasting your time whether I am here or not. I find it interesting a lot of really far right or far left people on internet forums think it is their job or something. Kinda cute really, but I cannot waste you time, you are.
Funny how personal responsibility seems to have no bearing on Kyle's end. Why is that?
He exercised his rights in defending himself from perps who lacked personal responsibility for their actions.
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A federal judge in Wisconsin on Wednesday ruled that a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the father of a man shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse during a protest in 2020 can proceed against Rittenhouse, police officers and others.

U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman on Wednesday dismissed motions filed by Rittenhouse and the government defendants seeking to dismiss the civil rights lawsuit.

No worries. There will be somebody to take responsibility for any judgement against you son.

He will lose, but hey, pay them lawyers.
Do you work at Dell Taco?

Well someone was negligent letting such an immature craven little coward roam the streets armed.

You are just pissed that he killed a couple of your pet rapists.
He exercised his rights in defending himself from perps who lacked personal responsibility for their actions.
He was not just happening by minding his own business. He put himself in that situation by willfully assuming the responsibilities of law enforcement.
He was found not guilty. Pure case of self defense

The left is setting themselves up for another fa8l

No, his killings were ruled JUSTIFIABLE. The torturers dad has ZERO case.
He was not just happening by minding his own business. He put himself in that situation by willfully assuming the responsibilities of law enforcement.
He made no attempts to do that, he was attacked by several criminals who were taking advantage of the rioting.

I thought he was taking his assault rifle for a walk.
He was not just happening by minding his own business. He put himself in that situation by willfully assuming the responsibilities of law enforcement.

Which they had abdicated.
"wrongful death lawsuit filed by the father of a man shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse"

Learn to read, you dink.
Hey fume. The lad was acquitted of the crimes charged. So it seems pretty damn unlikely that the death will be determined to have been wrongful.

Tragic maybe. But that’s a different concept.

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