Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

Among the best parts,

the ones that are convicted of felonies will lose their gun rights, legally.
And its also against the 2nd amendment and I guarantee all patriots know what CAN happen but we also know what the constitution says and if we cared about the opinions of modern man we wouldn't have supported the take over of the refuge to begin with.
btw, how does taking arms up against America make one an American Patriot?
How does our founding fathers taking up arms against England make them patriots? Same thing here sparky.
England wasn't America, dimbulb.
Among the best parts,

the ones that are convicted of felonies will lose their gun rights, legally.
And its also against the 2nd amendment and I guarantee all patriots know what CAN happen but we also know what the constitution says and if we cared about the opinions of modern man we wouldn't have supported the take over of the refuge to begin with.
btw, how does taking arms up against America make one an American Patriot?
How does our founding fathers taking up arms against England make them patriots? Same thing here sparky.
They are Patriots because they WON....what do you think would have happened to them if they lost? Hmmm?
Boy if he was black they'd be for strignin' em up right now. LOL

And the rev Al would be leading a march.
who would? That was very, well, unclear who the fk you're referencing.
Law enforcement sent a clear message to those still involved with the occupation of the federal facility in Oregon.

Turn yourselves in.
or what?

The press is being told to stand away. The Feds and local law says there are two armed groups facing each other. It looks like things are coming to a head.

Gee, do you think the FBI and law enforcement waited long enough? GEESSSHHH.
Yep. The one shot dead was unarmed on his knees with his hands in the air.

You mean, the one who had previously stated that he was prepared to die and vowed to never be taken alive? That the guy who was surrendering, unarmed, and down on his knees?

Asked if he would rather be killed than be arrested — were the occupation to turn violent — 54-year-old occupier LaVoy Finicum, said: "Absolutely ... I have no intention of spending any of my days in a concrete box." .... Finicum said he wanted officers to be able to find him if they wanted to serve an arrest warrant. "I do not want the FBI federal agents to have to go running around in the dark, kicking in doors looking for me, OK?" he said. "I want them to know exactly where I'm at."

Armed Oregon Occupier Warns FBI He'd Take Death Over Jail
seems reasonable and well thought out and protective of the local citizens. hmmmmmm so?
That's not what Finicum said and yes, this is about grazing rights. They want the land given to them.

Once again the point I am making is that there was nothing in this entire situation that justified the killing of anyone

Then they shouldn't have been carrying pistols and rifles...right???

Since when is merely being armed a reason to be shot by authorities?

Tell me did they ever point their weapons at anyone? That would have been a threat. A holstered piston or a rifle slung across someone's back is not a threat unless you're a chicken sit pussy like you

EXCEPT if you're black.

But, never mind that fact. What you are writing is FICTION.

From the beginning, these jackasses were not "merely armed". In TV interviews, Finicum constantly threatened to use his rifle. His rifle was never "on his back". It was across his lap.

They were criminals who got what they wanted.

So then everyone who gets shot by the government gets what they want

remember that next time you whine about the cops shooting someone

oh dude, them's fighting words. the libturds are the only ones allowed to say who gets kilt and who doesn't,. ask them.
Who knew following the constitution was ass licking..tell me more about these libtard views.
The constitution..show me where it says government has the right to own the land.The locals should have stood up for themselves then instead other outsider patriots had to do it.
Lets see if we can guess what your view would have been if these same illegal squatters had been black.
Would they still be fighting for the same thing? My response would be the same. Only libtards see everything through a racial lens
No you're just lying. All these self styled patriots are racist cocksuckers.
Why ask a question if in your tiny racist mind you don't care what the answer is. Ah hell with it just another tard put on ignore
I hope these phony patriot fags try this shit on BLM land in my area. I will be more than happy to set up a counter sniper position aimed at them.
sure you will!!!! funny stuff Frances.
I wouldn't celebrate this. I wouldn't be so quick to worship Big Brother. He's not your friend.
said the cop hater. I'm going to start calling you Capt Obvious

As to the OP, yeah LEO's showed a lot, A LOT of restraint in this matter

Yep, just keep on Goose Steppin there chump. Whatever floats your boat i guess.
said the basement dwelling libertarian- wannabe. You still on-the-grid eh? Figures.

As to the OP, the LEO's should be commended for their patience in dealing w/ the criminals

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