Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Yesterday Obama was calling for more money from Congress to pay for a crisis he caused in the first place.

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that Obama has been militarizing police forces around the country, made the Michael Brown shooting national news, and planned the demonstrations that preceded and followed the grand-jury decision they are protesting. It's all made up. Jesus Christ, this guy has so many other problems he has to deal with, why is he creating new ones?

Obama has been selling armored MRAP vehicles to police departments all year. He's been taking vehicles that cost $600,000 each and selling them to the police for $2500 despite the fact we're still embroiled in two wars where they could be better put to use. Yesterday he actually held a meeting to discuss this terrible occurrence acting as if he wasn't directly responsible for it. He also wants the federal government to takeover local police departments and spend $75 million for body-cameras and another $250 million to retrain cops so they'll learn to treat black perpetrators differently from other perpetrators. Obama has also been using hired organizers to foment unrest in Ferguson and he has had his media spread lies to incite violence. Yet he sat there yesterday acting like everybody in the room wasn't aware that this is a crisis of his own making.

I guess the only crisis Obama is capable of handling is the ones he intentionally causes. Eric Holder is acting like he hasn't resigned and he's in the middle of this mess as well. Al Sharpton, another instigator, was at yesterday's meeting as well.

The Daily Kos fainted that this was an issue that Obama was wearily dealing with like the brave soldier he is, but nothing that he had anything to do with.

The problems of militarized policing, astonishingly high incarceration rates, and massive racial disparities in policing and incarceration are assuredly not going to be solved in a day of meetings. But they just as certainly won't be solved if those in power ignore them, so this is a decent step.

Obama holding meetings to focus on Ferguson and militarized policing
Obama is trying to take over police forces all over the country and he's using a manufactured crisis to do it.


Obama Wants to avoid militarized police culture - SFGate S
WashPost Can t Find One Angry Driver In a Protester-Caused Traffic Jam
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Obama has been selling armored MRAP vehicles to police departments all year. He's been taking vehicles that cost $600,000 each and selling them to the police for $2500 despite the fact we're still embroiled in two wars where they could be better put to use.

Damn, I heard that secretly Obama wanted to be a used car salesman. Selling used Humvees is his chance.
You know what the commission schedule is on selling used Hummvees? I bet he makes a killing on each and every sale.

But have you ever wondered about paying 600,000 dollars for a what is a big General Motors jeep? I have. And Obama didn't even do that.
Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.
Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.
The dirty little secret in this is the only problem here is blacks are being conditioned to hate authority and hate whites.

Then again it's not that much of a secret.
Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.
The dirty little secret in this is the only problem here is blacks are being conditioned to hate authority and hate whites.

Then again it's not that much of a secret.
Do you think this is something new just because it is in the news? I have news for you, black people have never trusted cops or people in authority for good reason.
Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.
The dirty little secret in this is the only problem here is blacks are being conditioned to hate authority and hate whites.

Then again it's not that much of a secret.
Do you think this is something new just because it is in the news? I have news for you, black people have never trusted cops or people in authority for good reason.

And for good reason, LEO don't trust blacks.

There you have it

Militarized local police under the control of a Progressive federal government. Raise your right hand if you see what problems arise from this

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Militarized local police under the control of a Progressive federal government. Raise your right hand if you see what the problems arise from this

Hyperbole anyone? All local and state law enforcement agencies are subject to federal oversight and always have been.

Yesterday Obama was calling for more money from Congress to pay for a crisis he caused in the first place.

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that Obama has been militarizing police forces around the country, made the Michael Brown shooting national news, and planned the demonstrations that preceded and followed the grand-jury decision they are protesting. It's all made up. Jesus Christ, this guy has so many other problems he has to deal with, why is he creating new ones?

Obama has been selling armored MRAP vehicles to police departments all year. He's been taking vehicles that cost $600,000 each and selling them to the police for $2500 despite the fact we're still embroiled in two wars where they could be better put to use. Yesterday he actually held a meeting to discuss this terrible occurrence acting as if he wasn't directly responsible for it. He also wants the federal government to takeover local police departments and spend $75 million for body-cameras and another $250 million to retrain cops so they'll learn to treat black perpetrators differently from other perpetrators. Obama has also been using hired organizers to foment unrest in Ferguson and he has had his media spread lies to incite violence. Yet he sat there yesterday acting like everybody in the room wasn't aware that this is a crisis of his own making.

I guess the only crisis Obama is capable of handling is the ones he intentionally causes. Eric Holder is acting like he hasn't resigned and he's in the middle of this mess as well. Al Sharpton, another instigator, was at yesterday's meeting as well.

The Daily Kos fainted that this was an issue that Obama was wearily dealing with like the brave soldier he is, but nothing that he had anything to do with.

The problems of militarized policing, astonishingly high incarceration rates, and massive racial disparities in policing and incarceration are assuredly not going to be solved in a day of meetings. But they just as certainly won't be solved if those in power ignore them, so this is a decent step.

Obama holding meetings to focus on Ferguson and militarized policing
Obama is trying to take over police forces all over the country and he's using a manufactured crisis to do it.


Obama Wants to avoid militarized police culture - SFGate S
WashPost Can t Find One Angry Driver In a Protester-Caused Traffic Jam
I have been saying this since day one. No one has been listening.

There have been incidents like this that the media has been TRYING to get the riots started over, how short a memory we have. The minority community just didn't care that much about Trayvon, they saw him as guilty, and the MSM didn't do it's brainwashing job effectively enough. Plus, there was a trial. So the nation found out the facts and they knew what the truth was. The situation was quite different here.

The solution was to have no trial, so there was no truth to come out.
Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.
The dirty little secret in this is the only problem here is blacks are being conditioned to hate authority and hate whites.

Then again it's not that much of a secret.
Do you think this is something new just because it is in the news? I have news for you, black people have never trusted cops or people in authority for good reason.

I have news for you, with the way that the federal government is manipulating local police forces? Black folks aren't the only people that don't trust the police.

Don't you remember that incident out at the Bundy ranch? How about that Ruby ridge incident or that incident out at Waco?

The more that the government can turn policing into a federalized type or state type operations, and less a community type activity, the more the white house has achieved it's goal with it's programs.
Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.

The ONLY time Obama gets involved in small, local matters is when the situation revolves around race. When's the last time Obama got involved in a police shooting when a black shot a white or when a white shot a white? NEVER!! But he was all over the Trayvon Martin situation like a fly on crap just like he's laying eggs on this situation. He's a divider, a rabble-rouser, a puke ... and a fly.

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