Filthy Bums Betraying America

A communist Jesuit pope helping our communist president normalize relations with communist Cuba and assisting in the shutdown of Gitmo for Imam Majid and ISNA. Incredible. Perhaps he will do another reading of the Koran and include a reading from one of Karl Marx's poems on casting God down from his throne - this time at his Vatican headquarters?

To Jeremiah: Excellent point.

Priests of every stripe have been the curse of mankind since the beginning of time. Every priesthood in every culture hated God since the beginning. As I’ve said many times. Priests do not fear atheists, they fear people who believe in God.

To be more precise, controlling God gave priests enormous wealth and unchallenged political power. Priests controlled God until America’s Founding gave the world individual liberties. Since the original Bill of Rights was ratified every priest set out to destroy this country. It is has been 223 years for priests to destroy freedom.

Oddly enough, it was Socialists/Communists GODLESS priesthoods who handed traditional priesthoods the opening they sought. Taqiyya the Liar and the priest in the Vatican are now working together to give priests control over every free American’s behavior. Socialists have been working toward dictating behavior since the early years of the last century. The piece of scum in the White House and filth like John Kerry entered into a partnership with the Vatican. There is nothing unusual there. Priests and governments worked hand and glove throughout history.

I have no opinion on whether or not to close Gitmo. The point is this man is pure evil and not to be trusted.

To Jeremiah: I disagree slightly. Taqiyya the Liar is every bit as evil because he is full of pure hatred for this country.

He (this pope) should mind his own business and stay out of America's business.

To Jeremiah: Amen to that.

Of course they fear people who believe in God and serve Him, Flanders. They serve the Devil and people who fear the LORD and are servants of the LORD are people they have no control over. They never have had control over us which is why they were putting Believers to death and even burning them at the stake throughout their "church" history. We expose their lies and they do not like people pointing out they are not a bible based Church - they do not teach the Doctrine of Christ. Their doctrine is from hell - they teach idolatry, worship demons and there is no salvation in the Roman Church. NONE.

The Roman Church is the mother of Communism -that is their baby - an ex-Jesuit priest actually came out with the details about it - you can find the history in my thread Jack Chick thread - look up the tracts on the history of the Roman Church - it's all there.

Next you say that Obama is every bit as evil because of his pure hatred for this country. I believe the teaching in the bible would be evil is evil. We know the bible does not teach "venial" and "mortal" sin, nor does it teach anything about Limbo / Pergatory and such places as that is all made up nonsense by the Roman Church. Sin is sin. Obama is not a Christian. He needs to be born again. As a Christian I am not to judge the world but those who claim to be inside the church I am most certainly commanded to confront, expose the lies, the hypocrisy, false teaching and defend the faith - even as the Believers did in the New Testament. We know that Paul exposed false teachers, false doctrines, and told others in the Corinthian Church it was most certainly their duty to do so. So did John in one of his Gospels.. In fact, when it comes to those teaching false doctrine we are not to bid them God speed nor permit them to step into our own homes. That is a very strong command because God knows what a little leaven can do. So do I. I'm not having any part of it.

I pray for Obama's salvation and I do pray that this Pope will repent although I see no sign of it at this writing. Karl Marx could have been saved - had he repented - unfortunately he did not and now resides in hell as will his followers if they keep going. I would strongly admonish any Catholic to leave the Catholicism immediately and follow Jesus Christ. Repent of having been any part of it and call upon the LORD and thou shalt be saved. That is the Gospel. We must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. We must come "out from among them" - Abraham was justified by Faith. Not works. The Roman Church is a works based doctrinal lie from the pits of hell.
nothing like christians bitch slapping other christians....what would jesus do?

To strollingbones: Why single out Christians? America’s Founders treated all priests the same.

Incidentally, Taqiyya the Liar’s agenda was always Islam’s goal to establish Shariah law in this country.

Finally, these two videos do not say much about the Vatican’s head priest bitch slapping Americans on behalf of the Chicago sewer rat, but it does pretty much detail how Cuba stole the family jewels:

Thank you for the video, Flanders. I will have to watch the report. Amazing they permitted any criticism of the Roman Church seeing as Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity are Catholics. The Roman Church is well known to be an agent of Satan in the occult world. One of the top witches in the United States during the 70's has on her Wiki page she is a "practicing Catholic". I am certain she must be laughing at how the people have been deceived by who exactly the Roman Church serves! It is truly tragic for the millions of innocent people who have been duped by this organization due to traditionalism and the nonstop deception that has been ongoing since it's birth. The Roman Church has absolutely NOTHING to do with the early Church found in the book of Acts. They are the antithesis of true Christianity and the Doctrine of Christ. The ANTITHESIS. I feel great sympathy and compassion for Catholics who have no idea what devils are at the foundation of the Roman Church.

Flanders as in Ned Flanders?

For the readers of Flanders Thread:

The Roman Catholic Church Inquisition produced 68 MILLION Victims from 1200 - 1808.

68 MILLION LIVES DESTROYED. What has the Roman Catholic Church done since then? Between 1808-2014? It is yet to be fully known. I'm sure when we find out we will be left speechless.

We know of untold numbers of adults coming forward to tell of being molested, raped, tortured by Priests, Bishops and even Popes. The history of Paedophile Popes in the RCC is legendary. We know that countless millions of lives have been destroyed due to the evil of the Roman Church and one day? One day this will all come before the judgment seat of God. That Day is coming fast!
A communist Jesuit pope helping our communist president normalize relations with communist Cuba and assisting in the shutdown of Gitmo for Imam Majid and ISNA. Incredible. Perhaps he will do another reading of the Koran and include a reading from one of Karl Marx's poems on casting God down from his throne - this time at his Vatican headquarters?

To Jeremiah: Excellent point.

Priests of every stripe have been the curse of mankind since the beginning of time. Every priesthood in every culture hated God since the beginning. As I’ve said many times. Priests do not fear atheists, they fear people who believe in God.

To be more precise, controlling God gave priests enormous wealth and unchallenged political power. Priests controlled God until America’s Founding gave the world individual liberties. Since the original Bill of Rights was ratified every priest set out to destroy this country. It is has been 223 years for priests to destroy freedom.

Oddly enough, it was Socialists/Communists GODLESS priesthoods who handed traditional priesthoods the opening they sought. Taqiyya the Liar and the priest in the Vatican are now working together to give priests control over every free American’s behavior. Socialists have been working toward dictating behavior since the early years of the last century. The piece of scum in the White House and filth like John Kerry entered into a partnership with the Vatican. There is nothing unusual there. Priests and governments worked hand and glove throughout history.

I have no opinion on whether or not to close Gitmo. The point is this man is pure evil and not to be trusted.

To Jeremiah: I disagree slightly. Taqiyya the Liar is every bit as evil because he is full of pure hatred for this country.

He (this pope) should mind his own business and stay out of America's business.

To Jeremiah: Amen to that.

Of course they fear people who believe in God and serve Him, Flanders. They serve the Devil and people who fear the LORD and are servants of the LORD are people they have no control over. They never have had control over us which is why they were putting Believers to death and even burning them at the stake throughout their "church" history. We expose their lies and they do not like people pointing out they are not a bible based Church - they do not teach the Doctrine of Christ. Their doctrine is from hell - they teach idolatry, worship demons and there is no salvation in the Roman Church. NONE.

The Roman Church is the mother of Communism -that is their baby - an ex-Jesuit priest actually came out with the details about it - you can find the history in my thread Jack Chick thread - look up the tracts on the history of the Roman Church - it's all there.

Next you say that Obama is every bit as evil because of his pure hatred for this country. I believe the teaching in the bible would be evil is evil. We know the bible does not teach "venial" and "mortal" sin, nor does it teach anything about Limbo / Pergatory and such places as that is all made up nonsense by the Roman Church. Sin is sin. Obama is not a Christian. He needs to be born again. As a Christian I am not to judge the world but those who claim to be inside the church I am most certainly commanded to confront, expose the lies, the hypocrisy, false teaching and defend the faith - even as the Believers did in the New Testament. We know that Paul exposed false teachers, false doctrines, and told others in the Corinthian Church it was most certainly their duty to do so. So did John in one of his Gospels.. In fact, when it comes to those teaching false doctrine we are not to bid them God speed nor permit them to step into our own homes. That is a very strong command because God knows what a little leaven can do. So do I. I'm not having any part of it.

I pray for Obama's salvation and I do pray that this Pope will repent although I see no sign of it at this writing. Karl Marx could have been saved - had he repented - unfortunately he did not and now resides in hell as will his followers if they keep going. I would strongly admonish any Catholic to leave the Catholicism immediately and follow Jesus Christ. Repent of having been any part of it and call upon the LORD and thou shalt be saved. That is the Gospel. We must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. We must come "out from among them" - Abraham was justified by Faith. Not works. The Roman Church is a works based doctrinal lie from the pits of hell.

I woke up halfway through that zombified droning to see the word "Pergatory"...

It's Purgatory, Jeri. As in "purge" -- it's really an adjective; a "purgatory state". Words all come from somewhere and when you know the derivation you come to understand what they embody. A "purgatory state" is a process where one purges their "sins", or in other words, "purifies". Purification to overcome flaws is a part of most religions I know, Christian or not.

You'd' do well to look a bit more closely at the words you write to see if they make sense. God knows no one else can.
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nothing like christians bitch slapping other christians....what would jesus do?

Catholicism is NOT CHRISTIANITY. It does not teach the Doctrine of Christ. It teaches the Doctrine of Lea which is to exterminate anyone who is a Jew, a Christian or non - Catholic opposing the Doctrine of Lea which they believe reigns supreme, Strollingbones. Read the book, Through the Eye of a Jew Vatican Persecution of the Jews Volume II and you will find that the Doctrine of Lea has never been removed. It isn't enforced right now but that does not mean it couldn't be in the future. If it is? Stay tuned for Inquisitions Part Two!

I repeat. Catholicism is NOT CHRISTIANITY. The Roman Church is an Apostate Church and any Priest or Nun or ex - Catholic (there have been many) will tell you the same thing. Look up the facts on the Roman Church on Jack Chick thread on Religion forum and learn the facts about this diabolical Mafioso!

I'm an ex-Catholic. I know what I am talking about.

So am I, and no you way don't.

"Doctrine of Lea"? Where in the blue tunket do you come up with this blarney?

For Christmas I'd like to give you the gift of cynicism. You need it to apply to whatever psychotic yammering you're finding on the internets that you seem to swallow whole without ever reading the ingredient label. Like that last clown with all the Pope conspiracy blather that we exposed on these pages for what he is.
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Anyone who claims the Pres and the Pope are involved in a commie conspiracy are off their meds.
A communist Jesuit pope helping our communist president normalize relations with communist Cuba and assisting in the shutdown of Gitmo for Imam Majid and ISNA. Incredible. Perhaps he will do another reading of the Koran and include a reading from one of Karl Marx's poems on casting God down from his throne - this time at his Vatican headquarters?

To Jeremiah: Excellent point.

Priests of every stripe have been the curse of mankind since the beginning of time. Every priesthood in every culture hated God since the beginning. As I’ve said many times. Priests do not fear atheists, they fear people who believe in God.

To be more precise, controlling God gave priests enormous wealth and unchallenged political power. Priests controlled God until America’s Founding gave the world individual liberties. Since the original Bill of Rights was ratified every priest set out to destroy this country. It is has been 223 years for priests to destroy freedom.

Oddly enough, it was Socialists/Communists GODLESS priesthoods who handed traditional priesthoods the opening they sought. Taqiyya the Liar and the priest in the Vatican are now working together to give priests control over every free American’s behavior. Socialists have been working toward dictating behavior since the early years of the last century. The piece of scum in the White House and filth like John Kerry entered into a partnership with the Vatican. There is nothing unusual there. Priests and governments worked hand and glove throughout history.

I have no opinion on whether or not to close Gitmo. The point is this man is pure evil and not to be trusted.

To Jeremiah: I disagree slightly. Taqiyya the Liar is every bit as evil because he is full of pure hatred for this country.

He (this pope) should mind his own business and stay out of America's business.

To Jeremiah: Amen to that.

Of course they fear people who believe in God and serve Him, Flanders. They serve the Devil and people who fear the LORD and are servants of the LORD are people they have no control over. They never have had control over us which is why they were putting Believers to death and even burning them at the stake throughout their "church" history. We expose their lies and they do not like people pointing out they are not a bible based Church - they do not teach the Doctrine of Christ. Their doctrine is from hell - they teach idolatry, worship demons and there is no salvation in the Roman Church. NONE.

The Roman Church is the mother of Communism -that is their baby - an ex-Jesuit priest actually came out with the details about it - you can find the history in my thread Jack Chick thread - look up the tracts on the history of the Roman Church - it's all there.

Next you say that Obama is every bit as evil because of his pure hatred for this country. I believe the teaching in the bible would be evil is evil. We know the bible does not teach "venial" and "mortal" sin, nor does it teach anything about Limbo / Pergatory and such places as that is all made up nonsense by the Roman Church. Sin is sin. Obama is not a Christian. He needs to be born again. As a Christian I am not to judge the world but those who claim to be inside the church I am most certainly commanded to confront, expose the lies, the hypocrisy, false teaching and defend the faith - even as the Believers did in the New Testament. We know that Paul exposed false teachers, false doctrines, and told others in the Corinthian Church it was most certainly their duty to do so. So did John in one of his Gospels.. In fact, when it comes to those teaching false doctrine we are not to bid them God speed nor permit them to step into our own homes. That is a very strong command because God knows what a little leaven can do. So do I. I'm not having any part of it.

I pray for Obama's salvation and I do pray that this Pope will repent although I see no sign of it at this writing. Karl Marx could have been saved - had he repented - unfortunately he did not and now resides in hell as will his followers if they keep going. I would strongly admonish any Catholic to leave the Catholicism immediately and follow Jesus Christ. Repent of having been any part of it and call upon the LORD and thou shalt be saved. That is the Gospel. We must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. We must come "out from among them" - Abraham was justified by Faith. Not works. The Roman Church is a works based doctrinal lie from the pits of hell.

I woke up halfway through that zombified droning to see the word "Pergatory"...

It's Purgatory, Jeri. As in "purge" -- it's really an adjective; a "purgatory state". Words all come from somewhere and when you know the derivation you come to understand what they embody. A "purgatory state" is a process where one purges their "sins", or in other words, "purifies". Purification to overcome flaws is a part of most religions I know, Christian or not.

You'd' do well to look a bit more closely at the words you write to see if they make sense. God knows no one else can.

Thank you for the correction on spelling, Pogo. May the people inside the RCC be "PURGED" of this satanic spell / deception they are held by and leave the Roman Church - never to look back. May they find their salvation in Jesus Christ and live for Him obeying God and not Wolves dressed in sheeps clothing. Amen.

Today is the day the LORD has made - let us rejoice in that. God inhabits the praises of His people. I praise Jesus today for my salvation in Him. God is good!
For the readers of Flanders Thread:

The Roman Catholic Church Inquisition produced 68 MILLION Victims from 1200 - 1808.

68 MILLION LIVES DESTROYED. What has the Roman Catholic Church done since then? Between 1808-2014? It is yet to be fully known. I'm sure when we find out we will be left speechless.

We know of untold numbers of adults coming forward to tell of being molested, raped, tortured by Priests, Bishops and even Popes. The history of Paedophile Popes in the RCC is legendary. We know that countless millions of lives have been destroyed due to the evil of the Roman Church and one day? One day this will all come before the judgment seat of God. That Day is coming fast!

To Jeremiah: Working in tandem throughout history priests and governments accomplished the most mass murders. Socialists/Communists priests were no different than Catholics, Muslims than every other priesthood that relied on the government to engage in mass murders. Therein is the beauty the First Amendment stopped priests and government from engaging in mass murders.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813​

Sad to say all of the ancient evils are but a step away from returning. That piece of garbage in the White House is succeeding in combining priesthoods and governments. Bottom line: Government officials will soon be controlled by the priests.
A communist Jesuit pope helping our communist president normalize relations with communist Cuba and assisting in the shutdown of Gitmo for Imam Majid and ISNA. Incredible. Perhaps he will do another reading of the Koran and include a reading from one of Karl Marx's poems on casting God down from his throne - this time at his Vatican headquarters?

To Jeremiah: Excellent point.

Priests of every stripe have been the curse of mankind since the beginning of time. Every priesthood in every culture hated God since the beginning. As I’ve said many times. Priests do not fear atheists, they fear people who believe in God.

To be more precise, controlling God gave priests enormous wealth and unchallenged political power. Priests controlled God until America’s Founding gave the world individual liberties. Since the original Bill of Rights was ratified every priest set out to destroy this country. It is has been 223 years for priests to destroy freedom.

Oddly enough, it was Socialists/Communists GODLESS priesthoods who handed traditional priesthoods the opening they sought. Taqiyya the Liar and the priest in the Vatican are now working together to give priests control over every free American’s behavior. Socialists have been working toward dictating behavior since the early years of the last century. The piece of scum in the White House and filth like John Kerry entered into a partnership with the Vatican. There is nothing unusual there. Priests and governments worked hand and glove throughout history.

I have no opinion on whether or not to close Gitmo. The point is this man is pure evil and not to be trusted.

To Jeremiah: I disagree slightly. Taqiyya the Liar is every bit as evil because he is full of pure hatred for this country.

He (this pope) should mind his own business and stay out of America's business.

To Jeremiah: Amen to that.

Of course they fear people who believe in God and serve Him, Flanders. They serve the Devil and people who fear the LORD and are servants of the LORD are people they have no control over. They never have had control over us which is why they were putting Believers to death and even burning them at the stake throughout their "church" history. We expose their lies and they do not like people pointing out they are not a bible based Church - they do not teach the Doctrine of Christ. Their doctrine is from hell - they teach idolatry, worship demons and there is no salvation in the Roman Church. NONE.

The Roman Church is the mother of Communism -that is their baby - an ex-Jesuit priest actually came out with the details about it - you can find the history in my thread Jack Chick thread - look up the tracts on the history of the Roman Church - it's all there.

Next you say that Obama is every bit as evil because of his pure hatred for this country. I believe the teaching in the bible would be evil is evil. We know the bible does not teach "venial" and "mortal" sin, nor does it teach anything about Limbo / Pergatory and such places as that is all made up nonsense by the Roman Church. Sin is sin. Obama is not a Christian. He needs to be born again. As a Christian I am not to judge the world but those who claim to be inside the church I am most certainly commanded to confront, expose the lies, the hypocrisy, false teaching and defend the faith - even as the Believers did in the New Testament. We know that Paul exposed false teachers, false doctrines, and told others in the Corinthian Church it was most certainly their duty to do so. So did John in one of his Gospels.. In fact, when it comes to those teaching false doctrine we are not to bid them God speed nor permit them to step into our own homes. That is a very strong command because God knows what a little leaven can do. So do I. I'm not having any part of it.

I pray for Obama's salvation and I do pray that this Pope will repent although I see no sign of it at this writing. Karl Marx could have been saved - had he repented - unfortunately he did not and now resides in hell as will his followers if they keep going. I would strongly admonish any Catholic to leave the Catholicism immediately and follow Jesus Christ. Repent of having been any part of it and call upon the LORD and thou shalt be saved. That is the Gospel. We must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. We must come "out from among them" - Abraham was justified by Faith. Not works. The Roman Church is a works based doctrinal lie from the pits of hell.

I woke up halfway through that zombified droning to see the word "Pergatory"...

It's Purgatory, Jeri. As in "purge" -- it's really an adjective; a "purgatory state". Words all come from somewhere and when you know the derivation you come to understand what they embody. A "purgatory state" is a process where one purges their "sins", or in other words, "purifies". Purification to overcome flaws is a part of most religions I know, Christian or not.

You'd' do well to look a bit more closely at the words you write to see if they make sense. God knows no one else can.

Thank you for the correction on spelling, Pogo. May the people inside the RCC be "PURGED" of this satanic spell / deception they are held by and leave the Roman Church - never to look back. May they find their salvation in Jesus Christ and live for Him obeying God and not Wolves dressed in sheeps clothing. Amen.

Today is the day the LORD has made - let us rejoice in that. God inhabits the praises of His people. I praise Jesus today for my salvation in Him. God is good!

It's only a single word but I point it out for a larger purpose: your rants seem to parrot an endless stream of unhinged conspiracy theories that you apparently are not taking the time to think about.

Like the word "pergatory". It has no meaning. When words have no meaning they have no consequences. In effect what you refer to --- doesn't even exist.
For the readers of Flanders Thread:

The Roman Catholic Church Inquisition produced 68 MILLION Victims from 1200 - 1808.

68 MILLION LIVES DESTROYED. What has the Roman Catholic Church done since then? Between 1808-2014? It is yet to be fully known. I'm sure when we find out we will be left speechless.

We know of untold numbers of adults coming forward to tell of being molested, raped, tortured by Priests, Bishops and even Popes. The history of Paedophile Popes in the RCC is legendary. We know that countless millions of lives have been destroyed due to the evil of the Roman Church and one day? One day this will all come before the judgment seat of God. That Day is coming fast!

To Jeremiah: Working in tandem throughout history priests and governments accomplished the most mass murders. Socialists/Communists priests were no different than Catholics, Muslims than every other priesthood that relied on the government to engage in mass murders. Therein is the beauty the First Amendment stopped priests and government from engaging in mass murders.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813​

Sad to say all of the ancient evils are but a step away from returning. That piece of garbage in the White House is succeeding in combining priesthoods and governments. Bottom line: Government officials will soon be controlled by the priests.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was a man who knew the truth about the Roman Catholic Church. No question about it. Thank you for the quote - God bless Jefferson. Amazing the people who are known to despise Christianity are the very same people will suddenly rush to defend Catholicism at the drop of a hat - isn't it? You just can't make it up. It is what it is, Flanders. And what it is - is quite despicable.

Your thread, Flanders, reminds me of this quote:

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
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TJ was the man who knew the truth about all churches, including the early neo-evangelical that applies to the fundamentalist, evangelical, and Pentecostal churches today:

they all oppose human freedom.
For the readers of Flanders Thread:

The Roman Catholic Church Inquisition produced 68 MILLION Victims from 1200 - 1808.

68 MILLION LIVES DESTROYED. What has the Roman Catholic Church done since then? Between 1808-2014? It is yet to be fully known. I'm sure when we find out we will be left speechless.

We know of untold numbers of adults coming forward to tell of being molested, raped, tortured by Priests, Bishops and even Popes. The history of Paedophile Popes in the RCC is legendary. We know that countless millions of lives have been destroyed due to the evil of the Roman Church and one day? One day this will all come before the judgment seat of God. That Day is coming fast!

To Jeremiah: Working in tandem throughout history priests and governments accomplished the most mass murders. Socialists/Communists priests were no different than Catholics, Muslims than every other priesthood that relied on the government to engage in mass murders. Therein is the beauty the First Amendment stopped priests and government from engaging in mass murders.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813​

Sad to say all of the ancient evils are but a step away from returning. That piece of garbage in the White House is succeeding in combining priesthoods and governments. Bottom line: Government officials will soon be controlled by the priests.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was a man who knew the truth about the Roman Catholic Church. No question about it. Thank you for the quote - God bless Jefferson. Amazing the people who are known to despise Christianity are the very same people will suddenly rush to defend Catholicism at the drop of a hat - isn't it? You just can't make it up. It is what it is, Flanders. And what it is - is quite despicable.

Your thread, Flanders, reminds me of this quote:

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell

You quoting Thomas Jefferson, the Unitarian, is kinda funny.
For the readers of Flanders Thread:

The Roman Catholic Church Inquisition produced 68 MILLION Victims from 1200 - 1808.

68 MILLION LIVES DESTROYED. What has the Roman Catholic Church done since then? Between 1808-2014? It is yet to be fully known. I'm sure when we find out we will be left speechless.

We know of untold numbers of adults coming forward to tell of being molested, raped, tortured by Priests, Bishops and even Popes. The history of Paedophile Popes in the RCC is legendary. We know that countless millions of lives have been destroyed due to the evil of the Roman Church and one day? One day this will all come before the judgment seat of God. That Day is coming fast!

To Jeremiah: Working in tandem throughout history priests and governments accomplished the most mass murders. Socialists/Communists priests were no different than Catholics, Muslims than every other priesthood that relied on the government to engage in mass murders. Therein is the beauty the First Amendment stopped priests and government from engaging in mass murders.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813​

Sad to say all of the ancient evils are but a step away from returning. That piece of garbage in the White House is succeeding in combining priesthoods and governments. Bottom line: Government officials will soon be controlled by the priests.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was a man who knew the truth about the Roman Catholic Church. No question about it. Thank you for the quote - God bless Jefferson. Amazing the people who are known to despise Christianity are the very same people will suddenly rush to defend Catholicism at the drop of a hat - isn't it? You just can't make it up. It is what it is, Flanders. And what it is - is quite despicable.

Your thread, Flanders, reminds me of this quote:

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell

You quoting Thomas Jefferson, the Unitarian, is kinda funny.

I believe the current head of the Unitarian Church is Moon Unit Zappa...


When I look at this picture and see her face, Carla? I see pure evil. PURE EVIL.

Filthy bums betraying Amurrika! Killem all! Bring forth the lions!

For the readers of Flanders Thread:

The Roman Catholic Church Inquisition produced 68 MILLION Victims from 1200 - 1808.

68 MILLION LIVES DESTROYED. What has the Roman Catholic Church done since then? Between 1808-2014? It is yet to be fully known. I'm sure when we find out we will be left speechless.

We know of untold numbers of adults coming forward to tell of being molested, raped, tortured by Priests, Bishops and even Popes. The history of Paedophile Popes in the RCC is legendary. We know that countless millions of lives have been destroyed due to the evil of the Roman Church and one day? One day this will all come before the judgment seat of God. That Day is coming fast!

To Jeremiah: Working in tandem throughout history priests and governments accomplished the most mass murders. Socialists/Communists priests were no different than Catholics, Muslims than every other priesthood that relied on the government to engage in mass murders. Therein is the beauty the First Amendment stopped priests and government from engaging in mass murders.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813​

Sad to say all of the ancient evils are but a step away from returning. That piece of garbage in the White House is succeeding in combining priesthoods and governments. Bottom line: Government officials will soon be controlled by the priests.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was a man who knew the truth about the Roman Catholic Church. No question about it. Thank you for the quote - God bless Jefferson. Amazing the people who are known to despise Christianity are the very same people will suddenly rush to defend Catholicism at the drop of a hat - isn't it? You just can't make it up. It is what it is, Flanders. And what it is - is quite despicable.

Your thread, Flanders, reminds me of this quote:

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell

You quoting Thomas Jefferson, the Unitarian, is kinda funny.

I believe the current head of the Unitarian Church is Moon Unit Zappa...


When I look at this picture and see her face, Carla? I see pure evil. PURE EVIL.

Filthy bums betraying Amurrika! Killem all! Bring forth the lions!


What's she doing with her hands? Is that some sort of EVIL code?


Do you see the pure EVIL in this face? I do!

Nothing but deception and trickery. How can anybody trust someone that drives with his eyes closed? :p

OK, "can you top this"?
This guy has to be the most EVIL, PURE EVIL disgusting filthy bum betraying America EVER:


Who does he think he is, giving orders?? States rights!!!
Wow. That's all I can say. Just... wow.

When the truth is in front of you and you don't have a leg to stand on - wow is understandable. Nevertheless, the truth is the truth and the Roman Church is NOT A CHRISTIAN CHURCH. They were putting the Christians to death (along with Jews and those Catholics who were trying to flee the Roman Church) during the Inquisition in accordance with their Doctrine of Lea which describes non-Catholics as "pestilence" that must be rid of for the good of "The Church". They didn't want people learning the truth because they do not preach it. Instead they nailed the tongues of born again Christians to the roofs of their mouths so they could not preach the Gospel. They wanted complete control over the people. Do you know what the Bible defines Control as, Pratchettfan? Witchcraft. Is it any wonder the Satanists / Witches and other enemies of Christ feel so safe under the protection of the Roman Church? Of course not. That is Home Base for such folks.

They put their own parishioners to death when they attempted to leave or tried to save the lives of those being put to death. Anyone with a conscience was severely dealt with by the Roman Church during the Inquisitions. As I stated before, the Doctrine of Lea is still on their books. All it will take is someone like this new Pope to put it all back in action. When he had his mouthpiece tell Kenneth Copelands church the Protest is over - you are Catholics - he was saying - you have no choice but to join us and if you don't - you'll not be considered part of "THE CHURCH". What nerve, eh?

I'll never join his cult of death. NEVER.

"They put their own parishioners to death when they attempted to leave or tried to save the lives of those being put to death'

even for you that's crazy Jeri

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