
Hmmm the link title says Gun "silencers". There is a difference between suppressors and silencers right ?
I would encourage you to go out to the range and shoot some firearms with suppressors, it may give you a better perspective.
Very true, which is why I asked. Are you going to explain what they are for, then?

If you were a mile away and I fired a suppressed pistol you'd still hear it just fine.
It just gets the sound down to a safe level.
. Depends on the suppressor used.

They still make noise. Now if you were shooting .22 shorts yeah maybe.
22 shorts kill also... In fact the bullet used in an AR-15 is nothing but a 22 or the equivalent right ? Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
Yes this is true, it's a 22 caliber. But at the same time you can't call a .223 high-powered and have any credibility.
A .22 short is just for plinking...
There's a reason for the second amendment, for the absolute health of this country...two ways about it
. Never claimed to be completely knowledgeable on every thing guns, although I am an avid hunter, shot gun and hand gun lover myself, but if learn anything new I am thankful always.
The country has much bigger fish to fry than a non-issue like so-called gun violence…
Sometimes you are rich. ROFLMAO
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
423 people died in the past two weeks via gun in this country and that's not an issue. Really. If they'd died of the flu, everyone would be in a total panic. The CDC would be working overtime. WHO CARES if more people die of drug overdoses? As long as gun death is not the number one killer in this country, we can pooh-pooh it? I don't agree. Especially since some, maybe most, of the people shot were just ordinary folks going about their business and had some asshole point a weapon at them from a distance so there was no chance to fight back and KILLED them. I hate guns.
Your liberal stance on gun control is understandable, but not my stance on the subject. I love guns, but not guns in the wrong hands, and I definitely don't like wrecklace gun policies or wrecklace irresponsible gun mishandling or sales to those who do harm with guns in a criminal way. These things can be avoided if we work hard together to keep it real.
As much as I personally don't like them, I have accepted that I can't expect others to agree, and I am perfectly happy to be in agreement with you on keeping them out of the wrong hands.
See that's another problem, you say you can't expect others to agree with you but at the same time you insist on this control freak nature of the progressive.
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
You can call it progressive "control-freak nature" but to me it is no more radical or crazy than having speed limits on cars. My odometer goes to 130 mph; I assume the car will, too. But I don't mind the fact that I'm not allowed to go that fast on roads travelled by others. I do wish the NRA would think of the safety of unarmed citizens once in awhile.
Now you're getting to into snowflake territory, first of all you obviously never been around any suppressors. Second, God does not take sides. :lmao:
The country has much bigger fish to fry than a non-issue like so-called gun violence…
The country has much bigger fish to fry than a non-issue like so-called gun violence…
Sometimes you are rich. ROFLMAO
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
423 people died in the past two weeks via gun in this country and that's not an issue. Really. If they'd died of the flu, everyone would be in a total panic. The CDC would be working overtime. WHO CARES if more people die of drug overdoses? As long as gun death is not the number one killer in this country, we can pooh-pooh it? I don't agree. Especially since some, maybe most, of the people shot were just ordinary folks going about their business and had some asshole point a weapon at them from a distance so there was no chance to fight back and KILLED them. I hate guns.
See that's the problem, you hate guns. So in other words You hate people who have a legitimate use for firearms, snowflake. And there is no law that's gonna stop shit from happening. The vast Majority of "gun violence" in this country, is violent killing from gangbangers killing other gangbangers. So the shit weeds the shit out…
The fact remains, you have more of a chance of getting killed by falling out of bed and/or killed by a tree than killed by the so-called "assault weapon" by a mass shooter...
No, I don't hate people who use firearms, Rustic! Please don't misunderstand me. I'd have to hate my own son and granddaughter if that were true; their idea of a fun day is target shooting at the gun club.

If the gangbangers were actually "weeding the shit out" by shooting each other, we should be getting on the downswing of that arc--more are dying every month, and it's the bystanders and people with a watch or wallet to steal as much as it is another gangbanger. We're not seeing them thinning themselves out, so I don't think you're on the right side of history with that one. Besides, those gangbangers are still people, wrong as they are in the choices they made. Let them kill each other with a good old stiletto the way they used to before every Tom and his uncle had a gun, and there would be a lot less kids and innocent civilians caught in the cross fire.
What It's all boiled down to, people kill people not firearms… without a criminal mind a firearm is absolutely harmless.
Hmmm the link title says Gun "silencers". There is a difference between suppressors and silencers right ?
I would encourage you to go out to the range and shoot some firearms with suppressors, it may give you a better perspective.
You do see how the wording can confuse people on these things right ? Silencer in most people's understanding is to make the gun silent, where as a suppressor just limits the noise to a safer level. Understandable completely. The two need not be mixed. Actually could cause a bill to fail when such a thing happens.
The country has much bigger fish to fry than a non-issue like so-called gun violence…
Sometimes you are rich. ROFLMAO
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
423 people died in the past two weeks via gun in this country and that's not an issue. Really. If they'd died of the flu, everyone would be in a total panic. The CDC would be working overtime. WHO CARES if more people die of drug overdoses? As long as gun death is not the number one killer in this country, we can pooh-pooh it? I don't agree. Especially since some, maybe most, of the people shot were just ordinary folks going about their business and had some asshole point a weapon at them from a distance so there was no chance to fight back and KILLED them. I hate guns.
See that's the problem, you hate guns. So in other words You hate people who have a legitimate use for firearms, snowflake. And there is no law that's gonna stop shit from happening. The vast Majority of "gun violence" in this country, is violent killing from gangbangers killing other gangbangers. So the shit weeds the shit out…
The fact remains, you have more of a chance of getting killed by falling out of bed and/or killed by a tree than killed by the so-called "assault weapon" by a mass shooter...
No, I don't hate people who use firearms, Rustic! Please don't misunderstand me. I'd have to hate my own son and granddaughter if that were true; their idea of a fun day is target shooting at the gun club.

If the gangbangers were actually "weeding the shit out" by shooting each other, we should be getting on the downswing of that arc--more are dying every month, and it's the bystanders and people with a watch or wallet to steal as much as it is another gangbanger. We're not seeing them thinning themselves out, so I don't think you're on the right side of history with that one. Besides, those gangbangers are still people, wrong as they are in the choices they made. Let them kill each other with a good old stiletto the way they used to before every Tom and his uncle had a gun, and there would be a lot less kids and innocent civilians caught in the cross fire.
What It's all boiled down to, people kill people not firearms… without a criminal mind a firearm is absolutely harmless.
So are nuclear warheads.
But there ARE people with criminal/diseased/evil minds among us. The Fort Lauderdale shooting wouldn't have happened if the cops could have lawfully kept that loon's gun. And I'm sure they would have liked to. By blocking legislation that prevents those kinds of incidents, the NRA is not helping anyone.
If you were a mile away and I fired a suppressed pistol you'd still hear it just fine.
It just gets the sound down to a safe level.
. Depends on the suppressor used.

They still make noise. Now if you were shooting .22 shorts yeah maybe.
22 shorts kill also... In fact the bullet used in an AR-15 is nothing but a 22 or the equivalent right ? Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
Yes this is true, it's a 22 caliber. But at the same time you can't call a .223 high-powered and have any credibility.
A .22 short is just for plinking...
There's a reason for the second amendment, for the absolute health of this country...two ways about it
. Never claimed to be completely knowledgeable on every thing guns, although I am an avid hunter, shot gun and hand gun lover myself, but if learn anything new I am thankful always.
Most anti-gun people have never taken the time to look at the other side of the issue. They just see some bleeding heart on the TV and let emotion make up their mind for them… Always a losing proposition
423 people died in the past two weeks via gun in this country and that's not an issue. Really. If they'd died of the flu, everyone would be in a total panic. The CDC would be working overtime. WHO CARES if more people die of drug overdoses? As long as gun death is not the number one killer in this country, we can pooh-pooh it? I don't agree. Especially since some, maybe most, of the people shot were just ordinary folks going about their business and had some asshole point a weapon at them from a distance so there was no chance to fight back and KILLED them. I hate guns.
Your liberal stance on gun control is understandable, but not my stance on the subject. I love guns, but not guns in the wrong hands, and I definitely don't like wrecklace gun policies or wrecklace irresponsible gun mishandling or sales to those who do harm with guns in a criminal way. These things can be avoided if we work hard together to keep it real.
As much as I personally don't like them, I have accepted that I can't expect others to agree, and I am perfectly happy to be in agreement with you on keeping them out of the wrong hands.
See that's another problem, you say you can't expect others to agree with you but at the same time you insist on this control freak nature of the progressive.
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
You can call it progressive "control-freak nature" but to me it is no more radical or crazy than having speed limits on cars. My odometer goes to 130 mph; I assume the car will, too. But I don't mind the fact that I'm not allowed to go that fast on roads travelled by others. I do wish the NRA would think of the safety of unarmed citizens once in awhile.
. Good point, but with liberals they usually have alternative reasons behind when they do something, and that is what drives the defence mechanism to engage on the pro-gun side, and causes nothing to get done to help the gun saftey minded side.
423 people died in the past two weeks via gun in this country and that's not an issue. Really. If they'd died of the flu, everyone would be in a total panic. The CDC would be working overtime. WHO CARES if more people die of drug overdoses? As long as gun death is not the number one killer in this country, we can pooh-pooh it? I don't agree. Especially since some, maybe most, of the people shot were just ordinary folks going about their business and had some asshole point a weapon at them from a distance so there was no chance to fight back and KILLED them. I hate guns.
Your liberal stance on gun control is understandable, but not my stance on the subject. I love guns, but not guns in the wrong hands, and I definitely don't like wrecklace gun policies or wrecklace irresponsible gun mishandling or sales to those who do harm with guns in a criminal way. These things can be avoided if we work hard together to keep it real.
As much as I personally don't like them, I have accepted that I can't expect others to agree, and I am perfectly happy to be in agreement with you on keeping them out of the wrong hands.
See that's another problem, you say you can't expect others to agree with you but at the same time you insist on this control freak nature of the progressive.
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
You can call it progressive "control-freak nature" but to me it is no more radical or crazy than having speed limits on cars. My odometer goes to 130 mph; I assume the car will, too. But I don't mind the fact that I'm not allowed to go that fast on roads travelled by others. I do wish the NRA would think of the safety of unarmed citizens once in awhile.
See what you just said is clueless, the laws have no determining factor on peoples actions. They are the repercussions of bad behavior but they do not determine what a person does. The busywork of passing more and more frivolous laws is a fools errand.
More laws and regulations only affect the freedoms by diminishing the freedoms themselves. The NRA and like organizations are there to protect freedom's from overzealous governments and people. Because if they weren't there would be no freedoms.
You do realize firearm ownership is an absolute right and driving is a privilege?
Hmmm the link title says Gun "silencers". There is a difference between suppressors and silencers right ?
I would encourage you to go out to the range and shoot some firearms with suppressors, it may give you a better perspective.
You do see how the wording can confuse people on these things right ? Silencer in most people's understanding is to make the gun silent, where as a suppressor just limits the noise to a safer level. Understandable completely. The two need not be mixed. Actually could cause a bill to fail when such a thing happens.
As with anything you get what you pay for when it comes to suppressors. The ones I use/sell are surefire and start at $1700…
Sound Suppressors (Silencers) -- SureFire
New pistol with a built-in silencer debuts

423 people died in the past two weeks via gun in this country and that's not an issue. Really. If they'd died of the flu, everyone would be in a total panic. The CDC would be working overtime. WHO CARES if more people die of drug overdoses? As long as gun death is not the number one killer in this country, we can pooh-pooh it? I don't agree. Especially since some, maybe most, of the people shot were just ordinary folks going about their business and had some asshole point a weapon at them from a distance so there was no chance to fight back and KILLED them. I hate guns.
See that's the problem, you hate guns. So in other words You hate people who have a legitimate use for firearms, snowflake. And there is no law that's gonna stop shit from happening. The vast Majority of "gun violence" in this country, is violent killing from gangbangers killing other gangbangers. So the shit weeds the shit out…
The fact remains, you have more of a chance of getting killed by falling out of bed and/or killed by a tree than killed by the so-called "assault weapon" by a mass shooter...
No, I don't hate people who use firearms, Rustic! Please don't misunderstand me. I'd have to hate my own son and granddaughter if that were true; their idea of a fun day is target shooting at the gun club.

If the gangbangers were actually "weeding the shit out" by shooting each other, we should be getting on the downswing of that arc--more are dying every month, and it's the bystanders and people with a watch or wallet to steal as much as it is another gangbanger. We're not seeing them thinning themselves out, so I don't think you're on the right side of history with that one. Besides, those gangbangers are still people, wrong as they are in the choices they made. Let them kill each other with a good old stiletto the way they used to before every Tom and his uncle had a gun, and there would be a lot less kids and innocent civilians caught in the cross fire.
What It's all boiled down to, people kill people not firearms… without a criminal mind a firearm is absolutely harmless.
So are nuclear warheads.
But there ARE people with criminal/diseased/evil minds among us. The Fort Lauderdale shooting wouldn't have happened if the cops could have lawfully kept that loon's gun. And I'm sure they would have liked to. By blocking legislation that prevents those kinds of incidents, the NRA is not helping anyone.
See there you go again, you're assuming that laws would've stopped a crazy person following the crazy cult that is Islam.
The NRA and like organizations are the only things standing in the way of a corrupt waste filled politically correct federal government. Legislation would've stopped him following a cult? :lmao::lmao:
423 people died in the past two weeks via gun in this country and that's not an issue. Really. If they'd died of the flu, everyone would be in a total panic. The CDC would be working overtime. WHO CARES if more people die of drug overdoses? As long as gun death is not the number one killer in this country, we can pooh-pooh it? I don't agree. Especially since some, maybe most, of the people shot were just ordinary folks going about their business and had some asshole point a weapon at them from a distance so there was no chance to fight back and KILLED them. I hate guns.
Your liberal stance on gun control is understandable, but not my stance on the subject. I love guns, but not guns in the wrong hands, and I definitely don't like wrecklace gun policies or wrecklace irresponsible gun mishandling or sales to those who do harm with guns in a criminal way. These things can be avoided if we work hard together to keep it real.
As much as I personally don't like them, I have accepted that I can't expect others to agree, and I am perfectly happy to be in agreement with you on keeping them out of the wrong hands.
See that's another problem, you say you can't expect others to agree with you but at the same time you insist on this control freak nature of the progressive.
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
You can call it progressive "control-freak nature" but to me it is no more radical or crazy than having speed limits on cars. My odometer goes to 130 mph; I assume the car will, too. But I don't mind the fact that I'm not allowed to go that fast on roads travelled by others. I do wish the NRA would think of the safety of unarmed citizens once in awhile.
. Good point, but with liberals they usually have alternative reasons behind when they do something, and that is what drives the defence mechanism to engage on the pro-gun side, and causes nothing to get done to help the gun saftey minded side.
Alternative reasons? Too much koolaid, methinks.
423 people died in the past two weeks via gun in this country and that's not an issue. Really. If they'd died of the flu, everyone would be in a total panic. The CDC would be working overtime. WHO CARES if more people die of drug overdoses? As long as gun death is not the number one killer in this country, we can pooh-pooh it? I don't agree. Especially since some, maybe most, of the people shot were just ordinary folks going about their business and had some asshole point a weapon at them from a distance so there was no chance to fight back and KILLED them. I hate guns.
See that's the problem, you hate guns. So in other words You hate people who have a legitimate use for firearms, snowflake. And there is no law that's gonna stop shit from happening. The vast Majority of "gun violence" in this country, is violent killing from gangbangers killing other gangbangers. So the shit weeds the shit out…
The fact remains, you have more of a chance of getting killed by falling out of bed and/or killed by a tree than killed by the so-called "assault weapon" by a mass shooter...
No, I don't hate people who use firearms, Rustic! Please don't misunderstand me. I'd have to hate my own son and granddaughter if that were true; their idea of a fun day is target shooting at the gun club.

If the gangbangers were actually "weeding the shit out" by shooting each other, we should be getting on the downswing of that arc--more are dying every month, and it's the bystanders and people with a watch or wallet to steal as much as it is another gangbanger. We're not seeing them thinning themselves out, so I don't think you're on the right side of history with that one. Besides, those gangbangers are still people, wrong as they are in the choices they made. Let them kill each other with a good old stiletto the way they used to before every Tom and his uncle had a gun, and there would be a lot less kids and innocent civilians caught in the cross fire.
What It's all boiled down to, people kill people not firearms… without a criminal mind a firearm is absolutely harmless.
So are nuclear warheads.
But there ARE people with criminal/diseased/evil minds among us. The Fort Lauderdale shooting wouldn't have happened if the cops could have lawfully kept that loon's gun. And I'm sure they would have liked to. By blocking legislation that prevents those kinds of incidents, the NRA is not helping anyone.
See there you go again, you're assuming that laws would've stopped a crazy person following the crazy cult that is Islam.
The NRA and like organizations are the only things standing in the way of a corrupt waste filled politically correct federal government. Legislation would've stopped him following a cult? :lmao::lmao:
The crazy sonofabitch WENT to the FBI begging in his demented mind to be stopped and they took his gun for 72 hours. Then they gave it back and he packed it in his suitcase and went to Florida and shot ten people with it. What part of that would have been different if he didn't have his gun?
See that's the problem, you hate guns. So in other words You hate people who have a legitimate use for firearms, snowflake. And there is no law that's gonna stop shit from happening. The vast Majority of "gun violence" in this country, is violent killing from gangbangers killing other gangbangers. So the shit weeds the shit out…
The fact remains, you have more of a chance of getting killed by falling out of bed and/or killed by a tree than killed by the so-called "assault weapon" by a mass shooter...
No, I don't hate people who use firearms, Rustic! Please don't misunderstand me. I'd have to hate my own son and granddaughter if that were true; their idea of a fun day is target shooting at the gun club.

If the gangbangers were actually "weeding the shit out" by shooting each other, we should be getting on the downswing of that arc--more are dying every month, and it's the bystanders and people with a watch or wallet to steal as much as it is another gangbanger. We're not seeing them thinning themselves out, so I don't think you're on the right side of history with that one. Besides, those gangbangers are still people, wrong as they are in the choices they made. Let them kill each other with a good old stiletto the way they used to before every Tom and his uncle had a gun, and there would be a lot less kids and innocent civilians caught in the cross fire.
What It's all boiled down to, people kill people not firearms… without a criminal mind a firearm is absolutely harmless.
So are nuclear warheads.
But there ARE people with criminal/diseased/evil minds among us. The Fort Lauderdale shooting wouldn't have happened if the cops could have lawfully kept that loon's gun. And I'm sure they would have liked to. By blocking legislation that prevents those kinds of incidents, the NRA is not helping anyone.
See there you go again, you're assuming that laws would've stopped a crazy person following the crazy cult that is Islam.
The NRA and like organizations are the only things standing in the way of a corrupt waste filled politically correct federal government. Legislation would've stopped him following a cult? :lmao::lmao:
The crazy sonofabitch WENT to the FBI begging in his demented mind to be stopped and they took his gun for 72 hours. Then they gave it back and he packed it in his suitcase and went to Florida and shot ten people with it. What part of that would have been different if he didn't have his gun?
Up to that point he was just saying things and not doing…
Him thinking is different than him doing, what do you want to form a thought police right out of George Orwell's 1984?
Shit happens… There is evil in the world and no amount of frivolous laws is going to change that
No, I don't hate people who use firearms, Rustic! Please don't misunderstand me. I'd have to hate my own son and granddaughter if that were true; their idea of a fun day is target shooting at the gun club.

If the gangbangers were actually "weeding the shit out" by shooting each other, we should be getting on the downswing of that arc--more are dying every month, and it's the bystanders and people with a watch or wallet to steal as much as it is another gangbanger. We're not seeing them thinning themselves out, so I don't think you're on the right side of history with that one. Besides, those gangbangers are still people, wrong as they are in the choices they made. Let them kill each other with a good old stiletto the way they used to before every Tom and his uncle had a gun, and there would be a lot less kids and innocent civilians caught in the cross fire.
What It's all boiled down to, people kill people not firearms… without a criminal mind a firearm is absolutely harmless.
So are nuclear warheads.
But there ARE people with criminal/diseased/evil minds among us. The Fort Lauderdale shooting wouldn't have happened if the cops could have lawfully kept that loon's gun. And I'm sure they would have liked to. By blocking legislation that prevents those kinds of incidents, the NRA is not helping anyone.
See there you go again, you're assuming that laws would've stopped a crazy person following the crazy cult that is Islam.
The NRA and like organizations are the only things standing in the way of a corrupt waste filled politically correct federal government. Legislation would've stopped him following a cult? :lmao::lmao:
The crazy sonofabitch WENT to the FBI begging in his demented mind to be stopped and they took his gun for 72 hours. Then they gave it back and he packed it in his suitcase and went to Florida and shot ten people with it. What part of that would have been different if he didn't have his gun?
Up to that point he was just saying things and not doing…
Him thinking is different than him doing, what do you want to form a thought police right out of George Orwell's 1984?
Shit happens… There is evil in the world and no amount of frivolous laws is going to change that
I disagree. An agitated, clearly delusional guy walks in and tells the FBI the CIA is controlling his mind and making him watch ISIS videos. You would have patted him on the back and sent him home, since it was just a thought? We act on our thoughts at times. That's why if you say you want to kill the President, the Secret Service comes sniffing around. This is far from 1984 dysfunction. It's common sense.
What It's all boiled down to, people kill people not firearms… without a criminal mind a firearm is absolutely harmless.
So are nuclear warheads.
But there ARE people with criminal/diseased/evil minds among us. The Fort Lauderdale shooting wouldn't have happened if the cops could have lawfully kept that loon's gun. And I'm sure they would have liked to. By blocking legislation that prevents those kinds of incidents, the NRA is not helping anyone.
See there you go again, you're assuming that laws would've stopped a crazy person following the crazy cult that is Islam.
The NRA and like organizations are the only things standing in the way of a corrupt waste filled politically correct federal government. Legislation would've stopped him following a cult? :lmao::lmao:
The crazy sonofabitch WENT to the FBI begging in his demented mind to be stopped and they took his gun for 72 hours. Then they gave it back and he packed it in his suitcase and went to Florida and shot ten people with it. What part of that would have been different if he didn't have his gun?
Up to that point he was just saying things and not doing…
Him thinking is different than him doing, what do you want to form a thought police right out of George Orwell's 1984?
Shit happens… There is evil in the world and no amount of frivolous laws is going to change that
I disagree. An agitated, clearly delusional guy walks in and tells the FBI the CIA is controlling his mind and making him watch ISIS videos. You would have patted him on the back and sent him home, since it was just a thought? We act on our thoughts at times. That's why if you say you want to kill the President, the Secret Service comes sniffing around. This is far from 1984 dysfunction. It's common sense.
The Middle East proves every day you can't stop crazy and all of its forms… We just have to live with it
So are nuclear warheads.
But there ARE people with criminal/diseased/evil minds among us. The Fort Lauderdale shooting wouldn't have happened if the cops could have lawfully kept that loon's gun. And I'm sure they would have liked to. By blocking legislation that prevents those kinds of incidents, the NRA is not helping anyone.
See there you go again, you're assuming that laws would've stopped a crazy person following the crazy cult that is Islam.
The NRA and like organizations are the only things standing in the way of a corrupt waste filled politically correct federal government. Legislation would've stopped him following a cult? :lmao::lmao:
The crazy sonofabitch WENT to the FBI begging in his demented mind to be stopped and they took his gun for 72 hours. Then they gave it back and he packed it in his suitcase and went to Florida and shot ten people with it. What part of that would have been different if he didn't have his gun?
Up to that point he was just saying things and not doing…
Him thinking is different than him doing, what do you want to form a thought police right out of George Orwell's 1984?
Shit happens… There is evil in the world and no amount of frivolous laws is going to change that
I disagree. An agitated, clearly delusional guy walks in and tells the FBI the CIA is controlling his mind and making him watch ISIS videos. You would have patted him on the back and sent him home, since it was just a thought? We act on our thoughts at times. That's why if you say you want to kill the President, the Secret Service comes sniffing around. This is far from 1984 dysfunction. It's common sense.
The Middle East proves every day you can't stop crazy and all of its forms… We just have to live with it
No, we can't stop crazy. But we can cut down on the guns they get their hands on. If people would just not shrug and say oh, well, we just have to live with it. While putting another thou in the cash drawer from selling a gun.
Only in the movies, you obviously have never been around any firearm suppressors…:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Very true, which is why I asked. Are you going to explain what they are for, then?

If you were a mile away and I fired a suppressed pistol you'd still hear it just fine.
It just gets the sound down to a safe level.
. Depends on the suppressor used.

They still make noise. Now if you were shooting .22 shorts yeah maybe.
22 shorts kill also... In fact the bullet used in an AR-15 is nothing but a 22 or the equivalent right ? Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.

Other than one of them is going 3000 fps with a 55-72 grain slug and the other around around 900 fps with a 29-30 grain.
Yeah....they're just alike.

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