
OTOH, suppressors are the only thing mentioned in the 1934 National Firearms Act that is NOT unconstitutional to restrict.

But there's still no reason to restrict them.
Maybe not restrict totally, but not allow them to mask the distinct sound of a weapon being fired. How about ear plugs for the good guys, isn't that cheaper ?

You dont wear hearing protection while hunting.
As far as the sound goes,it sounds like a gun going off just a little quieter.

An unsuppressed .45 puts out 185 decibels,when suppressed 133 decibels which is the equivlent of a 200 member marching band or a little quieter than a jet engine at 100 ft.
You can wear hearing protection anytime you want, and yep that includes hunting yet all depending on the application or hunt. You are right that the suppressor as spoken of above is best, especially in Hunting. Might just need to restrict by type of weapon if there is a legitimate concern about usag of some types of weapons that would fit the bill I guess.
I Disagree.... Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it, and THEN WHAT ? You want people running around with silencers on guns ?

Who gives a shit? You do know they don't actually silence the shot like in the movies, right?
. You do know that John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malcolm reeked havoc, and cast terror into the people all along the I-95 corridor by using a Bushmaster high powered rifle with silencer to shoot and kill their victims from the trunk of their vehicle, but the Bushmaster wasn't the original weapon of choice, where as the Remington 700 was the original weapon of choice as you can read about below, and also you can read about the silencer used on the weapon as well. The Remington was stolen, but the Bushmaster was purchased at a gun show. Tragic and horrific story it all was. Will post the story next.

There was no "suppressor" used and there is no such thing as a silencer.
And the Bushmaster was stolen not purchased at a gun show.

"During the Beltway shootings, Muhammad and Malvo killed their victims with the .223 semi-automatic Bushmaster XM-15 assault rifle stolen by Malvo. The victims were all completely random and of different ages and sexes and were killed with single shots from a distance of 50-100 yards, and many of them were shot at or near gas stations. The shots were fired from their car, which had been fitted with a small hole in the trunk just above the license plate from which they aimed. They left tarot cards as calling cards at several crime scenes. One notable one, the Death card, had the phrase "Call me God" written on the front, and "For you mr. Police", "Code: Call me God" and "Do not release to the press" on the back. At some point, they also left a ransom note demanding ten million dollars. Prior to the Beltway shootings, they used different guns to attack their victims."
. Yes I corrected the part about the gun show... In one story I read it was purchased at the gun show, but then that one said the gun was given to them by their friend who has a gun shop ? There was a silencer used as I recall in the news back then, and the silencer was missing from the Remington 700 as you can see. It was probably reused on the Bushmaster. Will have to dig deeper. You did see in the story about the silencer right ?

Hadn't heard about the 700.
But again even if they used a suppressor the noise level would still be extremely high.
Witnesses reported hearing what they thought was a backfire.
Interesting... And the silencer of course is for hearing safety ? Could it be said that for the safety of those whom don't want to be killed without a sound being made, otherwise inorder to alert someone hopefully by that sound being made, that those person's would be against such a weapon being placed into the hands of the wrong person's and/or person ?? Now how well are our systems that to keep such a weapon out of the hands of the bad guy's if they so choose to acquire such a weapon ? Hmmm.

Fer Fukes Sake!!!!:bang3:

4 Things That Most People Get Wrong about Silencers | OutdoorHub

Gun "Silencers" Don't Make Them Anywhere Near Silent

The Truth About Suppressors

. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.

Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.

They did shoot from the trunk. As long as they extended the barrel outside the trunk before pulling the trigger they'd be fine.
. As I remember they shot the weapon with the barrel inside the trunk in order to conceal it. This I think was evident when shooting the lady going into purchase her groceries from the shopping center parking lot. It's what kept them from being revealed as they went about doing their killing.
OTOH, suppressors are the only thing mentioned in the 1934 National Firearms Act that is NOT unconstitutional to restrict.

But there's still no reason to restrict them.
Maybe not restrict totally, but not allow them to mask the distinct sound of a weapon being fired. How about ear plugs for the good guys, isn't that cheaper ?

You dont wear hearing protection while hunting.
As far as the sound goes,it sounds like a gun going off just a little quieter.

An unsuppressed .45 puts out 185 decibels,when suppressed 133 decibels which is the equivlent of a 200 member marching band or a little quieter than a jet engine at 100 ft.
You can wear hearing protection anytime you want, and yep that includes hunting yet all depending on the application or hunt. You are right that the suppressor as spoken of above is best, especially in Hunting. Might just need to restrict by type of weapon if there is a legitimate concern about usag of some types of weapons that would fit the bill I guess.

You want to be able to hear whats going on around you while hunting. Whether it's a snapping branch or the rushing sound of incoming birds.
. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.

Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.

They did shoot from the trunk. As long as they extended the barrel outside the trunk before pulling the trigger they'd be fine.
. As I remember they shot the weapon with the barrel inside the trunk in order to conceal it. This I think was evident when shooting the lady going into purchase her groceries from the shopping center parking lot. It's what kept them from being revealed as they went about doing their killing.

I promise you they were putting the muzzle outside the trunk.
Setting off a rifle in a space that enclosed would be far from pleasant,the noise would be tremendous as would the over pressure.
OTOH, suppressors are the only thing mentioned in the 1934 National Firearms Act that is NOT unconstitutional to restrict.

But there's still no reason to restrict them.
Maybe not restrict totally, but not allow them to mask the distinct sound of a weapon being fired. How about ear plugs for the good guys, isn't that cheaper ?

You dont wear hearing protection while hunting.
As far as the sound goes,it sounds like a gun going off just a little quieter.

An unsuppressed .45 puts out 185 decibels,when suppressed 133 decibels which is the equivlent of a 200 member marching band or a little quieter than a jet engine at 100 ft.
You can wear hearing protection anytime you want, and yep that includes hunting yet all depending on the application or hunt. You are right that the suppressor as spoken of above is best, especially in Hunting. Might just need to restrict by type of weapon if there is a legitimate concern about usag of some types of weapons that would fit the bill I guess.

You want to be able to hear whats going on around you while hunting. Whether it's a snapping branch or the rushing sound of incoming birds.
A steal hunt from a stand would suffice, but you would earplug up as soon as your target is aquirred.
. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.

Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.

They did shoot from the trunk. As long as they extended the barrel outside the trunk before pulling the trigger they'd be fine.
. As I remember they shot the weapon with the barrel inside the trunk in order to conceal it. This I think was evident when shooting the lady going into purchase her groceries from the shopping center parking lot. It's what kept them from being revealed as they went about doing their killing.

I promise you they were putting the muzzle outside the trunk.
Setting off a rifle in a space that enclosed would be far from pleasant,the noise would be tremendous as would the over pressure.
May have to go back and re-read the reports... I remember the event when it happend, and all the reports back then, but my mind is a bit foggy now.
OTOH, suppressors are the only thing mentioned in the 1934 National Firearms Act that is NOT unconstitutional to restrict.

But there's still no reason to restrict them.
Maybe not restrict totally, but not allow them to mask the distinct sound of a weapon being fired. How about ear plugs for the good guys, isn't that cheaper ?

You dont wear hearing protection while hunting.
As far as the sound goes,it sounds like a gun going off just a little quieter.

An unsuppressed .45 puts out 185 decibels,when suppressed 133 decibels which is the equivlent of a 200 member marching band or a little quieter than a jet engine at 100 ft.
You can wear hearing protection anytime you want, and yep that includes hunting yet all depending on the application or hunt. You are right that the suppressor as spoken of above is best, especially in Hunting. Might just need to restrict by type of weapon if there is a legitimate concern about usag of some types of weapons that would fit the bill I guess.

You want to be able to hear whats going on around you while hunting. Whether it's a snapping branch or the rushing sound of incoming birds.
A steal hunt from a stand would suffice, but you would earplug up as soon as your target is aquirred.

But that does no good for the wingshooter or other types of hunting where hearing is imperative.
. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.

Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.

They did shoot from the trunk. As long as they extended the barrel outside the trunk before pulling the trigger they'd be fine.
. As I remember they shot the weapon with the barrel inside the trunk in order to conceal it. This I think was evident when shooting the lady going into purchase her groceries from the shopping center parking lot. It's what kept them from being revealed as they went about doing their killing.

This is the Bushmaster they used. Note the absence of any threads for a manufactured suppressor. It didn't even have a "flash suppressor." And there are no signs (or claims) that a home made silencer was used. Taken from: DC Sniper Rifle


Here is an actual image of their car and trunk and how it was modified. The image includes an officer demonstrating the shooting position. Taken from:


Note the end of the barrel is sticking OUT of the trunk.
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i find out here anyway

the only time a suppressor is nice

is when you dont want to wake the farmers

that let you on their land at 3 am to smoke a few coyotes
i find out here anyway

the only time a suppressor is nice

is when you dont want to wake the farmers

that let you on their land at 3 am to smoke a few coyotes

I'd love to be able to shoot without ear protection no matter what i was doing.
The muff type ear protection sucks when it's hot out and I really dont care for sticking the foam plugs in my ear since they're kind of a pain in the ass.
i find out here anyway

the only time a suppressor is nice

is when you dont want to wake the farmers

that let you on their land at 3 am to smoke a few coyotes

I'd love to be able to shoot without ear protection no matter what i was doing.
The muff type ear protection sucks when it's hot out and I really dont care for sticking the foam plugs in my ear since they're kind of a pain in the ass.

suppressors are nice but they are class III NFA weapon

hunting if with a firearm i dont use any ear protection

on the range i use plugs which is ok for me

speaking of muffs

have you seen the one where the guy gets fly back from a fifty

i find out here anyway

the only time a suppressor is nice

is when you dont want to wake the farmers

that let you on their land at 3 am to smoke a few coyotes

I'd love to be able to shoot without ear protection no matter what i was doing.
The muff type ear protection sucks when it's hot out and I really dont care for sticking the foam plugs in my ear since they're kind of a pain in the ass.

suppressors are nice but they are class III NFA weapon

hunting if with a firearm i dont use any ear protection

on the range i use plugs which is ok for me

speaking of muffs

have you seen the one where the guy gets fly back from a fifty

Holy Shit!!! You could hear it coming!!!
Reminds me of the night me and a buddy were fishing the north Jetty and he got hung up,he just kept pulling until the leader snapped,you could hear it coming as well and the 1 ounce sinker knocked his two front teeth out.
Fortunately he kept one in his mouth and they were able to put it back and it took,unfortunately he swallowed the other one.....
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i find out here anyway

the only time a suppressor is nice

is when you dont want to wake the farmers

that let you on their land at 3 am to smoke a few coyotes

I'd love to be able to shoot without ear protection no matter what i was doing.
The muff type ear protection sucks when it's hot out and I really dont care for sticking the foam plugs in my ear since they're kind of a pain in the ass.

suppressors are nice but they are class III NFA weapon

hunting if with a firearm i dont use any ear protection

on the range i use plugs which is ok for me

speaking of muffs

have you seen the one where the guy gets fly back from a fifty

Holy Shit!!! You could hear it coming!!!
Reminds me of the night me and a buddy were fishing the north Jetty and he got hung up,he just kept pulling until the leader snapped,you could hear it coming as well and the 1 ounce sinker knocked his two front teeth out.
Fortunately he kept one in his mouth and they were able to put it back and it took,unfortunately he swallowed the other one.....

that guy was really lucky


many years ago

southern Minnesota had a one day deer season

so it was like a war zone

between my brother and i about three feet apart

had a slug pass between us that came from who knows where


we didnt venture out on slug day after that

today the seasons are much different as safer too
. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.

Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.

They did shoot from the trunk. As long as they extended the barrel outside the trunk before pulling the trigger they'd be fine.
. As I remember they shot the weapon with the barrel inside the trunk in order to conceal it. This I think was evident when shooting the lady going into purchase her groceries from the shopping center parking lot. It's what kept them from being revealed as they went about doing their killing.

This is the Bushmaster they used. Note the absence of any threads for a manufactured suppressor. It didn't even have a "flash suppressor." And there are no signs (or claims) that a home made silencer was used. Taken from: DC Sniper Rifle


Here is an actual image of their car and trunk and how it was modified. The image includes an officer demonstrating the shooting position. Taken from:


Note the end of the barrel is sticking OUT of the trunk.
. Nice work... Now looking at the same pictures you are looking at, is that not a suppressor on the end of that barrel or is that barrel just that thick ?? Would a suppressor have female threads or male threads ?? The Remington 700 it said that the silencer was an add/modification didn't it ?? Otherwise where as the barrel was threaded or modified to accept the silencer ?? So would the barrel be threaded on the outside, and the suppressor threaded on the inside ?? Not sure how the modification is accomplished in the set up.

How long is the suppressor in standard length ?? The cop is demonstrating the stance in the trunk, but the young Malvo was the one shooting from the trunk because of his smaller size, so not sure by the demonstration if it tells us exactly how they did this or not. The trunk is open in the demonstration, but in order to conseal the shooter and weapon when firing, the trunk was shut, and then I wonder how the boy was aquirring his target to actually shoot with just a hole big enough for the barrel to stick out of. Hmmm. How would the vehicle get close enough in a parking lot to shoot people with no suppressor at all, and the full sound of the gun being exposed in the shoot without revealing the position of these shooters instantly ??

They were baffling the authorities with their learned strategy in which made people to panic in these regions. Many questions not answered yet. Anyway, let's add the suppressor into the situation hypothetically then, now would it have enhanced their abilities to get away with their killing more stealth like or lesson their ability to get away with what they pulled off ?? The only reason I'm adding it to the event, is because the Remington 700 had one on it, but it was missing when found. How much more efficient would they have been if had kept the 700 with all it's accessories talked about ?? Wasn't the back seat removed, and therefore the shooter would crawl into position from the back seat area, lay down, look through scope down the barrel inside trunk, otherwise with the scope atop looking and pointing out of the same whole, and while both were being concealed ?? I think this is what was reported back then, but not sure now. Seems the only way to conceal the shoot, keep the sound down, aquire the target, and make the shoot through the same hole. If to close to hole, then you would lose the ability to aquire the target through the same hole. Both shooter and weapon has to be back at least 3 to 4' from the hole, and also for the tri-pod to work if had one. Hmm..
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Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.

They did shoot from the trunk. As long as they extended the barrel outside the trunk before pulling the trigger they'd be fine.
. As I remember they shot the weapon with the barrel inside the trunk in order to conceal it. This I think was evident when shooting the lady going into purchase her groceries from the shopping center parking lot. It's what kept them from being revealed as they went about doing their killing.

This is the Bushmaster they used. Note the absence of any threads for a manufactured suppressor. It didn't even have a "flash suppressor." And there are no signs (or claims) that a home made silencer was used. Taken from: DC Sniper Rifle


Here is an actual image of their car and trunk and how it was modified. The image includes an officer demonstrating the shooting position. Taken from:


Note the end of the barrel is sticking OUT of the trunk.
. Nice work... Now looking at the same pictures you are looking at, is that not a suppressor on the end of that barrel or is that barrel just that thick ?? Would a suppressor have female threads or male threads ?? The Remington 700 it said that the silencer was an add/modification didn't it ?? Otherwise where as the barrel was threaded or modified to accept the silencer ?? So would the barrel be threaded on the outside, and the suppressor threaded on the inside ?? Not sure how the modification is accomplished in the set up.

How long is the suppressor in standard length ?? The cop is demonstrating the stance in the trunk, but the young Malvo was the one shooting from the trunk because of his smaller size, so not sure by the demonstration if it tells us exactly how they did this or not. The trunk is open in the demonstration, but in order to conseal the shooter and weapon when firing, the trunk was shut, and then I wonder how the boy was aquirring his target to actually shoot with just a hole big enough for the barrel to stick out of. Hmmm. How would the vehicle get close enough in a parking lot to shoot people with no suppressor at all, and the full sound of the gun being exposed in the shoot without revealing the position of these shooters instantly ??

They were baffling the authorities with their learned strategy in which made people to panic in these regions. Many questions not answered yet. Anyway, let's add the suppressor into the situation hypothetically then, now would it have enhanced their abilities to get away with their killing more stealth like or lesson their ability to get away with what they pulled off ?? The only reason I'm adding it to the event, is because the Remington 700 had one on it, but it was missing when found. How much more efficient would they have been if had kept the 700 with all it's accessories talked about ?? Wasn't the back seat removed, and therefore the shooter would crawl into position from the back seat area, lay down, look through scope down the barrel inside trunk, otherwise with the scope atop looking and pointing out of the same whole, and while both were being concealed ?? I think this is what was reported back then, but not sure now. Seems to only way to conceal the shoot, keep the sound down, aquire the target, and make the shoot through the same hole. If to close to hole, then you would lose the ability to aquire the target through the same hole. Both shooter and weapon has to be back at least 3 to 4' from the hole, and also for the tri-pod to work if had one. Hmm..


not a suppressor just the barrel
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.

They did shoot from the trunk. As long as they extended the barrel outside the trunk before pulling the trigger they'd be fine.
. As I remember they shot the weapon with the barrel inside the trunk in order to conceal it. This I think was evident when shooting the lady going into purchase her groceries from the shopping center parking lot. It's what kept them from being revealed as they went about doing their killing.

This is the Bushmaster they used. Note the absence of any threads for a manufactured suppressor. It didn't even have a "flash suppressor." And there are no signs (or claims) that a home made silencer was used. Taken from: DC Sniper Rifle


Here is an actual image of their car and trunk and how it was modified. The image includes an officer demonstrating the shooting position. Taken from:


Note the end of the barrel is sticking OUT of the trunk.
. Nice work... Now looking at the same pictures you are looking at, is that not a suppressor on the end of that barrel or is that barrel just that thick ?? Would a suppressor have female threads or male threads ?? The Remington 700 it said that the silencer was an add/modification didn't it ?? Otherwise where as the barrel was threaded or modified to accept the silencer ?? So would the barrel be threaded on the outside, and the suppressor threaded on the inside ?? Not sure how the modification is accomplished in the set up.

How long is the suppressor in standard length ?? The cop is demonstrating the stance in the trunk, but the young Malvo was the one shooting from the trunk because of his smaller size, so not sure by the demonstration if it tells us exactly how they did this or not. The trunk is open in the demonstration, but in order to conseal the shooter and weapon when firing, the trunk was shut, and then I wonder how the boy was aquirring his target to actually shoot with just a hole big enough for the barrel to stick out of. Hmmm. How would the vehicle get close enough in a parking lot to shoot people with no suppressor at all, and the full sound of the gun being exposed in the shoot without revealing the position of these shooters instantly ??

They were baffling the authorities with their learned strategy in which made people to panic in these regions. Many questions not answered yet. Anyway, let's add the suppressor into the situation hypothetically then, now would it have enhanced their abilities to get away with their killing more stealth like or lesson their ability to get away with what they pulled off ?? The only reason I'm adding it to the event, is because the Remington 700 had one on it, but it was missing when found. How much more efficient would they have been if had kept the 700 with all it's accessories talked about ?? Wasn't the back seat removed, and therefore the shooter would crawl into position from the back seat area, lay down, look through scope down the barrel inside trunk, otherwise with the scope atop looking and pointing out of the same whole, and while both were being concealed ?? I think this is what was reported back then, but not sure now. Seems to only way to conceal the shoot, keep the sound down, aquire the target, and make the shoot through the same hole. If to close to hole, then you would lose the ability to aquire the target through the same hole. Both shooter and weapon has to be back at least 3 to 4' from the hole, and also for the tri-pod to work if had one. Hmm..


not a suppressor just the barrel
. Fat barrel... Must be for shock resistance and such.
They did shoot from the trunk. As long as they extended the barrel outside the trunk before pulling the trigger they'd be fine.
. As I remember they shot the weapon with the barrel inside the trunk in order to conceal it. This I think was evident when shooting the lady going into purchase her groceries from the shopping center parking lot. It's what kept them from being revealed as they went about doing their killing.

This is the Bushmaster they used. Note the absence of any threads for a manufactured suppressor. It didn't even have a "flash suppressor." And there are no signs (or claims) that a home made silencer was used. Taken from: DC Sniper Rifle


Here is an actual image of their car and trunk and how it was modified. The image includes an officer demonstrating the shooting position. Taken from:


Note the end of the barrel is sticking OUT of the trunk.
. Nice work... Now looking at the same pictures you are looking at, is that not a suppressor on the end of that barrel or is that barrel just that thick ?? Would a suppressor have female threads or male threads ?? The Remington 700 it said that the silencer was an add/modification didn't it ?? Otherwise where as the barrel was threaded or modified to accept the silencer ?? So would the barrel be threaded on the outside, and the suppressor threaded on the inside ?? Not sure how the modification is accomplished in the set up.

How long is the suppressor in standard length ?? The cop is demonstrating the stance in the trunk, but the young Malvo was the one shooting from the trunk because of his smaller size, so not sure by the demonstration if it tells us exactly how they did this or not. The trunk is open in the demonstration, but in order to conseal the shooter and weapon when firing, the trunk was shut, and then I wonder how the boy was aquirring his target to actually shoot with just a hole big enough for the barrel to stick out of. Hmmm. How would the vehicle get close enough in a parking lot to shoot people with no suppressor at all, and the full sound of the gun being exposed in the shoot without revealing the position of these shooters instantly ??

They were baffling the authorities with their learned strategy in which made people to panic in these regions. Many questions not answered yet. Anyway, let's add the suppressor into the situation hypothetically then, now would it have enhanced their abilities to get away with their killing more stealth like or lesson their ability to get away with what they pulled off ?? The only reason I'm adding it to the event, is because the Remington 700 had one on it, but it was missing when found. How much more efficient would they have been if had kept the 700 with all it's accessories talked about ?? Wasn't the back seat removed, and therefore the shooter would crawl into position from the back seat area, lay down, look through scope down the barrel inside trunk, otherwise with the scope atop looking and pointing out of the same whole, and while both were being concealed ?? I think this is what was reported back then, but not sure now. Seems to only way to conceal the shoot, keep the sound down, aquire the target, and make the shoot through the same hole. If to close to hole, then you would lose the ability to aquire the target through the same hole. Both shooter and weapon has to be back at least 3 to 4' from the hole, and also for the tri-pod to work if had one. Hmm..


not a suppressor just the barrel
. Fat barrel... Must be for shock resistance and such.

Dude seriously.

If you are going to remain this ignorant about guns. . . . for the love of Gawd, please have the decency to change your avatar to some snowflake, a daisy, tree hugger. . . . something like that.
Texas congressmen hope gun silencer bill finds new momentum under Trump administration | Guns | Dallas News

Don Jr is really pushing for this, it will be a great thing for the average American…
. No reason for silencers in the hands of citizens outside of the military period.
Bullshit, there's thousands of reasons why the average American that owns firearms should have access to suppressors.
And at the same time there should be no reason other than - just because they want them.


Okay. List them.

(no duplicates please)
. As I remember they shot the weapon with the barrel inside the trunk in order to conceal it. This I think was evident when shooting the lady going into purchase her groceries from the shopping center parking lot. It's what kept them from being revealed as they went about doing their killing.

This is the Bushmaster they used. Note the absence of any threads for a manufactured suppressor. It didn't even have a "flash suppressor." And there are no signs (or claims) that a home made silencer was used. Taken from: DC Sniper Rifle


Here is an actual image of their car and trunk and how it was modified. The image includes an officer demonstrating the shooting position. Taken from:


Note the end of the barrel is sticking OUT of the trunk.
. Nice work... Now looking at the same pictures you are looking at, is that not a suppressor on the end of that barrel or is that barrel just that thick ?? Would a suppressor have female threads or male threads ?? The Remington 700 it said that the silencer was an add/modification didn't it ?? Otherwise where as the barrel was threaded or modified to accept the silencer ?? So would the barrel be threaded on the outside, and the suppressor threaded on the inside ?? Not sure how the modification is accomplished in the set up.

How long is the suppressor in standard length ?? The cop is demonstrating the stance in the trunk, but the young Malvo was the one shooting from the trunk because of his smaller size, so not sure by the demonstration if it tells us exactly how they did this or not. The trunk is open in the demonstration, but in order to conseal the shooter and weapon when firing, the trunk was shut, and then I wonder how the boy was aquirring his target to actually shoot with just a hole big enough for the barrel to stick out of. Hmmm. How would the vehicle get close enough in a parking lot to shoot people with no suppressor at all, and the full sound of the gun being exposed in the shoot without revealing the position of these shooters instantly ??

They were baffling the authorities with their learned strategy in which made people to panic in these regions. Many questions not answered yet. Anyway, let's add the suppressor into the situation hypothetically then, now would it have enhanced their abilities to get away with their killing more stealth like or lesson their ability to get away with what they pulled off ?? The only reason I'm adding it to the event, is because the Remington 700 had one on it, but it was missing when found. How much more efficient would they have been if had kept the 700 with all it's accessories talked about ?? Wasn't the back seat removed, and therefore the shooter would crawl into position from the back seat area, lay down, look through scope down the barrel inside trunk, otherwise with the scope atop looking and pointing out of the same whole, and while both were being concealed ?? I think this is what was reported back then, but not sure now. Seems to only way to conceal the shoot, keep the sound down, aquire the target, and make the shoot through the same hole. If to close to hole, then you would lose the ability to aquire the target through the same hole. Both shooter and weapon has to be back at least 3 to 4' from the hole, and also for the tri-pod to work if had one. Hmm..


not a suppressor just the barrel
. Fat barrel... Must be for shock resistance and such.

Dude seriously.

If you are going to remain this ignorant about guns. . . . for the love of Gawd, please have the decency to change your avatar to some snowflake, a daisy, tree hugger. . . . something like that.
. Ohh, so if I am questioning things a little that are curious to me (undoubtedly sacred to you upon the positions that you hold on the topic), then I am a liberal eh ?? Is this how it's gonna be with you people as well ?? Hypocrite much ?? :itsok:

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