
Only in the movies, you obviously have never been around any firearm suppressors…:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Very true, which is why I asked. Are you going to explain what they are for, then?

If you were a mile away and I fired a suppressed pistol you'd still hear it just fine.
It just gets the sound down to a safe level.
. Depends on the suppressor used.
Not really, all it really does a suppress the noise out of the barrel. There's really no suppressing the noise that comes from the action. You watch too many Hollywood movies…
. There isn't different levels of suppression ? Seems there would be since weapons all have different outputs on noise. I mean if this bill is about hearing safety right ?

Bigger calibers make more noise than smaller calibers suppressed or not.
If you were a mile away and I fired a suppressed pistol you'd still hear it just fine.
It just gets the sound down to a safe level.
. Depends on the suppressor used.
Not really, all it really does a suppress the noise out of the barrel. There's really no suppressing the noise that comes from the action. You watch too many Hollywood movies…
. There isn't different levels of suppression ? Seems there would be since weapons all have different outputs on noise. I mean if this bill is about hearing safety right ?
If you done any shooting with a suppressor you realize it just takes the edge off of the sound. That's why it's called a suppressor not a silencer, silencer is used in the Hollywood movies. You realize you can't believe anything from the movies?
So a suppressor is not the same as a silencer ?? Where did I get the word silencer from ? Will have to look back. If different then I agree with the bill.... Thanks

There's no such thing as a silencer.
See there you go again, you're assuming that laws would've stopped a crazy person following the crazy cult that is Islam.
The NRA and like organizations are the only things standing in the way of a corrupt waste filled politically correct federal government. Legislation would've stopped him following a cult? :lmao::lmao:
The crazy sonofabitch WENT to the FBI begging in his demented mind to be stopped and they took his gun for 72 hours. Then they gave it back and he packed it in his suitcase and went to Florida and shot ten people with it. What part of that would have been different if he didn't have his gun?
Up to that point he was just saying things and not doing…
Him thinking is different than him doing, what do you want to form a thought police right out of George Orwell's 1984?
Shit happens… There is evil in the world and no amount of frivolous laws is going to change that
I disagree. An agitated, clearly delusional guy walks in and tells the FBI the CIA is controlling his mind and making him watch ISIS videos. You would have patted him on the back and sent him home, since it was just a thought? We act on our thoughts at times. That's why if you say you want to kill the President, the Secret Service comes sniffing around. This is far from 1984 dysfunction. It's common sense.
The Middle East proves every day you can't stop crazy and all of its forms… We just have to live with it
No, we can't stop crazy. But we can cut down on the guns they get their hands on. If people would just not shrug and say oh, well, we just have to live with it. While putting another thou in the cash drawer from selling a gun.
You're shallow minded on this, if it's not guns it's something else in fact they prefer bombs and vehicles to do mass killing over firearms.
Just because they don't have access to firearms will make them stop, that is the most childish wrongheaded thing you could possibly think of. You are a defeatist...
With every passing day records are being broken on how many firearms are being sold, and yet violent crime is going down nationwide. The problem areas are urban inner-city areas were violent crime is going up and those are the most controlled areas of the country and are filled with broken families... it's obvious what's going on here.
Inner-city violence has nothing to do with firearms and everything to do with a people problem… There's a reason why those people vote progressive all the time. They like to wallow in their own shit.
Anyone with even the most basic of crafting skills can make a supressor out of even ordinary household items. That goes for explosives too.

Don't believe me? Try googling "homemade suppressor" or "how to make explosive" sometime.

Bans against the manufacture and sales of these things only affect the law abiding. Any determined criminal can get them any time they want to.
New pistol with a built-in silencer debuts

Interesting... And the silencer of course is for hearing safety ? Could it be said that for the safety of those whom don't want to be killed without a sound being made, otherwise inorder to alert someone hopefully by a sound being made, that those person's would be against such a weapon being placed into the hands of the wrong person's and/or person ?? Now how well are our systems that to keep such a weapon out of the hands of the bad guy's if they so choose to acquire such a weapon ? Hmmm.
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Interesting... And the silencer of course is for hearing safety ? Could it be said that for the safety of those whom don't want to be killed without a sound being made, otherwise inorder to alert someone hopefully by that sound being made, that those person's would be against such a weapon being placed into the hands of the wrong person's and/or person ?? Now how well are our systems that to keep such a weapon out of the hands of the bad guy's if they so choose to acquire such a weapon ? Hmmm.

Fer Fukes Sake!!!!:bang3:

4 Things That Most People Get Wrong about Silencers | OutdoorHub

Gun "Silencers" Don't Make Them Anywhere Near Silent

The Truth About Suppressors

I Disagree.... Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it, and THEN WHAT ? You want people running around with silencers on guns ?

Who gives a shit? You do know they don't actually silence the shot like in the movies, right?
. You do know that John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malcolm reeked havoc, and cast terror into the people all along the I-95 corridor by using a Bushmaster high powered rifle with silencer to shoot and kill their victims from the trunk of their vehicle don't you ?? Now the Bushmaster wasn't the original weapon of choice, where as the Remington 700 was the original weapon of choice as you can read about below, and also as an add you can read about the silencer or modification used on the weapon as well. The Remington was stolen, but the Bushmaster was stolen. Tragic and horrific story it all was. Will post the story next.

Gun Week, owned by the Second Amendment Foundation, is a nationally circulated firearms news publication with offices in Buffalo, New York, and Bellevue, Wash. According to the upcoming story, by senior editor Dave Workman, the rifle the pair likely wanted to use wound up locked up in the Pierce County Sheriff's Department armory months before the sniper mayhem began.

Their apparent weapon of choice was a Remington Model 700, equipped with a telescopic sight, bipod and, more troubling, a barrel that had been shortened by 6 inches and threaded to accept a silencer.

Workman, a firearms expert, and law enforcement agree that the Remington would have been a perfect tool in the snipers' strategy of firing through a small opening in the trunk of their car. It would have been accurate at more than twice the range; its impact more destructive to its human targets, and the silencer would have allowed the snipers to fire more shots from each location with less risk of being detected.

But Muhammad and Malvo lost the Remington before it could be put to their terrible use, a loss that apparently spurred Muhammad and Malvo to steal the Bushmaster from Bull's Eye.

The Remington came to Pierce County deputies after two men found it in a vacant lot on Aug. 18, 2002. They reported hearing what sounded like someone running away through the brush as they came upon the gun. They found the loaded rifle -- minus silencer -- at a vantage point with a clear line of fire to both an apartment building and a busy highway.

Pierce County deputies took the Remington into custody, filed a found-property report and checked to see if the rifle was registered. It was not. Despite the unusual circumstances in which the rifle was found, no additional follow-up was done. They didn't, for instance, try to find the owner by tracing the weapon's serial number through the dealer who sold it.

If they had, they would have found that the dealer was Bull's Eye Shooter Supply, and the owner was Earl Lee Dancy Jr.

It was Dancy who later told the FBI that he'd let Muhammad and Malvo use his firearms when they lived in Tacoma, including the .45-caliber pistol used to murder Keenya Cook.

And it was Dancy who said he'd bought the Remington 700 for Muhammad, because Muhammad could not legally buy a firearm.

And after the pair abandoned it in the vacant Tacoma lot, it was Dancy who -- at Muhammad's urging -- had the chutzpah to report the "theft" of that expensive rifle to the Fife Police Department on Aug. 20, 2002.

Fife Police Chief Rob DeGroot, who joined the department less than a year ago, says the standard procedure should have been to enter the missing weapon's serial number into the state and national crime computer networks.

Note that these cats were illegal immigrants also. Violation of immigration laws.

Before you think of me as simple minded using things like Hollywood and movies about silencers on me, we'll get ready for your dose of reality that I ain't as simple minded as you think I am.
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I Disagree.... Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it, and THEN WHAT ? You want people running around with silencers on guns ?

Who gives a shit? You do know they don't actually silence the shot like in the movies, right?
. You do know that John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malcolm reeked havoc, and cast terror into the people all along the I-95 corridor by using a Bushmaster high powered rifle with silencer to shoot and kill their victims from the trunk of their vehicle, but the Bushmaster wasn't the original weapon of choice, where as the Remington 700 was the original weapon of choice as you can read about below, and also you can read about the silencer used on the weapon as well. The Remington was stolen, but the Bushmaster was purchased at a gun show. Tragic and horrific story it all was. Will post the story next.

There was no "suppressor" used and there is no such thing as a silencer.
And the Bushmaster was stolen not purchased at a gun show.

"During the Beltway shootings, Muhammad and Malvo killed their victims with the .223 semi-automatic Bushmaster XM-15 assault rifle stolen by Malvo. The victims were all completely random and of different ages and sexes and were killed with single shots from a distance of 50-100 yards, and many of them were shot at or near gas stations. The shots were fired from their car, which had been fitted with a small hole in the trunk just above the license plate from which they aimed. They left tarot cards as calling cards at several crime scenes. One notable one, the Death card, had the phrase "Call me God" written on the front, and "For you mr. Police", "Code: Call me God" and "Do not release to the press" on the back. At some point, they also left a ransom note demanding ten million dollars. Prior to the Beltway shootings, they used different guns to attack their victims."
Interesting... And the silencer of course is for hearing safety ? Could it be said that for the safety of those whom don't want to be killed without a sound being made, otherwise inorder to alert someone hopefully by that sound being made, that those person's would be against such a weapon being placed into the hands of the wrong person's and/or person ?? Now how well are our systems that to keep such a weapon out of the hands of the bad guy's if they so choose to acquire such a weapon ? Hmmm.

Fer Fukes Sake!!!!:bang3:

4 Things That Most People Get Wrong about Silencers | OutdoorHub

Gun "Silencers" Don't Make Them Anywhere Near Silent

The Truth About Suppressors

. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.
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I Disagree.... Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it, and THEN WHAT ? You want people running around with silencers on guns ?

Who gives a shit? You do know they don't actually silence the shot like in the movies, right?
. You do know that John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malcolm reeked havoc, and cast terror into the people all along the I-95 corridor by using a Bushmaster high powered rifle with silencer to shoot and kill their victims from the trunk of their vehicle, but the Bushmaster wasn't the original weapon of choice, where as the Remington 700 was the original weapon of choice as you can read about below, and also you can read about the silencer used on the weapon as well. The Remington was stolen, but the Bushmaster was purchased at a gun show. Tragic and horrific story it all was. Will post the story next.

There was no "suppressor" used and there is no such thing as a silencer.
And the Bushmaster was stolen not purchased at a gun show.

"During the Beltway shootings, Muhammad and Malvo killed their victims with the .223 semi-automatic Bushmaster XM-15 assault rifle stolen by Malvo. The victims were all completely random and of different ages and sexes and were killed with single shots from a distance of 50-100 yards, and many of them were shot at or near gas stations. The shots were fired from their car, which had been fitted with a small hole in the trunk just above the license plate from which they aimed. They left tarot cards as calling cards at several crime scenes. One notable one, the Death card, had the phrase "Call me God" written on the front, and "For you mr. Police", "Code: Call me God" and "Do not release to the press" on the back. At some point, they also left a ransom note demanding ten million dollars. Prior to the Beltway shootings, they used different guns to attack their victims."
. Yes I corrected the part about the gun show... In one story I read it was purchased at the gun show, but then that one said the gun was given to them by their friend who has a gun shop ? There was a silencer used as I recall in the news back then, and the silencer was missing from the Remington 700 as you can see. It was probably reused on the Bushmaster. Will have to dig deeper. You did see in the story about the silencer right ?
OTOH, suppressors are the only thing mentioned in the 1934 National Firearms Act that is NOT unconstitutional to restrict.

But there's still no reason to restrict them.
Anyone with even the most basic of crafting skills can make a supressor out of even ordinary household items. That goes for explosives too.

Don't believe me? Try googling "homemade suppressor" or "how to make explosive" sometime.

Bans against the manufacture and sales of these things only affect the law abiding. Any determined criminal can get them any time they want to.
True, but wouldn't such a thing be illegal to modify a weapon in these ways (i.e to modify the barrel of a shotgun by sawing it off ) ?? What does the average American need with a silencer or suppressor other than to bring down the noise to a safe level ? We need a weapon to make a distinct noise, and this way the community can be alerted that a weapon has been discharged in an unlawful manor in a community, mall or what have you. When a terrorist unleashes his gun violence in a crowded mall or etc. the people need to know immediately that it is a gun their hearing, and not mistake it for something else.
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Interesting... And the silencer of course is for hearing safety ? Could it be said that for the safety of those whom don't want to be killed without a sound being made, otherwise inorder to alert someone hopefully by that sound being made, that those person's would be against such a weapon being placed into the hands of the wrong person's and/or person ?? Now how well are our systems that to keep such a weapon out of the hands of the bad guy's if they so choose to acquire such a weapon ? Hmmm.

Fer Fukes Sake!!!!:bang3:

4 Things That Most People Get Wrong about Silencers | OutdoorHub

Gun "Silencers" Don't Make Them Anywhere Near Silent

The Truth About Suppressors

. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.

Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
Anyone with even the most basic of crafting skills can make a supressor out of even ordinary household items. That goes for explosives too.

Don't believe me? Try googling "homemade suppressor" or "how to make explosive" sometime.

Bans against the manufacture and sales of these things only affect the law abiding. Any determined criminal can get them any time they want to.
True, but wouldn't such a thing be illegal to modify a weapon in these ways (i.e to modify the barrel of a shotgun by sawing it off ) ??

Did you skip over the part where I said that laws will only affect the "law abiding?"

Do you really think someone engaging in a plot to MURDER someone is going to stop and think twice before buying or building a "silencer" to be used on the hit?

Or what?

What does the average American need with a silencer or suppressor other than to bring down the noise to a safe level ?

Our rights, freedoms and liberties are not limited to ONLY those things we "need." Are they?

We need a weapon to make a distinct noise, and this way the community can be alerted of a weapon has been discharged in an unlawful manor in a community, mall or what have you.

Again, I refer you to the youtube videos and how easy it is (and always will be) for any criminal who wants one to get or make them for themselves.
OTOH, suppressors are the only thing mentioned in the 1934 National Firearms Act that is NOT unconstitutional to restrict.

But there's still no reason to restrict them.
Maybe not restrict totally, but not allow them to mask the distinct sound of a weapon being fired. How about ear plugs for the good guys, isn't that cheaper ?
Interesting... And the silencer of course is for hearing safety ? Could it be said that for the safety of those whom don't want to be killed without a sound being made, otherwise inorder to alert someone hopefully by that sound being made, that those person's would be against such a weapon being placed into the hands of the wrong person's and/or person ?? Now how well are our systems that to keep such a weapon out of the hands of the bad guy's if they so choose to acquire such a weapon ? Hmmm.

Fer Fukes Sake!!!!:bang3:

4 Things That Most People Get Wrong about Silencers | OutdoorHub

Gun "Silencers" Don't Make Them Anywhere Near Silent

The Truth About Suppressors

. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.

Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.
OTOH, suppressors are the only thing mentioned in the 1934 National Firearms Act that is NOT unconstitutional to restrict.

But there's still no reason to restrict them.
Maybe not restrict totally, but not allow them to mask the distinct sound of a weapon being fired. How about ear plugs for the good guys, isn't that cheaper ?

You dont wear hearing protection while hunting.
As far as the sound goes,it sounds like a gun going off just a little quieter.

An unsuppressed .45 puts out 185 decibels,when suppressed 133 decibels which is the equivlent of a 200 member marching band or a little quieter than a jet engine at 100 ft.
Interesting... And the silencer of course is for hearing safety ? Could it be said that for the safety of those whom don't want to be killed without a sound being made, otherwise inorder to alert someone hopefully by that sound being made, that those person's would be against such a weapon being placed into the hands of the wrong person's and/or person ?? Now how well are our systems that to keep such a weapon out of the hands of the bad guy's if they so choose to acquire such a weapon ? Hmmm.

Fer Fukes Sake!!!!:bang3:

4 Things That Most People Get Wrong about Silencers | OutdoorHub

Gun "Silencers" Don't Make Them Anywhere Near Silent

The Truth About Suppressors

. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.

Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.

They did shoot from the trunk. As long as they extended the barrel outside the trunk before pulling the trigger they'd be fine.
Interesting... And the silencer of course is for hearing safety ? Could it be said that for the safety of those whom don't want to be killed without a sound being made, otherwise inorder to alert someone hopefully by that sound being made, that those person's would be against such a weapon being placed into the hands of the wrong person's and/or person ?? Now how well are our systems that to keep such a weapon out of the hands of the bad guy's if they so choose to acquire such a weapon ? Hmmm.

Fer Fukes Sake!!!!:bang3:

4 Things That Most People Get Wrong about Silencers | OutdoorHub

Gun "Silencers" Don't Make Them Anywhere Near Silent

The Truth About Suppressors

. All depends on the military operation or need in which each silencer or gun choice (with it's silencer) is to be used for, in that gets the desired results as would be intended and gained from the choices made. As the article I submitted read, that the better choice for Malvo would have been the Remington 700 with tri-pod, scope and silencer, but they had lost the rifle, and instead used the Bushmaster.

Which would have still been loud as fuck!!!!
I bet so while in the trunk of that car, so virtually it was impossible to actually shoot such a weapon as the Remington or the Bushmaster from the inside of a trunk without a silencer/suppressor.

Dude, you really need to educate yourself on guns. A remington 700 is a bolt action gun. The car those idiots were driving had a hole cut out the ass end of it, for the guns barrel to stick out of. Virtually ALL of the cound from a remington 700 (or any other rifle for that matter) comes from the Muzze Blast. . . namely the end sticking out of the fucking car trunk.

Furthermore, silencers and supressors make a weapon practically a foot longer by extension. It would be very easily seen sticking out from the ass end of a vehicle. And given that they are hardly effective on anything Hypersonic. .. only an idiot would think it an advantage.

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