
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Got it on the hearing protection act.. That is understandable, but we must keep all enforcement of any proper vetting, certifications, back ground checks, waiting periods and such intact.
A firearm suppressor is nothing more than an accessory, just like a magazine, extended stock, collapsible stock, etc.
And they should be treated as such there should be no fee, no waiting period, No background check on suppressors. Without a firearm they are absolutely useless and harmless… Much like any other firearm accessory.
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
Only in the movies, you obviously have never been around any firearm suppressors…:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Texas congressmen hope gun silencer bill finds new momentum under Trump administration | Guns | Dallas News

Don Jr is really pushing for this, it will be a great thing for the average American…
. No reason for silencers in the hands of citizens outside of the military period.
Bullshit, there's thousands of reasons why the average American that owns firearms should have access to suppressors.
And at the same time there should be no reason other than - just because they want them.
. I Disagree.... Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it, and THEN WHAT ? You want people running around with silencers on guns ? What for ? Tell me what good use does these silencers have in our society at large ? I am against citizens having access to tactical military type body armour as well, and to armour piercing bullets. Now if properly vetted, and proper permits, certifications, background checks and schooling is completed or aquirred, and the state agree's to as well as issues liscences to citizens in order for these citizens to keep, store, and handle these things or items then so be it. None of this stuff should show up on gun show tables etc.


If it's meant for the military use only then it should be available only to the military.

Citizens should have access to any type of equipment that a local, state, or federal, LEO is allowed to utilize in the performance of their duties.

If the local, state, or federal, LEO's have them this type of equipment then it should be turned over to the military.


. Just need to be responsible knowing that the same weapons we want access to without restriction on, can also be available to those who you wouldn't want to have such things available to them. Just saying. Responsible ownership comes with being responsible, and not ignoring the flip side of the coin that puts you or your family at great risk. Not to say we shouldn't have access to these things, but we should make sure that it isn't easy for the wrong people to get access to these things.

The flip side of the coin is an armed police state with citizens at the mercy of the criminals and the government officials who are supposed to serve and protect.

Criminals, and even government officials, will think twice if a society at large is armed...

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." Robert A. Heinlein


Now get rid of the waiting period And the fee.... :dance::dance:

So you are an irresponsible gun owner are you ?? Because of your greed as a seller, you want a person to not go through a wait period or back ground check to get a weapon that kills ?
First of all firearm suppressor never chased any one down the street and killed them. That foolishness set aside, there is no reason whatsoever for any waiting period for any sort of firearm that is legal. Just like a debit or credit card it should be instantaneous which it is here in South Dakota it's called Insta-check. It takes me less than 30 seconds to run a background check on the firearm sale and it should even be less than that…
. Dillon Roof was a legal firearm purchaser also, but somehow the system failed miserably in that case. You are right that nothing is an exact science, and people are going to sneak through the cracks, but widening those cracks is a bad idea.
The fact remains, shit happens. There is no reason to fuck up an absolute right because of a few bad actors...
Would it not be great if we could read people's minds... but we can't. We have much bigger fish to fry in this country than firearm violence is very minor compared to the country's other problems.
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Now it's for your hearing protection according to this bill. Dammed the bad side affect that gives access to those who could care less about their ears other than hearing the body drop after they take the person out before making their clean get away because no one heard the shot. Maybe that's why God made gun powder to have such an explosive sound, otherwise in so that if a lethal weapon is discharged in which can cause the instant death of a human being (his creation), then another human being can give witness before the bad human (if is the case) can get away or it is to hear the commotion in so that it is investigated swiftly.
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
Only in the movies, you obviously have never been around any firearm suppressors…:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Very true, which is why I asked. Are you going to explain what they are for, then?

If you were a mile away and I fired a suppressed pistol you'd still hear it just fine.
It just gets the sound down to a safe level.
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
Only in the movies, you obviously have never been around any firearm suppressors…:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Very true, which is why I asked. Are you going to explain what they are for, then?
There shouldn't be a "reason" for them other then they make shooting more enjoyable. Hunting is better with them in many cases. And like I said before they are just an Accessory, nothing more nothing less.
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The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Now it's for your hearing protection according to this bill. Dammed the bad side affect that gives access to those who could care less about their ears other than hearing the body drop after they take the person out before making their clean get away because no one heard the shot.

Maybe that's why God made gun powder to have such an explosive sound, otherwise in so that if a lethal weapon is discharged in which can cause death of a human being (his creation), then another human being can give witness before the bad human (if is the case) can get away or it is to hear the commotion in so that it is investigated swiftly.
My boyfriend had me shoot his shotgun once--I was deaf for an hour. I suppose it would make sense for that, especially if you were at the firing range. But I still think, as you do, that it will be misused.
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Now it's for your hearing protection according to this bill. Dammed the bad side affect that gives access to those who could care less about their ears other than hearing the body drop after they take the person out before making their clean get away because no one heard the shot. Maybe that's why God made gun powder to have such an explosive sound, otherwise in so that if a lethal weapon is discharged in which can cause the instant death of a human being (his creation), then another human being can give witness before the bad human (if is the case) can get away or it is to hear the commotion in so that it is investigated swiftly.
Now you're getting to into snowflake territory, first of all you obviously never been around any suppressors. Second, God does not take sides. :lmao:
The country has much bigger fish to fry than a non-issue like so-called gun violence…
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Now it's for your hearing protection according to this bill. Dammed the bad side affect that gives access to those who could care less about their ears other than hearing the body drop after they take the person out before making their clean get away because no one heard the shot.

Maybe that's why God made gun powder to have such an explosive sound, otherwise in so that if a lethal weapon is discharged in which can cause death of a human being (his creation), then another human being can give witness before the bad human (if is the case) can get away or it is to hear the commotion in so that it is investigated swiftly.
My boyfriend had me shoot his shotgun once--I was deaf for an hour. I suppose it would make sense for that, especially if you were at the firing range. But I still think, as you do, that it will be misused.

There's really no way it can be misused anymore than an unsuppressed firearm.
You still hear a gunshot it's just not as loud.
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Now it's for your hearing protection according to this bill. Dammed the bad side affect that gives access to those who could care less about their ears other than hearing the body drop after they take the person out before making their clean get away because no one heard the shot.

Maybe that's why God made gun powder to have such an explosive sound, otherwise in so that if a lethal weapon is discharged in which can cause death of a human being (his creation), then another human being can give witness before the bad human (if is the case) can get away or it is to hear the commotion in so that it is investigated swiftly.
My boyfriend had me shoot his shotgun once--I was deaf for an hour. I suppose it would make sense for that, especially if you were at the firing range. But I still think, as you do, that it will be misused.
See that's the problem people like you have no understanding of the Second Amendment, and you're supposed to be the Authority of something you do not understand?
Millions of people just like me buy and sell firearms, and millions of those firearms never harm another person every single year and day. Fact
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Now it's for your hearing protection according to this bill. Dammed the bad side affect that gives access to those who could care less about their ears other than hearing the body drop after they take the person out before making their clean get away because no one heard the shot. Maybe that's why God made gun powder to have such an explosive sound, otherwise in so that if a lethal weapon is discharged in which can cause the instant death of a human being (his creation), then another human being can give witness before the bad human (if is the case) can get away or it is to hear the commotion in so that it is investigated swiftly.
Now you're getting to into snowflake territory, first of all you obviously never been around any suppressors. Second, God does not take sides. :lmao:
The country has much bigger fish to fry than a non-issue like so-called gun violence…
The country has much bigger fish to fry than a non-issue like so-called gun violence…
Sometimes you are rich. ROFLMAO
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Now it's for your hearing protection according to this bill. Dammed the bad side affect that gives access to those who could care less about their ears other than hearing the body drop after they take the person out before making their clean get away because no one heard the shot. Maybe that's why God made gun powder to have such an explosive sound, otherwise in so that if a lethal weapon is discharged in which can cause the instant death of a human being (his creation), then another human being can give witness before the bad human (if is the case) can get away or it is to hear the commotion in so that it is investigated swiftly.
Now you're getting to into snowflake territory, first of all you obviously never been around any suppressors. Second, God does not take sides. :lmao:
The country has much bigger fish to fry than a non-issue like so-called gun violence…
The country has much bigger fish to fry than a non-issue like so-called gun violence…
Sometimes you are rich. ROFLMAO
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Now it's for your hearing protection according to this bill. Dammed the bad side affect that gives access to those who could care less about their ears other than hearing the body drop after they take the person out before making their clean get away because no one heard the shot.

Maybe that's why God made gun powder to have such an explosive sound, otherwise in so that if a lethal weapon is discharged in which can cause death of a human being (his creation), then another human being can give witness before the bad human (if is the case) can get away or it is to hear the commotion in so that it is investigated swiftly.
My boyfriend had me shoot his shotgun once--I was deaf for an hour. I suppose it would make sense for that, especially if you were at the firing range. But I still think, as you do, that it will be misused.
See that's the problem people like you have no understanding of the Second Amendment, and you're supposed to be the Authority of something you do not understand?
Millions of people just like me buy and sell firearms, and millions of those firearms never harm another person every single year and day. Fact
I realize that. I live in a state with almost no gun control laws and very low gun homicide rate. I get that, Rustic. I don't claim to be an authority on anything, but your claim that gun violence is not an issue in this country pretty much precludes you from being one, either. Sorry.
. Got it on the hearing protection act.. That is understandable, but we must keep all enforcement of any proper vetting, certifications, back ground checks, waiting periods and such intact.
A firearm suppressor is nothing more than an accessory, just like a magazine, extended stock, collapsible stock, etc.
And they should be treated as such there should be no fee, no waiting period, No background check on suppressors. Without a firearm they are absolutely useless and harmless… Much like any other firearm accessory.
. I respectfully disagree, otherwise if suppressors/silencers in my opinion (a very dangerous accessory), are added to a weapon that is in the wrong hands, then the killing rate is raised for that person to an unexceptable level, otherwise if decide to go on a killing spree. Remember the I-95 corridor killers (the proclaimed Muslim man John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo his young accomplice), who were using a silencer on a high powered Bushmaster rifle from the trunk of a car to kill people up and down that corridor ??
The only reason for a silencer is so you can murder someone silently and get away without the neighbors hearing you.
Isn't it?
. Now it's for your hearing protection according to this bill. Dammed the bad side affect that gives access to those who could care less about their ears other than hearing the body drop after they take the person out before making their clean get away because no one heard the shot.

Maybe that's why God made gun powder to have such an explosive sound, otherwise in so that if a lethal weapon is discharged in which can cause death of a human being (his creation), then another human being can give witness before the bad human (if is the case) can get away or it is to hear the commotion in so that it is investigated swiftly.
My boyfriend had me shoot his shotgun once--I was deaf for an hour. I suppose it would make sense for that, especially if you were at the firing range. But I still think, as you do, that it will be misused.
See that's the problem people like you have no understanding of the Second Amendment, and you're supposed to be the Authority of something you do not understand?
Millions of people just like me buy and sell firearms, and millions of those firearms never harm another person every single year and day. Fact
I realize that. I live in a state with almost no gun control laws and very low gun homicide rate. I get that, Rustic. I don't claim to be an authority on anything, but your claim that gun violence is not an issue in this country pretty much precludes you from being one, either. Sorry.
See that's the deal, that's what I do every day I sell firearms and ammo. And I realize it's not the firearms and ammo that kill people it's always people that kill people.

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