Fire All Government Employees, Then Hire Them Back

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  • Yes. Absolutely at the federal, state, and local level

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • Yes but only at the federal level

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Yes but only at the state level

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but only at the local level

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other types of yes's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other types of no's

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Yeah giving vets quality health insurance so they can get the best care is wanting vets to die. while forcing them to go to underfunded substandard VA hospitals is the best choice.

You really are fucking stupid

And firing all the VA employees and then cutting their pay in half will certainly improve the quality of care, huh?
Give vets quality health insurance and scrap the entire shitty VA medical system and all those doctors and nmurses can get jobs in the private sector if they are good enough to

Don't be a fucking idiot and claim the VA is actually taking good care of people

They take great care of me. Have for years.

In fact, not only do I get quality care, they get their patients out of the waiting room and in to see whomever faster than any healthcare provider I have ever been to.
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And firing all the VA employees and then cutting their pay in half will certainly improve the quality of care, huh?
You're going to fire the Air traffic controllers? Food and meat inspectors? Border patrol/ICE? The entire Federal Court system?

Sounds like a plan. Tell us how it works out.
How do you change an entitlement mentality that has been around for generations without drastic measures? It isn't about saving money. It is about reminding government employees that they are the lowest-ranking members of society. I bet you don't even think they are.
Lowest ranking members of society. Wow, really?

Are you afraid they may take that title away from you?
Well, as the husband a VA nurse, I can tell you they are getting good care. Is it perfect, nope it is not but it is better than your plan of letting them die for 90 days due to your hatred of government employees.
They don't have to die. They can go to the hospital and pay with their own money. or they can wait 90 days to get sick.
Lowest ranking members of society. Wow, really?

Are you afraid they may take that title away from you?
Lol That would be like fearing that cars may drive on the road. Government employees are already in charge.
Your plan reeks of acute (or maybe chronic) mental illness mixed with a worldview that is cartoonish in nature.

Congress has 535 members. There is no plan written by one person that ever survives in its purest form. It takes a lot of compromise to accomplish things. My plan doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell to ever come to fruition. You must be extremely gullible.
They don't have to die. They can go to the hospital and pay with their own money. or they can wait 90 days to get sick.

Right, I'm sure these vets all have a spare $25k lying around to pay for a hospital stay.

That seems like a lot of suffering just so you can "teach those gov't workers a lesson".

How about you get therapy for your fear of gov't workers and leave the millions of gov't workers alone.
Congress has 535 members. There is no plan written by one person that ever survives in its purest form. It takes a lot of compromise to accomplish things. My plan doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell to ever come to fruition. You must be extremely gullible.
I’ll take word soup for $200 Alex.
They don't have to die. They can go to the hospital and pay with their own money.

There are not enough hospital beds in the area to take all the patients in the VA all at once.

You are just a clueless, butthurt little man that wants to punish people you have some unnatural hate for
There are not enough hospital beds in the area to take all the patients in the VA all at once.

You are just a clueless, butthurt little man that wants to punish people you have some unnatural hate for

When I first responded to the OP, I was thinking he was trying to cut gov't spending.

When I found out he wants to do this to teach gov't employees their place, it turned into a whole thread of crazy.
When I first responded to the OP, I was thinking he was trying to cut gov't spending.

When I found out he wants to do this to teach gov't employees their place, it turned into a whole thread of crazy.

His abject hatred for any Govt employee is just odd to say the least. The fact the thinks they control his life tells us a great deal about him.
And another thing his plan does is put a stop to almost all air travel in the US for 90 days since most ATC folks work for the Fed Govt.

I am sure no air travel for 90 days would not hurt the economy at all.
They were your first words, all those that came after them were just covering for your desire to see veterans die.

When I asked you if you were ok with them dying you had the chance to say no, but you just couldn't do so

I never said anything about 90 days because unlike you I know that the 90 day idea id bullshit and evern stupide than you are but you focus on the stupid because tjhat os all you are capable of.

so again go fuck yourself

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