FISA Warrant Was SEDITION Against President Trump, by Obama

If this is true, should there be consequences for Obama, Clinton, and Brennan?

  • Yes, there was sedition, maximum punishment for dismantling the Constitution

    Votes: 23 85.2%
  • No because the former President's followers would start killing and rioting.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let Justice prevail until the Heavens fall

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Opening Statement!
Voter Suppression by John Brennan et al who received presidential nod from Obama
Tried to destroy the will of the American people with rogue intelligence operation!
Hold presses for behind the bars justice (jail sentences)

Dan Bonjino: Schiff Lied with no evidence accusing President Trump of collusion.
AND evidence of collusion with Russia strong but with Hillary Clinton, not Trump!

And so much more.

Yeah, I'm posting that, too. Even if Youtube takes it down again (they already have, twice), the next time, I'll post it from a place Google has no tentacles!

You should really think before you act. The only reason YouTube would take that video down is because of copyright infringement. You don't own the copyrights to that video, and are committing infringement by uploading it. Google is obliged to remove the video, lest they become equally liable for your infringement. If you keep uploading it, Google will deactivate your account. If you try uploading it someplace else, like Vimeo, you will run into the exact same problem.

Suck a dick, leftist faggot. I know people with their own domains. :fu:Have since 1998.

What kind of asshole would prosecute me for uploading that video, hmm?

You just don't like to hear it so you try to be a little fascist and silence it.

Well fuck you! This video will run for the next week, and then some!
Last edited:
Opening Statement!
Voter Suppression by John Brennan et al who received presidential nod from Obama
Tried to destroy the will of the American people with rogue intelligence operation!
Hold presses for behind the bars justice (jail sentences)

Dan Bonjino: Schiff Lied with no evidence accusing President Trump of collusion.
AND evidence of collusion with Russia strong but with Hillary Clinton, not Trump!

And so much more.

Yeah, I'm posting that, too. Even if Youtube takes it down again (they already have, twice), the next time, I'll post it from a place Google has no tentacles!

Thanks, Marion. Someone is doing that DNC thing with Judge Pirro's program they just can't stand when their pants are on fire, and it could be from here or somewhere else since it's youtube. Thanks for reprinting. They don't want you to see Kerik is what I'm thinking. DNC knows he'll be their end without their top 15 liar-leaders getting outed as criminally wrongful pols who shouldn't be public servant/delusionmakers. Can you believe that bit about the Smollet DA letting him off after she recused herself and blamed it on "colloquialism????" OMG I don't think that woman has a brain. .
Please add this blurb with Bernie Kerik and Judge Jeanine (March 30) that was omitted by probably hacking on You Tube. The perp omitted the final discussion. this is her with Kerik on the same day (March 30). They were hacking after I already posted here. I hope this one is ok. I'm watching it right now.

Here's another interesting facet of this case. "The Democrats are the ones who committed collusion. Democrats paid Christopher Steele, a British spy to get information from Russians on Trump"

I can't help but love this by former Mayor of NYC, Rudi Guiliani about some shameful things "some people" did to frame President Trump:

It was 100% an attempted coup that failed and those responsible should be brought to justice.

Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, HIllary Clinton, Obama, Ohr, Yates...they are all part of it.

There should be a special counsel assigned to investigate the entire FISA warrant process...from the gathering of the evidence to obtain the warrant to the FISA warrant application and to the extension of the warrant 3times.
Wouldn't another FISA warrant have to be issued to do this? Makes me dizzy just to think about it. :spinner:

FISA is foreign. This is domestic.
I'm not sure, ColonelAngus, but all the sources are saying "FISA Warrant," and I think it's because they've uncovered information that shows a British spay named Christopher was contracted by Democrats to get dirt on now-President Trump from the Russians. That is not domestic, but I'm not sure where that is going to go, but it does not look good for higher ups and including the very apex of the Obama administration, because it rings true as connecting the dots goes... Who would know in an administration who's naughty and nice in Britain and Russia? Yep. State Department. See what I mean about needing to follow this by creating a FISA Warrant. The Democrats are begging for it by claiming President Trump is not clear. He is. He is cleared by the House Investigation. He is cleared by the SENATE Investigations committee. He is cleared by the MUELLER investigation. For pete's sake, he is innocent has never colluded and has never obstructed. When he screws up, he gets out there and tries to make it right no matter what it costs. There is now a certain attorney who is facing charges of EXTORTION by a party other than Trump for a completely different thing. It's obvious he was attempting to extort, but President Trump was gentleman enough not to pursue it, because he wants to use all his energy on things that he can point America toward that will benefit this nation, and benefit the people of America, not everybody else in the world with a sob story and rotten governments. As far back as President Monroe, we have attempted to mind our own business and get others to mind their own as well. Yet, every day, some people here see no wisdom in the Monroe Doctrine attitude, and if we pursue too much interference in foreign governments, we will be punished with a scathing war due to the advanced equipment available for a pricetag certain oil-rich countries will put out just to have nukes, which do not make the world a safer place in the face of a small nation with a few million people as opposed to the billions in China who though we get literally irritated when they put harsh nylon threads in underwear, they bring us some goods that people on a low-income budget can procure for a small price tag. Oh, and I figured out how to keep my coffee pot from dripping when I pour the hot coffee into my cup without it spilling on the floor for a cleanup, pour from the Chinese-designed pot very, v e r y, v e r y , v.....e.....r.....y sslllooooooowwwlllllyyy. :auiqs.jpg:
What kind of asshole would prosecute me for uploading that video, hmm?

The copyright owner, who would be able to claim up to $150,000 in statutory damages for your infringement.

You just don't like to hear it so you try to be a little fascist and silence it.

Well fuck you! This video will run for the next week, and then some!

Actually, I just think you should refrain from copyright infringement. Instead of illegally uploading the video, you should simply use a copy legally uploaded with permission from the rights owner, which can be found on YouTube here.

Joe DiGenova Former U. S. Attorney for the District of Columbia claims that the charges levelled against President Trump started with President Barack Obama ordering John Brennan to set Trump up with egregious false charges concocted with British Intelligence Sources. All of those present committed Sedition against the Constitution and the people of the United States of America. There was a constant feed of fallacious information through leaks to the media to destroy then-Presidential andidate Donald Trump. This use of the FBI threatens the future of the United States of America. The Congress lockstepped to support the false accusations being made by the press who used the falsified leaks as basis for the most hate-filled and outrageous destruction of a Presidential candidate in the history of this Nation.

It's a disgrace, and I want the prime beneficiary of this heinous hoax--Hillary Clinton--to try to lie her way out of what she ordered Barack Obama to do in order to elect her for President.

Thank God they failed to ruin a good man, and I want to see the liars in the Press who knew this story was fabricated out on their asses and never allowed to lie to the people of the USA again.
If Digenova is telling the truth, how do we go about getting rid of the players of this heinous national crime against the people? O'Reilly


There was no FISA warrant on Carter Page when he worked for the Trump Campaign. The surveillance started AFTER Page worked for Trump. And it was hardly "sedition". When your parrot the hyperbole of FOX News pundits, you fully display your ignorance
Poor foundlings. Can't face the flaming foible your faux leadership folded you into, feet first.

Oh good. More accusations, assumptions, extrapolations, "scandals" and "investigations".

We have become a caricature.
Still trying to figure out what all this concern for Carter fucking Page comes from. HE was the target of that FISA warrant and had nothing to do with Trump at that point.

In fact he had been fired by the Trump campaign because his Russian ties had become public
Still trying to figure out what all this concern for Carter fucking Page comes from. HE was the target of that FISA warrant and had nothing to do with Trump at that point.

In fact he had been fired by the Trump campaign because his Russian ties had become public

Yeah, I really don't get why they are determined to go to bat for Paige...

Why Carter Page Was Worth Watching
Dopiest thread ever......

FISA Warrant Was SEDITION Against President Trump, by Obama

Except the warrant was on Carter Page. Issued a month after he left the campaign, dope.
I'd love for the sons of whores to start killing and rioting. I'd load up.

You are quite into threatening violence against your fellow Americans who disagree with you, yet on other threads you are Mr. Heap Big Christian. What gives? And the orange whore was a private citizen, not an office-holder, when this whole "conspiracy" supposedly occurred.

And the people abusing their government positions to spy on said private citizen for political purposes were criminals.

What political purpose? How was it used against anyone?

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