Five reasons Christians should read the Book of Mormon

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  • #61
What is Mormonism

Mormons believe that when their founder, Joseph Smith, was just 21-years-old, an angel named Moroni gave him ancient records, written on plates of gold, much like the tablets of Moses, when given the Ten Commandments. However, Smith was unable to interpret these writings, apparently due to his illiteracy, and lack of education, so they believe God intervened, giving Joseph the ability translate the message to his scribes. After the encounter with the angel Moroni, Joseph did just that, and The Book of Mormon was written over a period of about three months. [ix]

The great Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatian’s warns:

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:6-9) (Emphasis added).

The Christian believes that salvation is by grace alone, and not by works, lest anyone boast. We believe this, because the Lord our God, through his great Apostle Paul tells us so.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

The last words, spoken by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, while he was perishing from a brutal crucifixion on that old rugged cross were— Tetelestai! Those words echo in the hearts and minds of born again believers in Jesus Christ (John 3:3). This was spoken in His native tongue, the Aramaic language, which literally translates to “it is finished!” Christians not only believe the last words of the Christ, we cling to that promise from God the Son.

Sadly, Mormons believe that the work of Jesus Christ on the cross was not enough to save them. Mormons believe that to gain eternal life, they must add to that atonement by earning their salvation through works.

For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do. (II Nephi 25:23) (Emphasis added).
In this last paragraph of scripture, what does, after all we can do mean?

Is it saying that we try as hard as we can try, (our own good works), but in the end, it is Christ who has saved us because we will still fall short?

And who is it that said, Faith without works, is dead? Was that Paul also?

NOT one man or woman alive is doing all they can do. That is the point:) Mormons do not believe in Jesus' finished work, His FREE GIFT of salvation. They believe in faith plus works.

you might want to read the entire Book of Mormon before you make such a claim.
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  • #62
Jesus christ. .. don't push your Romney religion on me. I dont want to hear it. Your a mod. Contribute in other ways. Wow...shit.

Thought you should know.... ;)
Moderators are members just like the rest of us and are not censored in what they want to post about.....When they post and contribute with threads, they are not doing so as moderators, but as long time members of this board, before, during, and after being moderators. Only when you see them post in RED INK are they posting on this board as moderators.

Yeah, keep your religion to yourself I'm a non demonational christian and don't want to hear about weird religions. Certainly you got that out of my post, right? You completely ignored it, but whatever.

so you don't want to hear about other religions and yet you voluntarily go to a religious forum and click on a thread about another religion? Then we are supposed to keep our religion to ourselves and immediately after you tell everyone what your religion is.

you say one thing and do another. I don't think you even recognize the disconnect.

let's reason together here. You clearly have some hostility to this particular thread. Why? I haven't seen you act this way of even really participate in the other religious threads so why does this one affect you so much?

now let me ask this, what do you think the source of this hostility is from, God or the devil? The spirit of God enlightens man and speaks peace to the soul. He fills us with charity and good will toward our fellow man.

the adversary divides men and stirs us up to anger one with another. He convinces people not to learn and explore.

now which spirit is influencing you here. And why?
Id imagine the hostility comes when we see that our fellow humans can rise to THIS level of gullibility.

Its sad & sick, at the same time.

Mormonism is barely ahead of Scientology on an intellectual level. Add in that Joseph Smith was a known and admitted con man who had an affinity for pre pubescent females? Any tells me theyre a mormon, the first question that always comes to mind is "youre fucking with me, right?"
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  • #65
Jesus christ. .. don't push your Romney religion on me. I dont want to hear it. Your a mod. Contribute in other ways. Wow...shit.

no one is forcing you to participate in any thread. I don't see why you feel so threatened by an invitation to read a Book. I'll keep you in my prayers
This is where I say blow me. However, im feeling the holiday spirit as a Christian and will just say dont promote your religion using this board by promoting a book. If you want to talk about Mormon ism then that's different.

the Book of Mormon is a religious book. Why exactly shouldn't we discuss it in a religious forum?

I don't believe in the Qur'an. But I don't see why we can't discuss it. Or why we shouldn't read it to inform ourselves. And there are countless other religious books we can discuss and encourage people to read them.
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  • #66
I think all messages, angels giving direction, etc ended when Jesus was murdered. Anything after that is just what mankind keeps seeking....some kind of confirmation.

If I were God, I would not want to talk to us any more either.

then half the New Testament is a fraud since it was revealed after Christ was killed. And the Apostles lied when they said the Holy Ghost came to them on Pentecost.

the resurrection of Christ was the beginning of the good news being preached with power. Not the end of it.

God loves us. He isn't going to be silent because our forefathers rejected Him.
It's been 2000+ years since God walked with man or even corresponded via angels, etc. He has indeed been silent.
Unless we are to believe every person who claims they are His prophet...which has cause much division, pain, death in His name.

the Book of Mormon was revealed by the ministering of angels. Men are witnesses of Christ today in the same way as they were in the past.
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  • #67
Just Christians? Well considering that most United States Christians have never read the bible that would be a huge feat. Countless times I have heard "Christians" talking about Christianity and asked them a few questions and realized they have no idea what they are talking about.

Doctrine and convenant, pearl of great price, book of Moroni. Yeah read them. Totally disappointing though, well at least their service was. All it was was a bunch of people testifying how they know it was true yadda yadda yadda. It got to a point people seemed to be trying to outdo the other one in the testimony. Sigh. That was disappointing and the fact they never really talked about the church Moroni or anything. it was all testimony. But I have been to other churches and seen similar things. But I drew the line when the bishop started asking me personal questions. Do you masterbate and things like that. I was like really dude? When someone comes across holier then thou And they want to know your secrets, it seems bs to me, they are human to, so why would I talk to another person about that stuff geesh! The only time Jesus went to a church "temple" he trashed it. I realize some people need church to socialize, and be with like minded people but I find that boring....I think you do to and that's why you come to a message bored lol.

And I still do not understand marrying dead people.....seems cray cray! Cus some people should never be together even if you believe in an afterlife and since there is no procreation don't see the point....unless that is something you need to become a god? And getting married is like receiving a waiver in the afterlife...strange. But most Latter Day Saints are cool though. I always invite elders in but they seldom come back.

Mormons are not Christians.

the only way that could be true is if you completely redefine Christian as something other than a disciple of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

no one can read the Book of Mormon and find it to be anything other than a Christian book because the central figure is Christ. It's by reading the Book of Mormon that I came to understand why the atonement was necessary. It's by studying the Book of Mormon that I came to Christ and know Him.

read it for yourself. Ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ and He will show you it's true and bring you closer to Christ
I think all messages, angels giving direction, etc ended when Jesus was murdered. Anything after that is just what mankind keeps seeking....some kind of confirmation.

If I were God, I would not want to talk to us any more either.

then half the New Testament is a fraud since it was revealed after Christ was killed. And the Apostles lied when they said the Holy Ghost came to them on Pentecost.

the resurrection of Christ was the beginning of the good news being preached with power. Not the end of it.

God loves us. He isn't going to be silent because our forefathers rejected Him.
It's been 2000+ years since God walked with man or even corresponded via angels, etc. He has indeed been silent.
Unless we are to believe every person who claims they are His prophet...which has cause much division, pain, death in His name.

the Book of Mormon was revealed by the ministering of angels. Men are witnesses of Christ today in the same way as they were in the past.
Don't forget the golden plates - the ones which don't exist. But never mind, let's not quibble over such things as reality based worldviews or facts.
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  • #69
Id imagine the hostility comes when we see that our fellow humans can rise to THIS level of gullibility.

Its sad & sick, at the same time.

Mormonism is barely ahead of Scientology on an intellectual level. Add in that Joseph Smith was a known and admitted con man who had an affinity for pre pubescent females? Any tells me theyre a mormon, the first question that always comes to mind is "youre fucking with me, right?"

you use circular reasoning and conclude that others are gullible? Maybe we are, but no more than the average person, including you.

it's a simple matter. I believe the Book of Mormon because I asked the Lord whether it was true and He revealed to me that it was by the power of the Holy Spirit. I've applied the doctrines of Christ found clearly in the Book of Mormon to my life and found the fruit to be good. Why shouldn't I trust God? Or my own experiences? Does that make me gullible?

instead you think I'm supposed to believe libel about Joseph smith without looking at all what he taught or what those closest to him said and thought and pretend as though that without a single look at the doctrine in supposed to blindly reject it. I don't believe in remaining in ignorance or believe the testimony of questionable sources. I like to go to the source and find out for myself. I don't see how doing that is bad.
Just Christians? Well considering that most United States Christians have never read the bible that would be a huge feat. Countless times I have heard "Christians" talking about Christianity and asked them a few questions and realized they have no idea what they are talking about.

Doctrine and convenant, pearl of great price, book of Moroni. Yeah read them. Totally disappointing though, well at least their service was. All it was was a bunch of people testifying how they know it was true yadda yadda yadda. It got to a point people seemed to be trying to outdo the other one in the testimony. Sigh. That was disappointing and the fact they never really talked about the church Moroni or anything. it was all testimony. But I have been to other churches and seen similar things. But I drew the line when the bishop started asking me personal questions. Do you masterbate and things like that. I was like really dude? When someone comes across holier then thou And they want to know your secrets, it seems bs to me, they are human to, so why would I talk to another person about that stuff geesh! The only time Jesus went to a church "temple" he trashed it. I realize some people need church to socialize, and be with like minded people but I find that boring....I think you do to and that's why you come to a message bored lol.

And I still do not understand marrying dead people.....seems cray cray! Cus some people should never be together even if you believe in an afterlife and since there is no procreation don't see the point....unless that is something you need to become a god? And getting married is like receiving a waiver in the afterlife...strange. But most Latter Day Saints are cool though. I always invite elders in but they seldom come back.

Mormons are not Christians.

the only way that could be true is if you completely redefine Christian as something other than a disciple of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

no one can read the Book of Mormon and find it to be anything other than a Christian book because the central figure is Christ. It's by reading the Book of Mormon that I came to understand why the atonement was necessary. It's by studying the Book of Mormon that I came to Christ and know Him.

read it for yourself. Ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ and He will show you it's true and bring you closer to Christ
by studying the Bible, esp. the NT Gospels is the way 95% of people come to Jesus. Have you accepted Him as your Savior?
Id imagine the hostility comes when we see that our fellow humans can rise to THIS level of gullibility.

Its sad & sick, at the same time.

Mormonism is barely ahead of Scientology on an intellectual level. Add in that Joseph Smith was a known and admitted con man who had an affinity for pre pubescent females? Any tells me theyre a mormon, the first question that always comes to mind is "youre fucking with me, right?"

you use circular reasoning and conclude that others are gullible? Maybe we are, but no more than the average person, including you.

it's a simple matter. I believe the Book of Mormon because I asked the Lord whether it was true and He revealed to me that it was by the power of the Holy Spirit. I've applied the doctrines of Christ found clearly in the Book of Mormon to my life and found the fruit to be good. Why shouldn't I trust God? Or my own experiences? Does that make me gullible?

instead you think I'm supposed to believe libel about Joseph smith without looking at all what he taught or what those closest to him said and thought and pretend as though that without a single look at the doctrine in supposed to blindly reject it. I don't believe in remaining in ignorance or believe the testimony of questionable sources. I like to go to the source and find out for myself. I don't see how doing that is bad.

It's been revealed to me that David Koresh is the Spiritual "Good" Twin of Charles Manson and the hope of humanity. How is that any different than your claim that that gods have communications with you? Why is your claim valid and mine not?
you use circular reasoning and conclude that others are gullible? Maybe we are, but no more than the average person, including you.

it's a simple matter. I believe the Book of Mormon because I asked the Lord whether it was true and He revealed to me that it was by the power of the Holy Spirit. I've applied the doctrines of Christ found clearly in the Book of Mormon to my life and found the fruit to be good. Why shouldn't I trust God? Or my own experiences? Does that make me gullible?

instead you think I'm supposed to believe libel about Joseph smith without looking at all what he taught or what those closest to him said and thought and pretend as though that without a single look at the doctrine in supposed to blindly reject it. I don't believe in remaining in ignorance or believe the testimony of questionable sources. I like to go to the source and find out for myself. I don't see how doing that is bad.

When I sincerely asked the Lord the same question as you, the answer was different. It was, "There is no need for you to trouble yourself over it; this is not your path."

While the 'you' was not emphasized, the fact that there were three of them made an impact--as well the lack of confirmation that the Book of Mormon and the LDS faith was either truth or fraud. I was expecting a response that the Book/faith were true, or that they were false. What I got was it was not my path--but neither denial nor confirmation it was an intended path for others. The 'you' (I think) is a strong indicator that the LDS faith is meant as a path for some.

I have seen and studied primary sources on parts of the life of Joseph Smith. While all of us are more than the worst moments of our life, I cannot trust that man. He was known for other fraudulent acts--it seemed a way of life for him. However, as I said earlier, fraud or not, Joseph Smith brought Christ into the mix--and I see Christ as taking over.
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  • #75
I think all messages, angels giving direction, etc ended when Jesus was murdered. Anything after that is just what mankind keeps seeking....some kind of confirmation.

If I were God, I would not want to talk to us any more either.

then half the New Testament is a fraud since it was revealed after Christ was killed. And the Apostles lied when they said the Holy Ghost came to them on Pentecost.

the resurrection of Christ was the beginning of the good news being preached with power. Not the end of it.

God loves us. He isn't going to be silent because our forefathers rejected Him.
It's been 2000+ years since God walked with man or even corresponded via angels, etc. He has indeed been silent.
Unless we are to believe every person who claims they are His prophet...which has cause much division, pain, death in His name.

the Book of Mormon was revealed by the ministering of angels. Men are witnesses of Christ today in the same way as they were in the past.
Don't forget the golden plates - the ones which don't exist. But never mind, let's not quibble over such things as reality based worldviews or facts.

so the witnesses lied or are just conveniently ignored
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  • #76
Just Christians? Well considering that most United States Christians have never read the bible that would be a huge feat. Countless times I have heard "Christians" talking about Christianity and asked them a few questions and realized they have no idea what they are talking about.

Doctrine and convenant, pearl of great price, book of Moroni. Yeah read them. Totally disappointing though, well at least their service was. All it was was a bunch of people testifying how they know it was true yadda yadda yadda. It got to a point people seemed to be trying to outdo the other one in the testimony. Sigh. That was disappointing and the fact they never really talked about the church Moroni or anything. it was all testimony. But I have been to other churches and seen similar things. But I drew the line when the bishop started asking me personal questions. Do you masterbate and things like that. I was like really dude? When someone comes across holier then thou And they want to know your secrets, it seems bs to me, they are human to, so why would I talk to another person about that stuff geesh! The only time Jesus went to a church "temple" he trashed it. I realize some people need church to socialize, and be with like minded people but I find that boring....I think you do to and that's why you come to a message bored lol.

And I still do not understand marrying dead people.....seems cray cray! Cus some people should never be together even if you believe in an afterlife and since there is no procreation don't see the point....unless that is something you need to become a god? And getting married is like receiving a waiver in the afterlife...strange. But most Latter Day Saints are cool though. I always invite elders in but they seldom come back.

Mormons are not Christians.

the only way that could be true is if you completely redefine Christian as something other than a disciple of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

no one can read the Book of Mormon and find it to be anything other than a Christian book because the central figure is Christ. It's by reading the Book of Mormon that I came to understand why the atonement was necessary. It's by studying the Book of Mormon that I came to Christ and know Him.

read it for yourself. Ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ and He will show you it's true and bring you closer to Christ
by studying the Bible, esp. the NT Gospels is the way 95% of people come to Jesus. Have you accepted Him as your Savior?

I highly doubt that is an accurate number. I have no doubt that studying the Bible is pivotal in converting many people to Christ. But I suspect most people come to Christ by hearing the Word of God preached or through the persuasions of a friend. The sad fact is too many Christians of all denominations have never read the Bible and many don't understand it because they don't ask the Lord for understanding.

all the more reason to encourage people to study the Book of Mormon because it proves the Bible is true and stands as a second witness of the Divinity of Christ
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  • #77
the BIBLE has anything and everything you need to know on how to be saved and how to treat others and how to worship God.

I don't presume to tell God I will only accept so much of His word. In fact, shouldn't we be pleading with God for further light and knowledge?

those who will receive more will obtain more. And those who say "we have enough" will lose what they have.
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  • #78
Id imagine the hostility comes when we see that our fellow humans can rise to THIS level of gullibility.

Its sad & sick, at the same time.

Mormonism is barely ahead of Scientology on an intellectual level. Add in that Joseph Smith was a known and admitted con man who had an affinity for pre pubescent females? Any tells me theyre a mormon, the first question that always comes to mind is "youre fucking with me, right?"

you use circular reasoning and conclude that others are gullible? Maybe we are, but no more than the average person, including you.

it's a simple matter. I believe the Book of Mormon because I asked the Lord whether it was true and He revealed to me that it was by the power of the Holy Spirit. I've applied the doctrines of Christ found clearly in the Book of Mormon to my life and found the fruit to be good. Why shouldn't I trust God? Or my own experiences? Does that make me gullible?

instead you think I'm supposed to believe libel about Joseph smith without looking at all what he taught or what those closest to him said and thought and pretend as though that without a single look at the doctrine in supposed to blindly reject it. I don't believe in remaining in ignorance or believe the testimony of questionable sources. I like to go to the source and find out for myself. I don't see how doing that is bad.

It's been revealed to me that David Koresh is the Spiritual "Good" Twin of Charles Manson and the hope of humanity. How is that any different than your claim that that gods have communications with you? Why is your claim valid and mine not?

you mean other than the fact that you are obviously making it up to make a point? The fact that you need to ask the question tells me you haven't. Because when you have a personal experience with God there is no doubt that you have. You know.

also the fact that you openly proclaim there is no God tells me you haven't received said revelation from Him.

but the beauty of the Book of Mormon is you don't have to take my word for it. In fact, I encourage you not to take my word for it. I don't expect or want you to blindly believe me because I said so. I am inviting you and anyone else who reads this to read the Book of Mormon for themselves and ask the Lord whether it's true. And even if all you can do is believe that it's possible that God can answer you if He exists and you sincerely want to know, He will reveal to you by the power of the Holy Ghost that it is true. And by the power of the Holy Ghost all men can know the truth of all things.

I know this because I did it. I experimented on the Word and received a witness. You can too if you take the Book of Mormon challenge.
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  • #79
Mormons don't believe Jesus is God. No, they are not Christians. There are so many doctrines and beliefs that do not line up with Scripture, it is hard to know where to start.

all you've essentially said is you've never read the Book of Mormon and dont know what Mormons actually teach
Mormons don't believe Jesus is God. No, they are not Christians. There are so many doctrines and beliefs that do not line up with Scripture, it is hard to know where to start.

Why this constant fight over who has the best god? It always sounds like "My god can beat up your god" and does nothing positive for either side.

Let people believe whatever they want to believe. Live and let live. MYOB.

Same message to Avitar and other thumpers.


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