Flynn resignation means Trump MUST prosecute HILLARY


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."
First turnover in Trump administration...

Flynn, fired once by a president, now removed by another
Feb 14,`17 | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fired by one American commander in chief for insubordination, Michael Flynn has now been removed by another.
The White House said Tuesday that President Donald Trump asked for the resignation of his national security adviser, a hard-charging, feather-ruffling retired lieutenant general who just three weeks into the new administration had put himself in the center of a controversy. Flynn resigned late Monday. At issue was Flynn's contact with Moscow's ambassador to the United States. Flynn and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak appear to have discussed U.S. sanctions late last year, raising questions about whether he was freelancing on foreign policy while President Barack Obama was still in office and whether he misled Trump officials about the calls.

The center of a storm is a familiar place for Flynn. His military career ended when Obama dismissed him as defense intelligence chief. Flynn claimed he was pushed out for holding tougher views than the Obama administration about Islamic extremism. But a former senior U.S. official who worked with Flynn said the firing was for insubordination, after the Army lieutenant general failed to follow guidance from superiors. Once out of government, he disappeared into the murky world of mid-level defense contractors and international influence peddlers. He shocked his former colleagues a little more than a year later by appearing at a Moscow banquet headlined by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Given a second chance by Trump, Flynn, a lifelong if apolitical Democrat, became a trusted and eager confidant of the Republican candidate, joining anti-Hillary Clinton campaign chants of "Lock Her Up" and tweeting that "Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL."

As national security adviser, Flynn required no Senate confirmation vote or public vetting of his record, and his tenure was brief but turbulent. The Washington Post and other U.S. newspapers, citing current and former U.S. officials, reported last week that Flynn made explicit references to U.S. sanctions on Russia in conversations with Kislyak. One of the calls took place on Dec. 29, the day Obama announced new penalties against Russia's top intelligence agencies over allegations they meddled in the U.S. election process to help Trump win.

While it's not unusual for incoming administrations to have discussions with foreign governments before taking office, the repeated contacts just as the U.S. was pulling the trigger on sanctions suggests Trump's team might have helped shape Russia's response. They also contradicted denials about such discussions of the sanctions by several Trump administration officials, including Vice President Mike Pence. Flynn later backed off his adamant denials. On Friday, he said he "no recollection" of discussing sanctions policy but "can't be certain," according to an official, who wasn't authorized to speak publicly on the matter and demanded anonymity. He apologized to Pence, who, apparently relying on Flynn's denials, vouched for him on television. In his resignation letter, Flynn said he held numerous calls with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. during the transition and gave "incomplete information" about those discussions to Pence. White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that Trump requested Flynn's resignation because of an erosion of trust.


See also:

White House Names Possible Shortlist for Flynn Replacement
Feb 14, 2017 | Trump named retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg as the acting national security adviser, one of three candidates under consideration.
His administration dealt a significant blow after not even a month in office, President Donald Trump must now fill a vital national security post after the resignation of embattled national security adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn stepped down late Monday, ending days of speculation about his fate following reports that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence and other officials about his discussions with Russia prior to Trump's Jan. 20 inauguration. Whoever emerges as Trump's choice will lead the National Security Council at a time when the young administration is grappling with a series of national security challenges, including North Korea's reported ballistic missile launch.


Retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg speaks to reporters at Trump Tower in New York.​

The White House is also dealing with fallout from the rocky rollout of one of Trump's executive orders on immigration, which has been blocked by the courts. The order was intended to suspend the nation's refugee program and bar citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. Trump named retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg as the acting national security adviser, one of three candidates the president has under consideration:


Kellogg had previously been appointed the National Security Council chief of staff and, along with Flynn, advised Trump on national security and foreign policy issues during the campaign. He had been considered for national security adviser before the post went to Flynn. Kellogg was chief operating officer of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, the interim governing body following the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. He previously worked as executive vice president of research and technology for Virginia-based information technology firm CACI International, which works as a contractor for defense, intelligence and homeland security agencies.


The most audacious choice would likely be former CIA director David Petraeus. Petraeus, a retired four star general, was bounced from his position atop the intelligence agency in 2012 after he it was revealed that he passed on classified information to his biographer, who had also become his mistress. But Trump during the campaign spoke sympathetically about Petraeus' plight despite his frequent criticisms of his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified materials. Petraeus was briefly under consideration to become secretary of State before Trump picked Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson.


Robert Harward, a Navy Seal, served as Deputy Commander of the United States Central Command when it was under the command of General James Mattis, who is now secretary of Defense. He served on the National Security Council for President George W. Bush and commissioned the National Counter Terrorism Center. Upon retirement in 2013 after a nearly 40-year career in the Navy, Harward took a post as a chief executive officer for defense and aerospace giant Lockheed Martin in the United Arab Emirates. Trump has recently been in very public negotiations with Lockheed over the cost of its F-35 fighter jet program.

White House Names Possible Shortlist for Flynn Replacement |


McConnell: Flynn investigation 'highly likely' in Senate committee
Tue February 14, 2017 - The Senate's top Republican said it's likely they will investigate Gen. Michael Flynn; Vice President Mike Pence met with the Republican senators Tuesday and discussed Flynn with them
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday it's "highly likely" the Senate intelligence committee will investigate former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's discussions with the Russian ambassador. "I think the fundamental question for us is what is our involvement in it, and who ought to look at it," the Kentucky Republican said. "And the intelligence committee is already looking at Russian involvement in our election. As Sen. (Roy) Blunt has already indicated, it is highly likely they will want to take look at this episode as well. They have the broad jurisdiction to do it."

The Senate's second-ranking Republican and other GOP senators have called for an investigation into the episode, building on a string of investigations underway on Russian interference in the US elections. Sen. John Cornyn told reporters Tuesday that the Senate standing committees with oversight of intelligence needs to investigate. Asked by CNN if he wanted the Senate's committees to investigate Flynn, Cornyn replied: "Yes." But Cornyn, the Senate majority whip, was not ready to say Flynn should testify before Congress. "I think it's symbolic of somebody with a distinguished military career making a bad mistake," Cornyn said of Flynn.

Flynn resigned from his position as national security adviser Monday following reports that the Justice Department warned the Trump administration last month that he misled administration officials about the nature of his conversations with the Russian ambassador and whether they addressed the issue of sanctions. The conversations occurred before he was an official government employee, causing some to fear that he was potentially vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians for covering up details of the exchanges. It is illegal for unauthorized private citizens to negotiate with foreign governments on behalf of the US. Vice President Mike Pence -- who was pushed into the center of the story after he defended Flynn on TV one month ago -- did not respond to shouted questions as he left the Capitol Tuesday. Pence has yet to say how he feels about Flynn's actions.

The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."
I thought he promised he was going after her anyway? You remember this don't you? LOCK HER UP!!! LOCK HER UP!!! LOCK HER UP!!!

IT'S :crybaby: ALL :crybaby:THE :crybaby:MSM's:crybaby:FAULT :crybaby:

The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."

For you dumbass's out there in never never land. Before you can be prosecuted for anything you first, have to be CHARGED with a crime. She has already been cleared by the FBI of any criminal wrong doing, and there's not going to be another investigation, and FOX NEWS is really not a judicial branch of government with Rudy Guiliani in charge of it.

But I can think of a couple of people that will be lead off in handcuffs about right now--LOL


Senate Republicans have announced they will be doing an "exhaustive investigation into Trump's ties with Russia--and General Flynn."
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -


And the DOJ has announced it will be doing an investigation into the FBI & FBI director James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX news you're in for one hell of a ride.
Given their sudden concern for national security how can The Democrat Party not immediately demand a special investigator closely examine their failed candidate and her toy foundation?

Oh, wait, they're fellow "progressives" and prosecution might stand in the way of their "progress"....
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."
Election's over bud. That was just a stunt, and Trump's already instructed you rubes to stop caring about it.
[ Before you can be prosecuted for anything you first, have to be CHARGED with a crime. She has already been cleared by the FBI of any criminal wrong doing,

She wasn't "cleared", you fool. The authorities just chose not to prosecute her. That was when obozo was prez but now it's trump and he can certainly have the DOJ charge her. THINK, america-hating liberal.
right,,,,Flynn didnt keep a private server and deleted all of his emails...hes a saint compared to Hitler,,,oops,,,Hillary
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."
I thought he promised he was going after her anyway? You remember this don't you? LOCK HER UP!!! LOCK HER UP!!! LOCK HER UP!!!

IT'S :crybaby: ALL :crybaby:THE :crybaby:MSM's:crybaby:FAULT :crybaby:



Hilarious that the deplorables can't let go of Hillary Clinton.

Trump's in deep shit and his gestapo fans cant accept it.
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."

Okay. If the FBI concludes that they have sufficient evidence for a U.S. Attorney to charge Hillary Clinton, I support prosecuting her.

Feel better?
Probably wouldn't get much complaint on that one, the way Democrats must feel about Hillary these days.
[ Before you can be prosecuted for anything you first, have to be CHARGED with a crime. She has already been cleared by the FBI of any criminal wrong doing,

She wasn't "cleared", you fool. The authorities just chose not to prosecute her. That was when obozo was prez but now it's trump and he can certainly have the DOJ charge her. THINK, america-hating liberal.
Missing Hillary already, I see.
The Clinton Foundation is a big juicy target for the Trump admin to investigate.
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."
Because Flynn and Trump are Russian agents, the government must go after Hillary?

Oh, yea, that makes GOP sense.
I'm with you and while at it let reopen birther-gate and discover which Planet Obama is from!?!

( Yes Sarcasm even though you might believe Obama is from Uranus! )
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."

For you dumbass's out there in never never land. Before you can be prosecuted for anything you first, have to be CHARGED with a crime. She has already been cleared by the FBI of any criminal wrong doing, and there's not going to be another investigation, and FOX NEWS is really not a judicial branch of government with Rudy Guiliani in charge of it.

But I can think of a couple of people that will be lead off in handcuffs about right now--LOL


Senate Republicans have announced they will be doing an "exhaustive investigation into Trump's ties with Russia--and General Flynn."
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -


And the DOJ has announced it will be doing an investigation into the FBI & FBI director James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX news you're in for one hell of a ride.

Guess what shithead theres a NEW SHERRIFF in town, he follows the law, and the clinton cartel doesn't own him. His deputies WILL do as they are charged to do and the investigation will be quick thorough and find all they need for TREASON charges. Lying lynch, and lying murdering holder are GONE there will be a new FBI mission and oversight. The investigation will be swift all of the agents who were involved in the first investigation will get a front row seat at the Next one. There are still a few thousand emails to read, and there will be plenty for a hanging, and to bring in the whole group for a large public hanging. I hope the media come crying and sobbing as we hear the necks snap like popcorn popping.

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