Flynn To Testify Trump 'Directed Him To Make Contact With The Russians'

Heard Flynn's allocution for his plea. He is still denying treason, collusion with Russia and stealing the election.

From what it seems Russian contact was during the transition. Not sure what crime you expect to get from having Flynn contact during the transition but I guess we will see.

Trump: no one in my administration has anything to do with Russia.

When will you finally admit Trump’s been lying from day one?

What?! Trump lies?! That's so shocking. Amazing how that was the main reason I didn't vote for him last year.

I can't help but notice you didn't address Flynn's allocution.

Tell me. How does contacting Russia during the transition prove Trump worked with Russia to steal the election?
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.

Than why did he plead guilty. Ha!
Your ass is grass just like Trump’s junior’s, Flynn’s etc is

Because he lied about it, to Trump and the FBI, evidently he took the conversation places he wasn't instructed to go. That's no reflection on Trump or the transition team.

Yeah keep thinking this is no reflection on Trump. I’m sure Flynn is telling the FBI right now how Trump is up to his eyeballs in this.

Stop using generic terms, define "this".

Right, that's why he was fired, for lying to Pence, because he didn't, REALLY?


Are you saying Flynn lied to Pence saying there were no russian contacts, or that Flynn didn't lie to Pence and told him about his russian contacts, and Pence lied about what Flynn told him?
Heard Flynn's allocution for his plea. He is still denying treason, collusion with Russia and stealing the election.

From what it seems Russian contact was during the transition. Not sure what crime you expect to get from having Flynn contact during the transition but I guess we will see.

Trump: no one in my administration has anything to do with Russia.

When will you finally admit Trump’s been lying from day one?
Lets have Flynn testify under oath and then have Trump do the same
Oh it’s coming. Trump will definitely now have to testify under oath. The fact that’s hes literally incapable of telling the truth will be a perjury charge and his demise.
Trump will be instructed to testify...I don't remember

Worked for Reagan
Heard Flynn's allocution for his plea. He is still denying treason, collusion with Russia and stealing the election.

From what it seems Russian contact was during the transition. Not sure what crime you expect to get from having Flynn contact during the transition but I guess we will see.

Trump: no one in my administration has anything to do with Russia.

When will you finally admit Trump’s been lying from day one?
Lets have Flynn testify under oath and then have Trump do the same

Heard Flynn's allocution for his plea. He is still denying treason, collusion with Russia and stealing the election.

From what it seems Russian contact was during the transition. Not sure what crime you expect to get from having Flynn contact during the transition but I guess we will see.

Trump: no one in my administration has anything to do with Russia.

When will you finally admit Trump’s been lying from day one?
Lets have Flynn testify under oath and then have Trump do the same
Oh it’s coming. Trump will definitely now have to testify under oath. The fact that’s hes literally incapable of telling the truth will be a perjury charge and his demise.

I don't think they can make a President testify under oath--but I would love to see it, especially when he does this. I am certain his attorney's are advising him not too. He may ignore their advise and do it anyway--:badgrin:

A video everyone should watch.
I can't help but notice you didn't address Flynn's allocution.

Tell me. How does contacting Russia during the transition prove Trump worked with Russia to steal the election?

It doesn't prove Trump worked with russia to steal the election, but it proves Trump worked with russia to undermine the Obama sanctions in violation of the Logan Act.
I can't help but notice you didn't address Flynn's allocution.

Tell me. How does contacting Russia during the transition prove Trump worked with Russia to steal the election?

It doesn't prove Trump worked with russia to steal the election, but it proves Trump worked with russia to undermine the Obama sanctions in violation of the Logan Act.
I have seen nothing which indicates Flynn made any promises to the Russians.
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


:rofl:Are you really that stupid? Flynn is rolling over like a opossum because he advised the Russians on "an upcoming UN vote? ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID?

That's what's being reported, pay attention.


that isn't what Flynn is rolling for. he's rolling because he could be prosecuted for working as a Russian agent, could be prosecuted for trying to arrange the kidnapping of an American citizen to Turkey and a myriad other things. And he gets to protect his son.

he's lucky all they're making him plead to is lying to congress. my guess is that if Donald pardons him and he doesn't feel like giving the appropriate testimony, he'll face charges from the State AG.

Karma is a boomerang

Assuming facts not in evidence there counselor, your assumptions are as worthless as most of the speculation. Assumptions and speculation are not evidence.

he never lied about it to anyone in trumpworld.

I wonder how if felt for Flynn to hear the crowd yelling "lock him up".

if every person surrounding Hillary Clinton had contacts with Russians and lied about it, you'd be demanding she be tried for treason.
You bet he and every other deplorable would.

whiny little delusional snowflake hypocrites.
Lol indeed. Every insult, every lie they said for more than a year is coming back to kick them in the ass.

which still doesn't mean that his GOP hacks will impeach. But it does provide leverage to make him step down to save his chillin

Yup, I think Flynn rolled to protect his son and the Comrade might resign to protect his....well, to protect his WHOLE CRIME FAMILY!
Mueller's Russia Probe May Now Include Flynn's DIA Tenure

It appears Mueller put the screws to him. And

And Jared appears to have aided Flynn not one teeny bit.

Jared Kushner questioned about Michael Flynn in Mueller's Russia probe, reports say

I'd feel a little sorry for the guy, because he's a military guy who got involved in politics, but leading the lock her up chant was NOT what American elections are supposed to be about.
Trump better be praying that Mueller does not get a chance to depose him.

It's one thing to lie to the American people on television. Quite a different situation under oath.

It would be fun to watch Trump squirm and have to admit he's been spitting in his supporters faces all this time.
I have seen nothing which indicates Flynn made any promises to the Russians.

It came out on Dec 28. after the Obama sanctions, that the russiam ambassador called Flynn. Flyn called the transition at Mar-a-lago, who told him to tell the russians not to over-react. Flynn called back the russians about the sanctions, and later Putin didn't tit-for-tat the Obama sanctions like he usually did.
Everything you’ve said about this “ Russian hoax “ has proven to be FALSE.
So sucks to be you today.

LOL...what did I say that is false?

Specifically, post my quotes about Russia that are false.

You can do it...right? You're not just full of shit, are you?

Go back and get my quotes and bust me.
Like I’m going to search for your quotes. Too busy watching the news and exoriating deplorable ass today.

You're such a twat. it's hilarious.
Let’s see who will have the last laugh.

How do you know everything I said about russia was false if you don't know anything i said.

Let me show you and example of how stupid you look.

I'll do the same thing to'll see how easy and lame it is.

Hey, Reasonable, (IRONIC NAME)....everything you have ever said about Trump has been proven false!!!!

Trump whore is still in denial on what today’s news means. Hilarious
Hannity is fit to be tied what he’s going to say on his show tonight.
Probably highly sedated right now..
View attachment 163844
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.

Cowboys sucks fan is going to defend these criminals to the end.

Just waiting on real evidence, not speculation. Try it sometime.


that's so funny

they've been building a case all year. anyone who isn't an apologist for Russians should be going after Donald.

That's a funny position for a supposed "lawyer" to take considering you have no clue what the prosecutor may or may not have.

Looks bad at the moment.
If it is, hope the process doesn't take long, and we can get on with the Pense administration.
What Pence Administration? Flynn is going to take that piece of shit down also! Did you forget all that crap Pence pulled last Feb/Mar using Flynn as the fall guy for cover for him and the Orange Fuck?

Pence was head of the 'Transition Team' and HAD TO KNOW which wheels were moving and when! Flynn was communicating and meeting with Kislyak during the transition period and OBVIOUSLY REPORTING/COORDINATING with the RW Orange Crush and Pence! After all, the Chief Clown put Flynn's name forward for National Security Advisor on Nov 18 right after the election.
Exactly. Pence’s career is also over.

This is what makes it clear that you guys are delusional. Pence hasn't even been implicated in anything. Heck you have nothing on Trump and that's still more than you have on Pence.

I could see people honestly believing trump was finished. But no one can honestly believe pence is going anywhere. You're lying to yourself if you think that
December 1, 2017.
The day it all began to unravel for the Trump crime family.
Looks bad at the moment.
If it is, hope the process doesn't take long, and we can get on with the Pense administration.
What Pence Administration? Flynn is going to take that piece of shit down also! Did you forget all that crap Pence pulled last Feb/Mar using Flynn as the fall guy for cover for him and the Orange Fuck?

Pence was head of the 'Transition Team' and HAD TO KNOW which wheels were moving and when! Flynn was communicating and meeting with Kislyak during the transition period and OBVIOUSLY REPORTING/COORDINATING with the RW Orange Crush and Pence! After all, the Chief Clown put Flynn's name forward for National Security Advisor on Nov 18 right after the election.
Exactly. Pence’s career is also over.

This is what makes it clear that you guys are delusional. Pence hasn't even been implicated in anything. Heck you have nothing on Trump and that's still more than you have on Pence.

I could see people honestly believing trump was finished. But no one can honestly believe pence is going anywhere. You're lying to yourself if you think that
Remember Spiro Agnew?
Anyone even remotely connected to Trump will be toxic not only in politics but in the country as a whole.
What did Pence know and when did he know it?
Bob Mueller will tell us.
LOL...what did I say that is false?

Specifically, post my quotes about Russia that are false.

You can do it...right? You're not just full of shit, are you?

Go back and get my quotes and bust me.
Like I’m going to search for your quotes. Too busy watching the news and exoriating deplorable ass today.

You're such a twat. it's hilarious.
Let’s see who will have the last laugh.

How do you know everything I said about russia was false if you don't know anything i said.

Let me show you and example of how stupid you look.

I'll do the same thing to'll see how easy and lame it is.

Hey, Reasonable, (IRONIC NAME)....everything you have ever said about Trump has been proven false!!!!

Trump whore is still in denial on what today’s news means. Hilarious

Good Luck to you man. You are a lying piece of shit.

President Obama warned president elect Trump to stay away from Michael Flynn. Of course the orange idiot ignored him.
When has trump EVER done the right thing?
What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.

Someone at Mar-a-lago called Flynn on Dec 24th to talk to the russians about the sanctions;.
Flynn called the Russian ambassador on Dec 28th to discuss the sanctions to undercut the Obama sanctions.

Of course you can provide the transcripts on those conversations, right?

Dallas Sux boi hasn’t followed the news on this investigation. Funny.

Speculation, assumptions and innuendo aren't news. Maybe you should stop sucking raunchy madcows dick.


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