Food for thought: fascism

Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

The funny thing is I would dare ANYONE to quote a passage from "Il Fascisti" that is Antisemitic?

The Stasi retard Wry Catcher is just cutting and pasting from a Soros hate site, but for anyone who has actually studied Fascism and Mussolini, feel free to point out the Antisemitism...

One hint is the Holocaust

The Nazis didn't create or define fascism.

Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing.

So wrong, ^^^ and so ignorant.

What exactly is "wrong"?

Statement: "Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing."

Response: Wrong.

Pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

What Were Pogroms? | My Jewish Learning

Western European Democratic Governments are not fascist.
The funny thing is I would dare ANYONE to quote a passage from "Il Fascisti" that is Antisemitic?

The Stasi retard Wry Catcher is just cutting and pasting from a Soros hate site, but for anyone who has actually studied Fascism and Mussolini, feel free to point out the Antisemitism...

One hint is the Holocaust

The Nazis didn't create or define fascism.

Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing.

So wrong, ^^^ and so ignorant.

What exactly is "wrong"?

Statement: "Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing."

Response: Wrong.

Pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

What Were Pogroms? | My Jewish Learning

Western European Democratic Governments are not fascist.

Fascism is a tool, nothing more. It can be used by anyone.
Fascists support


Fascism in America = Democrats
The funny thing is I would dare ANYONE to quote a passage from "Il Fascisti" that is Antisemitic?

The Stasi retard Wry Catcher is just cutting and pasting from a Soros hate site, but for anyone who has actually studied Fascism and Mussolini, feel free to point out the Antisemitism...

One hint is the Holocaust

The Nazis didn't create or define fascism.

Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing.

So wrong, ^^^ and so ignorant.

What exactly is "wrong"?

Statement: "Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing."

Response: Wrong.

Pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

What Were Pogroms? | My Jewish Learning

Western European Democratic Governments are not fascist.

Oh I agree but Sanders and Warren want to go closer to Communism. The squad is openly antisemitic and no one on the left cares.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Thanks for posting up the many, many ways that you progressives are fascist!:113:
The funny thing is I would dare ANYONE to quote a passage from "Il Fascisti" that is Antisemitic?

The Stasi retard Wry Catcher is just cutting and pasting from a Soros hate site, but for anyone who has actually studied Fascism and Mussolini, feel free to point out the Antisemitism...

One hint is the Holocaust

The Nazis didn't create or define fascism.

Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing.

So wrong, ^^^ and so ignorant.

What exactly is "wrong"?

Statement: "Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing."

Response: Wrong.

Pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

What Were Pogroms? | My Jewish Learning

Western European Democratic Governments are not fascist.

Little early to be that drunk, doncha think?

What in the FUCK do pogroms have to do with Mussolini? :dunno:
One hint is the Holocaust

The Nazis didn't create or define fascism.

Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing.

So wrong, ^^^ and so ignorant.

What exactly is "wrong"?

Statement: "Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing."

Response: Wrong.

Pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

What Were Pogroms? | My Jewish Learning

Western European Democratic Governments are not fascist.

Little early to be that drunk, doncha think?

What in the FUCK do pogroms have to do with Mussolini? :dunno:

I didn't write Italy engaged in a pogrom, I responded to the statement (above).

Western European Nations are not fascist governments, they are Democratic, Parliamentary Governments.

Hitler, Russian and Italy were totalitarian states, but Mussolini did not have a pogrom.

Not only are you ignorant on issues of history and political science, it appears you cannot read and comprehend what is posted.
One hint is the Holocaust

The Nazis didn't create or define fascism.

Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing.

So wrong, ^^^ and so ignorant.

What exactly is "wrong"?

Statement: "Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing."

Response: Wrong.

Pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

What Were Pogroms? | My Jewish Learning

Western European Democratic Governments are not fascist.

Oh I agree but Sanders and Warren want to go closer to Communism. The squad is openly antisemitic and no one on the left cares.

Define what you mean by "Communism", and then equate what they've said and how they want to go about it.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Thanks for posting up the many, many ways that you progressives are fascist!:113:

When you have nothing of substance to report, you go ahead and put words on the screen of no substance.
The Nazis didn't create or define fascism.

Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing.

So wrong, ^^^ and so ignorant.

What exactly is "wrong"?

Statement: "Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing."

Response: Wrong.

Pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

What Were Pogroms? | My Jewish Learning

Western European Democratic Governments are not fascist.

Oh I agree but Sanders and Warren want to go closer to Communism. The squad is openly antisemitic and no one on the left cares.

Define what you mean by "Communism", and then equate what they've said and how they want to go about it.

1) Universal Healthcare with no private option. You’re forcing me to give up what I have for something that I may not want for the betterment of the community in their eyes = communism

2) Tax the rich at much higher rates and give to the poor. One step removed from simply looting from the rich. Communism is everyone is equal no matter the skill set. Why should the rich be taxed way more? Makes no sense. They already pay way more in absolute dollars.

3) Worker controlled companies. That is the epitome of communism.

4) “Free” education.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Thanks for posting up the many, many ways that you progressives are fascist!:113:

When you have nothing of substance to report, you go ahead and put words on the screen of no substance.

Feel free to list the goals of progressives and then I will happily give you the fascist analog. It's really, really easy to do. Remember, the progressives in the US and the UK LOVED Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. They lauded their "strength of will" in imposing collectivism on their various subjects/victims.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.
Common traits of Fascism?

Like refusing to accept the results of an election?

Spying on the opposition campaign?

Using government to investigate political rivals in search of a crime?

Using the party members and media to slander your opponents with false charges of racism?

Trying to subvert the Constitutional right of privacy of your political opponents?

You mean that type of Fascism?
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Thanks for posting up the many, many ways that you progressives are fascist!:113:

When you have nothing of substance to report, you go ahead and put words on the screen of no substance.

Feel free to list the goals of progressives and then I will happily give you the fascist analog. It's really, really easy to do. Remember, the progressives in the US and the UK LOVED Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. They lauded their "strength of will" in imposing collectivism on their various subjects/victims.

LOL, speaking of history:

Hitler’s Americans <P>They included Father Charles E. Coughlin, who was on the Nazi’s payroll. | History News Network

Kind of makes your "not allies" claim look stupid. Especially the way you were insulting about it.

Gee, my insult is not half the shit I take from the jerks on your side of the aisle. I don't like bullies, the cowards who take shots hiding being their keyboard. They get what they give, in spades.

So, if I understand correctly, you judge people and treat them accordingly, not by their individual behavior, but by the group you put them in....

Very interesting. Very revealing as to the mental processes of liberals.

You didn't "understand correctly".

The fact that WWII opened with Nazi Germany and Marxist Soviet Union, ALLIED, in a joint invasion of Poland is one of the most downplayed yet important and significant parts of WWII, imo.

It reveals much about the naked aggression that was the basis of the policies of both Nazi Germany and Marxists Soviet Union, and how completely evil they both were, EVEN BY THEIR OWN STANDARDS, interestingly enough.

You ridiculed someone for referencing it. Were you aware of it, and were thus being dishonest? Or were you unaware of it, and are trying to play it off?
The Nazis didn't create or define fascism.

Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing.

So wrong, ^^^ and so ignorant.

What exactly is "wrong"?

Statement: "Fascism, like all socialism, is evil. But the Antisemitism is a Nazi thing."

Response: Wrong.

Pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

What Were Pogroms? | My Jewish Learning

Western European Democratic Governments are not fascist.

Little early to be that drunk, doncha think?

What in the FUCK do pogroms have to do with Mussolini? :dunno:

I didn't write Italy engaged in a pogrom, I responded to the statement (above).

Western European Nations are not fascist governments, they are Democratic, Parliamentary Governments.

Hitler, Russian and Italy were totalitarian states, but Mussolini did not have a pogrom.

Not only are you ignorant on issues of history and political science, it appears you cannot read and comprehend what is posted.

No retard, you uneducated dolt, you wrote that fascism is Antisemitic. Because the closest you've come to an education is the Soros hate sites that fuel your rage against Trump and America. In your little pea brain, you thought "Fascism" was defined by Adolf Hitler, when in fact he knew nothing about it. Hitler knew nothing about economics at all, and didn't care. He let his General, Gregor Strasser model the economic systems. Stasser was an ardent socialist and selected Mussolini's Fascism as the socialism that works.

Fascism, had NOTHING to do with Antisemitism or racism.

You are just an uneducated hack, flailing wildly as you have once again, vastly exceeded you depth.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Thanks for posting up the many, many ways that you progressives are fascist!:113:

When you have nothing of substance to report, you go ahead and put words on the screen of no substance.

Feel free to list the goals of progressives and then I will happily give you the fascist analog. It's really, really easy to do. Remember, the progressives in the US and the UK LOVED Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. They lauded their "strength of will" in imposing collectivism on their various subjects/victims.

LOL, speaking of history:

Hitler’s Americans <P>They included Father Charles E. Coughlin, who was on the Nazi’s payroll. | History News Network

A LOT of Americans thought fascism was great, even FDR, apparently.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Thanks for posting up the many, many ways that you progressives are fascist!:113:

When you have nothing of substance to report, you go ahead and put words on the screen of no substance.

Feel free to list the goals of progressives and then I will happily give you the fascist analog. It's really, really easy to do. Remember, the progressives in the US and the UK LOVED Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. They lauded their "strength of will" in imposing collectivism on their various subjects/victims.

LOL, speaking of history:

Hitler’s Americans <P>They included Father Charles E. Coughlin, who was on the Nazi’s payroll. | History News Network

Yeah? So? Care to address the point I made that progressive polices look eerily the same as fascist policies.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Thanks for posting up the many, many ways that you progressives are fascist!:113:

You're welcome; there is nothing in reality to equate progressives with fascists. Nice try, but you lack the skills to be sophist which you aspire to be.

When you have nothing of substance to report, you go ahead and put words on the screen of no substance.

Feel free to list the goals of progressives and then I will happily give you the fascist analog. It's really, really easy to do. Remember, the progressives in the US and the UK LOVED Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. They lauded their "strength of will" in imposing collectivism on their various subjects/victims.

LOL, speaking of history:

Hitler’s Americans <P>They included Father Charles E. Coughlin, who was on the Nazi’s payroll. | History News Network

Yeah? So? Care to address the point I made that progressive polices look eerily the same as fascist policies.
Thanks for posting up the many, many ways that you progressives are fascist!:113:
When you have nothing of substance to report, you go ahead and put words on the screen of no substance.

Feel free to list the goals of progressives and then I will happily give you the fascist analog. It's really, really easy to do. Remember, the progressives in the US and the UK LOVED Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. They lauded their "strength of will" in imposing collectivism on their various subjects/victims.

LOL, speaking of history:

Hitler’s Americans <P>They included Father Charles E. Coughlin, who was on the Nazi’s payroll. | History News Network

Yeah? So? Care to address the point I made that progressive polices look eerily the same as fascist policies.

You're welcome; there is nothing in reality to equate progressives with fascists. Nice try, but you lack the skills to be sophist which you aspire to be.

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