For every seven Ukrainians being killed one Russian is being killed in the Russia Ukraine war- Ukraine nor Russia are democracies…

Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich the Democrat and many more are against us funding the war in Ukraine.
Unfortunate to see that Democrats on the US message board are like robots they can’t think for themselves. They don’t know history. Whatever CNN tells them is what they believe.

That’s true what happened to the antiwar Democrats ..they’re like the neoconservatives of today.

Give up on the Rats!

They are useless sheeple.
Here’s how I understand it. We absolutely can’t let Russia wins this. Ukraine feeds Europe. He can’t control this area. And oil. Russia can’t control this territory.

China is watching to see what Russia gets away with.

Republicans seem to be on the side of Russia and China
Yes,.we.cannot.let Russia win. At worst the have to pay an excessive cost.
Eisenhower warned us about the great military industrial complex

Corrupt criminal Zelensky.

Keep catfishing, "Australian" Putin whoring anti-American!
you just do whatever CNN tells you. Not like you put up a flag of Yemen or a flag of Ethiopia where is your flag from African countries that are starving. Why don’t you make threads about starving children in Africa. Riiiiight Whatever you’re told by the far left democratic Warhawks is what you accept…. that’s why you have a flag of Ukraine in your avatar instead of some kind of a flag of a humanitarian company donating food to poor Africans.

Something like a few billion people in this world are living below the poverty line. And you got that flag of Ukraine in your avatar. All the violence all the bloodshed going on all over the entire world and you got that flag of Ukraine in your avatar.

Stop being a slave man your better than that
You quoted Tucker Carlson, you anti-American authoritarian whore. Tucker literally makes things up.

But keep clicking, wallet!

You make things up you don’t have any sources for what you’re saying. Multiple news agencies have reported the leaked information. Holy Toledo man you’re acting like a 8 year old in this thread….. You can insult people as much as you want, use rude language as much as you want doesn’t make any difference you have no sources and zero credibility
Here’s another thing reported by western news outlets. according to a Ukrainian officer Ukraine is sending in men to battle who don’t even know how to throw a grenade or hold a rifle.

“Kupol, who consented to having his photograph taken and said he understood he could face personal blowback for giving a frank assessment, described going to battle with newly drafted soldiers who had never thrown a grenade, who readily abandoned their positions under fire and who lacked confidence in handling firearms.”

From any young Ukrainian man who is defending his country who is not a Nazi, for any Russian man who is defending his country who is not a racist I stand by these people. This is what most churches across America are preaching …we want Russians and Ukrainians to have peace that’s the Christian way that’s the American way.

What a bunch of armchair generals on the far left in the United States message board. This is not a popular thing that America is doing by supporting Ukraine. Ukraine is a authoritarian country they are on record arresting opposition candidates, they are on record throwing away Christian officials into jail. All because they don’t toe a line of the Ukraine propaganda machine

Horrendous job by far left wingers in this thread ….they don’t even know what World War II is, apparently they don’t give a damn about the holocaust and how lots of Ukrainians supported the holocaust supported wiping out Jews ….how there are Ukrainian Nazis today in the Ukrainian army.

There has been no logic from the far left they are literally making things up with no sources, nothing at all. … these are armchair warriors who have never understood what traumatic experience is or going through a horrible injury going through a horrible war is like. They sit at home and whatever they’re told by CNN is what they believe.

I got the United States war department on my side I have history on my side. I’ve already posted the videos China, England and the Soviet union were our friends during World War II. And it was the vision of Winston Churchill, Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt to work together after World War II. What the hell kind of a person wants a world where Russia, and America and China don’t get along with each other ? where the major powers of the world don’t get along with each other. those people will lose. America always prevails freedom prevails.

I certainly stand by the United States when I stand by responsible foreign policy which is what Dwight Eisenhower wanted. This madness when it comes to supporting a authoritarian country in Ukraine that willingly has not season is military, that arrests Christian priests for not telling the Ukrainian propaganda line. ….This is unacceptable

By the way Russia does have nationalists and there are many like Russian nationalists some of those guys might be racist that’s not a good thing at all. The difference is Ukraine has Nazis of their army like guys with swastikas it’s already been shown everybody knows it

I cannot believe that far left wing Democrats are now today’s neoconservatives. They don’t give a shit about anything except for themselves and whatever they’re told by CNN. They never cite sources in this thread just look at it they can’t site sources supporting their views because they don’t exist….. so they just launch their personal attacks, laugh at other people that’s all they have.
The United States of America. A proud Irish Italian American. What do you think about the Ukrainian Nazis who slaughtered Jews in concentration camps during World War II? If you’re not gonna answer my questions I’m putting you on ignore.

Do you have an appreciation for the Soviets and the British who stood by us in World War II?
I don't believe you.
You make things up you don’t have any sources for what you’re saying. Multiple news agencies have reported the leaked information. Holy Toledo man you’re acting like a 8 year old in this thread….. You can insult people as much as you want, use rude language as much as you want doesn’t make any difference you have no sources and zero credibility

Thanks for outing yourself, Russian troll.

I have to admit, you're better than most of Prizoghin's troll farm.

So good for you. You'll get fresh borscht and bread baked today unlike most of your Russian compatriots.
Thanks for outing yourself, Russian troll.

I have to admit, you're better than most of Prizoghin's troll farm.

So good for you. You'll get fresh borscht and bread baked today unlike most of your Russian compatriots.
I don’t care what you say and what people like you have to say. You never cite any sources you have no credibility in this thread at all.
I don't believe you.

He's a Russian troll.

Don't know why he's here on the twaf. Nobody of influence cares what gets posted here.

It just shows you how bad Russian intelligence is.

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