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For Those Who Don't Understand What Occupy is REALLY About (Obviously LOTS of you)

Here's an info-graphic of the OWS vs. TP


Looks like a larger percentage of the OWS are working than the TP. Funny that.
What I see of you is a party line sheeple following all the leftwingnut talking points without so much as willgling a brain cell.

Why don't you learn to think for yourself instead of kneejerk suppor to the DNC

Um yeah. Says the complete f*ing idiot who doesn't have the balls to address the issues discussed in the thread. Keep proving my signature below for me would you? Thanks. Appreciate it.
Here; let me dumb it down for you:

Campaign Finance Reform
Overturn Citizens United (as hell, lost you there! That would require knowledge and stuff...)
No Bailouts (Oh hell, lost ya again)
Repeal Gramm-Leach-Bliley (Now WHO is it that recently agreed with us on this? Ahhh, that Liberal guy.
Still you better dodge this - requires thought)

Like Oddball, when you grow a pair and can think for yourself enough to address issues directly, write us a note, would you? Or get someone to do it for you!

It isn't so much an attack on you dude. It's simply calling bullshit on the OWSers who who claim they want corporate america out of government. If they really were enfuriated with the level of inlfuence special interests have with government they would be bashing the organized labor unions just as much as their bashing 'traditional' corporate america because for all practical intents today's unions are also corporations. Their heads and upper management make millions if not billions, just like 'traditional' CEOs and they contribute heavily to political candidates, mostly democrats. A group whom, surprise, surprise, OWS is mostly comprised of. Intellectually honesty and objectivity are the things I look for in those trying to make their case. So far I'm just not seeing it from OWS. I would imagine if you really called their bluff and suggested that all labor unions be banned from speaking up for candidates and contributing to them you would see an awful lot go 'oh, well I didn't actually mean them.'

As I said before I am all for most of the stuff you mentioned in your original post. I just am not convinced that's what OWS really is. I like to consider myself a fairly objective person and the perception I have of OWS is they're a group of hippies who are upset at the rich for know good reason other than being rich. They come off as entitled in that whatever it is they want to make their lives better is the responsibility of someone else to provide.
OWS people don't know what they want. All those fancy claims put up on the board are what the left wingers think they should want. The OWS people aren't as a group smart enough to know what they want and absolutely even the few who do know haven't the foggiest how to accomplish it.
Here's an info-graphic of the OWS vs. TP


Looks like a larger percentage of the OWS are working than the TP. Funny that.
I see you have attributed left wing ideals on the OWS. when they themselves don't know what they are. I suspect it is what you want them to be. Solly Cholly, they are a rowdy group of neer do wells who want more freebies from big business and don't want to wait until they can earn them. I've got 2 grown grandchildren there during their vacation from work enjoying the fun. They, like most of the kids there are only there for the fun, especially the sex being thrown around wholesale. I just hope they don't pick up an STD.
In my opinion the police should ask politely for people to vacate. If they don't vacate, order them to vacate. If they don't, whack them silly and drag them off to some alley near by, or to jail. No one has the right to disobey a policeman when in the process of doing his duty.
Q: So what if we could just eliminate or decimate the influence of Corporations, PACs and Unions?

we have these laws in place now


SCOTUS calls corporations individuals, we still have PACs and SuperPACs


scotus says incorporation doesn't inhibit your right as an individual to free political expression and speech (Citizens United vs FEC) not unfettered or unreported political contributions

pacs and superpacs are lawful, duly legislated political mechanisms of which provisions can be prosecuted if violated.....also Congress could vote to amend or abolish them at the will of the electorate thru due process

what happened to the last congressman brought up on numerous counts of these violations last year under a dem congress ?
Um yeah. Says the complete f*ing idiot who doesn't have the balls to address the issues discussed in the thread. Keep proving my signature below for me would you? Thanks. Appreciate it.
Here; let me dumb it down for you:

Campaign Finance Reform
Overturn Citizens United (as hell, lost you there! That would require knowledge and stuff...)
No Bailouts (Oh hell, lost ya again)
Repeal Gramm-Leach-Bliley (Now WHO is it that recently agreed with us on this? Ahhh, that Liberal guy.
Still you better dodge this - requires thought)

Like Oddball, when you grow a pair and can think for yourself enough to address issues directly, write us a note, would you? Or get someone to do it for you!

It isn't so much an attack on you dude. It's simply calling bullshit on the OWSers who who claim they want corporate america out of government. If they really were enfuriated with the level of inlfuence special interests have with government they would be bashing the organized labor unions just as much as their bashing 'traditional' corporate america because for all practical intents today's unions are also corporations. Their heads and upper management make millions if not billions, just like 'traditional' CEOs and they contribute heavily to political candidates, mostly democrats. A group whom, surprise, surprise, OWS is mostly comprised of. Intellectually honesty and objectivity are the things I look for in those trying to make their case. So far I'm just not seeing it from OWS. I would imagine if you really called their bluff and suggested that all labor unions be banned from speaking up for candidates and contributing to them you would see an awful lot go 'oh, well I didn't actually mean them.'

As I said before I am all for most of the stuff you mentioned in your original post. I just am not convinced that's what OWS really is. I like to consider myself a fairly objective person and the perception I have of OWS is they're a group of hippies who are upset at the rich for know good reason other than being rich. They come off as entitled in that whatever it is they want to make their lives better is the responsibility of someone else to provide.
OWS people don't know what they want. All those fancy claims put up on the board are what the left wingers think they should want. The OWS people aren't as a group smart enough to know what they want and absolutely even the few who do know haven't the foggiest how to accomplish it.

So when interacting directly with a member of the Occupy movement, you run like a coward from the issues discussed. Yes, you had better stick with labeling everyone in the movement as being what you have been told they are. Keep ignoring the facts. Run from the issues. When you grow a pair, you'll be able to handle issues like us.

In the meantime, for those who aren't scared little mindless drones:

To find out what the majority of people in OWS want, still takes effort because we're still leaderless - for now. But if you go to enough sites, you see what is consistent:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

Stuff like that. Here are links to some examples:

This educates members on what The Federal Reserve is and Why It's UnConstitutional and just plain bad for us:


Occupy Washington DC: One of the many plans you'll find about reducing the deficit (I agree with many but not all points here):

Occupy Wall Street Political Platform:


I mean, you'll find a lot of differing views. On most of the discussion forums, you'll find trolls who post complete bs too. But if you talk to members in person or talk to me directly, we're all happy to answer any questions directly. Hell, we won't even project false beliefs onto you, just because you're a Conservative or Tea Partier! (I personally have been to several TP meetings and rallies and agree with them on much).
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Here's an info-graphic of the OWS vs. TP


Looks like a larger percentage of the OWS are working than the TP. Funny that.

I clicked on the graphic you submitted, but didn't get far. I was laughing and had to stop on the statement of stereotype that TP members are racist.

That seems to stop discussion. The people responsible for that graphic should have stopped before that.
Here's an info-graphic of the OWS vs. TP


Looks like a larger percentage of the OWS are working than the TP. Funny that.

I clicked on the graphic you submitted, but didn't get far. I was laughing and had to stop on the statement of stereotype that TP members are racist.

That seems to stop discussion. The people responsible for that graphic should have stopped before that.

I loved the part that brags of more than 1,500 arrested in 30 days

Here's an info-graphic of the OWS vs. TP


Looks like a larger percentage of the OWS are working than the TP. Funny that.

I clicked on the graphic you submitted, but didn't get far. I was laughing and had to stop on the statement of stereotype that TP members are racist.

That seems to stop discussion. The people responsible for that graphic should have stopped before that.

It was included as a stereotype...not a fact.
OWS people don't know what they want. All those fancy claims put up on the board are what the left wingers think they should want. The OWS people aren't as a group smart enough to know what they want and absolutely even the few who do know haven't the foggiest how to accomplish it.
So when interacting directly with a member of the Occupy movement, you run like a coward from the issues discussed.
Who's running?
Yes, you had better stick with labeling everyone in the movement as being what you have been told they are.
What I have witnessed, what they have said.
Keep ignoring the facts.
What facts? You have no facts. You have posed nothing but bullshit and have attributed your idiot opinions to the OWS. That is called projection.
Run from the issues. When you grow a pair, you'll be able to handle issues like us.
Two of my grown grandchildren are there in New York. As they put it, "what a blast, except it has gotten cold, but the sex was good and plentiful.
In the meantime, for those who aren't scared little mindless drones:
You mean sheeples like you reading off the talking points from the left wing sites?
To find out what the majority of people in OWS want, still takes effort because we're still leaderless - for now. But if you go to enough sites, you see what is consistent:
You are not only leaderless, you are brainless. You will never have a leader because no self respecting adult will put up with all your bullshit.
1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
Horseshit point number one, there is no corporate control of our government. The idiot democrats are controlling our government and whining because the republicans in the house have stopped some of your more wasteful legislation. Thank God for the House.
2. No more bailouts
I agree, let the big companies go broke, leaving a few million more people without jobs. Now that is a real smart way to do things. Actually some should go broke, like GM for instance.
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc..
With that I agree. Eliminate every deduction but what is an actual expense to make the money; mortgage interest is a big give away. Then eliminate all corporate taxation which allows congress to give special favors to companies. Given tax incidence capital seldom pays the tax anyway. Labor and consumers pay a majority of corporate taxes in one way or another.
Stuff like that. Here are links to some examples:

This educates members on what The Federal Reserve is and Why It's UnConstitutional and just plain bad for us:

Occupy Together |  DISCUSS

Occupy Washington DC: One of the many plans you'll find about reducing the deficit (I agree with many but not all points here):

The 99%
Occupy Wall Street Political Platform:

Political Platform

I mean, you'll find a lot of differing views. On most of the discussion forums, you'll find trolls who post complete bs too. But if you talk to members in person or talk to me directly, we're all happy to answer any questions directly. Hell, we won't even project false beliefs onto you, just because you're a Conservative or Tea Partier! (I personally have been to several TP meetings and rallies and agree with them on much).
After reading some of your poorly thought out garbage I have no interest in talking to you, because you are either misinformed, uninformed, or both. OWS people sense there are economic problems in the country, but tend to blame the wrong issues for those problems and their politics will do nothing but make it worse. You would do yourself some good by studying economics and what causes business cycles, recessions, recoveries etc. Then write your congressmen and the president and tell them to stop with the policies holding up recovery from our recent recession.
OWS people don't know what they want. All those fancy claims put up on the board are what the left wingers think they should want. The OWS people aren't as a group smart enough to know what they want and absolutely even the few who do know haven't the foggiest how to accomplish it.Who's running?

What I have witnessed, what they have said. What facts? You have no facts. You have posed nothing but bullshit and have attributed your idiot opinions to the OWS. That is called projection.

I guess you couldn't figure out that tricky "link" stuff. Get one of those Liberal Elitists to show you how to get to those OWS sites.

Two of my grown grandchildren are there in New York. As they put it, "what a blast, except it has gotten cold, but the sex was good and plentiful.You mean sheeples like you reading off the talking points from the left wing sites?You are not only leaderless, you are brainless. You will never have a leader because no self respecting adult will put up with all your bullshit.

Horseshit point number one, there is no corporate control of our government.

Proof you are a complete moron. You don't think money buys elections? Seriously? Okay well um yeah. Okay dokey. Sure. That's why the folks on FOX have been complaining about Obama's Billion dollar war chest. That's why during the GOP debate tonight, they verified that the candidate with the biggest war-chest has won every election for 24 years. Move along. The grown ups are talking.

The idiot democrats are controlling our government and whining because the republicans in the house have stopped some of your more wasteful legislation. Thank God for the House.
I agree, let the big companies go broke, leaving a few million more people without jobs. Now that is a real smart way to do things. Actually some should go broke, like GM for instance.
This was predictible. You justify the AIG and Citibank bailouts but the one bailout that actually helped the middle-class you criticize. Well, I would have bailed GM out but I would have broken the company up by division. No more "too big to fail". Then, build a car people want or die boys.

With that I agree. Eliminate every deduction but what is an actual expense to make the money; mortgage interest is a big give away. Then eliminate all corporate taxation which allows congress to give special favors to companies. Given tax incidence capital seldom pays the tax anyway. Labor and consumers pay a majority of corporate taxes in one way or another.After reading some of your poorly thought out garbage I have no interest in talking to you, because you are either misinformed, uninformed, or both.
OWS people sense there are economic problems in the country, but tend to blame the wrong issues for those problems and their politics will do nothing but make it worse. You would do yourself some good by studying economics and what causes business cycles, recessions, recoveries etc. Then write your congressmen and the president and tell them to stop with the policies holding up recovery from our recent recession.

Um yeah. You own what kind of business now? You've operated it for how long? But you are so ignorant on OWS, you assume and project toward anyone supporting them.

At least you admitted you agree with OWS on a couple of issues. Puts you ahead of the pack.
It isn't so much an attack on you dude. It's simply calling bullshit on the OWSers who who claim they want corporate america out of government. If they really were enfuriated with the level of inlfuence special interests have with government they would be bashing the organized labor unions just as much as their bashing 'traditional' corporate america because for all practical intents today's unions are also corporations. Their heads and upper management make millions if not billions, just like 'traditional' CEOs and they contribute heavily to political candidates, mostly democrats. A group whom, surprise, surprise, OWS is mostly comprised of. Intellectually honesty and objectivity are the things I look for in those trying to make their case. So far I'm just not seeing it from OWS. I would imagine if you really called their bluff and suggested that all labor unions be banned from speaking up for candidates and contributing to them you would see an awful lot go 'oh, well I didn't actually mean them.'

As I said before I am all for most of the stuff you mentioned in your original post. I just am not convinced that's what OWS really is. I like to consider myself a fairly objective person and the perception I have of OWS is they're a group of hippies who are upset at the rich for know good reason other than being rich. They come off as entitled in that whatever it is they want to make their lives better is the responsibility of someone else to provide.
OWS people don't know what they want. All those fancy claims put up on the board are what the left wingers think they should want. The OWS people aren't as a group smart enough to know what they want and absolutely even the few who do know haven't the foggiest how to accomplish it.

So when interacting directly with a member of the Occupy movement, you run like a coward from the issues discussed. Yes, you had better stick with labeling everyone in the movement as being what you have been told they are. Keep ignoring the facts. Run from the issues. When you grow a pair, you'll be able to handle issues like us.

In the meantime, for those who aren't scared little mindless drones:

To find out what the majority of people in OWS want, still takes effort because we're still leaderless - for now. But if you go to enough sites, you see what is consistent:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

Stuff like that. Here are links to some examples:

This educates members on what The Federal Reserve is and Why It's UnConstitutional and just plain bad for us:

Occupy Together*|* DISCUSS

Occupy Washington DC: One of the many plans you'll find about reducing the deficit (I agree with many but not all points here):

The 99%
Occupy Wall Street Political Platform:

Political Platform

I mean, you'll find a lot of differing views. On most of the discussion forums, you'll find trolls who post complete bs too. But if you talk to members in person or talk to me directly, we're all happy to answer any questions directly. Hell, we won't even project false beliefs onto you, just because you're a Conservative or Tea Partier! (I personally have been to several TP meetings and rallies and agree with them on much).

I'm sorry I still don't buy it. I'm supposed to be convinced that OWS is comprised mostly of what basically amounts to libertarians? Libertarians, which I consider myself to be, are generally a highly objective, logical lot. If that were true of OWS the group would have been smart enough to not call themselves Occupy Wall Street. Look at the three things you listed. There's only one institution that has the authority to change those things and it is NOT wall street or corporate america. Yet for some inexplicable reason that's who their bitching at any way. There's only two explanations for that. OWSers are actually pissed about something else or they are the worst problem solvers EVER.

I disagree with dnsmith35. I think the bulk of the OWS movement actually does know what they want. I maintain that it is group of mostly entitled hippies who are upset at rich people just for being rich, who want wealth redistribution, who want SPECIFIC corporations influence on government to be ended, but not others. Again I commend you for your postions and think most libertarians would agree with the things you mention, but unless you think you can focus OWS abnd/or transform OWS to being about that, I contend they aren't the group for you. Another good way to know they aren't for your libertarian ideals? Take a straw poll and find out how many of them want Ron Paul to be President. The bulk of them ought to be if they really are for what you say they are.
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OWS people don't know what they want. All those fancy claims put up on the board are what the left wingers think they should want. The OWS people aren't as a group smart enough to know what they want and absolutely even the few who do know haven't the foggiest how to accomplish it.

So when interacting directly with a member of the Occupy movement, you run like a coward from the issues discussed. Yes, you had better stick with labeling everyone in the movement as being what you have been told they are. Keep ignoring the facts. Run from the issues. When you grow a pair, you'll be able to handle issues like us.

In the meantime, for those who aren't scared little mindless drones:

To find out what the majority of people in OWS want, still takes effort because we're still leaderless - for now. But if you go to enough sites, you see what is consistent:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

Stuff like that. Here are links to some examples:

This educates members on what The Federal Reserve is and Why It's UnConstitutional and just plain bad for us:

Occupy Together*|* DISCUSS

Occupy Washington DC: One of the many plans you'll find about reducing the deficit (I agree with many but not all points here):

The 99%
Occupy Wall Street Political Platform:

Political Platform

I mean, you'll find a lot of differing views. On most of the discussion forums, you'll find trolls who post complete bs too. But if you talk to members in person or talk to me directly, we're all happy to answer any questions directly. Hell, we won't even project false beliefs onto you, just because you're a Conservative or Tea Partier! (I personally have been to several TP meetings and rallies and agree with them on much).

I'm sorry I still don't buy it. I'm supposed to be convinced that OWS is comprised mostly of what basically amounts to libertarians?

Definitely not! You're supposed to believe exactly and only what the MSM shows you buddy! Just like you're doing now! Hmmm. You don't strike me as that closed minded though. So no. OWS is NOT comprised mostly of Libertarians. There is certainly a great deal that the people I've met with disagree with Libertarians on!

Libertarians, which I consider myself to be, are generally a highly objective, logical lot. If that were true of OWS the group would have been smart enough to not call themselves Occupy Wall Street. Look at the three things you listed. There's only one institution that has the authority to change those things and it is NOT wall street or corporate america. Yet for some inexplicable reason that's who their bitching at any way. There's only two explanations for that. OWSers are actually pissed about something else or they are the worst problem solvers EVER.

Well you guys may be highly obejctive and such but if you believe that money doesn't control our government, you're not as insightful as you give yourselves credit for.

I disagree with dnsmith35. I think the bulk of the OWS movement actually does know what they want. I maintain that it is group of mostly entitled hippies who are upset at rich people just for being rich, who want wealth redistribution, who want SPECIFIC corporations influence on government to be ended, but not others. Again I commend you for your postions and think most libertarians would agree with the things you mention, but unless you think you can focus OWS abnd/or transform OWS to being about that, I contend they aren't the group for you. Another good way to know they aren't for your libertarian ideals? Take a straw poll and find out how many of them want Ron Paul to be President. The bulk of them ought to be if they really are for what you say they are.

Now here is where your actions contradict your words. "Highly objective" but hey, let's ignore direct evidence that contradicts what you WANT to believe about OWS.

And hell no, I wouldn't vote for Ron Paul! For all your "objectivity", you seem to have Libertarians Disease. Anyone who doesn't see that you guys are right on everything is wrong. Anyone who doesn't or wouldn't vote for Ron Paul, is <insert label here>.

Look, the movement is young and flawed. I'm just sharing the component which is evolving from it, that makes sense to me - and is growing rapidly. More rapidly than any other part of OWS.
We will organize.
We will have leaders.
We will have a specific poltical platform.
We will form voter blocs.
We will break off from the original group.
Not to rain on your parade,but they haven't expressed themselves clearly at all. Very few understand what they're about at this point. They seem to be a confused mixed bag of agendas. They do have quite a few Anti-Capitalist Communist and Anarchist Groups attending their protests. They just haven't been able to sell many on their cause. Because most people just don't see a coherent one. What is their cause? What do they want? It's not enough to just say your hate "Evil Wall Street." I do give you kudos for trying to explain what their cause is though. But most are still confused as to what they're fighting for and want to achieve. They've been awful at communicating that.
Not to rain on your parade,but they haven't expressed themselves clearly at all. Very few understand what they're about at this point. They seem to be a confused mixed bag of agendas. They do have quite a few Anti-Capitalist Communist and Anarchist Groups attending their protests. They just haven't been able to sell many on their cause. Because most people just don't see a coherent one. What is their cause? What do they want? It's not enough to just say your hate "Evil Wall Street." I do give you kudos for trying to explain what their cause is though. But most are still confused as to what they're fighting for and want to achieve. They've been awful at communicating that.

Gee, if they spent as much time formulating what it is they're "for" and coming up with solutions that might work in the real world instead of planning conflicts with the police and blocking the passage of the rest of society then maybe more people WOULD back their cause.
Definitely not! You're supposed to believe exactly and only what the MSM shows you buddy! Just like you're doing now! Hmmm. You don't strike me as that closed minded though. So no. OWS is NOT comprised mostly of Libertarians. There is certainly a great deal that the people I've met with disagree with Libertarians on!

And yet your positions are ones most libertarians would agree with. You also claim what you want is mostly what OWS wants. So straighten me out. How are the things you want NOT libertarian principles? Or, how is it that a group people supposedly espousing libertarian view points are embarassed to call themselves libertarian? My guess is as with most libertarian bashers is you believe they are something they're not.

Well you guys may be highly obejctive and such but if you believe that money doesn't control our government, you're not as insightful as you give yourselves credit for.

Strawman. I've already said it in response twice to you now that I am well aware money influences politics. My point is the valve the money flows through can only be shut off at one end. It isn't politics dude. It's simple pragmatic problem solving. Whether I even agree with you is irrelevent. All the question is is what is the most efficient way to sever corporate america's influence on government. The simple objective truth is bithching at corporate america is one of the least efficient of your options in getting that done. Yet that is what OWS is doing. What ought to conclude from that observation? All I can conclude is either my premise is wrong in that I am wrong about what it is they want given the wholly inefficienct unproductive means in which they are going about solving the supposed problem. Or the premise is right in they're honest in what they want and their just stupid beyond comprehension.

Now here is where your actions contradict your words. "Highly objective" but hey, let's ignore direct evidence that contradicts what you WANT to believe about OWS.

I'm not ignoring direct evidence. I think it's you that's ignoring direct evidence. Direct evidence as far as who a person or group of people really are is not in what they say. It's in what they do. What they are doing simply doesn't jive with what you say they are about.

And hell no, I wouldn't vote for Ron Paul! For all your "objectivity", you seem to have Libertarians Disease. Anyone who doesn't see that you guys are right on everything is wrong. Anyone who doesn't or wouldn't vote for Ron Paul, is <insert label here>.

Of course I think I'm right what kind of stupid comment is that? Are you in the habit of possessing beliefs you actually don't believe to be the truth?

Look, the movement is young and flawed. I'm just sharing the component which is evolving from it, that makes sense to me - and is growing rapidly. More rapidly than any other part of OWS.
We will organize.
We will have leaders.
We will have a specific poltical platform.
We will form voter blocs.
We will break off from the original group.

Again that may be what you want it to be, but the real evidence suggest otherwise. There are just too many contradictions at this point. You want to corporoate influence on government yet you are yelling at people that can't change laws, nor are you condemning liberal corporations like labor unions. If you can show me where I'm wrong and there are huge numbers of OWS that labor unions also have far too much inlfuence on governemnt I'm more than happy to retract my statement.
I guess a lot of people here just believe what the MSM and Right Wing E-media
tell them. This would be the only explanation for some of the posts I've seen.
So I thought I'd help! Here is a C&P from a great OWS site. It will give you
guys a better idea of why you should support us! Here ya go:

"1. We don't want to End Capitalism, We Want to End Corporatacracy.

First, let's make it clear, This is a political movement, not an economic
revolt. We want to end the control of our government by Multi-National
Corporations. This is Issue Number One for everyone I've spoken to in Occupy
Wall Street.

Not one Occupier I know of, wants to turn us into the former Soviet Union (although just like the TP, every movement has it's fringe and the MSM loves to find them). We
don't want to end the economic system which allows people to buy the goods of
their choice. But we do want to end a corrupt political system which allows
Multi-National Corporations to buy the politicians of their choice. So the
single most important theme is Taking control of our government away from
Corporations and putting it back into the hands of We the People.

2. We won't tolerate a government that rewards corporate incompetence, greed and
fraud. No More Bank Bailouts.

The banks bought our government and then, after they lined their pockets with
the wealth of our nation, they blackmailed the government into giving them even
MORE money "In order to keep the economy from collapsing". Right. Then, instead
of making or refinancing home loans, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and
others spent our money on business mergers & acquisitions to benefit the 1%. Oh,
and of course, they paid themselves million dollar bonuses with our money.

We want to set a deadline for payback of existing bailouts. Any company that has
not fully repaid all monies by the deadline, should be broken up so that they
are no longer "too big to fail".

3. We want the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed immediately.
For those of you unfamiliar with it: After the Great Depression, congress passed
the Glass-Steagal act to make sure that banks would never take stupid risks or
use corrupt practices to send the country into another Depression. Then 60 years
later, the banks and companies that bought and paid for Republican Senators Bill
Gramm, Jim Leach and Tom Bliley told them that Glass-Steagal was interfering
with their ability to swindle the American Public. Their masters told these
senators to pass a bill that would NOT ONLY allow them to gamble foolishly again
with American Tax-Payer money - they wanted complete control of our Financial
System by being able OWN both stock brokerages and Insurance Companies too.
Then, once their cohorts completed the creation of what's called a "FIRE
Economy" (an economy based on Finance, Insurance & Real Estate) in America, they
would control everything.

Of course the Senators bowed to their masters and Gramm-Leach-Bliley was passed
with a super-majority that was veto-proof. If it had not been passed, NOT ONE
BANK would have needed bailout money because they would have been prohibited
from investing in the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Market.

Some people say we should let "The Market" regulate itself. Are the Banksters
worthy of the trust that was given to them under this law? Here's an example:
Citibank is on trial right now.
While they were selling over $500 MILLION dollars worth of those
toxic mortgage securities to the 99% as a good investment, they were betting the
securities would fail by "Short-Selling" at the same time. In other words, while
they sold your parents these securities for their retirement, they made a bet
the securities would fail - and earned over $140M dollars by doing so. Citibank
is currently offering to pay back about half the money they defrauded out of
regular people as long as no one from the bank goes to jail or even loses their
job. Guess what? The government is going for it. Why? Because the 1% doesn't
have to pay for their crimes. We do. In this case, WE'RE paying their $285M fee
with the bailout money they were given. And people wonder why we're mad."

That's just a small part of the REAL message of OWS. it's a little bit different
than what the SpinDoctors of the MSM and Right Wing media talk about or allow
you to see, isn't it?

The Whole World is watching and listening to our message. Foreign stations give more accurate coverage than FOX - who still spews BS about wanting Socialism and anarchy.

Here is an example of the more accurate foreign coverage of our message:

Occupy Wall Street Exposes Enormous Corruption Between Government and Corporations - YouTube

why didn't you mention unions and their ability to buy demoncrat politicians? inquiring minds wanna know.

Supreme Court gave them that ability at the same time they gave it to corporations. whats your point?

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