Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

All of these threats of violence, civil war and revolution on both sided is very dangerous and irresponsible. It is creating a mindset -a believe that something bad will happen and when enough people believe that, guess what IT WILL HAPPEN.. I Just saw this today

Trump will lead a revolt if he loses in 2020 and ‘people should be frightened’: longtime associate
I don't know what made me think about it, but this morning it occurred to me that we may well have violence at the voting booth in 2020. Usually I ignore the "beat 'em up" threads here, so it wasn't that. It just seems that no, we certainly will not have civil war, but we may have fighting at the polling places, just like a third world shithole, which Trump & Co. are fast turning us into.
There is no way the left will ever catch up to the Republican Party.


Especially, now that we have a president who promotes violence.


The fact that Republicans would vote for someone who promotes terrible violence within the United States clearly shows who they are and what they represent.
There is no way the left will ever catch up to the Republican Party.


Especially, now that we have a president who promotes violence.


The fact that Republicans would vote for someone who promotes terrible violence within the United States clearly shows who they are and what they represent.

Oh, that makes it okay then. Nice third grade logic there.
I have a bumper sticker on my car, reading, "Not my president". Last week, in Phoenix, at a Circle K while I was buying a bottle of water, a middle aged man came in, got right in my face, and demanded to know who my president was. When I ignored him, he invited me outside. In short, he threatened me with violence. All this, without my uttering a word. I walked out, got in my car, locked the door, and drove away. He had followed me out, harassing me, the whole way. This is the third time that I have been verbally assaulted because of my bumper sticker. One guy followed me all the way to the back of Walmart, before I told him to back off before I called security. You guys on the right can rant about left wing violence all you want, but I have never seen anyone do this to a Trump supporter. And to put icing on the cake, Trump is threatening Facebook for banning RW hate pages. It is disgusting.

Did you end up in the Emergency Room to seek treatment from those horrific verbal assaults, as you put ?

Oh, since I avoided a physical altercation initiated by a Trump supporter, by ignoring his bait, you feel that mocking me is appropriate?

Why does that not surprise me?

But maxine waters told you to do the same exact thing .....which every news station carried.....
get up in their faces
Whats the problem? this tactic has been whole heartedly endorsed by democratic party leaders.

Wait you dont like it ...thats odd:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Unlike Trump supporters, I don't get my marching orders from Maxine Waters, who I have never had the slightest interest in, or anyone else. I believe in common courtesy, and treat people with respect, unless they demonstrate that they do not deserve it. I am sure that this is a concept that you do not understand.
It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

View attachment 259287

A good example. The local politicians told the police to stand down and let antifa attack them, leading to one of the nazis to escalate to a deadly weapon, ie a car.

None of that would have happened, if the cops had done their job and prevented the riot in the first place.

Are you happy with the way that went? I'm not. And I assume you are not either.

It is good to find common ground, is it not?

Am I wrong about that? Is your only complaint that the nazis fought back?

What kind of "peaceful demonstrators" come prepared with weapons and taped hands, for violence? How many peaceful demonstrators tend to get arrested for initiating attacks on other demonstrators? So if you want to be accurate, you would acknowledge that their purpose wasn't a peaceful demonstration - it was provocation and inciting violence and participating in it and the sad result was that they killed an innocent person.

I don't pretend that Antifa wasn't there to incite violence - that is their methodology and they have repeatedly done so. I just don't get why people make excuses for the rightwing extremists in this event - they were certainly not just defending themselves.

On the failure of the police? I do agree with you.

Thank you for admitting that the police did not do their job, though, imo the fault lies with the politicians that ordered then to stand down.

And I don't know that the white supremacists were not defending themselves. AND not all of the, indeed, I doubt even HALF of the statue demonstrators were white supremacists.

When the local politicians make it clear that they are working with the brownshirts (Antifa) to attack their political enemies, to suppress political speech they don't like though violence, in a supposedly democracy,

AND on top of THAT, they are supported by one of the major political parties and the majority of the media?

THAT is the story as far as I am concerned.

Charlottesville Stand-Down Order? -
There is no way the left will ever catch up to the Republican Party.


Especially, now that we have a president who promotes violence.


The fact that Republicans would vote for someone who promotes terrible violence within the United States clearly shows who they are and what they represent.

Oh, that makes it okay then. Nice third grade logic there.
Violence is OK? Now that I think about it, for right wingers, I guess it is OK.


I agree. I think we should give white conservative Republicans the credit they deserve.
There is no way the left will ever catch up to the Republican Party.


Especially, now that we have a president who promotes violence.


The fact that Republicans would vote for someone who promotes terrible violence within the United States clearly shows who they are and what they represent.

Oh, that makes it okay then. Nice third grade logic there.
Violence is OK? Now that I think about it, for right wingers, I guess it is OK.


I agree. I think we should give white conservative Republicans the credit they deserve.

You dropped another grade level there. Be careful, you're running low.
This thread confirms just how ignorant and brainwashed LIberals really are.
I have a bumper sticker on my car, reading, "Not my president". Last week, in Phoenix, at a Circle K while I was buying a bottle of water, a middle aged man came in, got right in my face, and demanded to know who my president was. When I ignored him, he invited me outside. In short, he threatened me with violence. All this, without my uttering a word. I walked out, got in my car, locked the door, and drove away. He had followed me out, harassing me, the whole way. This is the third time that I have been verbally assaulted because of my bumper sticker. One guy followed me all the way to the back of Walmart, before I told him to back off before I called security. You guys on the right can rant about left wing violence all you want, but I have never seen anyone do this to a Trump supporter. And to put icing on the cake, Trump is threatening Facebook for banning RW hate pages. It is disgusting.

Did you end up in the Emergency Room to seek treatment from those horrific verbal assaults, as you put ?

Oh, since I avoided a physical altercation initiated by a Trump supporter, by ignoring his bait, you feel that mocking me is appropriate?

Why does that not surprise me?

But maxine waters told you to do the same exact thing .....which every news station carried.....
get up in their faces
Whats the problem? this tactic has been whole heartedly endorsed by democratic party leaders.

Wait you dont like it ...thats odd:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Unlike Trump supporters, I don't get my marching orders from Maxine Waters, who I have never had the slightest interest in, or anyone else. I believe in common courtesy, and treat people with respect, unless they demonstrate that they do not deserve it. I am sure that this is a concept that you do not understand.

Look boys and goils Its one of our morally superior betters

they have values:auiqs.jpg:

My apologies

But Excuse me mam
you do realize that when any kind of leftward lefttard tries to take some type of "moral " holier than thou high ground everyone just laughs .
wot larks!
try some midol for those irritable days of the month
Lady you have a nice day
Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years – Summit News
April 29, 2019 ~ By Paul Joseph Watson
“There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police”. Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp warns that leftist violence is going to get “very, very bad” over the next two years in response to President Trump indicting the plotters who tried to remove him from office.
During an interview with USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter, Shipp, a former manager of high risk Counter Terrorism Center protective operations with the CIA, predicted that there would be arrests of deep state figures who were involved in the scandal.... “This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These people need to be indicted, charged and need to be put in prison, and if they’re not, then our Constitution is nothing more than a sham,” said Shipp.... He added that there was an ongoing “civil war” within the government and that, “There is a Marxist movement within the DNC that is in control right now.” Forecasting that Trump will win re-election in 2020, the former CIA officer said that the left’s reaction would become increasingly unhinged. “The danger for ‘We the People’ is the Dark Left and Dark Left violence,” said Shipp. “As these indictments begin to come out, and as the players are called out, the violence on what I call the Dark Left, the violence is going to increase to the point where it’s going to be very, very bad. There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police. . . . There is going to be a lot of violence coming from the Left in the next year or two.” Shipp urged Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights in preparation for a violent attempt by the left to take over “our Constitution and culture.”

It may get a little dicey by election time 2020, possibly beginning in Charlotte, NC where the Republican Convention will be held next year. When is law enforcement going to be allowed to take these anarchists to jail and charge them with trying to overthrow the government? When are they going to be able to subdue these punks?
The lying media who knowingly assisted and suborned in this attempted coup and sedition should not get away without punishment. This was insane.
I can ONLY HOPE that all Americans citizens REALIZE, that once you" DISARM " the Civilian population, we become SHEEP! Why do you think the FOUNDERS of our Republic thought it SO IMPORTANT to make the BEARING OF ARMS so important. They KNEW that as LONG AS THE CIVILIAN population could rise up and fight back, that a TAKE-OVER by a tyrannical Gov. would be HIGHLY UNLIKELY. The best example of this is what has happened in the turmoil going on in the upheaval in Venezuela, where complete gun control was imposed by Marxist Socialist Dictators Chavez/Maduro....

Keyword: Former.
I have a bumper sticker on my car, reading, "Not my president". Last week, in Phoenix, at a Circle K while I was buying a bottle of water, a middle aged man came in, got right in my face, and demanded to know who my president was. When I ignored him, he invited me outside. In short, he threatened me with violence. All this, without my uttering a word. I walked out, got in my car, locked the door, and drove away. He had followed me out, harassing me, the whole way. This is the third time that I have been verbally assaulted because of my bumper sticker. One guy followed me all the way to the back of Walmart, before I told him to back off before I called security. You guys on the right can rant about left wing violence all you want, but I have never seen anyone do this to a Trump supporter. And to put icing on the cake, Trump is threatening Facebook for banning RW hate pages. It is disgusting.

Did you end up in the Emergency Room to seek treatment from those horrific verbal assaults, as you put ?

Oh, since I avoided a physical altercation initiated by a Trump supporter, by ignoring his bait, you feel that mocking me is appropriate?

Why does that not surprise me?

But maxine waters told you to do the same exact thing .....which every news station carried.....
get up in their faces
Whats the problem? this tactic has been whole heartedly endorsed by democratic party leaders.

Wait you dont like it ...thats odd:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Unlike Trump supporters, I don't get my marching orders from Maxine Waters, who I have never had the slightest interest in, or anyone else. I believe in common courtesy, and treat people with respect, unless they demonstrate that they do not deserve it. I am sure that this is a concept that you do not understand.

Look boys and goils Its one of our morally superior betters

they have values:auiqs.jpg:

My apologies

But Excuse me mam
you do realize that when any kind of leftward lefttard tries to take some type of "moral " holier than thou high ground everyone just laughs .
wot larks!
try some midol for those irritable days of the month
Lady you have a nice day

She needs a safe space.
I have a bumper sticker on my car, reading, "Not my president". Last week, in Phoenix, at a Circle K while I was buying a bottle of water, a middle aged man came in, got right in my face, and demanded to know who my president was. When I ignored him, he invited me outside. In short, he threatened me with violence. All this, without my uttering a word. I walked out, got in my car, locked the door, and drove away. He had followed me out, harassing me, the whole way. This is the third time that I have been verbally assaulted because of my bumper sticker. One guy followed me all the way to the back of Walmart, before I told him to back off before I called security. You guys on the right can rant about left wing violence all you want, but I have never seen anyone do this to a Trump supporter. And to put icing on the cake, Trump is threatening Facebook for banning RW hate pages. It is disgusting.

Did you end up in the Emergency Room to seek treatment from those horrific verbal assaults, as you put ?

Oh, since I avoided a physical altercation initiated by a Trump supporter, by ignoring his bait, you feel that mocking me is appropriate?

Why does that not surprise me?

But maxine waters told you to do the same exact thing .....which every news station carried.....
get up in their faces
Whats the problem? this tactic has been whole heartedly endorsed by democratic party leaders.

Wait you dont like it ...thats odd:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Unlike Trump supporters, I don't get my marching orders from Maxine Waters, who I have never had the slightest interest in, or anyone else. I believe in common courtesy, and treat people with respect, unless they demonstrate that they do not deserve it. I am sure that this is a concept that you do not understand.

Look boys and goils Its one of our morally superior betters

they have values:auiqs.jpg:

My apologies

But Excuse me mam
you do realize that when any kind of leftward lefttard tries to take some type of "moral " holier than thou high ground everyone just laughs .
wot larks!
try some midol for those irritable days of the month
Lady you have a nice day

Actually, I am quite comfortable in my morality. What differs between me, and at least three Trump supporter strangers who have tried to bait me into a fight, is that I consider that to be not only immoral, but fascist behavior, not to mention immature playground bully behavior. if you feel otherwise, then I feel equally comfortable not being anything like you.
When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

View attachment 259287

A good example. The local politicians told the police to stand down and let antifa attack them, leading to one of the nazis to escalate to a deadly weapon, ie a car.

None of that would have happened, if the cops had done their job and prevented the riot in the first place.

Are you happy with the way that went? I'm not. And I assume you are not either.

It is good to find common ground, is it not?

Am I wrong about that? Is your only complaint that the nazis fought back?

What kind of "peaceful demonstrators" come prepared with weapons and taped hands, for violence? How many peaceful demonstrators tend to get arrested for initiating attacks on other demonstrators? So if you want to be accurate, you would acknowledge that their purpose wasn't a peaceful demonstration - it was provocation and inciting violence and participating in it and the sad result was that they killed an innocent person.

I don't pretend that Antifa wasn't there to incite violence - that is their methodology and they have repeatedly done so. I just don't get why people make excuses for the rightwing extremists in this event - they were certainly not just defending themselves.

On the failure of the police? I do agree with you.

Thank you for admitting that the police did not do their job, though, imo the fault lies with the politicians that ordered then to stand down.

And I don't know that the white supremacists were not defending themselves. AND not all of the, indeed, I doubt even HALF of the statue demonstrators were white supremacists.

When the local politicians make it clear that they are working with the brownshirts (Antifa) to attack their political enemies, to suppress political speech they don't like though violence, in a supposedly democracy,

AND on top of THAT, they are supported by one of the major political parties and the majority of the media?

THAT is the story as far as I am concerned.

Charlottesville Stand-Down Order? -

You really buy that shit? THat the police would stand by and watch a fucking riot, and not do anything because of a lack of direct order to take action?


I'm willing to believe that dem politicians are capable of incredible incompetence, but that is beyond what even I am wiling to believe of democrats.
All of these threats of violence, civil war and revolution on both sided is very dangerous and irresponsible. It is creating a mindset -a believe that something bad will happen and when enough people believe that, guess what IT WILL HAPPEN.. I Just saw this today

Trump will lead a revolt if he loses in 2020 and ‘people should be frightened’: longtime associate
I don't know what made me think about it, but this morning it occurred to me that we may well have violence at the voting booth in 2020. Usually I ignore the "beat 'em up" threads here, so it wasn't that. It just seems that no, we certainly will not have civil war, but we may have fighting at the polling places, just like a third world shithole, which Trump & Co. are fast turning us into.
the ones mad that trump won are the ones changing any law they can in order to get him out.

the ones spying on trump and weaponizing our gov are the ones jacking up the country.

not liking who is in office is normal. going to this extreme to get rid of them is not.
Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years – Summit News
April 29, 2019 ~ By Paul Joseph Watson
“There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police”. Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp warns that leftist violence is going to get “very, very bad” over the next two years in response to President Trump indicting the plotters who tried to remove him from office.
During an interview with USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter, Shipp, a former manager of high risk Counter Terrorism Center protective operations with the CIA, predicted that there would be arrests of deep state figures who were involved in the scandal.... “This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These people need to be indicted, charged and need to be put in prison, and if they’re not, then our Constitution is nothing more than a sham,” said Shipp.... He added that there was an ongoing “civil war” within the government and that, “There is a Marxist movement within the DNC that is in control right now.” Forecasting that Trump will win re-election in 2020, the former CIA officer said that the left’s reaction would become increasingly unhinged. “The danger for ‘We the People’ is the Dark Left and Dark Left violence,” said Shipp. “As these indictments begin to come out, and as the players are called out, the violence on what I call the Dark Left, the violence is going to increase to the point where it’s going to be very, very bad. There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police. . . . There is going to be a lot of violence coming from the Left in the next year or two.” Shipp urged Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights in preparation for a violent attempt by the left to take over “our Constitution and culture.”

It may get a little dicey by election time 2020, possibly beginning in Charlotte, NC where the Republican Convention will be held next year. When is law enforcement going to be allowed to take these anarchists to jail and charge them with trying to overthrow the government? When are they going to be able to subdue these punks?
The lying media who knowingly assisted and suborned in this attempted coup and sedition should not get away without punishment. This was insane.
I can ONLY HOPE that all Americans citizens REALIZE, that once you" DISARM " the Civilian population, we become SHEEP! Why do you think the FOUNDERS of our Republic thought it SO IMPORTANT to make the BEARING OF ARMS so important. They KNEW that as LONG AS THE CIVILIAN population could rise up and fight back, that a TAKE-OVER by a tyrannical Gov. would be HIGHLY UNLIKELY. The best example of this is what has happened in the turmoil going on in the upheaval in Venezuela, where complete gun control was imposed by Marxist Socialist Dictators Chavez/Maduro....

Oh look,a delusional, partisan hack regurgitates the puke of another delusional, partisan hack....
That whole left/right paradigm is humorous.

It keeps the issues from ever being discussed intelligently. If they're able to be discussed at all. Which is very infrequent.
Last edited:
Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years – Summit News
April 29, 2019 ~ By Paul Joseph Watson
“There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police”. Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp warns that leftist violence is going to get “very, very bad” over the next two years in response to President Trump indicting the plotters who tried to remove him from office.
During an interview with USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter, Shipp, a former manager of high risk Counter Terrorism Center protective operations with the CIA, predicted that there would be arrests of deep state figures who were involved in the scandal.... “This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These people need to be indicted, charged and need to be put in prison, and if they’re not, then our Constitution is nothing more than a sham,” said Shipp.... He added that there was an ongoing “civil war” within the government and that, “There is a Marxist movement within the DNC that is in control right now.” Forecasting that Trump will win re-election in 2020, the former CIA officer said that the left’s reaction would become increasingly unhinged. “The danger for ‘We the People’ is the Dark Left and Dark Left violence,” said Shipp. “As these indictments begin to come out, and as the players are called out, the violence on what I call the Dark Left, the violence is going to increase to the point where it’s going to be very, very bad. There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police. . . . There is going to be a lot of violence coming from the Left in the next year or two.” Shipp urged Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights in preparation for a violent attempt by the left to take over “our Constitution and culture.”

It may get a little dicey by election time 2020, possibly beginning in Charlotte, NC where the Republican Convention will be held next year. When is law enforcement going to be allowed to take these anarchists to jail and charge them with trying to overthrow the government? When are they going to be able to subdue these punks?
The lying media who knowingly assisted and suborned in this attempted coup and sedition should not get away without punishment. This was insane.
I can ONLY HOPE that all Americans citizens REALIZE, that once you" DISARM " the Civilian population, we become SHEEP! Why do you think the FOUNDERS of our Republic thought it SO IMPORTANT to make the BEARING OF ARMS so important. They KNEW that as LONG AS THE CIVILIAN population could rise up and fight back, that a TAKE-OVER by a tyrannical Gov. would be HIGHLY UNLIKELY. The best example of this is what has happened in the turmoil going on in the upheaval in Venezuela, where complete gun control was imposed by Marxist Socialist Dictators Chavez/Maduro....

Conservatives are BRILLIANT!

what an amazing plan!

accuse liberals of being violent nazis

arousing anger in conservatives....

causing conservatives to JUSTIFY their desire to kill liberals....!

"we HAD to kill all the liberals because THEY were VIOLENT!"

you cons...

you are REALLY good at the game of murder...
Did you not want to attack The White House when Trump was elected? All your LibTard leaders did and still do.

The only people who are talking up left wing violence, are Russian trolls like you. And yet you ignore right wing violence that happened at the California synagogue this past weekend.

Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA all rate the threat of right wing extremist violence as the greatest threat facing America today.
Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds

What has become a very clear pattern is that the CRCs revel in accusing others of that which they are guilty of.

A good example. The local politicians told the police to stand down and let antifa attack them, leading to one of the nazis to escalate to a deadly weapon, ie a car.

None of that would have happened, if the cops had done their job and prevented the riot in the first place.

Are you happy with the way that went? I'm not. And I assume you are not either.

It is good to find common ground, is it not?

Am I wrong about that? Is your only complaint that the nazis fought back?

What kind of "peaceful demonstrators" come prepared with weapons and taped hands, for violence? How many peaceful demonstrators tend to get arrested for initiating attacks on other demonstrators? So if you want to be accurate, you would acknowledge that their purpose wasn't a peaceful demonstration - it was provocation and inciting violence and participating in it and the sad result was that they killed an innocent person.

I don't pretend that Antifa wasn't there to incite violence - that is their methodology and they have repeatedly done so. I just don't get why people make excuses for the rightwing extremists in this event - they were certainly not just defending themselves.

On the failure of the police? I do agree with you.

Thank you for admitting that the police did not do their job, though, imo the fault lies with the politicians that ordered then to stand down.

And I don't know that the white supremacists were not defending themselves. AND not all of the, indeed, I doubt even HALF of the statue demonstrators were white supremacists.

When the local politicians make it clear that they are working with the brownshirts (Antifa) to attack their political enemies, to suppress political speech they don't like though violence, in a supposedly democracy,

AND on top of THAT, they are supported by one of the major political parties and the majority of the media?

THAT is the story as far as I am concerned.

Charlottesville Stand-Down Order? -

You really buy that shit? THat the police would stand by and watch a fucking riot, and not do anything because of a lack of direct order to take action?


I'm willing to believe that dem politicians are capable of incredible incompetence, but that is beyond what even I am wiling to believe of democrats.
All those good people carrying torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us!"

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