Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

i argue with people who do stereotypes all the time, either side. when someone goes after something that is known bullshit, i call it, or at least try to. but you seldom see me go off with "we know you lefties are all to blame" but feel free to scan my entire posting history and show me examples of how i stereotype as a form of discussion.

you'll be busy, and you won't find anything.

Ok...I looked at your posting history. I looked for the term leftist and leftwing, and the term right and rightwing to see what came up. While I think you are more discussion oriented than many here, you are far more critical and stereotyping of the left than you are of the right. I found very little criticism of the right, yet you frequently attack those on the left for what is often - legitimate criticism and this thread is a case in point. It is one of MANY threads here on "leftwing violence". To read through them you would think that the left supports, promotes, and conducts violence at horrendous levels. SERIOUSLY???? I am a leftist and I don't pretend to be anything else, but I never agree with violence, I do not support violent actions nor damage to private property nor do I know anyone who does, nor have I seen such support to any appreciable extent expressed here on these boards. So where is this stereotyping from? Most folks on the left and on the right are ordinary people, not people trying to kill other people and everyone I know, left or right, has strongly denounced the behavior of groups like Antifa, groups like Unite the Right and the destruction, murder and injuries they cost. I am really not seeing your objectivity or any sort of evenhandedness to any great extent here.

Is this not stereotyping and generalizing? How is blaming everything the left criticizes Trump for on "losing the election" any different than blaming everything the right criticized Obama for on "racism"? It's all stereotyping, generalizing, not looking at each situation individually.

Privacy Group Sues DOJ for Public Release of Mueller Report
because the left lost.
they hate that.

John Dean : Report more Damming than Watergate report
you fucktards on the left know no bounds. no lines. no "gone too far". you want what you want and anything short of that is criminal to you.

The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns
it's the lefts effort to smear/demonize anyone in their path. it's just what they do and how they try to justify all the crap they put on others.

President Trump Is Right: ‘It Would Be Treason’ If They Did To Obama What They Did To Me'
the left would never stand for what they did/are doing to trump. but their hate and being "emotionally correct" all the time gives them a mental reprieve for this, if only to themselves.

and leftists just stereotype everything and pretend they never do anything wrong.
Funny how you left out the part about how they planned to agitate violence in their “peaceful” demonstration and were ready to participate.

Leaked Chats Show Charlottesville Marchers Were Planning for Violence

View attachment 259298
None of that steeped-in-vagaries-and-hearsay crap indicates that they were intent on initiating any violence.....In fact, it looks to me like they knew that there were going to be agitators bused in to harass them, and were preparing to defend themselves.

BTW, who had the valid permit to assemble and protest, and who didn't?
thats it. you are now a double nazi supremecist.
Pretty much.

Thing is that I was still paying a little attention to Christoper Cantwell at that point, though less and less as he got loonier and loonier...He already knew that there was going to be an antifa goon squad bused into Charlottesville with the aim of getting in their faces, so it's little wonder that there was internet chatter on how to gear up for that eventuality.

But according to shamelsess hacks like Coyote, that just proves that they're the ones starting the violence!
And according to shameless hacks like you and Iceberg, your side is blameless. Both sides commit plenty, but it's pretty obvious that, at this point in history, the Antifa thugs seem more intent on violent disruption and property damage while the White Supremacist thugs are actually killing people. That brings it into a whole new category and here you are minimizing what occurred.

Their INTENT was to provoke, their desire was to provoke, and their plan was to be ready to meet any provocation with planned violence. You and Iceberg are the worst kind of partisan if you can't even recognize that and acknowledge their role. I have no problem recognizing and condemning the actions of Antifa - they are thugs, they disrupt peaceful demonstrations, they assault people, and they damage private property. I just don't get why you and others, dismiss the violence from your side.

Go at it. Just stop pretending to be "objective".
show me where i said the right is blameless.

you have a serious tendency to want to keep the conversqtion generic and extreme.

for example: the left is doing some stupid shit these days, i say.

you now say i am saying the right is blameless.
however you get upset when i change gears off your topic.

cracks me da fuck up.

I think it's time that maybe you "put up". No, you have not said the right is blameless in so many words, but you certainly have been closed mouthed about criticizing them while simultaneously condemning the left for not criticizing their own (that is the impression I am getting from you).

You also repeatedly accuse me of saying things or supporting things I have not. Why? It clearly angers you when it is done to you, so why do you insist on doing it? You seem to be accusing me of stereotyping all right-wingers into white supremacists and people who endorse violence. I do not. But in a thread, who's OP itself conflates left-wingers with violence (something I notice you haven't attacked in your defense of your own) - I think it's appropriate to point out the glass houses of the argument.

Have at it.
i argue with people who do stereotypes all the time, either side. when someone goes after something that is known bullshit, i call it, or at least try to. but you seldom see me go off with "we know you lefties are all to blame" but feel free to scan my entire posting history and show me examples of how i stereotype as a form of discussion.

you'll be busy, and you won't find anything.

Ok...I looked at your posting history. I looked for the term leftist and leftwing, and the term right and rightwing to see what came up. While I think you are more discussion oriented than many here, you are far more critical and stereotyping of the left than you are of the right. I found very little criticism of the right, yet you frequently attack those on the left for what is often - legitimate criticism and this thread is a case in point. It is one of MANY threads here on "leftwing violence". To read through them you would think that the left supports, promotes, and conducts violence at horrendous levels. SERIOUSLY???? I am a leftist and I don't pretend to be anything else, but I never agree with violence, I do not support violent actions nor damage to private property nor do I know anyone who does, nor have I seen such support to any appreciable extent expressed here on these boards. So where is this stereotyping from? Most folks on the left and on the right are ordinary people, not people trying to kill other people and everyone I know, left or right, has strongly denounced the behavior of groups like Antifa, groups like Unite the Right and the destruction, murder and injuries they cost. I am really not seeing your objectivity or any sort of evenhandedness to any great extent here.

Is this not stereotyping and generalizing? How is blaming everything the left criticizes Trump for on "losing the election" any different than blaming everything the right criticized Obama for on "racism"? It's all stereotyping, generalizing, not looking at each situation individually.

Privacy Group Sues DOJ for Public Release of Mueller Report
because the left lost.
they hate that.

John Dean : Report more Damming than Watergate report
you fucktards on the left know no bounds. no lines. no "gone too far". you want what you want and anything short of that is criminal to you.

The IRS ***denies*** The House Request For DJT's Tax Returns
it's the lefts effort to smear/demonize anyone in their path. it's just what they do and how they try to justify all the crap they put on others.

President Trump Is Right: ‘It Would Be Treason’ If They Did To Obama What They Did To Me'
the left would never stand for what they did/are doing to trump. but their hate and being "emotionally correct" all the time gives them a mental reprieve for this, if only to themselves.

and leftists just stereotype everything and pretend they never do anything wrong.
good post. i do have my moments in discussion where yes ill stereotype. maybe i do it more than i realize. i am right based and dont hide that either. but i also listen to people who provide intellugent conversation in return. i do try to find a common set of rules we dan all play by but it doesnt seem many want that.

either side.

i think the extremes of both sides shout way to much and think to little and many in the middle get lost in all the shouting. the examples you provide are usually when i take someone off ignore and just had enough.

but you cant know that and in the end, im still the one who posted in that manner.

so very good reply and taking the time to look regardless of what i think about your summary, i xan see where you got it.
None of that steeped-in-vagaries-and-hearsay crap indicates that they were intent on initiating any violence.....In fact, it looks to me like they knew that there were going to be agitators bused in to harass them, and were preparing to defend themselves.

BTW, who had the valid permit to assemble and protest, and who didn't?
thats it. you are now a double nazi supremecist.
Pretty much.

Thing is that I was still paying a little attention to Christoper Cantwell at that point, though less and less as he got loonier and loonier...He already knew that there was going to be an antifa goon squad bused into Charlottesville with the aim of getting in their faces, so it's little wonder that there was internet chatter on how to gear up for that eventuality.

But according to shamelsess hacks like Coyote, that just proves that they're the ones starting the violence!
And according to shameless hacks like you and Iceberg, your side is blameless. Both sides commit plenty, but it's pretty obvious that, at this point in history, the Antifa thugs seem more intent on violent disruption and property damage while the White Supremacist thugs are actually killing people. That brings it into a whole new category and here you are minimizing what occurred.

Their INTENT was to provoke, their desire was to provoke, and their plan was to be ready to meet any provocation with planned violence. You and Iceberg are the worst kind of partisan if you can't even recognize that and acknowledge their role. I have no problem recognizing and condemning the actions of Antifa - they are thugs, they disrupt peaceful demonstrations, they assault people, and they damage private property. I just don't get why you and others, dismiss the violence from your side.

Go at it. Just stop pretending to be "objective".
show me where i said the right is blameless.

you have a serious tendency to want to keep the conversqtion generic and extreme.

for example: the left is doing some stupid shit these days, i say.

you now say i am saying the right is blameless.
however you get upset when i change gears off your topic.

cracks me da fuck up.

I think it's time that maybe you "put up". No, you have not said the right is blameless in so many words, but you certainly have been closed mouthed about criticizing them while simultaneously condemning the left for not criticizing their own (that is the impression I am getting from you).

You also repeatedly accuse me of saying things or supporting things I have not. Why? It clearly angers you when it is done to you, so why do you insist on doing it? You seem to be accusing me of stereotyping all right-wingers into white supremacists and people who endorse violence. I do not. But in a thread, who's OP itself conflates left-wingers with violence (something I notice you haven't attacked in your defense of your own) - I think it's appropriate to point out the glass houses of the argument.

Have at it.
just because i dont attact the right doesnt mean i condone it.

i need to remember that works both ways.
Conservative patience is near exhausted.

Pent-up pushback is a bitch when it emerges.

There is no conservative patience, just partisan overreach coming to a head and an incompetent Congress that abandoned their duties over the past couple years.
thats it. you are now a double nazi supremecist.
Pretty much.

Thing is that I was still paying a little attention to Christoper Cantwell at that point, though less and less as he got loonier and loonier...He already knew that there was going to be an antifa goon squad bused into Charlottesville with the aim of getting in their faces, so it's little wonder that there was internet chatter on how to gear up for that eventuality.

But according to shamelsess hacks like Coyote, that just proves that they're the ones starting the violence!
And according to shameless hacks like you and Iceberg, your side is blameless. Both sides commit plenty, but it's pretty obvious that, at this point in history, the Antifa thugs seem more intent on violent disruption and property damage while the White Supremacist thugs are actually killing people. That brings it into a whole new category and here you are minimizing what occurred.

Their INTENT was to provoke, their desire was to provoke, and their plan was to be ready to meet any provocation with planned violence. You and Iceberg are the worst kind of partisan if you can't even recognize that and acknowledge their role. I have no problem recognizing and condemning the actions of Antifa - they are thugs, they disrupt peaceful demonstrations, they assault people, and they damage private property. I just don't get why you and others, dismiss the violence from your side.

Go at it. Just stop pretending to be "objective".
show me where i said the right is blameless.

you have a serious tendency to want to keep the conversqtion generic and extreme.

for example: the left is doing some stupid shit these days, i say.

you now say i am saying the right is blameless.
however you get upset when i change gears off your topic.

cracks me da fuck up.

I think it's time that maybe you "put up". No, you have not said the right is blameless in so many words, but you certainly have been closed mouthed about criticizing them while simultaneously condemning the left for not criticizing their own (that is the impression I am getting from you).

You also repeatedly accuse me of saying things or supporting things I have not. Why? It clearly angers you when it is done to you, so why do you insist on doing it? You seem to be accusing me of stereotyping all right-wingers into white supremacists and people who endorse violence. I do not. But in a thread, who's OP itself conflates left-wingers with violence (something I notice you haven't attacked in your defense of your own) - I think it's appropriate to point out the glass houses of the argument.

Have at it.
just because i dont attact the right doesnt mean i condone it.

i need to remember that works both ways.

As do I.
I have a bumper sticker on my car, reading, "Not my president". Last week, in Phoenix, at a Circle K while I was buying a bottle of water, a middle aged man came in, got right in my face, and demanded to know who my president was. When I ignored him, he invited me outside. In short, he threatened me with violence. All this, without my uttering a word. I walked out, got in my car, locked the door, and drove away. He had followed me out, harassing me, the whole way. This is the third time that I have been verbally assaulted because of my bumper sticker. One guy followed me all the way to the back of Walmart, before I told him to back off before I called security. You guys on the right can rant about left wing violence all you want, but I have never seen anyone do this to a Trump supporter. And to put icing on the cake, Trump is threatening Facebook for banning RW hate pages. It is disgusting.
I have a bumper sticker on my car, reading, "Not my president". Last week, in Phoenix, at a Circle K while I was buying a bottle of water, a middle aged man came in, got right in my face, and demanded to know who my president was. When I ignored him, he invited me outside. In short, he threatened me with violence. All this, without my uttering a word. I walked out, got in my car, locked the door, and drove away. He had followed me out, harassing me, the whole way. This is the third time that I have been verbally assaulted because of my bumper sticker. One guy followed me all the way to the back of Walmart, before I told him to back off before I called security. You guys on the right can rant about left wing violence all you want, but I have never seen anyone do this to a Trump supporter. And to put icing on the cake, Trump is threatening Facebook for banning RW hate pages. It is disgusting.

Did you end up in the Emergency Room to seek treatment from those horrific verbal assaults, as you put ?
When Hillary says there won't be civility till a Dem is in office and Pelosi says the harassment will stop when we get a Dem president, it's not hard to see that calls for violence are coming from the top. The leftists are experts at causing civil unrest.
Faking Hate-crime Statistics, ADL Claims “Right-wing ...
Faking Hate-crime Statistics, ADL Claims “Right-wing” Violence Greatest Threat
Enter the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt, who just made an interesting claim. To wit: “Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat.” ... far-rightterrorism was a … “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure,” the saying goes. Enter the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt, who just made an interesting claim..... FrontPage Mag’s Daniel Greenfield, who writes that “Greenblatt’s ADL has become notorious for undermining its mission by putting out fake hate crime statistics. And these fake statistics were as surreally egregious as they were confusing.”...
Lastly, so-called “right-wing” killers are generally lone wolves and are often mentally deranged. Muslim jihadists are part of an easily identifiable worldwide movement with consistent, rather precise goals, effective outreach, and a troubling capacity to win converts. Thus, equating the two groups is dangerous media malpractice that blinds Americans to the true dangers and can render them sheep being led to the slaughter. Those guilty of it are to be despised.
Isn't that the same people who said evolution is a left wing conspiracy?
Seems to be the righties who are taking violence to new and lethal levels lately. Lefties seem to be more bent on trashing the ace.

Are you truly that dense?
Who is Antifa and the other goonies out their setting fire to cars, smashing windows, and looting?
It ain't the right!!!
At least they aren't running over innocent people in cars like right winger James Alex Fields Jr did or shooting people up in churches like right winger Dylan Roof did.
See stuff getting broken and you blame the left, see people getting murdered and we suppose it's Republicans.

Who put them up to it?

Seems to be the righties who are taking violence to new and lethal levels lately. Lefties seem to be more bent on trashing the ace.

Are you truly that dense?
Who is Antifa and the other goonies out their setting fire to cars, smashing windows, and looting?
It ain't the right!!!
At least they aren't running over innocent people in cars like right winger James Alex Fields Jr did or shooting people up in churches like right winger Dylan Roof did.
See stuff getting broken and you blame the left, see people getting murdered and we suppose it's Republicans.

Who put them up to it?


You mean like Bath House Barry trying to emulate Sean Connery by telling his Democrats. "If they bring knife to the fight, we bring a gun."

Obama, Guns and 'The Untouchables'
Jan 14, 2011 · Obama, Guns and ‘The Untouchables’. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’ ” he said. A donor yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!” “I won’t but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,” Obama said. “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said.
I have a bumper sticker on my car, reading, "Not my president". Last week, in Phoenix, at a Circle K while I was buying a bottle of water, a middle aged man came in, got right in my face, and demanded to know who my president was. When I ignored him, he invited me outside. In short, he threatened me with violence. All this, without my uttering a word. I walked out, got in my car, locked the door, and drove away. He had followed me out, harassing me, the whole way. This is the third time that I have been verbally assaulted because of my bumper sticker. One guy followed me all the way to the back of Walmart, before I told him to back off before I called security. You guys on the right can rant about left wing violence all you want, but I have never seen anyone do this to a Trump supporter. And to put icing on the cake, Trump is threatening Facebook for banning RW hate pages. It is disgusting.

Did you end up in the Emergency Room to seek treatment from those horrific verbal assaults, as you put ?

Oh, since I avoided a physical altercation initiated by a Trump supporter, by ignoring his bait, you feel that mocking me is appropriate?

Why does that not surprise me?
Seems to be the righties who are taking violence to new and lethal levels lately. Lefties seem to be more bent on trashing the ace.

Are you truly that dense?
Who is Antifa and the other goonies out their setting fire to cars, smashing windows, and looting?
It ain't the right!!!
At least they aren't running over innocent people in cars like right winger James Alex Fields Jr did or shooting people up in churches like right winger Dylan Roof did.
See stuff getting broken and you blame the left, see people getting murdered and we suppose it's Republicans.

Who put them up to it?


You mean like Bath House Barry trying to emulate Sean Connery by telling his Democrats. "If they bring knife to the fight, we bring a gun."

Obama, Guns and 'The Untouchables'
Jan 14, 2011 · Obama, Guns and ‘The Untouchables’. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’ ” he said. A donor yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!” “I won’t but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,” Obama said. “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said.

Yes. It was all part of Obama’s “reward our friends, punish our enemies”.
I have a bumper sticker on my car, reading, "Not my president". Last week, in Phoenix, at a Circle K while I was buying a bottle of water, a middle aged man came in, got right in my face, and demanded to know who my president was. When I ignored him, he invited me outside. In short, he threatened me with violence. All this, without my uttering a word. I walked out, got in my car, locked the door, and drove away. He had followed me out, harassing me, the whole way. This is the third time that I have been verbally assaulted because of my bumper sticker. One guy followed me all the way to the back of Walmart, before I told him to back off before I called security. You guys on the right can rant about left wing violence all you want, but I have never seen anyone do this to a Trump supporter. And to put icing on the cake, Trump is threatening Facebook for banning RW hate pages. It is disgusting.

Did you end up in the Emergency Room to seek treatment from those horrific verbal assaults, as you put ?

Oh, since I avoided a physical altercation initiated by a Trump supporter, by ignoring his bait, you feel that mocking me is appropriate?

Why does that not surprise me?

But maxine waters told you to do the same exact thing .....which every news station carried.....
get up in their faces
Whats the problem? this tactic has been whole heartedly endorsed by democratic party leaders.

Wait you dont like it ...thats odd:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Almost like they know that the shit they say, is just shit.

It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

View attachment 259287

A good example. The local politicians told the police to stand down and let antifa attack them, leading to one of the nazis to escalate to a deadly weapon, ie a car.

None of that would have happened, if the cops had done their job and prevented the riot in the first place.

Are you happy with the way that went? I'm not. And I assume you are not either.

It is good to find common ground, is it not?

Am I wrong about that? Is your only complaint that the nazis fought back?

What kind of "peaceful demonstrators" come prepared with weapons and taped hands, for violence? How many peaceful demonstrators tend to get arrested for initiating attacks on other demonstrators? So if you want to be accurate, you would acknowledge that their purpose wasn't a peaceful demonstration - it was provocation and inciting violence and participating in it and the sad result was that they killed an innocent person.

I don't pretend that Antifa wasn't there to incite violence - that is their methodology and they have repeatedly done so. I just don't get why people make excuses for the rightwing extremists in this event - they were certainly not just defending themselves.

On the failure of the police? I do agree with you.

Thank you for admitting that the police did not do their job, though, imo the fault lies with the politicians that ordered then to stand down.

And I don't know that the white supremacists were not defending themselves. AND not all of the, indeed, I doubt even HALF of the statue demonstrators were white supremacists.

When the local politicians make it clear that they are working with the brownshirts (Antifa) to attack their political enemies, to suppress political speech they don't like though violence, in a supposedly democracy,

AND on top of THAT, they are supported by one of the major political parties and the majority of the media?

THAT is the story as far as I am concerned.

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