Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

View attachment 259287
There aren't enough of those chumps that they could elect a dog catcher in a rural Montana county....And there was no violence during that foolhardy demonstration until the antifa goon squad started it.

Funny how you left out the part about how they planned to agitate violence in their “peaceful” demonstration and were ready to participate.

Leaked Chats Show Charlottesville Marchers Were Planning for Violence

View attachment 259298
None of that steeped-in-vagaries-and-hearsay crap indicates that they were intent on initiating any violence.....In fact, it looks to me like they knew that there were going to be agitators bused in to harass them, and were preparing to defend themselves.

BTW, who had the valid permit to assemble and protest, and who didn't?
thats it. you are now a double nazi supremecist.
When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

View attachment 259287
There aren't enough of those chumps that they could elect a dog catcher in a rural Montana county....And there was no violence during that foolhardy demonstration until the antifa goon squad started it.

Funny how you left out the part about how they planned to agitate violence in their “peaceful” demonstration and were ready to participate.

Leaked Chats Show Charlottesville Marchers Were Planning for Violence

View attachment 259298
None of that steeped-in-vagaries-and-hearsay crap indicates that they were intent on initiating any violence.....In fact, it looks to me like they knew that there were going to be agitators bused in to harass them, and were preparing to defend themselves.

BTW, who had the valid permit to assemble and protest, and who didn't?
thats it. you are now a double nazi supremecist.
Pretty much.

Thing is that I was still paying a little attention to Christoper Cantwell at that point, though less and less as he got loonier and loonier...He already knew that there was going to be an antifa goon squad bused into Charlottesville with the aim of getting in their faces, so it's little wonder that there was internet chatter on how to gear up for that eventuality.

But according to shamelsess hacks like Coyote, that just proves that they're the ones starting the violence!
There aren't enough of those chumps that they could elect a dog catcher in a rural Montana county....And there was no violence during that foolhardy demonstration until the antifa goon squad started it.

Funny how you left out the part about how they planned to agitate violence in their “peaceful” demonstration and were ready to participate.

Leaked Chats Show Charlottesville Marchers Were Planning for Violence

View attachment 259298
None of that steeped-in-vagaries-and-hearsay crap indicates that they were intent on initiating any violence.....In fact, it looks to me like they knew that there were going to be agitators bused in to harass them, and were preparing to defend themselves.

BTW, who had the valid permit to assemble and protest, and who didn't?
thats it. you are now a double nazi supremecist.
Pretty much.

Thing is that I was still paying a little attention to Christoper Cantwell at that point, though less and less as he got loonier and loonier...He already knew that there was going to be an antifa goon squad bused into Charlottesville with the aim of getting in their faces, so it's little wonder that there was internet chatter on how to gear up for that eventuality.

But according to shamelsess hacks like Coyote, that just proves that they're the ones starting the violence!
in their mind its justifiable because they pre paint people with hateful connotations and stereotypes which makes their own views american and just.

next, twist everything to support this mindset.
Seems to be the righties who are taking violence to new and lethal levels lately. Lefties seem to be more bent on trashing the ace.


And we all know how generous you lefties are with the fascist label.

We all know how you righties make excuses for your own violent tendancies.

When someone says, "we all know", we generally don't.
Good point. Maybe you will apply it to the one I responded to as well.

It can be applied anywhere.
Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years – Summit News
April 29, 2019 ~ By Paul Joseph Watson
“There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police”. Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp warns that leftist violence is going to get “very, very bad” over the next two years in response to President Trump indicting the plotters who tried to remove him from office.
During an interview with USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter, Shipp, a former manager of high risk Counter Terrorism Center protective operations with the CIA, predicted that there would be arrests of deep state figures who were involved in the scandal.... “This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These people need to be indicted, charged and need to be put in prison, and if they’re not, then our Constitution is nothing more than a sham,” said Shipp.... He added that there was an ongoing “civil war” within the government and that, “There is a Marxist movement within the DNC that is in control right now.” Forecasting that Trump will win re-election in 2020, the former CIA officer said that the left’s reaction would become increasingly unhinged. “The danger for ‘We the People’ is the Dark Left and Dark Left violence,” said Shipp. “As these indictments begin to come out, and as the players are called out, the violence on what I call the Dark Left, the violence is going to increase to the point where it’s going to be very, very bad. There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police. . . . There is going to be a lot of violence coming from the Left in the next year or two.” Shipp urged Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights in preparation for a violent attempt by the left to take over “our Constitution and culture.”

It may get a little dicey by election time 2020, possibly beginning in Charlotte, NC where the Republican Convention will be held next year. When is law enforcement going to be allowed to take these anarchists to jail and charge them with trying to overthrow the government? When are they going to be able to subdue these punks?
The lying media who knowingly assisted and suborned in this attempted coup and sedition should not get away without punishment. This was insane.
I can ONLY HOPE that all Americans citizens REALIZE, that once you" DISARM " the Civilian population, we become SHEEP! Why do you think the FOUNDERS of our Republic thought it SO IMPORTANT to make the BEARING OF ARMS so important. They KNEW that as LONG AS THE CIVILIAN population could rise up and fight back, that a TAKE-OVER by a tyrannical Gov. would be HIGHLY UNLIKELY. The best example of this is what has happened in the turmoil going on in the upheaval in Venezuela, where complete gun control was imposed by Marxist Socialist Dictators Chavez/Maduro....

Oh those Democrats. How violent they are. If history is any indication................


....................oh wait.............uh.............never-mind.
How do Republicans become outraged over possible classified material being on Hillary's private server, but have no problem with Trump GIVING secret material to the Russian IN the Oval Office?


Because it's not about classified material. Or the Russians. Or even Hillary.

It's about the GOP establishing a one party white rule using the old South Africa as a model.
Faking Hate-crime Statistics, ADL Claims “Right-wing ...
Faking Hate-crime Statistics, ADL Claims “Right-wing” Violence Greatest Threat
Enter the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt, who just made an interesting claim. To wit: “Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat.” ... far-rightterrorism was a … “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure,” the saying goes. Enter the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt, who just made an interesting claim..... FrontPage Mag’s Daniel Greenfield, who writes that “Greenblatt’s ADL has become notorious for undermining its mission by putting out fake hate crime statistics. And these fake statistics were as surreally egregious as they were confusing.”...
Lastly, so-called “right-wing” killers are generally lone wolves and are often mentally deranged. Muslim jihadists are part of an easily identifiable worldwide movement with consistent, rather precise goals, effective outreach, and a troubling capacity to win converts. Thus, equating the two groups is dangerous media malpractice that blinds Americans to the true dangers and can render them sheep being led to the slaughter. Those guilty of it are to be despised.
Seems to be the righties who are taking violence to new and lethal levels lately. Lefties seem to be more bent on trashing the ace.

Are you truly that dense?
Who is Antifa and the other goonies out their setting fire to cars, smashing windows, and looting?
It ain't the right!!!
There aren't enough of those chumps that they could elect a dog catcher in a rural Montana county....And there was no violence during that foolhardy demonstration until the antifa goon squad started it.

Funny how you left out the part about how they planned to agitate violence in their “peaceful” demonstration and were ready to participate.

Leaked Chats Show Charlottesville Marchers Were Planning for Violence

View attachment 259298
None of that steeped-in-vagaries-and-hearsay crap indicates that they were intent on initiating any violence.....In fact, it looks to me like they knew that there were going to be agitators bused in to harass them, and were preparing to defend themselves.

BTW, who had the valid permit to assemble and protest, and who didn't?
thats it. you are now a double nazi supremecist.
Pretty much.

Thing is that I was still paying a little attention to Christoper Cantwell at that point, though less and less as he got loonier and loonier...He already knew that there was going to be an antifa goon squad bused into Charlottesville with the aim of getting in their faces, so it's little wonder that there was internet chatter on how to gear up for that eventuality.

But according to shamelsess hacks like Coyote, that just proves that they're the ones starting the violence!
And according to shameless hacks like you and Iceberg, your side is blameless. Both sides commit plenty, but it's pretty obvious that, at this point in history, the Antifa thugs seem more intent on violent disruption and property damage while the White Supremacist thugs are actually killing people. That brings it into a whole new category and here you are minimizing what occurred.

Their INTENT was to provoke, their desire was to provoke, and their plan was to be ready to meet any provocation with planned violence. You and Iceberg are the worst kind of partisan if you can't even recognize that and acknowledge their role. I have no problem recognizing and condemning the actions of Antifa - they are thugs, they disrupt peaceful demonstrations, they assault people, and they damage private property. I just don't get why you and others, dismiss the violence from your side.

Go at it. Just stop pretending to be "objective".
Seems to be the righties who are taking violence to new and lethal levels lately. Lefties seem to be more bent on trashing the ace.

Are you truly that dense?
Who is Antifa and the other goonies out their setting fire to cars, smashing windows, and looting?
It ain't the right!!!

Who is murdering people? So far, it looks like the right holds the record there at this time. Are you truly so dense you can't acknowledge what your own side does?
Faking Hate-crime Statistics, ADL Claims “Right-wing ...
Faking Hate-crime Statistics, ADL Claims “Right-wing” Violence Greatest Threat
Enter the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt, who just made an interesting claim. To wit: “Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat.” ... far-rightterrorism was a … “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure,” the saying goes. Enter the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt, who just made an interesting claim..... FrontPage Mag’s Daniel Greenfield, who writes that “Greenblatt’s ADL has become notorious for undermining its mission by putting out fake hate crime statistics. And these fake statistics were as surreally egregious as they were confusing.”...
Lastly, so-called “right-wing” killers are generally lone wolves and are often mentally deranged. Muslim jihadists are part of an easily identifiable worldwide movement with consistent, rather precise goals, effective outreach, and a troubling capacity to win converts. Thus, equating the two groups is dangerous media malpractice that blinds Americans to the true dangers and can render them sheep being led to the slaughter. Those guilty of it are to be despised.'s another one making excuses for the violence from the right.
It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

View attachment 259287
There aren't enough of those chumps that they could elect a dog catcher in a rural Montana county....And there was no violence during that foolhardy demonstration until the antifa goon squad started it.

Funny how you left out the part about how they planned to agitate violence in their “peaceful” demonstration and were ready to participate.

Leaked Chats Show Charlottesville Marchers Were Planning for Violence

View attachment 259298
None of that steeped-in-vagaries-and-hearsay crap indicates that they were intent on initiating any violence.....In fact, it looks to me like they knew that there were going to be agitators bused in to harass them, and were preparing to defend themselves.

BTW, who had the valid permit to assemble and protest, and who didn't?

Maybe you should check facts first.

Trump wrong that counter-protesters had no permit

The counter-protesters’ Saturday permit
The Washington Post Fact Checker published a document in an earlier fact-check showing that counter-protesters had indeed acquired an official permit for Saturday, when the Unite the Right march was scheduled.

The permit was issued to Walt Heinecke, an associate professor of educational research, statistics and evaluation at the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education. The "special events certificate of approval" for a public demonstration at two parks in Charlottesville, McGuffey Park and Justice Park. Those are located within one and two blocks, respectively, of Emancipation Park, the location of a Robert E. Lee statue and the destination for the Unite the Right march. The certificate covers Saturday, Aug. 12, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Funny how you left out the part about how they planned to agitate violence in their “peaceful” demonstration and were ready to participate.
Leaked Chats Show Charlottesville Marchers Were Planning for Violence

From YOUR article.....

The discussions took place on a private channel (guess it wsn't so "private after all eh?) created using Discord, a service primarily intended for gamers. Hundreds of screenshots of the exchanges were released this week by Unicorn Riot, a left-wing activist group, which said they were shared by an anonymous source. Organizers of the event told Wired that the leaked chats appeared authentic. The records also included audio recordings of planning meetings.

So, let me get this straight....a bunch of Trump hating fanatics SAY we should all believe it ???
Because the Left NEVER lies or presents false evidence (ala Kavanaugh)

Sorry, credibility is something the left may NEVER have again in this life.

:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:'s more about your non-violent heros...yup it was all the fault of the violent Trump hating left...the right were just defending themselves...sure.....

4 members of white supremacist group arrested over violent 2017 Charlottesville rally
Four members of a militant white supremacist group from California have been arrested on charges they traveled to Virginia last year to incite a riot and attack counterprotesters at a white nationalist rally that turned deadly, federal authorities said Tuesday.

The defendants — Benjamin Drake Daley, Michael Paul Miselis, Thomas Walter Gillen and Cole Evan White — are part of the Rise Above Movement, which espouses anti-Semitic views and meets regularly in public parks to train in boxing and other fighting techniques, according to an affidavit written by an FBI agent.

The affidavit alleges the four men were "among the most violent individuals present in Charlottesville" in August of last year during a torch-lit march on the University of Virginia campus and a larger rally in downtown the following day. It says photos and video footage shows they attacked counterprotesters, "which in some cases resulted in serious injuries."

...The men have also taken part in "acts of violence" at political rallies in Huntington Beach and Berkeley, California, and other places, the affidavit alleges.
And they're apparently not passionate enough to risk their lives and freedom unlike the occasional right winger who bombs an abortion clinic or whatever. Even though according to them, we're on the verge of falling into a fascist dictatorship.

Almost like they know that the shit they say, is just shit.

It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

View attachment 259287

A good example. The local politicians told the police to stand down and let antifa attack them, leading to one of the nazis to escalate to a deadly weapon, ie a car.

None of that would have happened, if the cops had done their job and prevented the riot in the first place.

Are you happy with the way that went? I'm not. And I assume you are not either.

It is good to find common ground, is it not?

Am I wrong about that? Is your only complaint that the nazis fought back?

What kind of "peaceful demonstrators" come prepared with weapons and taped hands, for violence? How many peaceful demonstrators tend to get arrested for initiating attacks on other demonstrators? So if you want to be accurate, you would acknowledge that their purpose wasn't a peaceful demonstration - it was provocation and inciting violence and participating in it and the sad result was that they killed an innocent person.

I don't pretend that Antifa wasn't there to incite violence - that is their methodology and they have repeatedly done so. I just don't get why people make excuses for the rightwing extremists in this event - they were certainly not just defending themselves.

On the failure of the police? I do agree with you.
There aren't enough of those chumps that they could elect a dog catcher in a rural Montana county....And there was no violence during that foolhardy demonstration until the antifa goon squad started it.

Funny how you left out the part about how they planned to agitate violence in their “peaceful” demonstration and were ready to participate.

Leaked Chats Show Charlottesville Marchers Were Planning for Violence

View attachment 259298
None of that steeped-in-vagaries-and-hearsay crap indicates that they were intent on initiating any violence.....In fact, it looks to me like they knew that there were going to be agitators bused in to harass them, and were preparing to defend themselves.

BTW, who had the valid permit to assemble and protest, and who didn't?
thats it. you are now a double nazi supremecist.
Pretty much.

Thing is that I was still paying a little attention to Christoper Cantwell at that point, though less and less as he got loonier and loonier...He already knew that there was going to be an antifa goon squad bused into Charlottesville with the aim of getting in their faces, so it's little wonder that there was internet chatter on how to gear up for that eventuality.

But according to shamelsess hacks like Coyote, that just proves that they're the ones starting the violence!
And according to shameless hacks like you and Iceberg, your side is blameless. Both sides commit plenty, but it's pretty obvious that, at this point in history, the Antifa thugs seem more intent on violent disruption and property damage while the White Supremacist thugs are actually killing people. That brings it into a whole new category and here you are minimizing what occurred.

Their INTENT was to provoke, their desire was to provoke, and their plan was to be ready to meet any provocation with planned violence. You and Iceberg are the worst kind of partisan if you can't even recognize that and acknowledge their role. I have no problem recognizing and condemning the actions of Antifa - they are thugs, they disrupt peaceful demonstrations, they assault people, and they damage private property. I just don't get why you and others, dismiss the violence from your side.

Go at it. Just stop pretending to be "objective".
show me where i said the right is blameless.

you have a serious tendency to want to keep the conversqtion generic and extreme.

for example: the left is doing some stupid shit these days, i say.

you now say i am saying the right is blameless.
however you get upset when i change gears off your topic.

cracks me da fuck up.

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