Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

That's true. If they weren't given free reign by the very system of authority they claim is oppressing them to do as they please they'd scurry back to their holes. But when it comes to their personal motivations for getting involved, it's all extremely childish and self centered.

I saw a clip of some place where the cops were enforcing a no masks rule. My God the whining was hilarious. And settled those fuckers right down.

They hide their faces because they don't want their own dirty tactics of "name and shame" used against them.

And because they show up, planning to commit violent crimes.

99% of the time they're skinny white boys and fat blue haired chicks, fighting for the rights of oppressed people of color who don't want to be seen in public with they stupid asses
Due to the revelation that the Democratic Party, led by the most criminal President and administration in US history, attempted a political coup to overthrow the newly elected President and new administration and that this 'party' continues to attempt to do so (despite it being exposed for what it was / is) while attempting to protect the traitors from justice, the entire Democratic Party should be officially proclaimed 'S Enemy Of The State'.

Unless it acknowledges these crimes, acts to assist bringing these criminals to justice, and / or Officially expels them from their party ranks, the entire Party should be disbanded / outlawed, labeled a terrorist / criminal organization.

From Hillary Clinton.colluding with / paying foreign spies and Russians to help effect the outcome of the election to Diane Feinstein facilitating Chinese espionage to Comey / Schiff / McCabe leaking classified to Obama running / overseeing the entire protection of Hillary Clinton and the attempted coup, the Democrats have violated both Constitution and Rule of Law in their criminal treasonous pursuit of power.
True. That's another point to add - they are incompetent when it comes to violence.

And they're apparently not passionate enough to risk their lives and freedom unlike the occasional right winger who bombs an abortion clinic or whatever. Even though according to them, we're on the verge of falling into a fascist dictatorship.

Almost like they know that the shit they say, is just shit.

It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

That's true. If they weren't given free reign by the very system of authority they claim is oppressing them to do as they please they'd scurry back to their holes. But when it comes to their personal motivations for getting involved, it's all extremely childish and self centered.

The funny thing is that if they succeed in putting their Socialist utopian ideology into practice in America, they will also be in line for extermination.... the history of Communist Marxism in Russia, China Cuba and Vietnam proves it so.
The 2020 election is going to be a pip!

Whose willing to die for it?

We need Volunteers for America; "one generation got old, the next generation got sold...".
And they're apparently not passionate enough to risk their lives and freedom unlike the occasional right winger who bombs an abortion clinic or whatever. Even though according to them, we're on the verge of falling into a fascist dictatorship.

Almost like they know that the shit they say, is just shit.

It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

That's true. If they weren't given free reign by the very system of authority they claim is oppressing them to do as they please they'd scurry back to their holes. But when it comes to their personal motivations for getting involved, it's all extremely childish and self centered.

The funny thing is that if they succeed in putting their Socialist utopian ideology into practice in America, they will also be in line for extermination.... the history of Communist Marxism in Russia, China Cuba and Vietnam proves it so.

Not real communism!!! It will work this time!!!



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ok - let's roll.

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes

2017 Congressional baseball shooting - Wikipedia

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Antifa violence is ethical? This author explains why

their violence is ETHICAL - this is the bullshit the liberals hide behind. violence is violence. if you hate it, don't fucking do it.

FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was attacked and severely injured by a Democrat neighbor while mowing his lawn. He suffered fractured ribs and pleural effusion. GQ magazine then suggested that he deserved it.

A liberal teacher in Minnesota called for someone to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh on Twitter. She later resigned.

Sen. Cory Gardner’s (R-Colo.) wife received a threatening video of a beheading just prior to his vote for Kavanaugh, meant as a warning against confirming the Judge.

Just this week a man’s truck was torched in Portland, Oregon for having a Trump sticker on the bumper

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s son was physically assaulted at a pro-Brett Kavanaugh event at Stanford University.

A GOP office in Hillsborough, North Carolina was firebombed in 2016.

An Army veteran was struck in the head at with a bike lock by an Antifa member at a pro-freedom rally in Rhode Island.

The same thing happened to Trump supporters in Berkeley, California. The assailant was a community college professor.

AntiFA and their allies assaulting more than 25 innocent Americans

it's one thing to say the right is capable of violence also - yep. and they likely have more guns. but its another thing to sit there and deny the left is violent.

BULL SHIT to that idea.

Who denied the left is violent? No one. You however constistently minimalize the increasing and lethal violence on the right...around the world.

not going to get into this prima-donna shit. you're attacking the right and more or less saying the left keeps it contained.

anyone not a blind cheerleading fool knows better.

i already said both sides get carried away with violence. the right can dish it out pretty bad too. NEVER ONCE DID I SAY THEY COULD NOT. but you're over there making every excuse in the book to call your brand of violence justified and "ok" cause you FEELZ it.

Guess what dude - I never said the left couldn't either. But you kind of bypass that when you wing on claiming I say things I don't. Really. It's enough.

well it was the assault on "righties' that made your obvious objectivity hard to see.
not going to get into this prima-donna shit. you're attacking the right and more or less saying the left keeps it contained.

anyone not a blind cheerleading fool knows better.
Oh please. Cut the crap. You consistently ignore rightwing violence and only chime in when some one criticizes the right. Get off your highhorse.
this speaking from someone going "we all know you righties are violent!!!"

what the FUCK kinda of horse-SHIT is that? i'll reply in the same fashion you speak. you want to speak on an even keel about a topic, let's go. but to marginalize everyone into "you righties are the violent ones!" is going to get you a bunch of bullshit replies every single time.

you say they keep it contained to their "ace" whatever that means - i dumped a ton of leftist violence on this thread - please show the containment to the "ace".

you said it - explain it.

Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

or just go "you're stupid and i'm smart" again and i'll move on. and look around, i got many on the right who don't like me either. so you can stop the generalizations to hide behind. or stay there i suppose and just

Autocorrect on my phone changed something to ace. The left seems to confine most of their violence to property damage, stating that is by no means exhonerating it, but it is not in tbe same realm as murder. Say what you like, we suffer thread after thread on leftwing violence and I have yet to see you provide a counter. Quit pretending to be equitable.
then you're simply not looking. i've got almost as many conservatives on ignore as i do liberals. just get tired of the generic pointless insulting and screaming around and the whole "you righties are to blame" - as you can see - sets me off.

it's not any 1 side that is the problem its all of us pushing for 1 side over the other as if life itself depends on it. such notions end any possibility of rational conversation to move us past the violence. and if we keep saying "only your side does it" we're never going to get out of the loop. if we justify the violence because of hate for the 'other side' - we will continue on this path of stupidity.

i argue with people who do stereotypes all the time, either side. when someone goes after something that is known bullshit, i call it, or at least try to. but you seldom see me go off with "we know you lefties are all to blame" but feel free to scan my entire posting history and show me examples of how i stereotype as a form of discussion.

you'll be busy, and you won't find anything.

as for property damage - um...let me pull 4 random instances from my above library:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was attacked and severely injured by a Democrat neighbor while mowing his lawn. He suffered fractured ribs and pleural effusion. GQ magazine then suggested that he deserved it.

A liberal teacher in Minnesota called for someone to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh on Twitter. She later resigned.

Sen. Cory Gardner’s (R-Colo.) wife received a threatening video of a beheading just prior to his vote for Kavanaugh, meant as a warning against confirming the Judge.

Just this week a man’s truck was torched in Portland, Oregon for having a Trump sticker on the bumper
ok - so 3 of the 4 here are hurting people, or calling for them to be hurt. 1 is property damage.

feel free to pull your own quotes at random and see what you find.

Speaking of partisan hacks, can you provide a similar list of rightwingers doing similar? Never seem one from you.
never came up.

and like you said, show me where i said the right wasnt capable of violence.
Skewed data. Unreliable data. Fake data. The far right had an almost absolute monopoly on lethal terrorism in the United States last year. Your argument is complete bullshit.

There's only been about 20 mass shootings with fatalities over 10 since columbine in 1999 and only a handful were politically motivated and only about 3 or 4 were perpetrated by white dudes against "people of color".

In a nation of 300 million, those stats arent bad at all.

How many people has Antifa killed?

None yet, only because they punch like girls and are afraid to handle guns.

True. That's another point to add - they are incompetent when it comes to violence.

And they're apparently not passionate enough to risk their lives and freedom unlike the occasional right winger who bombs an abortion clinic or whatever. Even though according to them, we're on the verge of falling into a fascist dictatorship.
I suppose you could call the church and Synagogue shooters “passionate” in their hate...
Oh please. Cut the crap. You consistently ignore rightwing violence and only chime in when some one criticizes the right. Get off your highhorse.
this speaking from someone going "we all know you righties are violent!!!"

what the FUCK kinda of horse-SHIT is that? i'll reply in the same fashion you speak. you want to speak on an even keel about a topic, let's go. but to marginalize everyone into "you righties are the violent ones!" is going to get you a bunch of bullshit replies every single time.

you say they keep it contained to their "ace" whatever that means - i dumped a ton of leftist violence on this thread - please show the containment to the "ace".

you said it - explain it.

Former CIA Officer Warns Leftist Violence is Going to Get “Very Very Bad” Over the Next 2 Years

or just go "you're stupid and i'm smart" again and i'll move on. and look around, i got many on the right who don't like me either. so you can stop the generalizations to hide behind. or stay there i suppose and just

Autocorrect on my phone changed something to ace. The left seems to confine most of their violence to property damage, stating that is by no means exhonerating it, but it is not in tbe same realm as murder. Say what you like, we suffer thread after thread on leftwing violence and I have yet to see you provide a counter. Quit pretending to be equitable.
then you're simply not looking. i've got almost as many conservatives on ignore as i do liberals. just get tired of the generic pointless insulting and screaming around and the whole "you righties are to blame" - as you can see - sets me off.

it's not any 1 side that is the problem its all of us pushing for 1 side over the other as if life itself depends on it. such notions end any possibility of rational conversation to move us past the violence. and if we keep saying "only your side does it" we're never going to get out of the loop. if we justify the violence because of hate for the 'other side' - we will continue on this path of stupidity.

i argue with people who do stereotypes all the time, either side. when someone goes after something that is known bullshit, i call it, or at least try to. but you seldom see me go off with "we know you lefties are all to blame" but feel free to scan my entire posting history and show me examples of how i stereotype as a form of discussion.

you'll be busy, and you won't find anything.

as for property damage - um...let me pull 4 random instances from my above library:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was attacked and severely injured by a Democrat neighbor while mowing his lawn. He suffered fractured ribs and pleural effusion. GQ magazine then suggested that he deserved it.

A liberal teacher in Minnesota called for someone to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh on Twitter. She later resigned.

Sen. Cory Gardner’s (R-Colo.) wife received a threatening video of a beheading just prior to his vote for Kavanaugh, meant as a warning against confirming the Judge.

Just this week a man’s truck was torched in Portland, Oregon for having a Trump sticker on the bumper
ok - so 3 of the 4 here are hurting people, or calling for them to be hurt. 1 is property damage.

feel free to pull your own quotes at random and see what you find.

Speaking of partisan hacks, can you provide a similar list of rightwingers doing similar? Never seem one from you.
never came up.

and like you said, show me where i said the right wasnt capable of violence.
I never said you said thaT. You keep inventing things I have said.

On the other hand you several times made that claim about me vis a vis the left. Care to show me where I said that?
ok - let's roll.

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes

2017 Congressional baseball shooting - Wikipedia

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Antifa violence is ethical? This author explains why

their violence is ETHICAL - this is the bullshit the liberals hide behind. violence is violence. if you hate it, don't fucking do it.

FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was attacked and severely injured by a Democrat neighbor while mowing his lawn. He suffered fractured ribs and pleural effusion. GQ magazine then suggested that he deserved it.

A liberal teacher in Minnesota called for someone to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh on Twitter. She later resigned.

Sen. Cory Gardner’s (R-Colo.) wife received a threatening video of a beheading just prior to his vote for Kavanaugh, meant as a warning against confirming the Judge.

Just this week a man’s truck was torched in Portland, Oregon for having a Trump sticker on the bumper

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s son was physically assaulted at a pro-Brett Kavanaugh event at Stanford University.

A GOP office in Hillsborough, North Carolina was firebombed in 2016.

An Army veteran was struck in the head at with a bike lock by an Antifa member at a pro-freedom rally in Rhode Island.

The same thing happened to Trump supporters in Berkeley, California. The assailant was a community college professor.

AntiFA and their allies assaulting more than 25 innocent Americans

it's one thing to say the right is capable of violence also - yep. and they likely have more guns. but its another thing to sit there and deny the left is violent.

BULL SHIT to that idea.

Who denied the left is violent? No one. You however constistently minimalize the increasing and lethal violence on the right...around the world.

not going to get into this prima-donna shit. you're attacking the right and more or less saying the left keeps it contained.

anyone not a blind cheerleading fool knows better.

i already said both sides get carried away with violence. the right can dish it out pretty bad too. NEVER ONCE DID I SAY THEY COULD NOT. but you're over there making every excuse in the book to call your brand of violence justified and "ok" cause you FEELZ it.

Guess what dude - I never said the left couldn't either. But you kind of bypass that when you wing on claiming I say things I don't. Really. It's enough.

well it was the assault on "righties' that made your obvious objectivity hard to see.

Are you still pretending to be objective?
None yet, only because they punch like girls and are afraid to handle guns.

True. That's another point to add - they are incompetent when it comes to violence.

And they're apparently not passionate enough to risk their lives and freedom unlike the occasional right winger who bombs an abortion clinic or whatever. Even though according to them, we're on the verge of falling into a fascist dictatorship.

Almost like they know that the shit they say, is just shit.

It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

Almost like they know that the shit they say, is just shit.

It's a social club for edgy teens. Nothing more.

When they have the support of the local fascists in government or administration, they often succeed in shutting down speech, or hurting people, or both.

Don't underestimate them.

That's true. If they weren't given free reign by the very system of authority they claim is oppressing them to do as they please they'd scurry back to their holes. But when it comes to their personal motivations for getting involved, it's all extremely childish and self centered.

I saw a clip of some place where the cops were enforcing a no masks rule. My God the whining was hilarious. And settled those fuckers right down.

They hide their faces because they don't want their own dirty tactics of "name and shame" used against them.
Actually Leftist violence is backed by CAIR. They had people at Ferguson. That was Leftist violence.
Leftist violence is not going to be a problem, Unlike for Trump supporters, nobody is offering to pay our legal fees.
There's only been about 20 mass shootings with fatalities over 10 since columbine in 1999 and only a handful were politically motivated and only about 3 or 4 were perpetrated by white dudes against "people of color".

In a nation of 300 million, those stats arent bad at all.

How many people has Antifa killed?

None yet, only because they punch like girls and are afraid to handle guns.

True. That's another point to add - they are incompetent when it comes to violence.

And they're apparently not passionate enough to risk their lives and freedom unlike the occasional right winger who bombs an abortion clinic or whatever. Even though according to them, we're on the verge of falling into a fascist dictatorship.
I suppose you could call the church and Synagogue shooters “passionate” in their hate...

Globally speaking, Whites aren't the only perps of Church, and Synagogue shootings.
Data points that the Left is more violent and hence a threat.

Skewed data. Unreliable data. Fake data. The far right had an almost absolute monopoly on lethal terrorism in the United States last year. Your argument is complete bullshit.

There's only been about 20 mass shootings with fatalities over 10 since columbine in 1999 and only a handful were politically motivated and only about 3 or 4 were perpetrated by white dudes against "people of color".

In a nation of 300 million, those stats arent bad at all.

How many people has Antifa killed?

Probably more than Proud Boys have killed...
Let’s pre-empt what is looking like an impending derailment. The topic is not about Jews. The topic is not about Muslims. Not even close. Read the OP for topical enlightenment.

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