Former Heavyweight Champ Wrongfully Attacks Tucker Carlson and Other Brave Conservatives

He is 110% right. Carlson is a treasonous traitor who pushes Putin's propaganda. Putin has absolutely no justification for invading Ukraine. The US is not a bad guy. Russia is. He should meet Tucker Carlson in the ring and pound him into pulp. This is our fight.
This has made Tucker wealthier, more popular and more influential. Those are his priorities.

He doesn't even care that Russian TV is featuring him and his propaganda.

Someone like that has no shame, and just doesn't care about the damage he causes. A sociopath.
And we came out of both wars better than the rest of the world.

Let them burn.

And it cost trillions of dollars to come out better. It cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Not only in the direct costs of the war. But the rebuilding effort which took more than a decade.

Look at it this way. You notice a small leak in a pipe at your home. You can ignore it. Or you can fix it. Ignoring it means other things will be damaged. The costs goes up.

Addressing a problem sooner is almost always cheaper. And in war. Cheaper means in lives as well as treasure.
Hey dick sucker. Conservatives hate anything communist you dumb ass ninny, especially Putin

Go fuck yourself with that nonsense you lowly pofs
Until the Ukraine invasion conservatives liked them some Putin very much.

Many still do
When I was a boy. It was the Liberals and Democrats who loved them some Communists. At least that was the Propaganda. Today. The “conservatives” love the resurgence of the Soviet Union. I don’t understand it.

Reagan famously said he hadn’t changed. The Democratic Party changed. Today. The party of Reagan has become unrecognizable.
Maybe you’re a moron so you don’t realize that Communism fell in Russia and the Soviet Union and its empire collapsed back in the 1980s.

Many Conservatives today are more concerned about China which is actually Communist.

The CCP (and American traitors) are so happy to see Russia and the U.S. fight each other.
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"Former heavyweight champion boxer Wladimir Klitschko criticized Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and other Americans who are opposed to offering Ukraine military aid. Klitschko, whose older brother Vitali Klitschko is the mayor of Kyiv, joined Eric Bolling on Newsmax TV’s The Balance on Monday. Bolling then asked Klitschko about Americans, mostly conservatives, who have taken an isolationist stance in relation to Ukraine. The host then invoked Carlson and Owens, who have both been vocal in their opposition to intervening in eastern Europe.

“Conservatives who typically, I don’t know why they’re not supporting you and Ukraine, but they’re not,” Bolling said. “What do you say to those people?” Klitschko said that those who do not stand with the people of Ukraine stand against them -- the former fighter said. “If you are passively observing, you are part of this invasion, blood is on your hands, too.”

First of all, who does this guy think he is, Bush?? If you don't stand with us, you are against us?? That is the exact goofy talk that Bush threw around to try to brow-beat people into supporting his illegal invasion into least Putin's invasion into Ukraine is for a better reason...Let's all remember, the US are the real bad guys if one wants to compare what we did around the world to what Russia has done....No American should be made to feel like they are wrong just because they don't really care what happens to Ukraine, it isn't our fight...and whoever this Bolling guy is, he is just as wrong for even brining Tucker and Candace up in the conversation.....just because you are Biden's puppet and you are choosing Ukraine over Russia; doesn't mean others have to.

This all goes back to the “more flexible” policy of obama

it has nothing to do with Conservatives. It was Trump and the GOP that undid the Obama “more flexible” policies and armed Ukraine, it was xiden who froze that aid right before the invasion.
They know it and they don't care.

They're "at war" themselves.
Are we the world's police or not? I have seen liberals smugly and self-righteously denouncing any and every American military involvement since WWII as illegitimate and illegal, now they're having conniption fits because they WANT us to get involved. It just shows me that they don't really care about us getting involved in war, they just pick sides.

"Former heavyweight champion boxer Wladimir Klitschko criticized Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and other Americans who are opposed to offering Ukraine military aid. Klitschko, whose older brother Vitali Klitschko is the mayor of Kyiv, joined Eric Bolling on Newsmax TV’s The Balance on Monday. Bolling then asked Klitschko about Americans, mostly conservatives, who have taken an isolationist stance in relation to Ukraine. The host then invoked Carlson and Owens, who have both been vocal in their opposition to intervening in eastern Europe.

“Conservatives who typically, I don’t know why they’re not supporting you and Ukraine, but they’re not,” Bolling said. “What do you say to those people?” Klitschko said that those who do not stand with the people of Ukraine stand against them -- the former fighter said. “If you are passively observing, you are part of this invasion, blood is on your hands, too.”

First of all, who does this guy think he is, Bush?? If you don't stand with us, you are against us?? That is the exact goofy talk that Bush threw around to try to brow-beat people into supporting his illegal invasion into least Putin's invasion into Ukraine is for a better reason...Let's all remember, the US are the real bad guys if one wants to compare what we did around the world to what Russia has done....No American should be made to feel like they are wrong just because they don't really care what happens to Ukraine, it isn't our fight...and whoever this Bolling guy is, he is just as wrong for even brining Tucker and Candace up in the conversation.....just because you are Biden's puppet and you are choosing Ukraine over Russia; doesn't mean others have to.

The U.S invasion of Iraq WAS NOT illegal. Congress voted to authorize it.
When I was a boy. It was the Liberals and Democrats who loved them some Communists. At least that was the Propaganda. Today. The “conservatives” love the resurgence of the Soviet Union. I don’t understand it.

Reagan famously said he hadn’t changed. The Democratic Party changed. Today. The party of Reagan has become unrecognizable.
No, we dont flip flop like the left. We hate commies. Alwaus have, always will. Its weird that you would make such an obviously false post. :cuckoo:
The 1st Amendment freedom of speech in the greatest Country in the world allows even foreign based criticism of American conservatives. For some reason the left has it rigged so that it doesn't seem to work the other way around.
In Wladamiyar's defense, he was punched in the head for over 20 years.
What's the Cry Baby Loser's excuse?

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In Wladamiyar's defense, he was punched in the head for over 20 years.

Tends to diminish capability.

Hey! Kinda like Joe Biden!

Was regular old Joe from Scranton ever a boxer?

I keed.

I know Joe would never put that kind of work into anything.
So you are another Putin lover.

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