Fort Worth Mayor Apologizes For Police Shooting; Officer Resigns

well for starters shes sitting in her bedroom with a child,,,never heard of a burglar doing that,,, have you???

his choice was to shoot first and let god sort out the bodies,,,
well the cop wasn't in the room. so not sure he knew who she was from the yard. again, dude, the courts will decide. I'm good with the explanation of the circumstances. you can lay around triggered, I give two shits, ain't gonna change my position or the courts.

FBI agent acquitted in Oregon standoff case - CNN

just wondering if youre one of those that thought he was murdered by the FBI???
i'm not reading that, it's off topic.

so your standards vary depending on the case,,,got it,,,[/QUOTE]
I follow the rules of the message board. still off topic.
What's your argument here?

We should not force white police to serve in hostile black neighborhoods

Particularly when it makes the natives restless and angry at the white cops

How about uphold the law and treat ALL citizens with respect.
White police in black neighborhoods do uphold the law and treat citizens with respect

But that isnt good enough to satisfy the black race hustlers

No they don't, but you already know that. You are just a Trumper Humper who is trying to fool the people.

No they don't, but you already know that. You are just a Trumper Humper who is trying to fool the people.

Without the presence of white cops most black ghettos would be the real life version of John Carpenters movie ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK

Police should just stop responding to calls from those hood rat nests. Let them call Al Sharpton or Black Lives Suck or somebody instead.
well in her defense, she didn't call the cops, a neighbor did.
well the cop wasn't in the room. so not sure he knew who she was from the yard. again, dude, the courts will decide. I'm good with the explanation of the circumstances. you can lay around triggered, I give two shits, ain't gonna change my position or the courts.

FBI agent acquitted in Oregon standoff case - CNN

just wondering if youre one of those that thought he was murdered by the FBI???
i'm not reading that, it's off topic.

so your standards vary depending on the case,,,got it,,,
I follow the rules of the message board. still off topic.[/QUOTE]

nice deflection,,,,

just wondering if youre one of those that thought he was murdered by the FBI???
i'm not reading that, it's off topic.

so your standards vary depending on the case,,,got it,,,
I follow the rules of the message board. still off topic.

nice deflection,,,,[/QUOTE]

just wondering if youre one of those that thought he was murdered by the FBI???
i'm not reading that, it's off topic.

so your standards vary depending on the case,,,got it,,,
I follow the rules of the message board. still off topic.

nice deflection,,,,

you mean its a fact she had a right to protect herself from the intruder that murdered her,,,
and the cop violated his oath and murdered a person in their own home,,,
You know, when I was on the Security Force while stationed in Newport, one of the first things we were taught to do was to identify ourselves as base police when investigating things. This officer should have shouted "police, put your hands up", and if he had ID'd himself as an officer, she would have more than likely relaxed when she realized he was an officer and not an intruder. Sorry, but this officer fucked up, plain and simple. And, the police chief said that if he hadn't resigned, he would have been fired because he's screwed up in the past as well.

And, I'm going to ask the same question that I asked further up the thread, but nobody took the time to answer. If there was someone skulking around your backyard with a flashlight at 2:00 am, and you didn't know who it was, if you had a gun in the house, would you arm yourself before going and checking it out?

Most people if they have a gun will arm themselves before checking it out, even if they say they won't.
He didnt have time to make that announcement.
Nonsense. He had time to yell, "put your hands up," means he had time to yell, "police, put your hands up!"
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.
serious, you're not writing this right? 2:30 am and you think it's light. wow. BTW, the door was open as reported. Son, I can't help your stupid.

so if your working out in your garage late one night and you leave your door open for some reason at 2 in the morning, and a passing patrol car stops because he sees an open door, how would you like him to approach your house? a flash from the spotlight across your front yard, maybe the officer knocking at your door with a flashlight?
or do you want him sneaking around back peering into your windows ? how would that end up exactly?
situation is different. but to answer your question, I highly doubt they'd stop since it wasn't a call and I'm in a garage. Now if they did stop, I'd think they most likely would shine a flash light into the structure and to ask some questions. Again, that wasn't this call. This was, and I just posted it, an open structure call, someone might have broke in. burglar as I suggested in a previous post. Again, are you saying cops aren't allowed to defend themselves on a call? Really, that's what you're going to go with? And a family member stated the woman pointed the gun at him.

Tragic, for sure. I have nothing more to say than that. tragic. there was a no win scenario at play.

No I wasn't saying cops can't defend themselves. As i had said earlier, the police had put themselves and the woman into that situation because they did not first identify themselves. Had they done that, there would be no reason for the woman to believe she had an intruder in her back yard. No reason to pick up a gun.

It's the fault of the police, if not solely the officer who pulled the trigger, then it was how the department fielded the phone call from the neighbor. Someone in the chain screwed up, because you can't send armed police to someones house in the middle of the night for the wrong reason. It's asking for something to go wrong.
why would they have identified themselves on an open structure call? And it was a call. they just didn't happen by. You have no idea policy or processes. You think they walk up and say, hey burglar, I'm here come out come out wherever you are? you don't think perhaps they want the element of surprise on their side to apprehend a criminal? typical jump out of the plane mentality in full view by you

Ever watch the reality show COPS? Usually the first word out of their mouth is "police" followed by whatever command they are going to give. Saying that they are police tells the person they are going after that they need to comply or face arrest. Yes, police DO identify themselves as such when they come in contact with suspects.
He didnt have time to make that announcement.
Nonsense. He had time to yell, "put your hands up," means he had time to yell, "police, put your hands up!"
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.

When I was on the Security Force in Newport, we were taught that the first thing we did when we came in contact with suspicious activity or people was to identify ourselves as base police first, then give whatever command was required. You're right, it's not too hard to say "police, show me your hands".

But, that wasn't the main problem. We were also taught that when you give a command to a suspect, you had to give them time to comply with the command. This officer shot his gun as he was giving the last word of the command, she didn't have time to comply before being shot.
He didnt have time to make that announcement.
Nonsense. He had time to yell, "put your hands up," means he had time to yell, "police, put your hands up!"
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.
You let us know if you are able to say your specifically worded statement, without any mistakes, as youre about to get into a gun fight. :laugh:
Nonsense. He had time to yell, "put your hands up," means he had time to yell, "police, put your hands up!"
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.
You let us know if you are able to say your specifically worded statement, without any mistakes, as youre about to get into a gun fight. :laugh:
in this case he was about to murder someone in their own home,,,and he was there to serve people not get in a gun fight,,,
Nonsense. He had time to yell, "put your hands up," means he had time to yell, "police, put your hands up!"
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.

When I was on the Security Force in Newport, we were taught that the first thing we did when we came in contact with suspicious activity or people was to identify ourselves as base police first, then give whatever command was required. You're right, it's not too hard to say "police, show me your hands".

But, that wasn't the main problem. We were also taught that when you give a command to a suspect, you had to give them time to comply with the command. This officer shot his gun as he was giving the last word of the command, she didn't have time to comply before being shot.
I bet your military base was a high crime area full of criminals with guns. Yeah, you can totally relate! :laugh:
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.

When I was on the Security Force in Newport, we were taught that the first thing we did when we came in contact with suspicious activity or people was to identify ourselves as base police first, then give whatever command was required. You're right, it's not too hard to say "police, show me your hands".

But, that wasn't the main problem. We were also taught that when you give a command to a suspect, you had to give them time to comply with the command. This officer shot his gun as he was giving the last word of the command, she didn't have time to comply before being shot.
I bet your military base was a high crime area full of criminals with guns. Yeah, you can totally relate! :laugh:
I am sure it was full of people trained to kill people,,,
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.
You let us know if you are able to say your specifically worded statement, without any mistakes, as youre about to get into a gun fight. :laugh:
in this case he was about to murder someone in their own home,,,and he was there to serve people not get in a gun fight,,,
Cops are in danger at other peoples homes all the time. Your point is not very well thought out.
ok--this cop should go to jail for manslaughter--it was not murder and not racial
..maybe it's been said--but it wasn't a welfare was an open structure call = possibly a break in/burglar etc.....on these calls they don't go to the front door and knock ''hey, robber, are you in there??''' they are trying to not let a robber know they are there when the cop sees what he thinks is a robber with a firearm, he shoots usual with most of these cases, people don't wait for facts/etc
Nonsense. He had time to yell, "put your hands up," means he had time to yell, "police, put your hands up!"
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.

When I was on the Security Force in Newport, we were taught that the first thing we did when we came in contact with suspicious activity or people was to identify ourselves as base police first, then give whatever command was required. You're right, it's not too hard to say "police, show me your hands".

But, that wasn't the main problem. We were also taught that when you give a command to a suspect, you had to give them time to comply with the command. This officer shot his gun as he was giving the last word of the command, she didn't have time to comply before being shot.
you people do not think in reality or think about all situations
....what if while you are giving commands, the person aims a weapon at you?? do you STILL complete the command if someone aims a firearm at you ?
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.
You let us know if you are able to say your specifically worded statement, without any mistakes, as youre about to get into a gun fight. :laugh:
in this case he was about to murder someone in their own home,,,and he was there to serve people not get in a gun fight,,,
Cops are in danger at other peoples homes all the time. Your point is not very well thought out.
considering his actions resulted in the death of a law abiding citizen they were well thought out,,,

he swore an oath to protect peoples rights not violate them,,,
ok--this cop should go to jail for manslaughter--it was not murder and not racial
..maybe it's been said--but it wasn't a welfare was an open structure call = possibly a break in/burglar etc.....on these calls they don't go to the front door and knock ''hey, robber, are you in there??''' they are trying to not let a robber know they are there when the cop sees what he thinks is a robber with a firearm, he shoots usual with most of these cases, people don't wait for facts/etc
Manslaughter would be unfair. His only crime was, he was chosen to go on this call. When he gets there, he finds a stranger who grabbed a gun. I mean really, whats he supposed to do?
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.
You let us know if you are able to say your specifically worded statement, without any mistakes, as youre about to get into a gun fight. :laugh:
in this case he was about to murder someone in their own home,,,and he was there to serve people not get in a gun fight,,,
Cops are in danger at other peoples homes all the time. Your point is not very well thought out.
considering his actions resulted in the death of a law abiding citizen they were well thought out,,,

he swore an oath to protect peoples rights not violate them,,,
He didnt swear an oath to let people point guns at him.
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.
A fraction of a second? So about the same amount of time it would have taken her to pull the trigger.
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.

When I was on the Security Force in Newport, we were taught that the first thing we did when we came in contact with suspicious activity or people was to identify ourselves as base police first, then give whatever command was required. You're right, it's not too hard to say "police, show me your hands".

But, that wasn't the main problem. We were also taught that when you give a command to a suspect, you had to give them time to comply with the command. This officer shot his gun as he was giving the last word of the command, she didn't have time to comply before being shot.
you people do not think in reality or think about all situations
....what if while you are giving commands, the person aims a weapon at you?? do you STILL complete the command if someone aims a firearm at you ?
he chose to take the job knowing the risks,,,
and going off of your premise why give a command at all just shoot,,,

maybe it is you not thinking it through
Dumbfuck, he already had enough time to say, "put your hands up! Show me your hands!"

He could have just said, "Police, put your hands up!" it would have taken less time AND he would have let her know he was with law enforcement.
You let us know if you are able to say your specifically worded statement, without any mistakes, as youre about to get into a gun fight. :laugh:
in this case he was about to murder someone in their own home,,,and he was there to serve people not get in a gun fight,,,
Cops are in danger at other peoples homes all the time. Your point is not very well thought out.
considering his actions resulted in the death of a law abiding citizen they were well thought out,,,

he swore an oath to protect peoples rights not violate them,,,
He didnt swear an oath to let people point guns at him.
why are you talking about what he didnt do???

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