Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody. Your imagination is gloriously irrelevant to any legal settlement.

Fox has opened itself to even MORE lawsuits. This time from its shareholders. As the incompetence of Fox leadership lead to a massive $787 million dollar payout.

Fox also provided enormous evidence to the OTHER company suing it: Smartmatic. To the tune of 2.7 billion dollars.

And of courser its ex-producer has admitted that Fox compelled her to lie. And provided recordings about Dominion that Fox News insisted didn't exist. Twice.

Compelling a witness to lie is witness tampering.

So much for your imagination.
See Post 509. It's for you too. So you can find out how clueless you are. :biggrin:
I suggest you stop blindly following. That rabbit hole is deep and hard to get out of. :bang3:
That's what I suggest YOU do. And you forfeited your claim to any credibility in this thread, by FLUNKING the little QUIZ I gave you, in Post 509. Everybody here has seen how clueless you are.
Personally I find your pathological need to spin this obvious catastrophe for Fox fascinating.
It’s like studying the mind of a serial killer. Rarely does one get a chance to observe such a damaged mind so closely.

It is fascinating, right? This is an obvious disaster for Fox. From the discovery that went public to the court ruling in favor of Dominion on Fox lies. To Fox being forced to admit they lied. To a settlement that is unprecedented, being the largest public defamation payout ever.

And yet they are desperately trying to polish this turd. I'm fascinating to watch this obsequiousness.
I suggest you stop blindly following. That rabbit hole is deep and hard to get out of. :bang3:

Protectionist is a follower. He apes whatever OANN tells him to think. That's why he never saw this coming. That's why he was convinced that Biden's victory was going to be overturned and Trump given the presidency.

Some folks need their echo-chamber. They're just not well suited for reality.
Personally I find your pathological need to spin this obvious catastrophe for Fox fascinating.
It’s like studying the mind of a serial killer. Rarely does one get a chance to observe such a damaged mind so closely.
Go fuck yourself asshole. My expert opinion is that you suffer from an acute case of Stage 4 ignorance of reality. Now retard, why were the articles debunking your bullshit funny?
See Post 509. It's for you too. So you can find out how clueless you are. :biggrin: 320 didn't work out for ya, huh?

Your grand explanation that *proved* you were right.....turned out to be you just making shit up again. About Murdoch, about what Fox was opening itself up to.

If you have to flee this hard and this often......maybe turd polishing isn't for you.
It is fascinating, right? This is an obvious disaster for Fox. From the discovery that went public to the court ruling in favor of Dominion on Fox lies. To Fox being forced to admit they lied. To a settlement that is unprecedented, being the largest public defamation payout ever.

And yet they are desperately trying to polish this turd. I'm fascinating to watch this obsequiousness.
I would love to discuss this with some academics. It is a sociological experiment in real time. No doubt this period will be studied by multiple disciplines and referenced in the future.
Standard MAGAt reasoning on your part. When you get caught red handed claim the other person is doing the same thing only worse. Your Rabbit hole is getting wider and deeper every post you make.

Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy is part of it.

That's Big Lie 101.
Protectionist is a follower. He apes whatever OANN tells him to think. That's why he never saw this coming. That's why he was convinced that Biden's victory was going to be overturned and Trump given the presidency.

Some folks need their echo-chamber. They're just not well suited for reality.
1. I don't watch OAN, and I explained in a prevous post, the reason why.
Strike 1.

2. I not onky saw this coming, I knew Fox would settle, if the judge-shopped judge would make Rupert Murdoch (92 years old) come into court.
Strike 2.

3. I was neither convinced nor not convinced that Biden's steal would be overturned.
Strike 3.
I would love to discuss this with some academics. It is a sociological experiment in real time. No doubt this period will be studied by multiple disciplines and referenced in the future.

They've done many studies on this kind of pathology. Protectionist is a hapless Big Liar, swallowing the silly conspiracy hook, line and sinker.

As Mark Twain said: "Its easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled."
Just a sample from this silly list:

The Birther conspiracy: FAIL
That Obama claimed to have been born in Kenya: FAIL.
That Obama's grandmother claimed Obama was born in Kenya: FAIL.
That Obama's birth certificate was faked: FAIL
That Obama had lost his US citizenship in Indonesia: FAIL
That Obama was a secret Muslim: FAIL

Neither would surprise me. That everything about Obama is true or a lie, neither one. Because our GOVT LIES. Mostly the Democrats, but also Republicans.

Claims about Dominion voting flipping votes for Biden: FAIL
Claims about Smartmatic throwing the 2020 election to Biden: FAIL
Claims that North Korea snuck fake 2020 ballots into the US via submarine in the State of Maine: FAIL
Claims that the Republican led Maricopa County Election board threw the election for Biden: FAIL
Claims that Trump would be inaugurated again on March 20, 2021: FAIL.
Claims that Trump would return to the White House in 2022 as part of The Storm: FAIL.
Claims that the Secretary of State of Georgia threw the Georgia election for Biden: FAIL
Claims that there were thousands of ballots that were counted repeatedly in Detroit: FAIL
Claims that there were no registered voters Wayne County voter books in 2020: FAIL
Claims that the mafia stuffed ballots for Biden in Philadelphia: FAIL

Only 63% of Americans are very or SOMEWHAT confident in the accuracy of our elections. That is a consistent number, btw. That means that over a THIRD of Americans are not. Gee, I wonder why?

I'm not going to take time to address the rest of your nonsense, except the stuff about the FBI is actually laughable. Wait 'til you find out.

Actually the number is 70% not 63, according to pew research, and it's not a consistent number, it changes every election cycle. It was as high as 80% in 2018. The only reason why its so low is because idiot republicans believe election lies spread by that moron of morons, Trump, and foxnews.
They've done many studies on this kind of pathology. Protectionist is a hapless Big Liar, swallowing the silly conspiracy hook, line and sinker.

As Mark Twain said: "Its easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled."
:puhleeze:Sorry Mr QUIZ Zero - you have already lost standing in this thread. :biggrin:
Actually the number is 70% not 63, according to pew research, and it's not a consistent number, it changes every election cycle. It was as high as 80% in 2018. The only reason why its so low is because idiot republicans believe election lies spread by that moron of morons, Trump, and foxnews.
See Post # 509 to begin to discover how little you know about 2020 election fraud.
1. I don't watch OAN, and I explained in a prevous post, the reason why.
Strike 1.

2. I not onky saw this coming, I knew Fox would settle, if the judge-shopped judge would make Rupert Murdoch (92 years old) come into court.
Strike 2.

3. I was neither convinced nor not convinced that Biden's steal would be overturned.
Strike 3.

Your imagination about Mudoch is just meaningless nonsense. The only one saying that testifying would have killed you.

And you have no idea what you're talking about.

So much for post 320!

Try again, turd polisher.

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