France fuel protestors are chanting . We want Trump!!

Loooooool I'm half the time in france, speak french, half of my family are french....they think we are idiots for having a clown In the white house. Dont let a video fool you :p

How long has it been since the last terror attack?
Since last ome... has been Vegas shootings, florida shootings, and many more. Unless if you dont consider them worthy because a white man with a gun did them.

Whoa, racist much?

Still, how long?
Loooooool I'm half the time in france, speak french, half of my family are french....they think we are idiots for having a clown In the white house. Dont let a video fool you :p
Yeah well. .... we don't eat snails. (-: And we don't have trains.
U eat lot of junk, too obese, too dumb, too arrogant, too violent, list goes on.
I don't dress all in black or avoid sun and I use OLD SPICE
You have to know that the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING isn't TELLING you ALL of the story... the GAS TAX is for GLOBAL WARMING... and the GOOD people of France have had ENOUGH of this LEFTIST BULL SHIT.

Make up your you guys hate french people or love them?

You have to know someothing about the French people in general...they are mostly educated, well mannered, healthy, they have access to healthcare at almost no cost, to education at also almost no crazy costs....they have social safety net, for their sick, disabled, unfortunate. They are also heavily unionized, that's why they have more vacation time, more benefits, and also longer life expectancy.
Lots of Muslims there Not saying good or bad but might hurt frances financial being
Lol so you say a bigoted statement and then you claim neutrality.
Not a bigot sir but not afraid to look at what might be and question it
Muslims are part of the fabric of france since world war 1. I'll educate you since you dont know.
France did occupy Muslim countries (mainly north africa) stole their resources, enslaved its people and killed millions. Comes world war 1 and 2 those muslims sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend France....when was time to rebuild, those very muslims helped rebuild. Their grandkids are French mislims.
You got the picture ?
You have to know that the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING isn't TELLING you ALL of the story... the GAS TAX is for GLOBAL WARMING... and the GOOD people of France have had ENOUGH of this LEFTIST BULL SHIT.

Make up your you guys hate french people or love them?

You have to know someothing about the French people in general...they are mostly educated, well mannered, healthy, they have access to healthcare at almost no cost, to education at also almost no crazy costs....they have social safety net, for their sick, disabled, unfortunate. They are also heavily unionized, that's why they have more vacation time, more benefits, and also longer life expectancy.
Lots of Muslims there Not saying good or bad but might hurt frances financial being
Lol so you say a bigoted statement and then you claim neutrality.
Not a bigot sir but not afraid to look at what might be and question it
Muslims are part of the fabric of france since world war 1. I'll educate you since you dont know.
France did occupy Muslim countries (mainly north africa) stole their resources, enslaved its people and killed millions. Comes world war 1 and 2 those muslims sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend France....when was time to rebuild, those very muslims helped rebuild. Their grandkids are French mislims.
You got the picture ?
True, and I had some nice Moroccan food (and viet) but that doesn't detract from the fact that some people view France today as a rather unsafe place for people (especially Americans) to visit. All kidding aside.

It was my favorite of the places I visited before I got married and became a draft horse. Very bike friendly. I would never send a child there unaccompanied today, however. And I prefer more permissive gun carry laws.
You have to know that the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING isn't TELLING you ALL of the story... the GAS TAX is for GLOBAL WARMING... and the GOOD people of France have had ENOUGH of this LEFTIST BULL SHIT.

Make up your you guys hate french people or love them?

You have to know someothing about the French people in general...they are mostly educated, well mannered, healthy, they have access to healthcare at almost no cost, to education at also almost no crazy costs....they have social safety net, for their sick, disabled, unfortunate. They are also heavily unionized, that's why they have more vacation time, more benefits, and also longer life expectancy.
Lots of Muslims there Not saying good or bad but might hurt frances financial being
Lol so you say a bigoted statement and then you claim neutrality.
Not a bigot sir but not afraid to look at what might be and question it
Muslims are part of the fabric of france since world war 1. I'll educate you since you dont know.
France did occupy Muslim countries (mainly north africa) stole their resources, enslaved its people and killed millions. Comes world war 1 and 2 those muslims sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend France....when was time to rebuild, those very muslims helped rebuild. Their grandkids are French mislims.
You got the picture ?
Thank you for that issa,,,and just want you to know some of my best friends are Jews,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
my brother ,my sister
Make up your you guys hate french people or love them?

You have to know someothing about the French people in general...they are mostly educated, well mannered, healthy, they have access to healthcare at almost no cost, to education at also almost no crazy costs....they have social safety net, for their sick, disabled, unfortunate. They are also heavily unionized, that's why they have more vacation time, more benefits, and also longer life expectancy.
Lots of Muslims there Not saying good or bad but might hurt frances financial being
Lol so you say a bigoted statement and then you claim neutrality.
Not a bigot sir but not afraid to look at what might be and question it
Muslims are part of the fabric of france since world war 1. I'll educate you since you dont know.
France did occupy Muslim countries (mainly north africa) stole their resources, enslaved its people and killed millions. Comes world war 1 and 2 those muslims sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend France....when was time to rebuild, those very muslims helped rebuild. Their grandkids are French mislims.
You got the picture ?
Thank you for that issa,,,and just want you to know some of my best friends are Jews,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
my brother ,my sister
Don't recall any delis. (-:
Lots of Muslims there Not saying good or bad but might hurt frances financial being
Lol so you say a bigoted statement and then you claim neutrality.
Not a bigot sir but not afraid to look at what might be and question it
Muslims are part of the fabric of france since world war 1. I'll educate you since you dont know.
France did occupy Muslim countries (mainly north africa) stole their resources, enslaved its people and killed millions. Comes world war 1 and 2 those muslims sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend France....when was time to rebuild, those very muslims helped rebuild. Their grandkids are French mislims.
You got the picture ?
Thank you for that issa,,,and just want you to know some of my best friends are Jews,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
my brother ,my sister
Don't recall any delis. (-:
You're one of my friends too ben ,,,we go back a long time Even kinetta isn't a bad guy
Lol so you say a bigoted statement and then you claim neutrality.
Not a bigot sir but not afraid to look at what might be and question it
Muslims are part of the fabric of france since world war 1. I'll educate you since you dont know.
France did occupy Muslim countries (mainly north africa) stole their resources, enslaved its people and killed millions. Comes world war 1 and 2 those muslims sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend France....when was time to rebuild, those very muslims helped rebuild. Their grandkids are French mislims.
You got the picture ?
Thank you for that issa,,,and just want you to know some of my best friends are Jews,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
my brother ,my sister
Don't recall any delis. (-:
You're one of my friends too ben ,,,we go back a long time Even kinetta isn't a bad guy
Billy's cool, and so is dale. I don't see Eagle posting much.

In this exchange with Issa, I realized something. Back in the early 80s, I considered traveling a lot of places in NYC as inherently dangerous. But in Paris, no worries, though I avoided subways close to closing time. Today, I think it just the opposite. No way would my kid go to Paris alone, even if I had the cash after paying for the rest of her stuff. LOL

Now in Britain, those crazy drunk English bastards would go like a pack after anyone. LOL

And back in old Pinedale Wyoming, we didn't just have laws letting you openly carry your gun, we mandated you carry a gun. Law and Order. LOL
Make up your you guys hate french people or love them?

You have to know someothing about the French people in general...they are mostly educated, well mannered, healthy, they have access to healthcare at almost no cost, to education at also almost no crazy costs....they have social safety net, for their sick, disabled, unfortunate. They are also heavily unionized, that's why they have more vacation time, more benefits, and also longer life expectancy.
Lots of Muslims there Not saying good or bad but might hurt frances financial being
Lol so you say a bigoted statement and then you claim neutrality.
Not a bigot sir but not afraid to look at what might be and question it
Muslims are part of the fabric of france since world war 1. I'll educate you since you dont know.
France did occupy Muslim countries (mainly north africa) stole their resources, enslaved its people and killed millions. Comes world war 1 and 2 those muslims sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend France....when was time to rebuild, those very muslims helped rebuild. Their grandkids are French mislims.
You got the picture ?
True, and I had some nice Moroccan food (and viet) but that doesn't detract from the fact that some people view France today as a rather unsafe place for people (especially Americans) to visit. All kidding aside.

It was my favorite of the places I visited before I got married and became a draft horse. Very bike friendly. I would never send a child there unaccompanied today, however. And I prefer more permissive gun carry laws.
France is the most visited country on earth...I dont know where you get your info from. The US is far more dangerous than france, shootings by the minute. I'm sorry but you are s typical ignorant american with all due respect. Keep your gun stay here.
Last edited:
A bunch of socialists rioting ,wanting their social programs, but wants others to pay for it.
Not them.
Typical socialistic thinking, it never changes. No matter how it's implemented. :)
Lots of Muslims there Not saying good or bad but might hurt frances financial being
Lol so you say a bigoted statement and then you claim neutrality.
Not a bigot sir but not afraid to look at what might be and question it
Muslims are part of the fabric of france since world war 1. I'll educate you since you dont know.
France did occupy Muslim countries (mainly north africa) stole their resources, enslaved its people and killed millions. Comes world war 1 and 2 those muslims sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend France....when was time to rebuild, those very muslims helped rebuild. Their grandkids are French mislims.
You got the picture ?
True, and I had some nice Moroccan food (and viet) but that doesn't detract from the fact that some people view France today as a rather unsafe place for people (especially Americans) to visit. All kidding aside.

It was my favorite of the places I visited before I got married and became a draft horse. Very bike friendly. I would never send a child there unaccompanied today, however. And I prefer more permissive gun carry laws.
France is the most visited country on earth...I dont know where you get your info from. The US is far more dangerous than france, shootings by the minute. I'm sorry but you are s typical ignorant american with all due respect. Keep your gun stay here.

France has almost one-sixth less population than the US.
Who can blame them for protesting.

Hell gas prices in Europe are always high and now they are higher??

That's what they get for electing socialist idiots like Macron to run the country.

You get what you elect.

It's probably less of the gas prices than why they are high. Deep down inside, I think most people believe that global warming has no validity. Oh sure, when you're not paying for it, cleaning up the planet is just fine. When it hits you at home, that's when you get the wakeup call.

It's why I've been saying for a long time that Trump should do what Michelle did. She conned her husband into forcing food vendors to put calorie count on all items sold. Trump should do the same, except force companies to include how much of that product cost went into making the environment cleaner.

The problem is most of our environmental costs are intrinsic, we just pay the price whatever that is. But if we knew what it was really costing us dollars and cents, the environmentalist moment would lose a lot of ground.
Lol so you say a bigoted statement and then you claim neutrality.
Not a bigot sir but not afraid to look at what might be and question it
Muslims are part of the fabric of france since world war 1. I'll educate you since you dont know.
France did occupy Muslim countries (mainly north africa) stole their resources, enslaved its people and killed millions. Comes world war 1 and 2 those muslims sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend France....when was time to rebuild, those very muslims helped rebuild. Their grandkids are French mislims.
You got the picture ?
True, and I had some nice Moroccan food (and viet) but that doesn't detract from the fact that some people view France today as a rather unsafe place for people (especially Americans) to visit. All kidding aside.

It was my favorite of the places I visited before I got married and became a draft horse. Very bike friendly. I would never send a child there unaccompanied today, however. And I prefer more permissive gun carry laws.
France is the most visited country on earth...I dont know where you get your info from. The US is far more dangerous than france, shootings by the minute. I'm sorry but you are s typical ignorant american with all due respect. Keep your gun stay here.

France has almost one-sixth less population than the US.
Doesnt matter....I love the US dearly, I visited france for 30 years dozens of times...half of my family are French. America if I have money u are good, if you dont uou are fucked. The French through unions secured their america capitalism is fucking the poor and brainwashes them and makes them vote against their own well being.

People bash socialism everyday, and they forget that we pay for military, police, firefighters, mail, subsidies to farmers....but when it comes to health care ...NOOOO we dont wanna be like Cuba. Bitch we are the unhealthiest nation in the western hemisphere, people go bankrupt because of a small procedure and we hand more than half of the budget to the army, how stupid is that ?
Loooooool I'm half the time in france, speak french, half of my family are french....they think we are idiots for having a clown In the white house. Dont let a video fool you :p

Tell them we don't care what they think.

Let that sink in.




Kind regards,

America--and our very strong military
Loooooool I'm half the time in france, speak french, half of my family are french....they think we are idiots for having a clown In the white house. Dont let a video fool you :p

Tell them we don't care what they think.

Let that sink in.




Kind regards,

America--and our very strong military
Trillions of dollars handed to military contractors...while most of Americans cant afford health care, veterans are homeless. Very smart !!! 54% of the damn budget, and you dont care.
You have to know that the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING isn't TELLING you ALL of the story... the GAS TAX is for GLOBAL WARMING... and the GOOD people of France have had ENOUGH of this LEFTIST BULL SHIT.

Make up your you guys hate french people or love them?

You have to know someothing about the French people in general...they are mostly educated, well mannered, healthy, they have access to healthcare at almost no cost, to education at also almost no crazy costs....they have social safety net, for their sick, disabled, unfortunate. They are also heavily unionized, that's why they have more vacation time, more benefits, and also longer life expectancy.
They can keep their European socialism to themselves… We don’t want that shit here

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