Freed Terrorist Killed American Citizen, US 'Concerned'

georgephillip, et al,

In between these two statements, there was a lot of ground covered.

"Forced conditions always have consequences"
The Jewish state was a condition forced upon a majority of Palestinians in 1948.
The consequences of Hezbollah or Hamas stem directly from that act of terrorism.

It is important to completely understand the risk that the Jewish Community faced from the Arabs --- months before the Jewish Agency declared Independence.

UNITED NATIONS PALESTINE COMMISSION First Special Report to the Security Council: The Problem of Security in Palestine said:
6. The Secretary-General has been informed by the Arab Higher Committee that is determined to persist in its rejection of the partition plan and in its refusal to recognize the resolution of the Assembly and “anything deriving therefrom”. The Subsequent communication of 6 February to the Secretary-General from the representative of the Arab Higher Committee set forth the following conclusions of the Arab Higher Committee Delegation:

“a. The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

“b. The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power or group of powers to establish a Jewish State in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense by force.

c. It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said commission.

d. The United Nations or its commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

e. The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

f. The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

g. The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

“The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child.​
SOURCE: A/AC.21/9 S/676 16 February 1948


SOURCE: A/AC.21/JA/16 16 February 1948

What does all this mean? Well that there was an agenda before the 1948-49 Arab-Israel War broke-out. The Arab Palestinians had no reason to believe they would loose. However, their tone changed considerably, from one of "wipe them out – man women and child" (supra), to one of "The acceptance by the Arab Governments of these proposals proves once more their genuine desire to see peace restored in the Holy Land and a just solution of the Palestine problem arrived at."

From the very outset, the Arab Palestinian really never accepted the authority of the United Nations. Today, it only acknowledges those aspects UN that promote pro-Palestinian positions.

The Arab Palestinian opened hostilities with the mind set that General Assembly Resolution 181(II) and the establishment of a Jewish State in the former Mandate of Palestine, as an act of aggression against Arab territory.

The Arab-Palestinian never had any intention of cooperating with either the UN Special Committee on Palestine or the UN Commission on Palestine.

The Arab Palestinian has no intention of ever honoring a Partition Agreement.​

This is where the basic concern for the integrity of Israel's sovereignty originates. There are many who believe that the world leadership will bow to the Palestinian political act to achieve their stated objectives and desired goal through the use of violence; gaining sympathy as if they were they minority being oppressed and not the aggressor.

The basic platform of the Palestinian of today, has not changed since before Israel declared their independence, and through several wars. There is very little reason that any one should suspect they have changed.


Whether is was the pre-1948 Arab Palestinian statements, the Covenant and Charter of the 1980 and still in play today, or the more recent declarations made by Senior Hamas Official: The Resistance Is Entitled To Attack Israel's Embassies, Interests, And Officials Worldwide - And The Interests Of Its Allies, the danger they present is all the same.

It is a very dangerous culture, with a very dangerous history of violence, and presenting still the very same threats for today, that needs contained.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

I have to chuckle at this.

Have you ever talked to the DOS? I have. It seem like a good place to work if you are too stupid to get a real job.

Have I ever talked to the DOS? Chuckle! I bow to your superior experience.

Most Respectfully,

From your link:

Special Security Representative (US Embassy, Baghdad/Afghanistan – Diplomatic)

So, what are the real reasons why we invaded Iraq?

The cuisine?
P F Tinmore, et al,

I have to chuckle at this.

Have you ever talked to the DOS? I have. It seem like a good place to work if you are too stupid to get a real job.

Have I ever talked to the DOS? Chuckle! I bow to your superior experience.

Most Respectfully,

From your link:

Special Security Representative (US Embassy, Baghdad/Afghanistan – Diplomatic)

So, what are the real reasons why we invaded Iraq?

Do you remember Saddam's plot to assassinate old man Bush in Saudi Arabia? Young Bush invaded Iraq. He told Saddam I'm going to kill your sons in front of your eyes and then I'm going to hang you. Brings to mind that country song where the guy says "We'll put a boot in your's the American way". Any more questions?
High_Gravity, et al,

You know what? That KBR Food really wasn't all that bad. They had some great meals.

P F Tinmore, et al,

I have to chuckle at this.


Have I ever talked to the DOS? Chuckle! I bow to your superior experience.

Most Respectfully,

From your link:

Special Security Representative (US Embassy, Baghdad/Afghanistan – Diplomatic)

So, what are the real reasons why we invaded Iraq?

The cuisine?

The rebuilt Green Zone Cafe sucked.

Most Respectfully,
High_Gravity, et al,

You know what? That KBR Food really wasn't all that bad. They had some great meals.

From your link:

So, what are the real reasons why we invaded Iraq?

The cuisine?

The rebuilt Green Zone Cafe sucked.

Most Respectfully,

I had no problems with the dining facilities at Kuwait or Saudi when I was there, I got to try some of the local food and I liked it very much.
High_Gravity, et al,

You know what? That KBR Food really wasn't all that bad. They had some great meals.

The cuisine?

The rebuilt Green Zone Cafe sucked.

Most Respectfully,

I had no problems with the dining facilities at Kuwait or Saudi when I was there, I got to try some of the local food and I liked it very much.

I also like Middle Eastern food--falafel, hummus, shwarma, etc. :eusa_drool:
Israel’s decision to release terrorist prisoners as a “gesture” to the Palestinian Authority led some Israeli MKs to criticized the United States for allegedly pushing the release. MK Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) even wrote a strongly critical letter to Secretary of State John Kerry in which she accused him of “forcing Israel to capitulate to terrorism.”

However, it appears that U.S. actually opposed the prisoner release in at least one case.

According to The Daily Beast, the U.S. State Department expressed concern over the release of Al-Haaj Othman Amar Mustafa – but Israel decided to free him anyway.

Mustafa murdered Frederick Steven Rosenfeld, who was a U.S. citizen and a former U.S. Marine.

He and other attackers ambushed Rosenfeld, attacking him from behind after pretending to befriend him as he walked near his home in the town of Ariel, in Samaria (Shomron), in 1989. The three stabbed Rosenfeld and left him to die.

A State Department spokesperson told The Daily Beast, “The State Department conveyed the administration’s concerns regarding the release of this prisoner to the government of Israel, while recognizing the victim was a dual national of Israel and the United States.”

Freed Terrorist Killed American, US ?Concerned? - Middle East - News - Israel National News

So now they do care, eh?!

These comments from the State Department underline the incredible double standards, stupidity and hypocrisy .... in that virtually every released Palestinian prisoner was guilty of a similar serious crime .... but the Israelis were supposed to take their pain without complaint ???

As Kerry and his Department now are thinking twice about the release... why did they forced the Israelis to take their unpopular and traumatic action?

The comments from Kerry and this Administration are preposterous and grossly immoral!!!
RoccoR said:
UNITED NATIONS PALESTINE COMMISSION First Special Report to the Security Council: The Problem of Security in Palestine said:
6. The Secretary-General has been informed by the Arab Higher Committee that is determined to persist in its rejection of the partition plan and in its refusal to recognize the resolution of the Assembly and “anything deriving therefrom”. The Subsequent communication of 6 February to the Secretary-General from the representative of the Arab Higher Committee set forth the following conclusions of the Arab Higher Committee Delegation:

“a. The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

“b. The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power or group of powers to establish a Jewish State in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense by force.

c. It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said commission.

d. The United Nations or its commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

e. The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

f. The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

g. The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

“The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child.​
SOURCE: A/AC.21/9 S/676 16 February 1948

Thanks for the link.

A perfect example of a stupid idea gone bad. The Palestinians were successful in taking the UN out of the picture. The UN never did implement resolution 181. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
P F Tinmore, et al,

What do you call "implementation?"

Thanks for the link.

A perfect example of a stupid idea gone bad. The Palestinians were successful in taking the UN out of the picture. The UN never did implement resolution 181.

Both the UN, the Israelis, and the Palestinians say Resolution 181 was implemented and recognized.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

What do you call "implementation?"

Thanks for the link.

A perfect example of a stupid idea gone bad. The Palestinians were successful in taking the UN out of the picture. The UN never did implement resolution 181.

Both the UN, the Israelis, and the Palestinians say Resolution 181 was implemented and recognized.

Most Respectfully,

OK, where are those proposed borders?

Where are the rights for the non Jews?

Where is that international city of Jerusalem?
P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab League did everything in its power to block the implementation of Resolution 181.

P F Tinmore, et al,

What do you call "implementation?"

Thanks for the link.

A perfect example of a stupid idea gone bad. The Palestinians were successful in taking the UN out of the picture. The UN never did implement resolution 181.

Both the UN, the Israelis, and the Palestinians say Resolution 181 was implemented and recognized.

Most Respectfully,

OK, where are those proposed borders?

Where are the rights for the non Jews?

Where is that international city of Jerusalem?

As previously demonstrated, the Arab Palestinian never intended to cooperate; but in fact, intended to be an obstructionist influence.

Q1: OK, where are those proposed borders?

The borders were establish, but upon the invasion, the combat engagement pushed beyond the original intent of Resolution 181. That was directly the fault of Arab aggression and Arab defiance of Resolution 181.​

Q2: Where are the rights for the non Jews?

The "rights of the non-Jews" (the Arab Palestinian) were crushed by the planned aggressive and criminal behaviors of the their action. The UN guidance, up to that point, presupposed that the Arab Palestinian was, at most, going to be passively uncooperative; and not full fledged aggressors.​

Q3: Where is that international city of Jerusalem?

On 15 May 48, the forces of King Abdullah of Transjordan, entered into Palestine.

17 May 1948, Arabs yesterday launched a heavy attack on the Jewish quarter of the Old City. The rumor is, that the Arabs destroyed 34 of 35 Synagogues.​

Both sides fought viciously.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab League did everything in its power to block the implementation of Resolution 181.

P F Tinmore, et al,

What do you call "implementation?"


Both the UN, the Israelis, and the Palestinians say Resolution 181 was implemented and recognized.

Most Respectfully,

OK, where are those proposed borders?

Where are the rights for the non Jews?

Where is that international city of Jerusalem?

As previously demonstrated, the Arab Palestinian never intended to cooperate; but in fact, intended to be an obstructionist influence.

Q1: OK, where are those proposed borders?

The borders were establish, but upon the invasion, the combat engagement pushed beyond the original intent of Resolution 181. That was directly the fault of Arab aggression and Arab defiance of Resolution 181.​

Crock of crap, Rocco. Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from their homes outside of the proposed borders before any Arab army entered Palestine. It had nothing to do with the 1948 war. It was Israels agenda to take all of Palestine. Israel had no intention of abiding by resolution 181.

Q2: Where are the rights for the non Jews?

The "rights of the non-Jews" (the Arab Palestinian) were crushed by the planned aggressive and criminal behaviors of the their action. The UN guidance, up to that point, presupposed that the Arab Palestinian was, at most, going to be passively uncooperative; and not full fledged aggressors.​

Are you saying that it is criminal for the Palestinians to defend themselves?

Copy/paste the part of the UN Charter that says that.

Also the part that says that the UN has the authority to take land from one people and give it to another.

Q3: Where is that international city of Jerusalem?

On 15 May 48, the forces of King Abdullah of Transjordan, entered into Palestine.

17 May 1948, Arabs yesterday launched a heavy attack on the Jewish quarter of the Old City. The rumor is, that the Arabs destroyed 34 of 35 Synagogues.​

I thought the propaganda states that the Arab states attacked Israel.

Anyway, Jordan was the Uncle Tom during this period. Jordan was promised $3M a year for five years and the West Bank if it did not attack Israel. Jordan fought against the creation of a Palestinian state because it did not want to lose the West Bank.

Here again, Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from Jerusalem before Jordan entered Palestine.

Both sides fought viciously.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab League did everything in its power to block the implementation of Resolution 181.

OK, where are those proposed borders?

Where are the rights for the non Jews?

Where is that international city of Jerusalem?

As previously demonstrated, the Arab Palestinian never intended to cooperate; but in fact, intended to be an obstructionist influence.

Q1: OK, where are those proposed borders?

The borders were establish, but upon the invasion, the combat engagement pushed beyond the original intent of Resolution 181. That was directly the fault of Arab aggression and Arab defiance of Resolution 181.​

Crock of crap, Rocco. Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from their homes outside of the proposed borders before any Arab army entered Palestine. It had nothing to do with the 1948 war. It was Israels agenda to take all of Palestine. Israel had no intention of abiding by resolution 181.

Are you saying that it is criminal for the Palestinians to defend themselves?

Copy/paste the part of the UN Charter that says that.

Also the part that says that the UN has the authority to take land from one people and give it to another.

Q3: Where is that international city of Jerusalem?

On 15 May 48, the forces of King Abdullah of Transjordan, entered into Palestine.

17 May 1948, Arabs yesterday launched a heavy attack on the Jewish quarter of the Old City. The rumor is, that the Arabs destroyed 34 of 35 Synagogues.​

I thought the propaganda states that the Arab states attacked Israel.

Anyway, Jordan was the Uncle Tom during this period. Jordan was promised $3M a year for five years and the West Bank if it did not attack Israel. Jordan fought against the creation of a Palestinian state because it did not want to lose the West Bank.

Here again, Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from Jerusalem before Jordan entered Palestine.

Both sides fought viciously.

Most Respectfully,

Crock of crap. Israel only wanted their own state, and gracefully accepted the resolution. The Jews did not want a war, but the Arabs brought one. Fist it was the 47-48 civil war, instigated by the Palestinian Arabs (what you call defending themselves, which of course is Arab propaganda),then it was the 1948 Arab - Israeli war, instigated by the Arabs who invaded with the intention destroying the newly created state.
P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab League did everything in its power to block the implementation of Resolution 181.


As previously demonstrated, the Arab Palestinian never intended to cooperate; but in fact, intended to be an obstructionist influence.

Q1: OK, where are those proposed borders?

The borders were establish, but upon the invasion, the combat engagement pushed beyond the original intent of Resolution 181. That was directly the fault of Arab aggression and Arab defiance of Resolution 181.​

Crock of crap, Rocco. Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from their homes outside of the proposed borders before any Arab army entered Palestine. It had nothing to do with the 1948 war. It was Israels agenda to take all of Palestine. Israel had no intention of abiding by resolution 181.

Are you saying that it is criminal for the Palestinians to defend themselves?

Copy/paste the part of the UN Charter that says that.

Also the part that says that the UN has the authority to take land from one people and give it to another.

I thought the propaganda states that the Arab states attacked Israel.

Anyway, Jordan was the Uncle Tom during this period. Jordan was promised $3M a year for five years and the West Bank if it did not attack Israel. Jordan fought against the creation of a Palestinian state because it did not want to lose the West Bank.

Here again, Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from Jerusalem before Jordan entered Palestine.

Both sides fought viciously.

Most Respectfully,

Crock of crap. Israel only wanted their own state, and gracefully accepted the resolution. The Jews did not want a war, but the Arabs brought one. Fist it was the 47-48 civil war, instigated by the Palestinian Arabs (what you call defending themselves, which of course is Arab propaganda),then it was the 1948 Arab - Israeli war, instigated by the Arabs who invaded with the intention destroying the newly created state.

You have Israel's propaganda down pat.

Good boy.
georgephillip, et al,

In between these two statements, there was a lot of ground covered.

"Forced conditions always have consequences"
The Jewish state was a condition forced upon a majority of Palestinians in 1948.
The consequences of Hezbollah or Hamas stem directly from that act of terrorism.

It is important to completely understand the risk that the Jewish Community faced from the Arabs --- months before the Jewish Agency declared Independence.

UNITED NATIONS PALESTINE COMMISSION First Special Report to the Security Council: The Problem of Security in Palestine said:
6. The Secretary-General has been informed by the Arab Higher Committee that is determined to persist in its rejection of the partition plan and in its refusal to recognize the resolution of the Assembly and “anything deriving therefrom”. The Subsequent communication of 6 February to the Secretary-General from the representative of the Arab Higher Committee set forth the following conclusions of the Arab Higher Committee Delegation:

“a. The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

“b. The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power or group of powers to establish a Jewish State in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense by force.

c. It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said commission.

d. The United Nations or its commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

e. The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

f. The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

g. The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

“The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child.​
SOURCE: A/AC.21/9 S/676 16 February 1948


SOURCE: A/AC.21/JA/16 16 February 1948

What does all this mean? Well that there was an agenda before the 1948-49 Arab-Israel War broke-out. The Arab Palestinians had no reason to believe they would loose. However, their tone changed considerably, from one of "wipe them out – man women and child" (supra), to one of "The acceptance by the Arab Governments of these proposals proves once more their genuine desire to see peace restored in the Holy Land and a just solution of the Palestine problem arrived at."

From the very outset, the Arab Palestinian really never accepted the authority of the United Nations. Today, it only acknowledges those aspects UN that promote pro-Palestinian positions.

The Arab Palestinian opened hostilities with the mind set that General Assembly Resolution 181(II) and the establishment of a Jewish State in the former Mandate of Palestine, as an act of aggression against Arab territory.

The Arab-Palestinian never had any intention of cooperating with either the UN Special Committee on Palestine or the UN Commission on Palestine.

The Arab Palestinian has no intention of ever honoring a Partition Agreement.​

This is where the basic concern for the integrity of Israel's sovereignty originates. There are many who believe that the world leadership will bow to the Palestinian political act to achieve their stated objectives and desired goal through the use of violence; gaining sympathy as if they were they minority being oppressed and not the aggressor.

The basic platform of the Palestinian of today, has not changed since before Israel declared their independence, and through several wars. There is very little reason that any one should suspect they have changed.


Whether is was the pre-1948 Arab Palestinian statements, the Covenant and Charter of the 1980 and still in play today, or the more recent declarations made by Senior Hamas Official: The Resistance Is Entitled To Attack Israel's Embassies, Interests, And Officials Worldwide - And The Interests Of Its Allies, the danger they present is all the same.

It is a very dangerous culture, with a very dangerous history of violence, and presenting still the very same threats for today, that needs contained.

Most Respectfully,
Not as dangerous as the Culture of Zionism, IMHO:

"[It is the] iron law of every colonizing movement, a law which knows of no exceptions, a law which existed in all times and under all circumstances. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison on your behalf Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempts to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not "difficult," not "dangerous" but impossible!...

"Zionism is a colonizing adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force.

"It is important to build, it is important to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot-or else I am through with playing at colonization."

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

European Jews invaded Palestine with the expressed intent of dispossessing the Arabs who were already living there. Your solution is to blame the victim of a colonizing adventure for invoking the right of self-defense?
Crock of crap, Rocco. Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from their homes outside of the proposed borders before any Arab army entered Palestine. It had nothing to do with the 1948 war. It was Israels agenda to take all of Palestine. Israel had no intention of abiding by resolution 181.

Are you saying that it is criminal for the Palestinians to defend themselves?

Copy/paste the part of the UN Charter that says that.

Also the part that says that the UN has the authority to take land from one people and give it to another.

I thought the propaganda states that the Arab states attacked Israel.

Anyway, Jordan was the Uncle Tom during this period. Jordan was promised $3M a year for five years and the West Bank if it did not attack Israel. Jordan fought against the creation of a Palestinian state because it did not want to lose the West Bank.

Here again, Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from Jerusalem before Jordan entered Palestine.

Crock of crap. Israel only wanted their own state, and gracefully accepted the resolution. The Jews did not want a war, but the Arabs brought one. Fist it was the 47-48 civil war, instigated by the Palestinian Arabs (what you call defending themselves, which of course is Arab propaganda),then it was the 1948 Arab - Israeli war, instigated by the Arabs who invaded with the intention destroying the newly created state.

You have Israel's propaganda down pat.

Good boy.

Great response. Except everything I said was true.
The whole 'take over Palestine getting old Tinnie. And it's a lie. You know VERY well why the Jews from Europe came there
Crock of crap. Israel only wanted their own state, and gracefully accepted the resolution. The Jews did not want a war, but the Arabs brought one. Fist it was the 47-48 civil war, instigated by the Palestinian Arabs (what you call defending themselves, which of course is Arab propaganda),then it was the 1948 Arab - Israeli war, instigated by the Arabs who invaded with the intention destroying the newly created state.

You have Israel's propaganda down pat.

Good boy.

Great response. Except everything I said was true.
The whole 'take over Palestine getting old Tinnie. And it's a lie. You know VERY well why the Jews from Europe came there

Indeed. their own stated goal was to take over Palestine.

I am merely repeating what they said. So don't blame me.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I was responding to the specific questions you ask on that specific time frame. An entire encyclopedia could be written on the subject of the Arab-Israeli War. A discussion response cannot be expected to cover ever aspects.

Crock of crap, Rocco. Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from their homes outside of the proposed borders before any Arab army entered Palestine. It had nothing to do with the 1948 war. It was Israels agenda to take all of Palestine. Israel had no intention of abiding by resolution 181.

Ethnic Cleansing is a very modern concept. Almost all wars of any consequence have refugees associated with them. The Arab-Israeli conflict is no different.

Yes, there was an Arab-Israeli conflict between the Arab (majority) and Jews (minority) before the approval of Resolution 181(II). Pre-Resolution combatants, like the notorious Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, were well known and set the conditions for the Jewish Immigrants to develop defense mechanisms. And yes, there was rear area movement of Arab residents. But the most explosive conflict erupted after the passage of the Resolution was passed.

The agenda of the Israelis was to agree with the Resolution. There is no question that the Jewish Agency was disappointed in the allocation of the Partition Plan, but they were will to try to live within it. It was - "undeniably" - the Arab that was unable to to come to grips with the Plan (no question). It was the Arab that started the conflict.

Are you saying that it is criminal for the Palestinians to defend themselves? Copy/paste the part of the UN Charter that says that.

The Arab Palestinian was not "defending themselves." They were in open defiance of the General Assembly Resolution and acting outside the Rule of Law. They openly admit this and state their reasoning. They somehow mistakenly believed that the sovereignty of the territory was theirs to determine and not that of the UN [the successor to the League of Nations (LoN)].

Also the part that says that the UN has the authority to take land from one people and give it to another.

Again, this is a mistaken premise. The UN did not take land from anyone. The land was relinquished by the previous sovereign power and remanded to the LoN (UN), just as was all the adjacent territory that was partitioned and became individual and independent Arab states. This idea that land was taken from the Arab is part of the perpetual victim mentality that has become the face of the Arab Palestinian.

I thought the propaganda states that the Arab states attacked Israel.

It does --- and they did. But the question asked was specifically directed at Jerusalem, so it was answered specifically about Jerusalem.

Anyway, Jordan was the Uncle Tom during this period. Jordan was promised $3M a year for five years and the West Bank if it did not attack Israel. Jordan fought against the creation of a Palestinian state because it did not want to lose the West Bank.

That may well be. But, the motives are not truly understood and the actions are what they are.

Here again, Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from Jerusalem before Jordan entered Palestine.

Both sides routed the civilian population, depending on the period of time one is addressing. The Jordanian Arab Legion entered East Jerusalem, engaged Israeli Forces and took the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. The entire civilian population of the Jewish Quarter was expelled and the buildings and holy places reduced to rubble. This was the nature of the war.


This does not change the conditions on the ground today. The finger pointing, the - he said this and she said that --- the childish cries about who started the war, and which toys belong to which child, don't alter the current state of affairs.

If either side wants a peaceful solution, now is the time to stand-up and say so. If the Palestinian wants to maintain the status quo, the only need say so.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab League did everything in its power to block the implementation of Resolution 181.


As previously demonstrated, the Arab Palestinian never intended to cooperate; but in fact, intended to be an obstructionist influence.

Q1: OK, where are those proposed borders?

The borders were establish, but upon the invasion, the combat engagement pushed beyond the original intent of Resolution 181. That was directly the fault of Arab aggression and Arab defiance of Resolution 181.​

Crock of crap, Rocco. Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from their homes outside of the proposed borders before any Arab army entered Palestine. It had nothing to do with the 1948 war. It was Israels agenda to take all of Palestine. Israel had no intention of abiding by resolution 181.

Are you saying that it is criminal for the Palestinians to defend themselves?

Copy/paste the part of the UN Charter that says that.

Also the part that says that the UN has the authority to take land from one people and give it to another.

I thought the propaganda states that the Arab states attacked Israel.

Anyway, Jordan was the Uncle Tom during this period. Jordan was promised $3M a year for five years and the West Bank if it did not attack Israel. Jordan fought against the creation of a Palestinian state because it did not want to lose the West Bank.

Here again, Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from Jerusalem before Jordan entered Palestine.

Both sides fought viciously.

Most Respectfully,

Crock of crap. Israel only wanted their own state, and gracefully accepted the resolution. The Jews did not want a war, but the Arabs brought one. Fist it was the 47-48 civil war, instigated by the Palestinian Arabs (what you call defending themselves, which of course is Arab propaganda),then it was the 1948 Arab - Israeli war, instigated by the Arabs who invaded with the intention destroying the newly created state.
There's nothing graceful about Political Zionism and its oft-stated goal of creating a Jewish state somewhere in the world. There is a great deal that's deceitful about the lies Zionism told to further that cause in Palestine; from "a land without a people for a people without a land" to their "acceptance" of a morally questionable UN partition plan that gave one-third of Palestinians 55% of Palestine.

During its "War of Independence", half of the 750,000 Arabs evicted from their homes were expelled prior to any Arab army's arrival on the scene.

Western observers like the UN's appointed mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, who protested the ethnic cleansing of Arabs were murdered by those you claim "did not want a war." In fact, Zionists had long admitted war was the only way to colonize Palestine.

"After the war, Bernadotte was unanimously chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948. He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the militant Zionist group Lehi while pursuing his official duties. The decision to assassinate him had been taken by Natan Yellin-Mor, Yisrael Eldad and Yitzhak Shamir, who later became Prime Minister of Israel."
Last edited:
Crock of crap, Rocco. Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from their homes outside of the proposed borders before any Arab army entered Palestine. It had nothing to do with the 1948 war. It was Israels agenda to take all of Palestine. Israel had no intention of abiding by resolution 181.

Are you saying that it is criminal for the Palestinians to defend themselves?

Copy/paste the part of the UN Charter that says that.

Also the part that says that the UN has the authority to take land from one people and give it to another.

I thought the propaganda states that the Arab states attacked Israel.

Anyway, Jordan was the Uncle Tom during this period. Jordan was promised $3M a year for five years and the West Bank if it did not attack Israel. Jordan fought against the creation of a Palestinian state because it did not want to lose the West Bank.

Here again, Israel was ethnic cleansing Palestinians from Jerusalem before Jordan entered Palestine.

Crock of crap. Israel only wanted their own state, and gracefully accepted the resolution. The Jews did not want a war, but the Arabs brought one. Fist it was the 47-48 civil war, instigated by the Palestinian Arabs (what you call defending themselves, which of course is Arab propaganda),then it was the 1948 Arab - Israeli war, instigated by the Arabs who invaded with the intention destroying the newly created state.
There's nothing graceful about Political Zionism and its oft-stated goal of creating a Jewish state somewhere in the world. There is a great deal that's deceitful about the lies Zionism told to further that cause in Palestine; from "a land without a people for a people without a land" to their "acceptance" of a morally questionable UN partition plan that gave one-third of Palestinians 55% of Palestine.

During its "War of Independence", half of the 750,000 Arabs evicted from their homes were expelled prior to any Arab army's arrival on the scene.

Western observers like the UN's appointed mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, who protested the ethnic cleansing of Arabs were murdered by those you claim "did not want a war." In fact, Zionists had long admitted war was the only way to colonize Palestine.

"After the war, Bernadotte was unanimously chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948. He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the militant Zionist group Lehi while pursuing his official duties. The decision to assassinate him had been taken by Natan Yellin-Mor, Yisrael Eldad and Yitzhak Shamir, who later became Prime Minister of Israel."

I would suggest that you get over it, GeorgieBoy. After 2,000 years of expulsions, blood libels, inquisitions, pogroms, ghettos and the Holocaust, the Jews wanted a land of their own, even if it wasn't their ancestral homeland. They're not giving it up to a people that already has 22 oil-rich countries.

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