Freedom of Speech Trampled on in Colorado School

How big is too big?

My kids attend a school of 200 students. It works great.

Well your school it might work but kids in high school don't have any freedom of speech.

I don't know if you get that fact or not. The kids have few ways to represent themselves for who they are and not seem without being robots without it being illegal or against school rules.

Being able to dress (for the most part) the way you want is one of the few things us high schoolers have left.

I wear my AC/DC, Guns and Roses, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, The Beatles,etc shirts along with my regular shirts.

It represents who I am, I can't speak out against school policy that I disagree with like a protest or anything because you get in trouble for it.

Oh and for the record, my school has close to 2,000 students. So my school is twenty times larger population wise.
Double standard...

You obviously just dont get it. It isnt about the fact the kid wore a political shirt(unless thats against school rules but it doesnt bother me). Its what the shirt said. Saying that Obama is a "terreorists best friend" is not only a lie that cannot be proven but its unappropriate. I cant stand bush but if the shirt said "President Bush, a Terrorists best friend, I would still have a problem with it.


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Well your school it might work but kids in high school don't have any freedom of speech.

I don't know if you get that fact or not. The kids have few ways to represent themselves for who they are and not seem without being robots without it being illegal or against school rules.

Being able to dress (for the most part) the way you want is one of the few things us high schoolers have left.

I wear my AC/DC, Guns and Roses, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, The Beatles,etc shirts along with my regular shirts.

It represents who I am, I can't speak out against school policy that I disagree with like a protest or anything because you get in trouble for it.

Oh and for the record, my school has close to 2,000 students. So my school is twenty times larger population wise.

The problem is there are many kids who are immature and they may see the shirt as offensive or racist and it could cause fights and be a distraction.
The problem is there are many kids who are immature and they may see the shirt as offensive or racist and it could cause fights and be a distraction.

You mean a Beatles shirt as offensive or racist? Or this one?

Because this shirt about Obama I consider offensive though perhaps not racist.

Implementing a dress code because some kids can't choose to follow the rules so you therefore punish the rest is not only bullshit but again overkill.

(Extreme example below but it's a good one)

You don't go into a town during a war and kill everyone there because they live in the town. You kill the ones who are trying to physically harm you or your troops.

The whole idea of uniforms in public school is overkill in my opinion.
There's a difference between saying Barack Obama is a terrorist best's friend and The Beatles are a group of drug users.

(The Beatles didn't even use some of the drugs they are famous for until they met Bob Dylan for the record.)

The Beatles did drugs, Sarah Palin has done drugs, Barack Obama has done drugs, half the people on this board AT LEAST have done drugs. So whoopie do?

That's not even including things like smoking cigs/cigars, and drinking as a drug.

The shirt doesn't say Obama is a terrorist. It says he is a terrorist's best friend, which could mean he won't do a good job in fighting the "War on Terror".

Teachers may be offended by Beatles t shirts or jesus t shirts for that matter.
While I appreciate your concern about my literacy level, I am sure whatever is in those articles does not give us 100 percent clarity as to why the kid was suspended. You cannot always prove bias or lack thereof.

let me cut to the chase then. the kid was suspended because he violated school policy. unfortunately, the kid's parents used their child, a precious gift, to politick.

i find it reprehensible, and anyone with children probably feels the same way.
It pisses the hell out of me that school kids who are all of ten years old are asked to wear their patriotism on their sleeve.

Dissent can be patriotic. Terrorism is not patriotic, and marching in unthinking lockstep isn't patriotic either. Patriotism is doing what is in the best interest of the people of this country, in a considered and caring way.

My libertarian sensibilities are offended. Harumph. Next the school will tell the kids to write a letter to the new president, whoever he may be, telling him how great he is. Grrrr.
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You mean a Beatles shirt as offensive or racist? Or this one?

Because this shirt about Obama I consider offensive though perhaps not racist.

Implementing a dress code because some kids can't choose to follow the rules so you therefore punish the rest is not only bullshit but again overkill.

(Extreme example below but it's a good one)

You don't go into a town during a war and kill everyone there because they live in the town. You kill the ones who are trying to physically harm you or your troops.

The whole idea of uniforms in public school is overkill in my opinion.

Not the beetles shirt and I'm not saying it was racist but it could be implied that way.
let me cut to the chase then. the kid was suspended because he violated school policy. unfortunately, the kid's parents used their child, a precious gift, to politick.

i find it reprehensible, and anyone with children probably feels the same way.

Thank you.
The shirt doesn't say Obama is a terrorist. It says he is a terrorist's best friend, which could mean he won't do a good job in fighting the "War on Terror".

Teachers may be offended by Beatles t shirts or jesus t shirts for that matter.

That's what I meant (up to where you said best friend) and this kid is too young to even understand the full concepts of the "War on Terror."

This coming from the kid who was the type you'd see raising his hand and answering every question in history class at this kid's age because I followed Politics and the news.

Some things never change though, like how I think Dubya is a fool.

He was then, and he is now. :D

By the way, even if you think this kid knows the full concept of the "War on Terror" then why in the hell did he not read his school's code of conduct for dress code?

And for the Beatles/Jesus t-shirts, they're a picture. I could put a picture of the flying spaghetti monster on my shirt but that doesn't mean anything specific. Could mean I just like spaghetti.

I personally think the Church and Religion in general is a joke but I think people who want to wear a Jesus shirt have a right to. As long as they're not trying to shove their beliefs down the throats of others and especially myself.

And to cut off your next question, yes I believe in a higher power.
let me cut to the chase then. the kid was suspended because he violated school policy. unfortunately, the kid's parents used their child, a precious gift, to politick.

i find it reprehensible, and anyone with children probably feels the same way.

I read the fox colorado segment. The kid should be allowed to wear the shirt. Let me ask you something. If the principal told the kid to turn a Jesus love you shirt inside out, would you be on the school's side?
let me cut to the chase then. the kid was suspended because he violated school policy. unfortunately, the kid's parents used their child, a precious gift, to politick.

i find it reprehensible, and anyone with children probably feels the same way.

I don't have kids but :iagree:
I read the fox colorado segment. The kid should be allowed to wear the shirt. Let me ask you something. If the principal told the kid to turn a Jesus love you shirt inside out, would you be on the school's side?

if that was consistent with the policy set forth in the school handbook, absolutely.

does that make me devil's spawn?
if that was consistent with the policy set forth in the school handbook, absolutely.

does that make me devil's spawn?

No. I commend you on your consistency. I don't think most people would be consistent on this issue.

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