Freedom of Speech Trampled on in Colorado School

I read the fox colorado segment. The kid should be allowed to wear the shirt. Let me ask you something. If the principal told the kid to turn a Jesus love you shirt inside out, would you be on the school's side?

Again, saying someone is a terrorist's best friend is different from Jesus loves you.

Jesus can love me all he likes, doesn't mean I'll love him back or even think he fully existed.

Barack Obama does exist unless this election is a figment of our imagination.

I personally think Barack running for President is a great thing. It brings out people's true colors, literally. You get to see how many people are racist and just plain ignorant. (And I don't mean just because they disagree with him. But just because they are racist and ignorant.)

I remember reading somewhere that the KKK membership went up 1 million members after Obama got nominated. I wish I had that article around still.
Again, saying someone is a terrorist's best friend is different from Jesus loves you.

Jesus can love me all he likes, doesn't mean I'll love him back or even think he fully existed.

Barack Obama does exist unless this election is a figment of our imagination.

I personally think Barack running for President is a great thing. It brings out people's true colors, literally. You get to see how many people are racist and just plain ignorant. (And I don't mean just because they disagree with him. But just because they are racist and ignorant.)

I remember reading somewhere that the KKK membership went up 1 million members after Obama got nominated. I wish I had that article around still.

To many, the Jesus t shirt is just as offensive.
To many, the Jesus t shirt is just as offensive.

I don't know what to tell you or those people then. If it's a valid reason as to why they consider it offensive then so be it.

That be like having a picture of Buddha on your shirt and saying your offended.
“Any type of attire which attracts undue attention to the wearer, and thus causes a disturbance to the educational process is in bad taste and not acceptable. While preserving the individuality of our students is important, we also see the importance of preserving the educational process.”

Aurora Public Schools district dress code..

The boy’s sister wore a similar shirt at the school the same day and “did not disrupt learning,” the statement said.

The dispute over the hand-scrawled T-shirt boasting “Obama a terrorist’s best friend” did not mention the playground altercations in early news reports though outlets were quick to trumpet the boy’s father, Dann Dalton, threatening to sue and referring to the school district as “full of liberal loons.”

Colorado Independent UPDATED: School district says suspended student’s anti-Obama shirt caused ‘disruption’

Little more info. for everyone , and if someone already posted it too bad I have been drinking my coffee. lol
“Any type of attire which attracts undue attention to the wearer, and thus causes a disturbance to the educational process is in bad taste and not acceptable. While preserving the individuality of our students is important, we also see the importance of preserving the educational process.”

Aurora Public Schools district dress code..

The boy’s sister wore a similar shirt at the school the same day and “did not disrupt learning,” the statement said.

The dispute over the hand-scrawled T-shirt boasting “Obama a terrorist’s best friend” did not mention the playground altercations in early news reports though outlets were quick to trumpet the boy’s father, Dann Dalton, threatening to sue and referring to the school district as “full of liberal loons.”

Colorado Independent UPDATED: School district says suspended student’s anti-Obama shirt caused ‘disruption’

Little more info. for everyone , and if someone already posted it too bad I have been drinking my coffee. lol

Well I would def find a shirt like "Obama is a terrorist's best friend" not only offensive, untruth, but disruptive to a learning area.

There is a dress code process, he broke the rules, he had a choice and CHOSE suspension.

That's why I love they are making a huge fuss out of him getting suspended, dumbass kid chose suspension rather then turn the shirt inside out.


Felt I had to do that to get the point across. I may get insulted for it, but I am one of the few if not the only one here in high school. So I think I would know how it is, giving my perspective also as a HS Senior.
“Any type of attire which attracts undue attention to the wearer, and thus causes a disturbance to the educational process is in bad taste and not acceptable. While preserving the individuality of our students is important, we also see the importance of preserving the educational process.”

Aurora Public Schools district dress code..

The boy’s sister wore a similar shirt at the school the same day and “did not disrupt learning,” the statement said.

The dispute over the hand-scrawled T-shirt boasting “Obama a terrorist’s best friend” did not mention the playground altercations in early news reports though outlets were quick to trumpet the boy’s father, Dann Dalton, threatening to sue and referring to the school district as “full of liberal loons.”

Colorado Independent UPDATED: School district says suspended student’s anti-Obama shirt caused ‘disruption’

Little more info. for everyone , and if someone already posted it too bad I have been drinking my coffee. lol
very interesting, seems there was a lot more to this story(like there usually is) than we were previously given
Well I would def find a shirt like "Obama is a terrorist's best friend" not only offensive, untruth, but disruptive to a learning area.

There is a dress code process, he broke the rules, he had a choice and CHOSE suspension.

That's why I love they are making a huge fuss out of him getting suspended, dumbass kid chose suspension rather then turn the shirt inside out.


Felt I had to do that to get the point across. I may get insulted for it, but I am one of the few if not the only one here in high school. So I think I would know how it is, giving my perspective also as a HS Senior.
his sister had a similar shirt
so it wasnt the shirt, but what the boy did on the playground
very interesting, seems there was a lot more to this story(like there usually is) than we were previously given

There always is, once you filter through all the real mess. It is the reason why the district insisted that the reason for his suspension had nothing to do with the shirt specifically. However. by my read on that I can see where it's up to the administration and if they felt it was not appropriate then thats pretty much it.
There always is, once you filter through all the real mess. It is the reason why the district insisted that the reason for his suspension had nothing to do with the shirt specifically. However. by my read on that I can see where it's up to the administration and if they felt it was not appropriate then thats pretty much it.
i'm so sick of "news" that only wants to get the "scoop" on a story
what happened to telling the truth(IE the full story)
i'm so sick of "news" that only wants to get the "scoop" on a story
what happened to telling the truth(IE the full story)

It's called "ratings" Dive. but hey look at the bright side, it improves the reading skills of those that really want to find out whats going on. lol
Why is this guy a right wing nutter???? It is a fact that Obama is friends with William Ayers... Do any of you liberals know who that is?

Now KMAN, don't try to get all high and mighty on us because you know who William Ayers is. Plenty of others do, and he has not been involved in radical behavior in many years now. Obama and his wife worked at the University of Chicago Law School, so I am sure they worked together regularly. When you spend time with others, you become friends with them and their family, that is how life works. Both Ayers and Dohrne have put their pasts behind them, so just accept it. They were radicals in the 60's, but at least they acted on their convictions which is more then can be said for most people. I don't necessarily agree with their actions, but you can't hold that against someone the rest of their lives. And then to hold it against Obama for associating with them? Get over it. People change and should always be given a second chance. I thought Christian Conservatives of all people would understand that.
Question to Dive Con and navy,

Would you send your 5th grader to school with a shirt that says "Obama, a terrorists best friend"
stuff like that is too controversial
i would send a kid to school to LEARN, not to make a political statement
Yep! All my 13 yo wants to wear are her Rock Band t-shirts. At least they are big and not revealing! You should SEE some of the stuff jr. high girls wear now. Thank goodness my daughter is modest! (for now lol)

This is nice Angel, having a discussion without name calling and such. We may not have the same political views, but I appreciate how you can hold a conversation without flaming. I like posting with you, and hearing your views!

I've been shocked at some of the things I've seen at the local elementary.

I feel the same way about you. I find people to be more open minded when you don't attack. Hate is no more than posion IMO.
According to jillian and silence your daughter can not wear that shirt.... However it is ok for teachers to wear pro-obama shirst and it is ok for teachers to call Bush Nazi...

Once again, like I say everyday the people who preach tolerance are the most intolerant people...

Pro-Obama/McCain shirts are not offensive the same way calling someone a terrorist is. I don't agree with calling Bush a Nazi in school either; teachers should leave their political beliefs out of the classroom. Even a shirt that says you are proud to be a conservative isn't hurting anyone. Its a positive statement. This is why there are dress codes, and they are just an accepted fact of today's schools. What you should really be outraged about is the father that is using his 11 year old son to make a political statement. That is the really sad part about this story.
actually if you look at the dress code of most schools children are not allowed to wear inflammatory/disruptive clothing. My daughter wore a shirt that belonged to me once that called Bush an American Terrorist and I was called and told to bring her another shirt. It works both ways.

It is interesting that a 5th grader would be so inclined to wear a shirt like that... couldn't be his parents put him up to it now could it?

your arguments are so childish KMAN... are you seriously comparing the child of a candidate to the child of an admitted right wing nutter?

the boy was given the choice to change his shirt, turn it inside out or get suspended. He wore the shirt KNOWING it would cause controversey..... There ARE dress codes in schools...they can't wear just anything they want ya know...

I'm kinda dissapointed that you would own a T-shirt refering to a sitting President as a terrorist. Even more so that you would teach your daughter that it is okay to show disrepect to the Office of the Presidency. To each his own I guess.
Well your school it might work but kids in high school don't have any freedom of speech.

I don't know if you get that fact or not. The kids have few ways to represent themselves for who they are and not seem without being robots without it being illegal or against school rules.

Being able to dress (for the most part) the way you want is one of the few things us high schoolers have left.

I wear my AC/DC, Guns and Roses, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, The Beatles,etc shirts along with my regular shirts.

It represents who I am, I can't speak out against school policy that I disagree with like a protest or anything because you get in trouble for it.

Oh and for the record, my school has close to 2,000 students. So my school is twenty times larger population wise.

I've seen uniforms used in schools up to 600 and they did great. I haven't had a chance to see it implemented on a larger scale. Unless you go back to my time in the military. Uniforms work out great there. ;)

You need to brush up on your math. My kids attend a school of 200 and you attend one of 2,000... That would only be 10 times more.
According to jillian and silence your daughter can not wear that shirt.... However it is ok for teachers to wear pro-obama shirst and it is ok for teachers to call Bush Nazi...

Once again, like I say everyday the people who preach tolerance are the most intolerant people...

I'm sorry, where did I say a teacher wearing a political shirt was appropriate?

I'll wait.

And don't misrepresent what I say...

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