Freedom of Speech Trampled on in Colorado School

I've read it im not impressed. Suspending a kid three days for yelling. Are we serious? It wasnt the shirt that caused it, it was an inability to have a civilized discussion.
his sister had a similar shirt on that day, she was allowed to wear the shirt
the shirt was not the cause
actually if you look at the dress code of most schools children are not allowed to wear inflammatory/disruptive clothing. My daughter wore a shirt that belonged to me once that called Bush an American Terrorist and I was called and told to bring her another shirt. It works both ways.

It is interesting that a 5th grader would be so inclined to wear a shirt like that... couldn't be his parents put him up to it now could it?

your arguments are so childish KMAN... are you seriously comparing the child of a candidate to the child of an admitted right wing nutter?

the boy was given the choice to change his shirt, turn it inside out or get suspended. He wore the shirt KNOWING it would cause controversey..... There ARE dress codes in schools...they can't wear just anything they want ya know...

Where are you getting your comparison from? The article states the kid was removed for wearing an anti-Obama shirt. Disliking Obama doesn't make someone a right wing nutter. IMO, it shows good sense.

KMAN has a valid point. If the kid can't wear an anti-Obama shirt, then even Obama's kids shouldn't be allowed to wear pro-Obama shirts. THAT's how it works both ways.
KMAN has a valid point. If the kid can't wear an anti-Obama shirt, then even Obama's kids shouldn't be allowed to wear pro-Obama shirts. THAT's how it works both ways.

First, KMAN has never made a valid point...ever.

Second, that's not necessarily how it works. Hypothetically speaking, it could be that "pro" shirts are allowed but "anti" shirts are not.
Where are you getting your comparison from? The article states the kid was removed for wearing an anti-Obama shirt. Disliking Obama doesn't make someone a right wing nutter. IMO, it shows good sense.

KMAN has a valid point. If the kid can't wear an anti-Obama shirt, then even Obama's kids shouldn't be allowed to wear pro-Obama shirts. THAT's how it works both ways.

Would not the same be applied for John McCain shirts and Sarah Palin shirts?

But then again, I don't see anyone running out to buy a picture of John McCain on their shirt.

Obama T-shirt - Google Image Search

325,000 results.

McCain T-shirt - Google Image Search

189,000 results.

I have to admit, this one I found funny.

well it was a long time ago. And who knows who the hell distributed them. Probably some drop out, lol.

I still say school uniforms are the way to go. We don't require them at our school, but I went that route for my daughter. I got her two pleated skirts, one plaid and one navy, 4 white shirts, long sleeve peasant style and short sleeve tux fronts, knee high socks, a navy jacket and khaki scooters and it all cost under $100. She's set.

Of course she gets to wear jeans when she wants, since we don't have a dress code, and we are in the wild west. But it's nice, she always looks good, everything matches, it's all washable, it's warm, and none of her clothes say anything like "hottie" or "daddy's girl" or "Bratz" on them. Well, at least not the ones she wears to school. We don't do slogans.

The boy is still in preschool. He wears garanimals. They have truck slogans on them, or sports slogans, but they're just mild little boy stuff.

It's great because even at 6 years old, the girl and I were fighting every morning over what she wanted to wear to school. She wanted to wear purple velvet, sequins, Bratz and Barbie strappy clothes, platform shoes, her princess costume. Now we have the uniforms she knows those are the school clothes and it cuts our morning routing in half and we no longer have huge arguments over why it's not appropriate to wear her nightgown to school.

:lol: So you are one of those parents eh? Dressing you daughter up in a uniform even though its not required? Wow...I am sure you are her favorite person. I hope for your sake they turn out alright.
:lol: So you are one of those parents eh? Dressing you daughter up in a uniform even though its not required? Wow...I am sure you are her favorite person. I hope for your sake they turn out alright.

I kind of wish they had uniforms at every company, I'm tired of trying to figure out what to wear everyday.
So the father is a Republican, a hardcore one at that. He calls the public school system full of "Liberal loons".

He spoke to Fox News, and the kid says his father "encouraged" him to wear the shirt.

And then there is this.

I've been in the school system for 12 years now (this being my 12th) and you have NO freedom of speech in school kid. You go to school, and if a teacher tells you that you can't do this or that then you follow their rules. Otherwise? You get detention, suspended, etc. This is nothing new.

So I've been in the CURRENT school system longer then he's been alive. He's repeating his father's talking points or his hardcore republican of a father doesn't know the code of conduct.

Note he said "If I have the right" well guess what? You don't.

That'd be like saying, Sarah Palin: A extreme right nutjob's best friend on a shirt.
It is kind of fascinating though, watching the development of a full blown wingnut. "Now, Johnny, don't even make an effort to follow the rules, nothing is your fault, it's all the fault of the liberal loons."
"It's the public school system," Dalton says. "Let's be honest, it's full of liberal loons."

epic win
How isn't it a lie, exactly?

The wording, it's not saying that Obama likes them, it's not even saying they want Obama in office. I am certain that he has some 'friends' (that word has lost a lot of meaning in this day and age) who are.
I can lay you a pretty safe bet that most kids hate their parents from about 11 to 18. If they do not you are to busy being their "friend" instead of their parent.

I STILL hate my mother. *grin* Even after 15 years of being out of contact. She was a lot like Allie.
The wording, it's not saying that Obama likes them, it's not even saying they want Obama in office. I am certain that he has some 'friends' (that word has lost a lot of meaning in this day and age) who are.
Who? Which terrorist is best friends with Obama?
Who? Which terrorist is best friends with Obama?

*shrugs* Who knows, who knows if it's true or not. No way to know. The point is, it didn't say Obama likes terrorists, it didn't say Obama was a terrorist. Hell, how much you wanna bet that a lot of terrorists think they are McCains best friend, a LOT think Bush is wonderful. Some probably like Palin to. So it's not slander by default because there is no way to prove it was a lie, and to lie one must know the truth. I did also state that he was not wrongly punished, unless you have your blinders on right now.

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