Freedom of Speech vs. Political Correctness

so does the 'personal destruction' of innocent Muslim-American families not matter?

Hmmm, not false. Haven't you watched the news lately? All kinds of them have made it an offence to say anything that upsets the resident hysterical leftwing students.
yes, but as always you willfully misinterpret reality.

Prove it.
You do that for me every time you post.

Prove it to someone who isn't suffering from brain damage.
That would have to be some one other than yourself.
Thanks for finally admitting you have mental issues.
Why should there be "consequences", including and up to losing your job just for saying you think marriage should be between a man and a woman? Why should there be "consequences" just because you think illegal immigrants should be deported? Why should there be "consequences" because you think random college hookups between drunk people is not automatically rape if the woman decides later she doesn't like what happened?

So you don't believe in a private businesses right to run it as they see fit?

Rape? Talk about non sequitur...
Only if it's truly a private business.
Any business that serves the public is not private.

Seawytch is trying to get me into a trap about my concerns over businesses being forced to "bake or die".
This is actually two separate issues, one being government coercion and the other being coercion by the people.

. The cake decision has already been made. BAKE THE DAMN CAKE.
If you don't want offended people reacting, then quit being offensive.No more complicated than that.
So your view is "act like Bulldog wants you to act, think like bulldog wants you to think, OR ELSE"?

Thuggery pure and simple. You are now no better than those idiots who burned those "witches" in Salem.


Or else I will use my freedom of speech to oppose you. Yes. That's how it works. Freedom of speech goes both ways. It's not reserved for only you, or people you agree with..
Mike Ditka was a bigoted dick anyway
Karma is a bitch that way.

In other words, you're in favor of PC being used to destroy people. Disliking Obama is not proof that you're a bigot, and it's certainly not a valid reason for losing your job.
Ditka destroyed himself.
There are no other words.
I'm in favor of letting asshole like you and Ditka talk themselves into situations where they fuck themselves.
A good example is mitt Romney's 47% comment.

That's what douche bags like you normally call "blaming the victim." In a just world, criticizing Obama wouldn't be a justification for destroying someone. You're admitting that you don't give a damn about justice.
Ditka was no victim, he fucked himself

Only in your delusion .
If he had said that about any president the results would have been the same.

He expressed an opinion protected by the First Amendment. Millions of Americans agree with that opinion. So how, in any sane world, is that "fucking yourself?" Many media personalities have said the most vicious things imaginable about George Bush without any ill effects to their careers.


While on tour in London in March 2003, as the U.S. was preparing to invade Iraq, under President George W. Bush’s command, Maines looked out at the audience and said, “Just so you know, we’re on the good side with y’all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we’re ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas.”

Alec Baldwin’s appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien on December 12, 1998, eight days before President Bill Clinton was to be impeached where Baldwin said, “If we were in another country … we would stone [sitting congressman] Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they’re doing to this country.”​
False comparison!
Or else I will use my freedom of speech to oppose you. Yes. That's how it works. Freedom of speech goes both ways. It's not reserved for only you, or people you agree with..

Here's what happens if you don't use free speech to combat political correctness: institutionalized child abuse... Not only should you feel free to speak out against this, you are mandated to speak out against it because of the mandatory-reporting laws when signs of child abuse are apparent:

Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl
Why should there be "consequences", including and up to losing your job just for saying you think marriage should be between a man and a woman? Why should there be "consequences" just because you think illegal immigrants should be deported? Why should there be "consequences" because you think random college hookups between drunk people is not automatically rape if the woman decides later she doesn't like what happened?

So you don't believe in a private businesses right to run it as they see fit?

Rape? Talk about non sequitur...
Only if it's truly a private business.
Any business that serves the public is not private.

Seawytch is trying to get me into a trap about my concerns over businesses being forced to "bake or die".
This is actually two separate issues, one being government coercion and the other being coercion by the people.

And apparently you're opposed to both...

I'm opposed to people being forced to go against their beliefs simply because someone's feelings are hurt, and because they are a protected class, their butthurt is more equal than the other parties butthurt.

Nope. The rights are the same, no matter which "side" you are on. You're just not used to seeing any push back. Get used to it.
So you don't believe in a private businesses right to run it as they see fit?

Rape? Talk about non sequitur...
Only if it's truly a private business.
Any business that serves the public is not private.

Seawytch is trying to get me into a trap about my concerns over businesses being forced to "bake or die".
This is actually two separate issues, one being government coercion and the other being coercion by the people.

. The cake decision has already been made. BAKE THE DAMN CAKE.
If you don't want offended people reacting, then quit being offensive.No more complicated than that.
So your view is "act like Bulldog wants you to act, think like bulldog wants you to think, OR ELSE"?

Thuggery pure and simple. You are now no better than those idiots who burned those "witches" in Salem.


Or else I will use my freedom of speech to oppose you. Yes. That's how it works. Freedom of speech goes both ways. It's not reserved for only you, or people you agree with..

You are not proposing using your speech as a counter, You are advocating actions to suppress the speech you don't like.
So you don't believe in a private businesses right to run it as they see fit?

Rape? Talk about non sequitur...
Only if it's truly a private business.
Any business that serves the public is not private.

Seawytch is trying to get me into a trap about my concerns over businesses being forced to "bake or die".
This is actually two separate issues, one being government coercion and the other being coercion by the people.

And apparently you're opposed to both...

I'm opposed to people being forced to go against their beliefs simply because someone's feelings are hurt, and because they are a protected class, their butthurt is more equal than the other parties butthurt.

Nope. The rights are the same, no matter which "side" you are on. You're just not used to seeing any push back. Get used to it.

Push back? That is comical. Only your side is the one saying the opposite side has no right to their opinions. Just look at all the budding progressives trying to silence speakers on campuses. Any they are not using speech to counter it, they are using actions.
I believe that freedom of speech is our most important Constitutional right and that political correctness is its greatest adversary. The question is, who among our Presidential candidates will be its greatest defender?

The answer, obviously, is Donald Trump. You may not like his speech, but he is the embodiment of exercising that right. Ted Cruz makes good legal arguments, and the rest of the GOP candidates espouse conservative Constitutional principles, but Trump is the only one who puts his money where his mouth is.

Of course this "offends" those who want to control your speech, your thoughts and your money. Isn't it time we finally tell these people to "fuck off?"

PC has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech allows you to be criticized for the things you say. Trump also uses his freedom to criticize others

Since when does trying to ruin someone equal criticizing them back?

Any political campaign fits that description.

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