Furious BLM protesters clash with Chicago cops after video showed Dexter Reed being shot almost 100 times in less than a minute

Trump ain't any better. He reauthorized the deep state when he signed the FISA reauthorization. Johnson just went to Mara Lago, and Trump said "Johnson's doing a great job." <<<This was after the FISA bill just passed the house.

I know. The enemies are winning. No one any good will try for any office anymore. The deep state and NSM will destroy them. Dems are worst case deep state but phony R are doing more damage behind the scenes.

I wish Trump had torn the place apart when he had a chance. Now he seemingly has folded his hand? Johnson and the R are a disaster also. We are doomed.
That's such an easy concept, I don't know why these people can't get it. He knew he was going back to jail, that's why he shot the cop. It's why he tried to drive off. It's why he tried to run. If he'd have put that much thought and effort into not give the cops a reason, he'd be alive today.


He didn't even have to be a good person. All he had to do was be a decent person.
Body camera footage shows one officer fired at least three shots after Reed fell to the ground, but was still moving.

More disbanding and defunding the police ? Are you people really this stupid or is it that there is a wider agenda in play down the road ? Meanwhile many black residence will live in total fear of a lawless society that is becoming more and more like Mexico with their cartel problem. I don't think this nation is going to allow for much longer the total destruction of it's law and order in favor of a lying narrative that's painting law enforcement as the bad guy's in this country.
I know. The enemies are winning. No one any good will try for any office anymore. The deep state and NSM will destroy them. Dems are worst case deep state but phony R are doing more damage behind the scenes.

I wish Trump had torn the place apart when he had a chance. Now he seemingly has folded his hand? Johnson and the R are a disaster also. We are doomed.
It's truly a one two punch we are getting hit with. Rhinos are the worst, and it's because they are (in the end), just as compromised as the Dems are.
Known violent felon, rolls up heavily tinted window in a car nobody can see in; he wanted to be all Gangsta n Shit so nobody should blame cops for shooting right then, when he rolled the window up, Fuck letting these scum get off the first shot.
Apparently so.

I'm aware of the other incident where the cop freaked out due to an acorn. Here, the officer was clearly actually shot.

That's where I'm at. If I missed your point, you're welcome to clarify if you like.

The guy started shooting away over an acorn. Quick with the trigger.
The guy started shooting away over an acorn. Quick with the trigger.

You people own that one too. Got Police forces on a hair trigger roaming around uncertain with hands tied afraid of getting railroaded into 25 yrs like chauvin. Fine line between staying alive and doing life, you bag of shark chum.
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96 rounds is EXCESSIVE no matter how you slice it.
Not to me.

It sends an important message.

Open fire on police, you're not going to walk away with a flesh wound.

In fact, you may need a seventh pallbearer for the additional lead weight.

And before anyone makes this about race...I don't give a damn what color you are. If you're the cauciest Caucasian from the Caucus mountains... if you shoot at the police... fill that MF with enough lead that his body won't float.
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Trump ain't any better. He reauthorized the deep state when he signed the FISA reauthorization. Johnson just went to Mara Lago, and Trump said "Johnson's doing a great job." <<<This was after the FISA bill just passed the house.
If elected, he will be held to responsibility. Perfection is not possible. Pure direction is.

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