Gas prices: Biden's or Trump's

America's political system dooms itself to failure by one president's regime setting the stage for failure of the next president's regime.

Ya'all can have lower taxes but you're all going to get higher taxes when the other party takes over, in order to cover the missing tax revenue.

What a glaring example Trump provided when he gave away billions of bucks to the very wealth. (who needed it!) LOL

China doesn't shoot itself in the foot by allowing that to happen!
That's dead wrong.Democrats raise taxes. Republicans don't.

"Gave away?" It's his money.
I don't recall you ever being capable of a serious discussion. I'll put an end to your nonsense with me right now.
How can you have a serious discussion with people who lie all the time and who are immune to logic and facts?
That’s total energy…

if you dig through you’ll see transportation related changes very little
Yeah, dig through it... fossil fuel consumption (Quadrillion Btu) and the percentage change...

2020 January ................ 7.207 ...... -0.39%
.......... February .............. 6.683 ...... -7.27%
.......... March ................... 6.223 ...... -6.88%
.......... April ....................... 4.954 ... -20.39%
.......... May ........................ 5.118 ....... 3.31%
.......... June ....................... 5.527 ....... 7.99%
.......... July ........................ 6.366 ....... 15.18%
.......... August .................. 6.333 ...... -0.52%
.......... September .......... 5.750 ...... -9.21%
.......... October ............... 5.931 ........ 3.15%
.......... November ........... 5.958 ....... 0.46%
.......... December ........... 6.987 ...... 17.27%
2021 January ................ 7.124 ........ 1.96%
.......... February .............. 6.528 ...... -8.37%
.......... March ................... 6.330 ...... -3.03%
.......... April ....................... 5.801 ...... -8.36%
.......... May ........................ 5.933 ....... 2.28%
.......... June ....................... 6.280 ....... 5.85%
.......... July ......................... 6.622 ....... 5.45%​
Yeah, dig through it... fossil fuel consumption (Quadrillion Btu) and the percentage change...

2020 January ................ 7.207 ...... -0.39%​
.......... February .............. 6.683 ...... -7.27%​
.......... March ................... 6.223 ...... -6.88%​
.......... April ....................... 4.954 ... -20.39%​
.......... May ........................ 5.118 ....... 3.31%​
.......... June ....................... 5.527 ....... 7.99%​
.......... July ........................ 6.366 ....... 15.18%​
.......... August .................. 6.333 ...... -0.52%​
.......... September .......... 5.750 ...... -9.21%​
.......... October ............... 5.931 ........ 3.15%​
.......... November ........... 5.958 ....... 0.46%​
.......... December ........... 6.987 ...... 17.27%​
2021 January ................ 7.124 ........ 1.96%​
.......... February .............. 6.528 ...... -8.37%​
.......... March ................... 6.330 ...... -3.03%​
.......... April ....................... 5.801 ...... -8.36%​
.......... May ........................ 5.933 ....... 2.28%​
.......... June ....................... 6.280 ....... 5.85%​
.......... July ......................... 6.622 ....... 5.45%​
Fossil fuels are used for lots of energy consumption…electric even.

Stuff that doesn’t have anything to do with travel…ie gas
Why would any American think that government controls oil prices that influence gas prices?

Isn't anybody informed enough to understand that government decisions can control certain factors in the price of gas at the pump?

Far too many Americans just allow their knees to jerk so the can declare increases at the pump a bad thing.

Maybe this discussion can raise a bit of understanding?

In past I've posted much the same but folks in this forum can't get around the (R) vs (D) baloney. But then this topic was brought up in the Politics forum and so slinging the bull is standard operations, not to be taken as seriously as if it was posted within place of discussions concerning Stock Market, Energy, or Economy.

To discover what's happened to gas prices one just needs to look at the fall of shareholder value over the Trump years in the industry and listen how CEOs plan to reverse the situation. While the stock market was rising to new heights under Trump we had gasoline companies like Exxon-Mobile lose a third of their value. That doesn't sit well with shareholders and no CEO is secure with results as that.
In past I've posted much the same but folks in this forum can't get around the (R) vs (D) baloney. But then this topic was brought up in the Politics forum and so slinging the bull is standard operations, not to be taken as seriously as if it was posted within place of discussions concerning Stock Market, Energy, or Economy.

To discover what's happened to gas prices one just needs to look at the fall of shareholder value over the Trump years in the industry and listen how CEOs plan to reverse the situation. While the stock market was rising to new heights under Trump we had gasoline companies like Exxon-Mobile lose a third of their value. That doesn't sit well with shareholders and no CEO is secure with results as that.
Where is your proof? Are you an market value expert? Are you also an expert in oil production planning, i.e. determining when and where to find the next oil source? Now I'm neither. But I do thank the Internet for information like the following which I ALSO provide the links to verify!
Biden like his boss Obama didn't like oil exploration on Federal lands.
Trump on the other hand totally understood how America should be ENERGY Independent.
Hence in the attached table signed more leases per month than Obama.
And Trump definitely did NOT cancel any exploration on the land/sea sources that produce over 25% of USA oil production!
The federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell from its peak at nearly 36% in 2009 to less than 24% in 2017
Obama's fault!
Now Biden has signed a stoppage to exploration leases on this same federal land!

Those are the FACTS... where are yours?
Where is your proof?

It doesn't take much effort to look up historical stock prices. While the DOW over the past decade was going crazy, ExxonMobil and other oil associated companies lingered.

Over the last 10 years, ExxonMobil stock has generated a total return of 11.6%, compared to 372% for the S&P 500 Index. However, the stock largely outperformed the broader market in the 2000-2015 timeframe. Where Will ExxonMobil Be in 10 Years? | The Motley Fool

Exxon Mobil and Wells Fargo shares have plunged an eye-popping 40% and 45% this year, respectively, tanking each firm’s market value by roughly $120 billion and $100 billion–more than any other stock market loss incurred by a U.S. firm in 2020, according to Bloomberg data.
Both firms hail from the year’s worst-performing sectors, per S&P 500 returns, with energy plummeting 37% while financials are down 6%, compared to a nearly 15% gain for the broader index.

Despite oil prices up about 67% so far this year, some energy firms minimally raised spending to increase output in 2021, preferring to focus on boosting cash flow, reducing debt and increasing shareholder returns.
Fossil fuels are used for lots of energy consumption…electric even.

Stuff that doesn’t have anything to do with travel…ie gas
Are you ever not a rightard?


Traffic levels had been down 41% in April 2020 at the height of the first wave of the pandemic
Are you ever not a rightard?


Traffic levels had been down 41% in April 2020 at the height of the first wave of the pandemic
i was just going by the june’s you provided in your first link…not the op-ed you followed with here
Cheap gas is awesome, let's start another historic recession to make it happen...said no one ever.
Which gas prices do you like more, the prices under Beijing Biden, or the prices under Trump? If you are a lefty and you post something besides Beijing Biden or Trump, I'll count that as you liked the prices under Trump.
High prices are world wide.

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