Gays Should STOP Defending Islam

More horseshit! Playing gays against Islam. The truth is you have disdain for both. The only question is who do you hate more.

Muslims and gays are not enemies Bigots are the enemies whether they be Muslim , Christian, or anything else

Muslim Alliance

Muslim and LGBTQ Campus Groups: An Uncanny Alliance

Muslim attitudes about LGBT are complex, far from universally anti-gay

Hmm...sounds like you should spend about two weeks over in Iran.
Why me ??

No body is denying that anti gay bigotry violence and judicial persecution is a problem in Muslim Countries. But it is wrong and dishonest to say that all Muslims hate gays ( especially westernized Muslims) as I have documented, just like it's wrong to paint all as terrorists.

People who don't give a fuck about gays just try to use them to push their Islamaphobia
No such thing as Islamophobia. The fear is rational.
And of course YOU know all about rational :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
More horseshit! Playing gays against Islam. The truth is you have disdain for both. The only question is who do you hate more.

Muslims and gays are not enemies Bigots are the enemies whether they be Muslim , Christian, or anything else

Muslim Alliance

Muslim and LGBTQ Campus Groups: An Uncanny Alliance

Muslim attitudes about LGBT are complex, far from universally anti-gay

Hmm...sounds like you should spend about two weeks over in Iran.
Why me ??

No body is denying that anti gay bigotry violence and judicial persecution is a problem in Muslim Countries. But it is wrong and dishonest to say that all Muslims hate gays ( especially westernized Muslims) as I have documented, just like it's wrong to paint all as terrorists.

People who don't give a fuck about gays just try to use them to push their Islamaphobia

Nobody says "all muslims hate gays". We say "the Koran dictates violence against homos".

Different things.
More horseshit! Playing gays against Islam. The truth is you have disdain for both. The only question is who do you hate more.

Muslims and gays are not enemies Bigots are the enemies whether they be Muslim , Christian, or anything else

Muslim Alliance

Muslim and LGBTQ Campus Groups: An Uncanny Alliance

Muslim attitudes about LGBT are complex, far from universally anti-gay

Hmm...sounds like you should spend about two weeks over in Iran.
Why me ??

No body is denying that anti gay bigotry violence and judicial persecution is a problem in Muslim Countries. But it is wrong and dishonest to say that all Muslims hate gays ( especially westernized Muslims) as I have documented, just like it's wrong to paint all as terrorists.

People who don't give a fuck about gays just try to use them to push their Islamaphobia
No such thing as Islamophobia. The fear is rational.
And of course YOU know all about rational :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Ask anyone who had a relative killed by terrorists about rationality.
More horseshit! Playing gays against Islam. The truth is you have disdain for both. The only question is who do you hate more.

Muslims and gays are not enemies Bigots are the enemies whether they be Muslim , Christian, or anything else

Muslim Alliance

Muslim and LGBTQ Campus Groups: An Uncanny Alliance

Muslim attitudes about LGBT are complex, far from universally anti-gay

Hmm...sounds like you should spend about two weeks over in Iran.
Why me ??

No body is denying that anti gay bigotry violence and judicial persecution is a problem in Muslim Countries. But it is wrong and dishonest to say that all Muslims hate gays ( especially westernized Muslims) as I have documented, just like it's wrong to paint all as terrorists.

People who don't give a fuck about gays just try to use them to push their Islamaphobia
No such thing as Islamophobia. The fear is rational.
And of course YOU know all about rational :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Ask anyone who had a relative killed by terrorists about rationality.
I think the reason some gays support Islam is that their hatred of Christianity is so intense that they will conspire with anyone in order to destroy it. They also seem to think that, should they be successful (No chance in Hell of that happening. LOL!) they will somehow be able to deal with Islam afterwards, or somehow be immune to what Islam teaches concerning gays. They are supporting the very people who want to destroy them, in order to destroy others they hate even more, who mean them no harm and are actually trying to save them. The reason they do not hate Islam is because both Islam and militant gays worship the same master. The Devil. It's as simple as that.
What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

One question for the Christians out there:

Isn't the Christian Bible divided into 2 parts? The New Testament and the Old Testament?

If you're a 'Christian' you should only pay attention to the New Testament. The only part of the Old Testament that is pertinent to a Christian is the 10 Commandments. That's because "Jesus Taught the Law of Moses".

The Old Testament is a long drawn out history of the Jewish people. You can support just about any argument from something in the Old Testament. Even Hitler used quotes form the Old Testament to justify his views.
No it doesn't work like that.

And anybody can take biblical text out of context and justify anything with it.

Christians do not use only the NT. Children learn both OT and NT verses in Sunday school, and we do not discount the OT at all.

But we also know and understand the OT because we study it, and we study the NT, and we look at them as comprehensively as we can...we take into account context and history and the nature of God and prophecy. There are layers upon layers of understanding. The OT is used to illuminate the NT and to give background and to confirm it. The NT is full of biblical references to the OT and the OT deals with prophesies and wisdom that enlighten us.

I was raised as a Christian as well and know that the OT is taught along with the NT.

But what I'm asking isn't how Christianity is taught. I'm asking (or stating rather) that Christians giving creedence to the OT is basically a extreme mistake. There is a REASON why the Bible is divided into the OT and the NT. That's because for a Christian, the OT is obsolete, except for giving a historical context to the NT.
I'm still not sure which gays are defending Islam. I mean... I know mdk does, but he's a SJW communist. He once told me he considered throwing himself off a building for Allah.

All the dykes on this site defend Islam.

I'm a dyke on this site and I think all three Abrahamic religions suck donkey dick. I think islam, Christianity and Judaism are all ridiculous...I will defend their followers here., especially if they aren't trying to take rights away from folks because their book of parables tells them too.

You are not informed enough to concern yourself. Name or quote a parable in the Koran.

I'm not informed enough to concern myself? What is that even supposed to mean?

Obviously you don't get that I believe the Torah, Bible and the Koran ALL to be books of made up stories designed to teach a moral lesson.
The Koran teaches that terror and killing are moral behavior.

All three do that. Thanks for playing.
All the dykes on this site defend Islam.

I'm a dyke on this site and I think all three Abrahamic religions suck donkey dick. I think islam, Christianity and Judaism are all ridiculous...I will defend their followers here., especially if they aren't trying to take rights away from folks because their book of parables tells them too.

You are not informed enough to concern yourself. Name or quote a parable in the Koran.

I'm not informed enough to concern myself? What is that even supposed to mean?

Obviously you don't get that I believe the Torah, Bible and the Koran ALL to be books of made up stories designed to teach a moral lesson.
The Koran teaches that terror and killing are moral behavior.

All three do that. Thanks for playing.
Sorry none of the others have open ended commands to kill like the Koran, and I am not playing.
I'm still not sure which gays are defending Islam. I mean... I know mdk does, but he's a SJW communist. He once told me he considered throwing himself off a building for Allah.

All the dykes on this site defend Islam.

I'm a dyke on this site and I think all three Abrahamic religions suck donkey dick. I think islam, Christianity and Judaism are all ridiculous...I will defend their followers here., especially if they aren't trying to take rights away from folks because their book of parables tells them too.

You are not informed enough to concern yourself. Name or quote a parable in the Koran.

I'm not informed enough to concern myself? What is that even supposed to mean?

Obviously you don't get that I believe the Torah, Bible and the Koran ALL to be books of made up stories designed to teach a moral lesson.

So you believe that people who do not believe in any of those three could not in any way live according to a moral philosophy? That no one in the ancient world ever had a concept of morality?

Maybe you should consider that those 3 texts are more about teaching and forcing mind control while using morality as camouflage. Maybe morality is a concept that is innate in some people - and those who do not have an innate sense of morality will not change regardless of anything these texts say.

Were ideas like 'Thou Shall Not Kill", "Thou Shall Not Steal", news to you when you first heard them? Some us of thought that they were statements of the obvious.
Hmm...sounds like you should spend about two weeks over in Iran.
Why me ??

No body is denying that anti gay bigotry violence and judicial persecution is a problem in Muslim Countries. But it is wrong and dishonest to say that all Muslims hate gays ( especially westernized Muslims) as I have documented, just like it's wrong to paint all as terrorists.

People who don't give a fuck about gays just try to use them to push their Islamaphobia
No such thing as Islamophobia. The fear is rational.
And of course YOU know all about rational :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Ask anyone who had a relative killed by terrorists about rationality.
I think the reason some gays support Islam is that their hatred of Christianity is so intense that they will conspire with anyone in order to destroy it. They also seem to think that, should they be successful (No chance in Hell of that happening. LOL!) they will somehow be able to deal with Islam afterwards, or somehow be immune to what Islam teaches concerning gays. They are supporting the very people who want to destroy them, in order to destroy others they hate even more, who mean them no harm and are actually trying to save them. The reason they do not hate Islam is because both Islam and militant gays worship the same master. The Devil. It's as simple as that.

Most homosexuals view of Christianity is based upon Christians extreme hate for them.

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What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

One question for the Christians out there:

Isn't the Christian Bible divided into 2 parts? The New Testament and the Old Testament?

If you're a 'Christian' you should only pay attention to the New Testament. The only part of the Old Testament that is pertinent to a Christian is the 10 Commandments. That's because "Jesus Taught the Law of Moses".

The Old Testament is a long drawn out history of the Jewish people. You can support just about any argument from something in the Old Testament. Even Hitler used quotes form the Old Testament to justify his views.
No it doesn't work like that.

And anybody can take biblical text out of context and justify anything with it.

Christians do not use only the NT. Children learn both OT and NT verses in Sunday school, and we do not discount the OT at all.

But we also know and understand the OT because we study it, and we study the NT, and we look at them as comprehensively as we can...we take into account context and history and the nature of God and prophecy. There are layers upon layers of understanding. The OT is used to illuminate the NT and to give background and to confirm it. The NT is full of biblical references to the OT and the OT deals with prophesies and wisdom that enlighten us.

I was raised as a Christian as well and know that the OT is taught along with the NT.

But what I'm asking isn't how Christianity is taught. I'm asking (or stating rather) that Christians giving creedence to the OT is basically a extreme mistake. There is a REASON why the Bible is divided into the OT and the NT. That's because for a Christian, the OT is obsolete, except for giving a historical context to the NT.

The OT is not obsolete. Christians do not believe it's obsolete.
Why me ??

No body is denying that anti gay bigotry violence and judicial persecution is a problem in Muslim Countries. But it is wrong and dishonest to say that all Muslims hate gays ( especially westernized Muslims) as I have documented, just like it's wrong to paint all as terrorists.

People who don't give a fuck about gays just try to use them to push their Islamaphobia
No such thing as Islamophobia. The fear is rational.
And of course YOU know all about rational :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Ask anyone who had a relative killed by terrorists about rationality.
I think the reason some gays support Islam is that their hatred of Christianity is so intense that they will conspire with anyone in order to destroy it. They also seem to think that, should they be successful (No chance in Hell of that happening. LOL!) they will somehow be able to deal with Islam afterwards, or somehow be immune to what Islam teaches concerning gays. They are supporting the very people who want to destroy them, in order to destroy others they hate even more, who mean them no harm and are actually trying to save them. The reason they do not hate Islam is because both Islam and militant gays worship the same master. The Devil. It's as simple as that.

Most homosexuals view of Christianity is based upon Christians extreme hate for them.

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A Christian would never say such a hateful, and untrue, thing. Only an adamant anti-Christian bigot would.

Which means you were lying yesterday when you claimed to be a Christian (which I knew anyway). I imagine every other word out of your mouth and off your keyboard is a lie.
No such thing as Islamophobia. The fear is rational.
And of course YOU know all about rational :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Ask anyone who had a relative killed by terrorists about rationality.
I think the reason some gays support Islam is that their hatred of Christianity is so intense that they will conspire with anyone in order to destroy it. They also seem to think that, should they be successful (No chance in Hell of that happening. LOL!) they will somehow be able to deal with Islam afterwards, or somehow be immune to what Islam teaches concerning gays. They are supporting the very people who want to destroy them, in order to destroy others they hate even more, who mean them no harm and are actually trying to save them. The reason they do not hate Islam is because both Islam and militant gays worship the same master. The Devil. It's as simple as that.

Most homosexuals view of Christianity is based upon Christians extreme hate for them.

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A Christian would never say such a hateful, and untrue, thing. Only an adamant anti-Christian bigot would.

Which means you were lying yesterday when you claimed to be one (which I knew anyway).

The truth is often painful. Suck it up and stop being a hater

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And of course YOU know all about rational :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Ask anyone who had a relative killed by terrorists about rationality.
I think the reason some gays support Islam is that their hatred of Christianity is so intense that they will conspire with anyone in order to destroy it. They also seem to think that, should they be successful (No chance in Hell of that happening. LOL!) they will somehow be able to deal with Islam afterwards, or somehow be immune to what Islam teaches concerning gays. They are supporting the very people who want to destroy them, in order to destroy others they hate even more, who mean them no harm and are actually trying to save them. The reason they do not hate Islam is because both Islam and militant gays worship the same master. The Devil. It's as simple as that.

Most homosexuals view of Christianity is based upon Christians extreme hate for them.

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A Christian would never say such a hateful, and untrue, thing. Only an adamant anti-Christian bigot would.

Which means you were lying yesterday when you claimed to be one (which I knew anyway).

The truth is often painful. Suck it up and stop being a hater

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You're the hater. With your anti-Christian rhetoric, and your lies about how you're a Christian who hates the church and hates Christians because they aren't Christian enough.

What a load.
That hag Care did the same thing when she first joined USMB. She pretended for years to be a practicing and believing she marched around the internet encouraging abortion. I think she did it to make herself approachable by vulnerable, pregnant girls who might take her example as encouragement to kill their babies. I suspect she's a PP employee and she probably gets a kickback for every kid she rolls up to the door....
I'm a dyke on this site and I think all three Abrahamic religions suck donkey dick. I think islam, Christianity and Judaism are all ridiculous...I will defend their followers here., especially if they aren't trying to take rights away from folks because their book of parables tells them too.

You are not informed enough to concern yourself. Name or quote a parable in the Koran.

I'm not informed enough to concern myself? What is that even supposed to mean?

Obviously you don't get that I believe the Torah, Bible and the Koran ALL to be books of made up stories designed to teach a moral lesson.
The Koran teaches that terror and killing are moral behavior.

All three do that. Thanks for playing.
Sorry none of the others have open ended commands to kill like the Koran, and I am not playing.

Of course they do.

Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
Ask anyone who had a relative killed by terrorists about rationality.
I think the reason some gays support Islam is that their hatred of Christianity is so intense that they will conspire with anyone in order to destroy it. They also seem to think that, should they be successful (No chance in Hell of that happening. LOL!) they will somehow be able to deal with Islam afterwards, or somehow be immune to what Islam teaches concerning gays. They are supporting the very people who want to destroy them, in order to destroy others they hate even more, who mean them no harm and are actually trying to save them. The reason they do not hate Islam is because both Islam and militant gays worship the same master. The Devil. It's as simple as that.

Most homosexuals view of Christianity is based upon Christians extreme hate for them.

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A Christian would never say such a hateful, and untrue, thing. Only an adamant anti-Christian bigot would.

Which means you were lying yesterday when you claimed to be one (which I knew anyway).

The truth is often painful. Suck it up and stop being a hater

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You're the hater. With your anti-Christian rhetoric, and your lies about how you're a Christian who hates the church and hates Christians because they aren't Christian enough.

What a load.

The Bible is replete with warnings of fallen churches. There is a reason America is not a part of the the end time prophecy of the Bible, that is because the church in America has fallen away from its first Love like the church of Ephesus.

And my statement about how homosexuals view Christians is accurate. Talk to a few and ask them how they are viewed by Christians.

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I think the reason some gays support Islam is that their hatred of Christianity is so intense that they will conspire with anyone in order to destroy it. They also seem to think that, should they be successful (No chance in Hell of that happening. LOL!) they will somehow be able to deal with Islam afterwards, or somehow be immune to what Islam teaches concerning gays. They are supporting the very people who want to destroy them, in order to destroy others they hate even more, who mean them no harm and are actually trying to save them. The reason they do not hate Islam is because both Islam and militant gays worship the same master. The Devil. It's as simple as that.

Most homosexuals view of Christianity is based upon Christians extreme hate for them.

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A Christian would never say such a hateful, and untrue, thing. Only an adamant anti-Christian bigot would.

Which means you were lying yesterday when you claimed to be one (which I knew anyway).

The truth is often painful. Suck it up and stop being a hater

Sent from my iPhone using
You're the hater. With your anti-Christian rhetoric, and your lies about how you're a Christian who hates the church and hates Christians because they aren't Christian enough.

What a load.

The Bible is replete with warnings of fallen churches. There is a reason America is not a part of the the end time prophecy of the Bible, that is because the church in America has fallen away from its first Love like the church of Ephesus.

And my statement about how homosexuals view Christians is accurate. Talk to a few and ask them how they are viewed by Christians.

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Why would I ask a mentally ill non-Christian to tell me what Christians think?
I think the reason some gays support Islam is that their hatred of Christianity is so intense that they will conspire with anyone in order to destroy it. They also seem to think that, should they be successful (No chance in Hell of that happening. LOL!) they will somehow be able to deal with Islam afterwards, or somehow be immune to what Islam teaches concerning gays. They are supporting the very people who want to destroy them, in order to destroy others they hate even more, who mean them no harm and are actually trying to save them. The reason they do not hate Islam is because both Islam and militant gays worship the same master. The Devil. It's as simple as that.

Most homosexuals view of Christianity is based upon Christians extreme hate for them.

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A Christian would never say such a hateful, and untrue, thing. Only an adamant anti-Christian bigot would.

Which means you were lying yesterday when you claimed to be one (which I knew anyway).

The truth is often painful. Suck it up and stop being a hater

Sent from my iPhone using
You're the hater. With your anti-Christian rhetoric, and your lies about how you're a Christian who hates the church and hates Christians because they aren't Christian enough.

What a load.

The Bible is replete with warnings of fallen churches. There is a reason America is not a part of the the end time prophecy of the Bible, that is because the church in America has fallen away from its first Love like the church of Ephesus.

And my statement about how homosexuals view Christians is accurate. Talk to a few and ask them how they are viewed by Christians.

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The bible is also replete with warnings about people who pretend to be Christian who tell Christians to ignore the Bible.
You are not informed enough to concern yourself. Name or quote a parable in the Koran.

I'm not informed enough to concern myself? What is that even supposed to mean?

Obviously you don't get that I believe the Torah, Bible and the Koran ALL to be books of made up stories designed to teach a moral lesson.
The Koran teaches that terror and killing are moral behavior.

All three do that. Thanks for playing.
Sorry none of the others have open ended commands to kill like the Koran, and I am not playing.

Of course they do.

Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
Sounds like all those people are long dead and stoning in the Western world is too. Those are historical actions.

Quran (8:65) - "O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight..."
Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Sahih Bukhari (52:220) - Allah's Apostle said... 'I have been made victorious with terror'
Do you see a time frame? Those Jews killed certain people, when they were dead that was that. What do you see that indicates those things from Islam have historical context?

Abu Dawud (14:2527) - The Prophet said: Striving in the path of Allah (jihad) is incumbent on you along with every ruler, whether he is pious or impious

The one above implies forever.
Most homosexuals view of Christianity is based upon Christians extreme hate for them.

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A Christian would never say such a hateful, and untrue, thing. Only an adamant anti-Christian bigot would.

Which means you were lying yesterday when you claimed to be one (which I knew anyway).

The truth is often painful. Suck it up and stop being a hater

Sent from my iPhone using
You're the hater. With your anti-Christian rhetoric, and your lies about how you're a Christian who hates the church and hates Christians because they aren't Christian enough.

What a load.

The Bible is replete with warnings of fallen churches. There is a reason America is not a part of the the end time prophecy of the Bible, that is because the church in America has fallen away from its first Love like the church of Ephesus.

And my statement about how homosexuals view Christians is accurate. Talk to a few and ask them how they are viewed by Christians.

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Why would I ask a mentally ill non-Christian to tell me what Christians think?

It is this sort of hatred that shapes a homosexuals view of Christianity.

Imagine being told you were mentally ill for simply having different beliefs.

There is no love of Christ in you, you are filled with bile and hate. You are part of the Brood of Vipers Jesus called out. You are today’s pharisees

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