Gender changing surgeries on children rose 389%

389% sounds a lot more powerful than 489. Manufactured hype.
More than one is too many. Should it be legal to let a 12 year old get a tattoo? Smoke? Drink alcohol? Smoke pot? Cut off an arm they don’t like? Get their private parts pierced? At what point is this too young? How many love of your life’s did you have by the time you were 18? How many times did your opinions on what you wanted to be when you grew up? My worry is making a decision you are going to regret later on in life and the consequences such a decision will have from that point forward. The under lying cause of this is that children don’t like who they are and want to change themselves and they need to learn to be happy from within, not let external factors guide them, because in the end, they aren’t happy with Themselves no matter what they do.

Here's the thing. I don't think you can stop kids, at any age from exploring human emotions and intimacy. I was holding hands and kissing girls in elementary school. I was definitely feeling up breasts and being groped myself at 12. Are going to arrest kids for playing spin the bottle?
Go up to someone of the opposite sex at work and talk about sex to them. Teachers are there to teach, not groom.
There are some medical reasons (cancer for example), but I don't think those are included in these figures. Absent a medical reason, I have to agree: how would a parent or doctor permit such?

I'd say the same thing for any plastic surgery like that.
Without knowing absolutely anything because why would the Blaze provide any context, I'm going to guess the large rise in surgeries in recent years is because insurance companies have been slowing coming around to accepting these procedures as valid medical procedures and so it has become affordable and available to many more families than ever before.
The fact that you're feebly trying to defend the practice is sad, very, very sad.
He is also well known for defending the violent gang rape of Bristish children at the hands of racist Pakistani men.

Supporting predation of children is his way of feeling virtuous.
IOC President Thomas Bach at a meeting of the General Assembly of the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC), the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris will be the first Games with FULL GENDER PARITY and will mark the beginning of a new era
What the Hell does it mean? Will men compete with women?

That's right, from 2016 to 2019, gender surgeries for children is up 389%

And of those, only 1.4% were for boys

Girls are what is being disproportionately targeted here.

Once again.............I will say..................


Here's the thing. I don't think you can stop kids, at any age from exploring human emotions and intimacy. I was holding hands and kissing girls in elementary school. I was definitely feeling up breasts and being groped myself at 12. Are going to arrest kids for playing spin the bottle?

You are correct, you cannot stop them, but we as adults can not encourage it/facilitate it happening.

It is one thing to understand it might happen, a totally different thing to hold a spin the bottle party for your 12 year old and their friends.
I have some sympathy ith your stance. But you offer no science or medical opinion to back it up. These kids are not going away and at the very least the extreme right could get off their backs.

How about we let them be kids and do not cave to their whims and allow body altering surgeries while they are still kids.

I doubt any of you all would be defending a 12 year old getting fake boobs, yet somehow this is cool.
I have some sympathy ith your stance. But you offer no science or medical opinion to back it up. These kids are not going away and at the very least the extreme right could get off their backs.
Our stance is that they should NOT be getting permanent alterations done to their bodies until they are adults and fully capable of making those kinds of life-altering decisions for themselves. We have numerous things that teenagers are not allowed to do because we consider them to be too young to decide. This should be one of them. Science and medicine both agree, moreover, that a young pre-teen or teenager is not capable of making that kind of decision for themselves. If they are, then why do we not allow them to get tattoos of unicorns and dinosaurs all over their bodies?
In schools, Democrats talk to small children about all the different genders they believe exist to confuse the child, then they manipulate the child into believing they need a sex change, then they mutilate the child.
what happens when the 12 year old who had this done turns 15 and changes their mind as their hormones kick in full force?

Do these sick parents think about that?
The plan is to pump the children full of artificial hormones so that natural hormones don't kick in. This is an enormous bout of mass formation psychosis.

Once the decision has been made by adults to transition a child, there is NO off ramp. Nothing the child does or says can stop the transition. If a boy says he's really a boy, this means the parents will be prosecuted for not being gender affirming.
Says the leftist.

just pretending he is really a leftist, would it not be good of him to be able to see the mistakes they are making?

It is a pretty rare trait around here, seems we should not mock it
You are correct, you cannot stop them, but we as adults can not encourage it/facilitate it happening.
We don't need to. They will naturally do that on their own and that wasn’t at all my argument. In fact successfully preventing your children from exploring any intimacy or relationships among their peers could be detrimental, developmentally. Regardless, it's clear children can consent to having relationships among their peer groups, even if their parents do not. Your argument that children can't consent to sex and therefore can't consent to medical procedures is nonsensical.
It is one thing to understand it might happen, a totally different thing to hold a spin the bottle party for your 12 year old and their friends.
I don't think there's anything wrong in allowing children to explore relationships. I wouldn't host spin the bottle parties for the simple fact my child didn't need my help in designing her kissing games. Spin the bottle was my game. Who knows what their game was. I hosted parties and I'm sure kissing and all sorts of other normal behavior went on in them when I was out of a room or wasn't looking.

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