Gender changing surgeries on children rose 389%

And with little ability to empathize with the vast larger number of poor folk struggling all around you

Do tell.

Yep...fuck em.

Did any of them give a shit about me when me and mine was suffering and struggling?

Did any of you give a fuck about anyone that was struggling when there was a Repub in the White House?
Both sides of the argument agree on one thing, that there's something wrong between the child's brain and the body. One side says, "Let's help the child understand better what's going on and help them get through puberty, then when their hormones settle down and their brain is fully developed, they can decide for themselves what they adult life will be like". The other side says, "Let's make permanent alterations in children's bodies and cut parts off they say they don't want right now". Generations to come will look at us the same way we look at cultures that would bind their babies' heads and mangle their feet to look a certain way.
Preying upon children. Obviously.

If a child is groomed to want sex with an adult, is it then perfectly reasonable for adults to fuck them? The same thing goes if they have been groomed to be a tranny and somebody mutilates their bodies.
If you're arguing they've been groomed to believe they're trans rather then them actually being trans how do you plan to prove that in court?
Child abuse, you do know after surgery it's final? You have to have a parent present for a child to get their ears pierced, but not transitioning. You people are sick.
They can't get a tattoo, because it's permanent and their brains are not developed enough to make such a life-long decision, but they can have body parts cut off? Who has followed up on these kids to see the long-term effects of such surgeries, or aren't we supposed to ask for that?
No, I don't. Is that what cosplayer yell right before they don't do anything?

I'm asking if you morons think we should jail people because their actions hurt your Simp feelings or do you have any actual cause that you could prove, with evidence?
What should be the sentence for metalating the genitals of a child?

What would you suggest?
child abuse. There is no way a 12 year old is mature enough to make such a decision. Do you think a 12 year old is old enough to give consent to have sex?
They're not old enough to:

Drive a car.
Buy a gun.
Smoke tobacco.
Drink alcohol.
Get a tattoo.

But they're old enough to cut off parts of their bodies they don't want at the moment. Kids and teenagers are notorious for changing their minds and doing stupid stuff to gain the attention of their peers. How many girls have gotten pregnant or an STD because they desperately wanted to fit in somehow?
child abuse. There is no way a 12 year old is mature enough to make such a decision. Do you think a 12 year old is old enough to give consent to have sex?
I think a 12 year old can consent to sexual activity with another 12 year old. The argument was never that it should be illegal for teenagers to explore sexual activity and intimacy with members of their peer group. Children can consent to sexual activity in some context and that goes especially for their medical care.
Child abuse, you do know after surgery it's final? You have to have a parent present for a child to get their ears pierced, but not transitioning. You people are sick.
You do need parental consent at 14 and well as having the sign off of medical professionals.
I think a 12 year old can consent to sexual activity with another 12 year old. The argument was never that it should be illegal for teenagers to explore sexual activity and intimacy with members of their peer group. Children can consent to sexual activity in some context and that goes especially for their medical care.

First off, a 12 year old is not a teenager....and I disagree that children should be able consent to sexual activity in some context.
There are some medical reasons (cancer for example), but I don't think those are included in these figures. Absent a medical reason, I have to agree: how would a parent or doctor permit such?

I'd say the same thing for any plastic surgery like that.

what happens when the 12 year old who had this done turns 15 and changes their mind as their hormones kick in full force?

Do these sick parents think about that?
The fact that you're feebly trying to defend the practice is sad, very, very sad.

The fact that you're feebly trying to defend the practice is sad, very, very sad.
I have some sympathy ith your stance. But you offer no science or medical opinion to back it up. These kids are not going away and at the very least the extreme right could get off their backs.
First off, a 12 year old is not a teenager....and I disagree that children should be able consent to sexual activity in some context.

Here's the thing. I don't think you can stop kids, at any age from exploring human emotions and intimacy. I was holding hands and kissing girls in elementary school. I was definitely feeling up breasts and being groped myself at 12. Are going to arrest kids for playing spin the bottle?
They can't get a tattoo, because it's permanent and their brains are not developed enough to make such a life-long decision, but they can have body parts cut off? Who has followed up on these kids to see the long-term effects of such surgeries, or aren't we supposed to ask for that?
They also will have to see a doctor for the rest of their lives. I hope these kids sue the democrat party out of existence after they realize the mistake Democrats groomed them to do.

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