George Santos: Yes, I Lied About Everything, So What?

This is hysterical. Now that the truth is out he’s sorry for “embellishing his resume”. Bitch you didn’t embellish anything, you lied about your life story. Who are you?
But the proof of whether this guys is worthwhile in Congress will be his voting record. He can certainly still show his worth.

And by this you mean how many times he votes in lockstep with the GOP
was he under oath?
But why is it now acceptable to LIE as long as you are not LYING under oath? Lying is lying.

Yes, some times it is just a white lie, and those in society have been forgiven... Like asking a woman what she weighs.... A good chance she'll shed a pound or two off the actual!

And yes, politicians are common liars in the sense of bragging about themselves in a form of exaggeration.... "This Bill introduced by me, is going to save your life!" crapola.... Or, "I am very rich, and very smart!" crapola....

But this George Santos guy created multiple lies, that created a Candidate who never even close to reality... existed, done from whole cloth, with malfeasance.... out of thin air, to totally deceive the voters....

No voter wants that kind of person, to represent them....on the left or right.... for the next two years they will not be able to believe him, on anything.... imo.
The biggest difference between Santos and Biden is that Santos has admitted almost everythig he has said is a lie...

...that and the fact Santos is not brain damaged.
You are probably a Republican.jpg

This is a big "so what".

As long as he votes as he promised, what difference should it make where he worked at, what his religion or his sexual preferences are?
Liar Rep.-elect George Santos admits fabricating key details of his bio...

Are the USMB Republicans and other assorted rightwing posters cool w/that?
Let me get this straight, Biden can lie all he wants and democrats don't demand that he resign and yet democrats demand that Santos resign?
Only a brain-damaged troll would ask this question. Santos might be a liar, but he isn't like you.

What do you know about the man? We know he lies but what else do you really know about him that you feel so confident making such a claim?
I think the long repeated Lie of Democrat Big Wig B. Hussein O "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" is a lot worse that anything that Mr. Santos may have said.

After all, I could give a shit less what religion he is, or what his sexual preferences are. It only affects him.
What do you know about the man? We know he lies but what else do you really know about him that you feel so confident making such a claim?
Your beloved CNN has not reported him to be congnitively impaired so he can't be...

....then again those disinformation peddlers haven't admitted / reported Biden is brain damaged, either.

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