Georgia Audit Results In - Absolutely Zero Evidence of Fraud

What do you mean?
The Senate won’t vote to disqualify electors either. I know we focus on the House because it’s democratically controlled but this isn’t even passing the Senate. They may challenge 4-5 states and they’re going to be 0-10 on the actual votes.

Golly Josh Hawley is prepped to reveal himself as a seditiionist. Makes me fucking SAD
Thank God we have a leader with a backbone willing to stand up for the 74 million Americans who currently have no faith in our election system. Thank you Josh Hawley!

Dear Leader has 18 days remaining. Do enjoy them!! :laugh:
I do like Dr.Love because he has a sense of humor ,and is more of a traditional old school Democrat ..rather than the new , “ leftist Leninist loon “
What do you mean 'Arizona flipped?' Who is 'flipping' PA and GA?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
The Arizona legislature has agreed in principle to decertify their electoral votes for Dirty Joe Biden.
Pennsylvania has also agreed in principle. Trump Announces Pennsylvania Victory During Deranged Meltdown
Georgia is also fait acompli.

You will find out on Jan. 6th.

Wow you are going to be a huge mess on January 20th when Biden is sworn in.

I hope you have access to good psychological help.
I do like Dr.Love because he has a sense of humor ,and is more of a traditional old school Democrat ..rather than the new , “ leftist Leninist loon “

Thanks! But I just don’t see a lotta hard Squad-Style lefties round here. Maybe you cultists are starting to see stuff?
What do you mean 'Arizona flipped?' Who is 'flipping' PA and GA?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
The Arizona legislature has agreed in principle to decertify their electoral votes for Dirty Joe Biden.
Pennsylvania has also agreed in principle. Trump Announces Pennsylvania Victory During Deranged Meltdown
Georgia is also fait acompli.

You will find out on Jan. 6th.

Wow you are going to be a huge mess on January 20th when Biden is sworn in.

I hope you have access to good psychological help.

Yep, bigly cleanup on aisle 9 at a minimum!!
What do you mean 'Arizona flipped?' Who is 'flipping' PA and GA?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
The Arizona legislature has agreed in principle to decertify their electoral votes for Dirty Joe Biden.
Pennsylvania has also agreed in principle. Trump Announces Pennsylvania Victory During Deranged Meltdown
Georgia is also fait acompli.

You will find out on Jan. 6th.

Wow you are going to be a huge mess on January 20th when Biden is sworn in.

I hope you have access to good psychological help.

Yep, bigly cleanup on aisle 9 at a minimum!!

I wonder if we'll see grown men cry, like Kavanaugh did. Hard to watch.
What do you mean 'Arizona flipped?' Who is 'flipping' PA and GA?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
The Arizona legislature has agreed in principle to decertify their electoral votes for Dirty Joe Biden.
Pennsylvania has also agreed in principle. Trump Announces Pennsylvania Victory During Deranged Meltdown
Georgia is also fait acompli.

You will find out on Jan. 6th.

Wow you are going to be a huge mess on January 20th when Biden is sworn in.

I hope you have access to good psychological help.

Yep, bigly cleanup on aisle 9 at a minimum!!

I wonder if we'll see grown men cry, like Kavanaugh did. Hard to watch.

Nothing wrong with grown men crying (job interviews for lifetime positions being the obvious exception ;-)
What do you mean 'Arizona flipped?' Who is 'flipping' PA and GA?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
The Arizona legislature has agreed in principle to decertify their electoral votes for Dirty Joe Biden.
Pennsylvania has also agreed in principle. Trump Announces Pennsylvania Victory During Deranged Meltdown
Georgia is also fait acompli.

You will find out on Jan. 6th.

Wow you are going to be a huge mess on January 20th when Biden is sworn in.

I hope you have access to good psychological help.

Yep, bigly cleanup on aisle 9 at a minimum!!

I wonder if we'll see grown men cry, like Kavanaugh did. Hard to watch.

Nothing wrong with grown men crying (job interviews for lifetime positions being the obvious exception ;-)

So true. Nothing wrong with that....
Yep, that's what they're thinking - But it's not gonna work. Most of the hard core Trumpets (the 15% dead-enders) will bitch and moan for another few months, and then crawl back under their rocks.
Revolts right now in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin legislatures.. And Georgia is going to be forced to capitulate too.
Those states will decertify Cheatin' Joe Biden and there's nothing you can do about it.
No they won't.
A small group of loud mouthed Republicans are going to spew a bunch of baseless allegations of voter fraud, be roundly ignored, and have their nonsense memorialized in the record for future generations to shake their heads at.

That's what is going to happen.
You are a complete and total lying moron. Future generations will look at people like you, Toro, and other leftards and laugh at how stupid and gullible you are. This may well be decertified and there’s nothing you can do about it. Your ignorance of evidence and the law isn’t surprising.
I seem to remember 2004 and 2016 when Dems wailed in Congress and tried to stop certification. Dems and their media allies lauded them as patriots. Seems the tune has changed now that there are legitimate protest signs from the other side.
I seem to remember 2004 and 2016 when Dems wailed in Congress and tried to stop certification. Dems and their media allies lauded them as patriots. Seems the tune has changed now that there are legitimate protest signs from the other side.
Yes, Dems kicked up quite a fuss when Congress met to certify the election for Trump. Had to keep cutting off some Reps' microphones. But not a single Democratic Senator was willing to join a Representative in objecting to the EC votes, so none of the objections were entertained--yet they spoke up all the same. All 11 objections were gavelled down by Joe Biden. I wonder if the Pubs will break that record next week. Maybe not, since they've got at least two official objections in the works. But oh, it is so hard for them to keep quiet when the cameras are on.


Yep, that's what they're thinking - But it's not gonna work. Most of the hard core Trumpets (the 15% dead-enders) will bitch and moan for another few months, and then crawl back under their rocks.
Revolts right now in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin legislatures.. And Georgia is going to be forced to capitulate too.
Those states will decertify Cheatin' Joe Biden and there's nothing you can do about it.
No they won't.
A small group of loud mouthed Republicans are going to spew a bunch of baseless allegations of voter fraud, be roundly ignored, and have their nonsense memorialized in the record for future generations to shake their heads at.

That's what is going to happen.
You are a complete and total lying moron. Future generations will look at people like you, Toro, and other leftards and laugh at how stupid and gullible you are. This may well be decertified and there’s nothing you can do about it. Your ignorance of evidence and the law isn’t surprising.
Sorry you don't like hearing what I'm saying, but I'm definitely not lying. Maybe every single knowledgeable person on how this works is wrong, though, and there is some clever way to do this that no one else has thought of. That interpretation of the 12th Amendment that Gohmert has pulled out of his ass is a desperate effort to grant the President of the Senate authority where none is given.

The only possible thing it could do is stall the certification, and if Congress hasn't certified the results by Jan. 20th, the Constitution gives the Presidency to the Secretary of State. I'm not sure any of us were considering Mike Pompeo. Were you?
The Democrat Wall Of Denial grows higher and wider. All that is accomplishing is more division in our country and a complete loss of faith in our election system. Nicely done Democrats, enjoy your 'WIN'.

1-65 in the courts, 0 cases of fraud proven, but cultist thinks Democrats are in denial

Zero arrests for fraudulent voters or corrupt poll workers.
What do you mean 'Arizona flipped?' Who is 'flipping' PA and GA?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
The Arizona legislature has agreed in principle to decertify their electoral votes for Dirty Joe Biden.
Pennsylvania has also agreed in principle. Trump Announces Pennsylvania Victory During Deranged Meltdown
Georgia is also fait acompli.

You will find out on Jan. 6th.

Wow you are going to be a huge mess on January 20th when Biden is sworn in.

I hope you have access to good psychological help.

Yep, bigly cleanup on aisle 9 at a minimum!!

I wonder if we'll see grown men cry, like Kavanaugh did. Hard to watch.

Nothing wrong with grown men crying (job interviews for lifetime positions being the obvious exception ;-)

I did cry about 3 yrs ago and almost had a nervous breakdown
My store was badly burglarized by my ex - employee then I was in a minor car crash .
What happen next caused it . I had a water link in my apartment from a broken pipe . That caused it !
Even my parents had to drive down
What do you mean 'Arizona flipped?' Who is 'flipping' PA and GA?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
The Arizona legislature has agreed in principle to decertify their electoral votes for Dirty Joe Biden.
Pennsylvania has also agreed in principle. Trump Announces Pennsylvania Victory During Deranged Meltdown
Georgia is also fait acompli.

You will find out on Jan. 6th.

Wow you are going to be a huge mess on January 20th when Biden is sworn in.

I hope you have access to good psychological help.

Yep, bigly cleanup on aisle 9 at a minimum!!

I wonder if we'll see grown men cry, like Kavanaugh did. Hard to watch.

Nothing wrong with grown men crying (job interviews for lifetime positions being the obvious exception ;-)

I did cry about 3 yrs ago and almost had a nervous breakdown
My store was badly burglarized by my ex - employee then I was in a minor car crash .
What happen next caused it . I had a water link in my apartment from a broken pipe . That caused it !
Even my parents had to drive down

I should think anyone would, with all that happening. I bet you spared everyone doing it on tv, though.
But the snowflake cult won't believe it because feelz

View attachment 434856

This could be done 50 times and they still wouldn't believe it.

Their last line of the defense will always be the "deep state" because they don't have the balls to admit they've been conned.

tell us again how those ballots got into the suitcases and why all of them were marked for Biden. You think you know everything, explain that, asshole.

Prove that "those ballots got into the suitcases and why all of them were marked for Biden".

Then take that information to the USSC, the state supreme courts, the Attorney General, the Republican governors and the Republican election officials and let me know what they say.

You've been conned. Tough shit. You should be embarrassed.

those things are being done. Biden did not win. January 6 is going to be very interesting.

its on video, they also have hundreds of sworn affidavits from americans who attested to witnessing vote fraud. this is far from over, dude.

No they aren’t. Court cases are all dead. Your alleged “last gasp” is Senators and Congressmen refusing to do their constitutional duty. In other words you don’t have a last gasp.

I know that you worship the old senile pervert Biden and the SFO Ho Harris, but those two crooks will not take power. Their fraud and cheating has been revealed, the real court cases have yet to be heard, the congress will do its duty on Jan 6 and refuse to accept this fraudulent vote count. Not a last gasp at all, the constitution and the american people will be heard and will prevail.

There is only one person on this planet I worship and that’s my wife. It is truly hysterical that you would accuse anyone of slavish devotion when you can’t see where Trump’s ass ends and your head begins.

The constitution says this is over and Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States.

wrong again, seabitch. the constitution requires that the congress certify the electoral congress votes. If a representative and a senator (and there will be several) challenge one or more states the EC is null and void and the election goes to congress where each state gets one vote. Trump wins because there are more red states than blue states, the constitution wins, the american people win, and justice wins-----------cheaters never win.

Oh poor little fish. You are going to be so incredibly disappointed. I’ll try to be understanding and not laugh hysterically at your abject misery. :lol:

you fool, I will deal with whatever happens and do just fine. But our country is at a crossroads, we can either follow the constitution or we can become a large copy of failed european socialism.

At this time I don't know which way the country will go. If it goes socialist, then I think we will see a secession movement starting in Texas and gathering half of the states or more.
will it be violent, I pray that it won't but we are prepared if it does. Remember, we have the police, the military, and millions of armed civilians-----------your side does not know which bathroom to use.

the fraudulent attempt to steal the 2020 election will not go unpunished, the coup attempt will not go unpunished. This is far from over.

and please grow up and stop the juvenile insult attempts, that just makes you look more pathetic than usual.

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