Georgia Audit Results In - Absolutely Zero Evidence of Fraud

What Dems are really mad about is Trump wont concede and allow Biden to steal this election.
It really bakes their taters :)
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Sorry you don't like hearing what I'm saying, but I'm definitely not lying. Maybe every single knowledgeable person on how this works is wrong, though, and there is some clever way to do this that no one else has thought of. That interpretation of the 12th Amendment that Gohmert has pulled out of his ass is a desperate effort to grant the President of the Senate authority where none is given.

The only possible thing it could do is stall the certification, and if Congress hasn't certified the results by Jan. 20th, the Constitution gives the Presidency to the Secretary of State. I'm not sure any of us were considering Mike Pompeo. Were you?

Constitutionally, Pence can't do this. His role is ceremonial only. And we know that Louie Gohmert is an idiot, but why thinks his stupid lawsuit is a great idea is beyond me. It will only make Republicans look like even sorer losers than we already know them to be.

Don't even get me started on Josh Hawley. He's fishing for national name recognition but the end result is that Moscow Mitch will make his life a living hell for the remainder of his term.
lets revisit this after January 6.
the constitution and rule of law will prevail, cheaters do not win. more to come. prepare yourself.
What exactly do you think is going to happen on Jan 6th?

wait and see, its going to be very interesting-----------the constitution will prevail, watch.
The Constitution will prevail in that you and others on the right will fail to violate the Constitution with your lawless efforts overturn the will of the people.
You all squeal about fake 'systemic racism' while you ignore systemic election fraud.
Noone was allowed to observe inside the area it was conducted. Even Mark Meadows wasn’t allow to witness anything when he showed up.

LoL!! Mark Meadows showed up with security detail UNANNOUNCED for the sole purpose of making a scene to make Da Mob Boss happy. There were Republican observers - plenty of 'em who were AUTHORIZED to be in the building. Fuck Mark Meadows, and fuck this ongoing nonsense.
Name them.
Noone was allowed to observe inside the area it was conducted. Even Mark Meadows wasn’t allow to witness anything when he showed up.

LoL!! Mark Meadows showed up with security detail UNANNOUNCED for the sole purpose of making a scene to make Da Mob Boss happy. There were Republican observers - plenty of 'em who were AUTHORIZED to be in the building. Fuck Mark Meadows, and fuck this ongoing nonsense.
Did you see the picture? Tell me how anyone could verify anything from that distance. No signatures, even with binoculars would be visible. Period.
Noone was allowed to observe inside the area it was conducted. Even Mark Meadows wasn’t allow to witness anything when he showed up.

LoL!! Mark Meadows showed up with security detail UNANNOUNCED for the sole purpose of making a scene to make Da Mob Boss happy. There were Republican observers - plenty of 'em who were AUTHORIZED to be in the building. Fuck Mark Meadows, and fuck this ongoing nonsense.
Did you see the picture? Tell me how anyone could verify anything from that distance. No signatures, even with binoculars would be visible. Period.

They were allowed to inspect each signature same as the official state workers. Stop lying please.
Noone was allowed to observe inside the area it was conducted. Even Mark Meadows wasn’t allow to witness anything when he showed up.

LoL!! Mark Meadows showed up with security detail UNANNOUNCED for the sole purpose of making a scene to make Da Mob Boss happy. There were Republican observers - plenty of 'em who were AUTHORIZED to be in the building. Fuck Mark Meadows, and fuck this ongoing nonsense.
Did you see the picture? Tell me how anyone could verify anything from that distance. No signatures, even with binoculars would be visible. Period.

They were allowed to inspect each signature same as the official state workers. Stop lying please.
That is such a lie. Where do you get your info?
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But, but a public accountant and a doctor of applied analytics swear that it was a cheated election...
It was. Results in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania should have been overturned by now. It's more proof we have too many liberal judges.
Georgia Audit Results In - Absolutely Zero Evidence of Fraud

There's fraud in crazy imaginaryland where snowflake Trump supporters don't have to deal with their tender feelings.

But not in the real world.
I don't care how hard the left tries they will never convince a majority of Americans that Trump lost to just won't happen...
majority? hahahahahahahaha
I'm neutral in this beef but I can tell you that the American conservative part of the US are the dumbest group of people I've ever seen in my life, and I have travelled and lived in 3 continents. You guys are so dumb it is criminal.
I mean look who you elected and you look up to him....I can count at a hundred times he said and did the stupidest of things.
But again you are just as dumb and with all do respect, so you won't get it.

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