Georgia Audit Results In - Absolutely Zero Evidence of Fraud

Thank God we have a leader with a backbone willing to stand up for the 74 million Americans who currently have no faith in our election system. Thank you Josh Hawley!
I agree though it's sad only one Senator is willing to stand up and do the right thing. Where's Ted Cruz, for

It only takes one to start the process, I am quite sure that Cruz and Paul will also object if needed.
lets revisit this after January 6.
the constitution and rule of law will prevail, cheaters do not win. more to come. prepare yourself.
What exactly do you think is going to happen on Jan 6th?

wait and see, its going to be very interesting-----------the constitution will prevail, watch.
The Constitution will prevail in that you and others on the right will fail to violate the Constitution with your lawless efforts overturn the will of the people.
But the snowflake cult won't believe it because feelz

View attachment 434856

This could be done 50 times and they still wouldn't believe it.

Their last line of the defense will always be the "deep state" because they don't have the balls to admit they've been conned.

tell us again how those ballots got into the suitcases and why all of them were marked for Biden. You think you know everything, explain that, asshole.

You’ve been duped...again.

Well, that'll be "fake news", of course.

They only believe certain approved sources.

sorry but a story by a biased left wing paper IS fake news. The video evidence is clear, the hundreds of affidavits are valid. This election fraud will not stand. If we allow that to happen then the USA is over as a free democratic republic.

what would you and seabitch be saying if the republicans had pulled off the fraud? your hypocrisy is well established.

I'll side with the Attorney General, the Supreme Court, state supreme courts, Republican governors and Republican election officials on this.

You side with QAnon. Whatever works for ya. You lose.

lets revisit this after January 6.
the constitution and rule of law will prevail, cheaters do not win. more to come. prepare yourself.

We can’t revisit it after January 6 because you promised to leave when Joe Biden becomes president.

and I stand by that promise. if the vote fraud is let stand, then I will leave this forum forever. If I am right dr love leaves forever. It is beyond comprehension why you libs want higher taxes, open borders, US benefits for illegals, no police, and criminals let out to rape and pillage innocent people, It is also beyond comprehension why you libs want to be controlled by china. Is your Trump hate so great that you are willing to destroy yourself and this country? liberalism is a mental disease, you prove it on this board every day.

Your hatred of reality is so strong that you epitomize the essence of stupidity? Do you reread what you type here? You have been so brainwashed that you no longer reside in any resemblance of a real place. Open your mind and realize you've been duped (by Trump). It's okay to be a Republican (hell, I'm a registered one), but you have to start "thinking" logically, realistically, and for yourself.

You ARE the walking dead and in six (6) days - gone from this forum forever. Although, something tells me you have no intention of honoring your vows of doing so.

rather than post silly talking points, how about addressing my comments.
why do you want the things I listed?
lets revisit this after January 6.
the constitution and rule of law will prevail, cheaters do not win. more to come. prepare yourself.
What exactly do you think is going to happen on Jan 6th?

wait and see, its going to be very interesting-----------the constitution will prevail, watch.
Yes, indeed. The constitution will prevail.

But you’re not going to like it.
lets revisit this after January 6.
the constitution and rule of law will prevail, cheaters do not win. more to come. prepare yourself.
What exactly do you think is going to happen on Jan 6th?

wait and see, its going to be very interesting-----------the constitution will prevail, watch.
The Constitution will prevail in that you and others on the right will fail to violate the Constitution with your lawless efforts overturn the will of the people.

Pelosi objected to the EC vote in 2016, did you say that to her back then? Nothing being contemplated is in violation of the constitution, quite the contrary, the constitution dictates exactly what is going to happen.
lets revisit this after January 6.
the constitution and rule of law will prevail, cheaters do not win. more to come. prepare yourself.
What exactly do you think is going to happen on Jan 6th?

wait and see, its going to be very interesting-----------the constitution will prevail, watch.
Yes, indeed. The constitution will prevail.

But you’re not going to like it.

If the rules are followed I will deal with it.
we dealt with 8 years of obama's incompetence and anti USA hate. If necessary we will deal with senile joe and the SFO Ho
I seem to remember 2004 and 2016 when Dems wailed in Congress and tried to stop certification. Dems and their media allies lauded them as patriots. Seems the tune has changed now that there are legitimate protest signs from the other side.
Yes, Dems kicked up quite a fuss when Congress met to certify the election for Trump. Had to keep cutting off some Reps' microphones. But not a single Democratic Senator was willing to join a Representative in objecting to the EC votes, so none of the objections were entertained--yet they spoke up all the same. All 11 objections were gavelled down by Joe Biden. I wonder if the Pubs will break that record next week. Maybe not, since they've got at least two official objections in the works. But oh, it is so hard for them to keep quiet when the cameras are on.


no senators joined the objection because they knew that Trump's election was legitimate. this one is not and it may be overturned in accordance with the constitution.
If the rules are followed I will deal with it.
we dealt with 8 years of obama's incompetence and anti USA hate. If necessary we will deal with senile joe and the SFO Ho
I fully expect conservatives to multiple their pettiness and childish behavior that we saw during Obama.

But it’s vastly better than another four years of Trump’s destruction of American values, institutions and downright attack on truth.
lets revisit this after January 6.
the constitution and rule of law will prevail, cheaters do not win. more to come. prepare yourself.
What exactly do you think is going to happen on Jan 6th?

wait and see, its going to be very interesting-----------the constitution will prevail, watch.
The Constitution will prevail in that you and others on the right will fail to violate the Constitution with your lawless efforts overturn the will of the people.

what is being done that is "lawless"? cite the statutes or constitution paragraphs that are being violated. OR, you could just STFU.
are you saying that a fraudulent election is the will of the people?
If the rules are followed I will deal with it.
we dealt with 8 years of obama's incompetence and anti USA hate. If necessary we will deal with senile joe and the SFO Ho
I fully expect conservatives to multiple their pettiness and childish behavior that we saw during Obama.

But it’s vastly better than another four years of Trump’s destruction of American values, institutions and downright attack on truth.

OK asshole, give us a list of Trump's destruction of american values, institutions, and attacks on truth. Give us a detailed list of admit that you are FOS.
OK asshole, give us a list of Trump's destruction of american values, institutions, and attacks on truth. Give us a detailed list of admit that you are FOS.
OK asshole, give us a list of Trump's destruction of american values, institutions, and attacks on truth. Give us a detailed list of admit that you are FOS.

sorry, but an article in a left wing rag doesn't make your case, got anything real?
But the snowflake cult won't believe it because feelz

View attachment 434856

This could be done 50 times and they still wouldn't believe it.

Their last line of the defense will always be the "deep state" because they don't have the balls to admit they've been conned.

tell us again how those ballots got into the suitcases and why all of them were marked for Biden. You think you know everything, explain that, asshole.

Prove that "those ballots got into the suitcases and why all of them were marked for Biden".

Then take that information to the USSC, the state supreme courts, the Attorney General, the Republican governors and the Republican election officials and let me know what they say.

You've been conned. Tough shit. You should be embarrassed.

those things are being done. Biden did not win. January 6 is going to be very interesting.

its on video, they also have hundreds of sworn affidavits from americans who attested to witnessing vote fraud. this is far from over, dude.

No they aren’t. Court cases are all dead. Your alleged “last gasp” is Senators and Congressmen refusing to do their constitutional duty. In other words you don’t have a last gasp.

I know that you worship the old senile pervert Biden and the SFO Ho Harris, but those two crooks will not take power. Their fraud and cheating has been revealed, the real court cases have yet to be heard, the congress will do its duty on Jan 6 and refuse to accept this fraudulent vote count. Not a last gasp at all, the constitution and the american people will be heard and will prevail.

There is only one person on this planet I worship and that’s my wife. It is truly hysterical that you would accuse anyone of slavish devotion when you can’t see where Trump’s ass ends and your head begins.

The constitution says this is over and Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States.

wrong again, seabitch. the constitution requires that the congress certify the electoral congress votes. If a representative and a senator (and there will be several) challenge one or more states the EC is null and void and the election goes to congress where each state gets one vote. Trump wins because there are more red states than blue states, the constitution wins, the american people win, and justice wins-----------cheaters never win.

Oh poor little fish. You are going to be so incredibly disappointed. I’ll try to be understanding and not laugh hysterically at your abject misery. :lol:

you fool, I will deal with whatever happens and do just fine. But our country is at a crossroads, we can either follow the constitution or we can become a large copy of failed european socialism.

At this time I don't know which way the country will go. If it goes socialist, then I think we will see a secession movement starting in Texas and gathering half of the states or more.
will it be violent, I pray that it won't but we are prepared if it does. Remember, we have the police, the military, and millions of armed civilians-----------your side does not know which bathroom to use.

the fraudulent attempt to steal the 2020 election will not go unpunished, the coup attempt will not go unpunished. This is far from over.

and please grow up and stop the juvenile insult attempts, that just makes you look more pathetic than usual.


I love the smell of empty threats and desperation. :lol:

(I'm sorry, but did the little fish that insists on referring to me as "seabitch" really just whine about "juvenile insults"? Irony never disappoints.)
lets revisit this after January 6.
the constitution and rule of law will prevail, cheaters do not win. more to come. prepare yourself.
What exactly do you think is going to happen on Jan 6th?

wait and see, its going to be very interesting-----------the constitution will prevail, watch.
Yes it will...And Joe Biden will be sworn in as President in a couple weeks. Whew!
But the snowflake cult won't believe it because feelz

View attachment 434856

This could be done 50 times and they still wouldn't believe it.

Their last line of the defense will always be the "deep state" because they don't have the balls to admit they've been conned.

tell us again how those ballots got into the suitcases and why all of them were marked for Biden. You think you know everything, explain that, asshole.

Prove that "those ballots got into the suitcases and why all of them were marked for Biden".

Then take that information to the USSC, the state supreme courts, the Attorney General, the Republican governors and the Republican election officials and let me know what they say.

You've been conned. Tough shit. You should be embarrassed.

those things are being done. Biden did not win. January 6 is going to be very interesting.

its on video, they also have hundreds of sworn affidavits from americans who attested to witnessing vote fraud. this is far from over, dude.

No they aren’t. Court cases are all dead. Your alleged “last gasp” is Senators and Congressmen refusing to do their constitutional duty. In other words you don’t have a last gasp.

I know that you worship the old senile pervert Biden and the SFO Ho Harris, but those two crooks will not take power. Their fraud and cheating has been revealed, the real court cases have yet to be heard, the congress will do its duty on Jan 6 and refuse to accept this fraudulent vote count. Not a last gasp at all, the constitution and the american people will be heard and will prevail.

There is only one person on this planet I worship and that’s my wife. It is truly hysterical that you would accuse anyone of slavish devotion when you can’t see where Trump’s ass ends and your head begins.

The constitution says this is over and Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States.

wrong again, seabitch. the constitution requires that the congress certify the electoral congress votes. If a representative and a senator (and there will be several) challenge one or more states the EC is null and void and the election goes to congress where each state gets one vote. Trump wins because there are more red states than blue states, the constitution wins, the american people win, and justice wins-----------cheaters never win.

Oh poor little fish. You are going to be so incredibly disappointed. I’ll try to be understanding and not laugh hysterically at your abject misery. :lol:

you fool, I will deal with whatever happens and do just fine. But our country is at a crossroads, we can either follow the constitution or we can become a large copy of failed european socialism.

At this time I don't know which way the country will go. If it goes socialist, then I think we will see a secession movement starting in Texas and gathering half of the states or more.
will it be violent, I pray that it won't but we are prepared if it does. Remember, we have the police, the military, and millions of armed civilians-----------your side does not know which bathroom to use.

the fraudulent attempt to steal the 2020 election will not go unpunished, the coup attempt will not go unpunished. This is far from over.

and please grow up and stop the juvenile insult attempts, that just makes you look more pathetic than usual.

View attachment 435890
I love the smell of empty threats and desperation. :lol:

(I'm sorry, but did the little fish that insists on referring to me as "seabitch" really just whine about "juvenile insults"? Irony never disappoints.)

if the shoe fits, witchey. I am not making threats and I am not desperate. The dem vote fraud and cheating is well documented. Let this play out and we will see who has it right.

I find it funny how you libs, in your desperation to seat senile Joe, keep claiming that its over, but its not.

tell me, seriously, what is it about Biden and Harris that makes you want to follow them into the sewer? Biden has been in DC for almost 50 years, he has never done anything except make himself and his family very rich, why do you admire that record? try for a serious answer, not bullshit talking points.
lets revisit this after January 6.
the constitution and rule of law will prevail, cheaters do not win. more to come. prepare yourself.
What exactly do you think is going to happen on Jan 6th?

wait and see, its going to be very interesting-----------the constitution will prevail, watch.
Yes it will...And Joe Biden will be sworn in as President in a couple weeks. Whew!

if he is, then the USA as a free democratic republic is over.
Why do you want to see this country dominated by China?
But the snowflake cult won't believe it because feelz

View attachment 434856

This could be done 50 times and they still wouldn't believe it.

Their last line of the defense will always be the "deep state" because they don't have the balls to admit they've been conned.

tell us again how those ballots got into the suitcases and why all of them were marked for Biden. You think you know everything, explain that, asshole.

Prove that "those ballots got into the suitcases and why all of them were marked for Biden".

Then take that information to the USSC, the state supreme courts, the Attorney General, the Republican governors and the Republican election officials and let me know what they say.

You've been conned. Tough shit. You should be embarrassed.

those things are being done. Biden did not win. January 6 is going to be very interesting.

its on video, they also have hundreds of sworn affidavits from americans who attested to witnessing vote fraud. this is far from over, dude.

No they aren’t. Court cases are all dead. Your alleged “last gasp” is Senators and Congressmen refusing to do their constitutional duty. In other words you don’t have a last gasp.

I know that you worship the old senile pervert Biden and the SFO Ho Harris, but those two crooks will not take power. Their fraud and cheating has been revealed, the real court cases have yet to be heard, the congress will do its duty on Jan 6 and refuse to accept this fraudulent vote count. Not a last gasp at all, the constitution and the american people will be heard and will prevail.

There is only one person on this planet I worship and that’s my wife. It is truly hysterical that you would accuse anyone of slavish devotion when you can’t see where Trump’s ass ends and your head begins.

The constitution says this is over and Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States.

wrong again, seabitch. the constitution requires that the congress certify the electoral congress votes. If a representative and a senator (and there will be several) challenge one or more states the EC is null and void and the election goes to congress where each state gets one vote. Trump wins because there are more red states than blue states, the constitution wins, the american people win, and justice wins-----------cheaters never win.

Oh poor little fish. You are going to be so incredibly disappointed. I’ll try to be understanding and not laugh hysterically at your abject misery. :lol:

you fool, I will deal with whatever happens and do just fine. But our country is at a crossroads, we can either follow the constitution or we can become a large copy of failed european socialism.

At this time I don't know which way the country will go. If it goes socialist, then I think we will see a secession movement starting in Texas and gathering half of the states or more.
will it be violent, I pray that it won't but we are prepared if it does. Remember, we have the police, the military, and millions of armed civilians-----------your side does not know which bathroom to use.

the fraudulent attempt to steal the 2020 election will not go unpunished, the coup attempt will not go unpunished. This is far from over.

and please grow up and stop the juvenile insult attempts, that just makes you look more pathetic than usual.

View attachment 435890
I love the smell of empty threats and desperation. :lol:

(I'm sorry, but did the little fish that insists on referring to me as "seabitch" really just whine about "juvenile insults"? Irony never disappoints.)

if the shoe fits, witchey. I am not making threats and I am not desperate. The dem vote fraud and cheating is well documented. Let this play out and we will see who has it right.

I find it funny how you libs, in your desperation to seat senile Joe, keep claiming that its over, but its not.

tell me, seriously, what is it about Biden and Harris that makes you want to follow them into the sewer? Biden has been in DC for almost 50 years, he has never done anything except make himself and his family very rich, why do you admire that record? try for a serious answer, not bullshit talking points.

Oh please. Your desperation is palatable.

The only thing that matters is Trump leaving office as a one term loser...which he will without a shadow of a doubt. Every time you say "just wait, it's not over" is pure fantastical desperation.

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