Giffords gets a ship for being shot

Facts are facts, most of the recent shootings are done by progressives.

The problem is my facts (as from newspapers) said Loughner became a tea party type conservative before going on his shooting spree.

Your opinion pieces are just lying sacks of shit.
I thought I smelled something a bit foul today, the hildabitch was in the area. And I agree with you, we have true heroes these ships can be named after, instead they chose a victim.


Like the airport named after Reagan? You find that repugnant too?

At least Reagan served and airports are named by the cities that own them.


Reagan served? This is what's wrong with the GOP today, the low information voter no longer has a clue.

Yes, he did. Have a nice day!

He served in the "AAF Film Unit" during WWII. So technically he did serve, and it was one step ahead of George W. Bush, who ducked out of Vietnam by going AWOL from the N.G.. While Reagan, to my knowledge, did not go AWOL, his "service" sure did not compare with that of John F. Kennedy or Dwight D. Eisenhower.

If you want to lionize a Republican's service, you should choose Eisenhower. But FOX News and the hard right would never allow that, would they? So you pick a washed up movie star instead. to quote Trump: SAD!

OK. What is truly sad is that you lied.

Do you know why Reagan did not serve in combat? I suggest you find out before spouting more pathetic bullshit!

BTW, you just outed yourself as being Dan Rather. He is the only one who believed that bullshit story about Bush going AWOL. Do you still have that paper printed with a font that wasn't even invented when the letter was written?
Facts are facts, most of the recent shootings are done by progressives.

The problem is my facts (as from newspapers) said Loughner became a tea party type conservative before going on his shooting spree.

Your opinion pieces are just lying sacks of shit.
No, he was a progressive and is a progressive. Just like most other mass shooters.
I thought I smelled something a bit foul today, the hildabitch was in the area. And I agree with you, we have true heroes these ships can be named after, instead they chose a victim.

Presumably, Gifford's refusal to give up, her commitment to public welfare after her devastating injury, makes her a hero.
They named a ship after Winston Churchhill. And he wasn't even an American

Actually, he was an American. His mother was an American and he was given honorary US citizenship by Congress.

When Churchhill was born, mothers could not pass citizenship to their offspring (that wasn't until the Ted Cruz era) But it was interesting he received honorary US citizenship by congress. So I guess naming a ship after Churchhill is ok.

Thanks for the info.
Wrong, asshole. I care. Everyone who doesn't want to see the Navy used to advance a political agenda cares.
Waaaaaaaaaahhhh!, waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh cries the little baby with his tiny outstretched middle finger.
Weren't you just whining about the name of the Reagan airport?
Nope. This a republican bitch thread about a democrat they deem unworthy. I pointed out the hypocrisy, and how you are a whiney bitch.
She is unworthy. How does having brain damage make you worthy?
Surviving a political assassination attempt while you are serving your country as a congresswoman makes you worthy.
It wasn't just any old assassination attempt either. Getting a big hole shot in your brain and coming back from where she started -- not talking or walking -- is brave enough without getting back out there in front of the cameras and the crowds as soon as she could. Amazing conviction this woman has.
I thought I smelled something a bit foul today, the hildabitch was in the area. And I agree with you, we have true heroes these ships can be named after, instead they chose a victim.

Presumably, Gifford's refusal to give up, her commitment to public welfare after her devastating injury, makes her a hero.
That's not the issue, the fact remains that she was shot by a progressive because she was not progressive enough, and now she is One of the faces of the anti-gun nutter movement… And now her name is being put on a warship?
You can't see the irony in that? The whole thing is neckdeep in hypocrisy.
I thought I smelled something a bit foul today, the hildabitch was in the area. And I agree with you, we have true heroes these ships can be named after, instead they chose a victim.

Maybe the USS Pat Tillman (AKA the Friendly Fire) since our own soldiers killed him?

I know the USS Breitbart (red wine always on demand)?

Better yet the USS Michael Murphy, a navy seal that was awarded the Medal of Honor.
Or the USS Daniel Inouye.

I sortta agree with this one. Where I disagree is that it shouldn't be a Destroyer. Naval convention usually requires that they are named after heroic sailors and Marines that died in combat.

I do agree that Inouye should probably get a ship because he was a Medal of Honor recipient for heroic action in Italy in WWII.

Daniel Inouye Medal of Honor citation:

"Inouye, Daniel K.

Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Company E, 442nd Infantry. Place and date: San Terenzo, Italy, 21 April 1945. Birth: 7 September 1924, Honolulu, Hawaii. Entered service at: Honolulu, Hawaii.

Second Lieutenant Daniel K. Inouye distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 21 April 1945, in the vicinity of San Terenzo, Italy. While attacking a defended ridge guarding an important road junction, Second Lieutenant Inouye skillfully directed his platoon through a hail of automatic weapon and small arms fire, in a swift enveloping movement that resulted in the capture of an artillery and mortar post and brought his men to within 40 yards of the hostile force. Emplaced in bunkers and rock formations, the enemy halted the advance with crossfire from three machine guns. With complete disregard for his personal safety, Second Lieutenant Inouye crawled up the treacherous slope to within five yards of the nearest machine gun and hurled two grenades, destroying the emplacement. Before the enemy could retaliate, he stood up and neutralized a second machine gun nest. Although wounded by a sniper’s bullet, he continued to engage other hostile positions at close range until an exploding grenade shattered his right arm. Despite the intense pain, he refused evacuation and continued to direct his platoon until enemy resistance was broken and his men were again deployed in defensive positions. In the attack, 25 enemy soldiers were killed and eight others captured. By his gallant, aggressive tactics and by his indomitable leadership, Second Lieutenant Inouye enabled his platoon to advance through formidable resistance, and was instrumental in the capture of the ridge. Second Lieutenant Inouye’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army."

MOH Citation for Daniel Inouye

First, the ship is not a destroyer.

The USS Michael Murphy is a already a DDG in the Navy.

Those two you mentioned were soldiers, not sailors or Marines.

I think maybe you should go back and read my comment. I didn't say two of anything (I mis-spelled Inouye). I stated that "Naval convention usually states..."

/eye roll and head shake
Yeah i do feel for the woman, but the Democrats sure have milked this for every last political drop they could get out of it. It happened, it was an awful tragedy. But come on, the Democrats have exploited it enough. Time to turn the page. Time to move on.
Maybe the USS Pat Tillman (AKA the Friendly Fire) since our own soldiers killed him?

I know the USS Breitbart (red wine always on demand)?

Better yet the USS Michael Murphy, a navy seal that was awarded the Medal of Honor.
Or the USS Daniel Inouye.

I sortta agree with this one. Where I disagree is that it shouldn't be a Destroyer. Naval convention usually requires that they are named after heroic sailors and Marines that died in combat.

I do agree that Inouye should probably get a ship because he was a Medal of Honor recipient for heroic action in Italy in WWII.

Daniel Inouye Medal of Honor citation:

"Inouye, Daniel K.

Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Company E, 442nd Infantry. Place and date: San Terenzo, Italy, 21 April 1945. Birth: 7 September 1924, Honolulu, Hawaii. Entered service at: Honolulu, Hawaii.

Second Lieutenant Daniel K. Inouye distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 21 April 1945, in the vicinity of San Terenzo, Italy. While attacking a defended ridge guarding an important road junction, Second Lieutenant Inouye skillfully directed his platoon through a hail of automatic weapon and small arms fire, in a swift enveloping movement that resulted in the capture of an artillery and mortar post and brought his men to within 40 yards of the hostile force. Emplaced in bunkers and rock formations, the enemy halted the advance with crossfire from three machine guns. With complete disregard for his personal safety, Second Lieutenant Inouye crawled up the treacherous slope to within five yards of the nearest machine gun and hurled two grenades, destroying the emplacement. Before the enemy could retaliate, he stood up and neutralized a second machine gun nest. Although wounded by a sniper’s bullet, he continued to engage other hostile positions at close range until an exploding grenade shattered his right arm. Despite the intense pain, he refused evacuation and continued to direct his platoon until enemy resistance was broken and his men were again deployed in defensive positions. In the attack, 25 enemy soldiers were killed and eight others captured. By his gallant, aggressive tactics and by his indomitable leadership, Second Lieutenant Inouye enabled his platoon to advance through formidable resistance, and was instrumental in the capture of the ridge. Second Lieutenant Inouye’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army."

MOH Citation for Daniel Inouye

First, the ship is not a destroyer.

The USS Michael Murphy is a already a DDG in the Navy.

Those two you mentioned were soldiers, not sailors or Marines.

I think maybe you should go back and read my comment. I didn't say two of anything (I mis-spelled Inouye). I stated that "Naval convention usually states..."

/eye roll and head shake

My apologies. The other post mentioned Pat Tillman who was an Army Ranger.
It wasn't just any old assassination attempt either. Getting a big hole shot in your brain and coming back from where she started -- not talking or walking -- is brave enough without getting back out there in front of the cameras and the crowds as soon as she could. Amazing conviction this woman has.

Despite what the the nut jobs on the right say.

Representative Gabrielle Giffords and 18 Shot Near Tucson

TUCSON — Representative Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, and at least 17 others were shot Saturday morning when a gunman opened fire outside a supermarket where Ms. Giffords was meeting with constituents.

She was shot in the line of duty. Doing what congressmen are supposed to do. Meet and talk with the people in their district. A town hall (but at a supermarket)

The problem is my facts (as from newspapers) said Loughner became a tea party type conservative before going on his shooting spree.

Your opinion pieces are just lying sacks of shit.
No, he was a progressive and is a progressive. Just like most other mass shooters.

You're just spamming.
Get over it, he was a progressive hypocrisy is in the blood of the progressive.
Get over it, he was a progressive hypocrisy is in the blood of the progressive.

I'm sorry. If all you have is opinion pieces to challenge my newpaper story saying Loughlin changed and became a tea party conservative before going on his shooting spree, Then you're not worth the spam you're posting with.

WOW, you didn't even blink before trying to cite another opinion piece, as fact.

Absolute, Undeniable, Verifiable PROOF That All Mass-Shooters Are Democrats
May 31, 2014 by M Styborski
Facts are facts, most of the recent shootings are done by progressives.
Like I said Hypocrisy runs deep in the progressive

Are you trolling or do your posts reflect a genuine stupidity that you feel must be made public?
It's interesting to note that the local (democrat) sheriff blamed so-called "incendiary speech" by Rush Limbaugh for the shooting instead of Loughner. Democrats picked up on the tirade and soon Limbaugh was on the defensive instead of the mentally unbalanced shooter. In light of lefties dismissing a current comedy star holding the horrific looking image of the President's severed head the rhetoric about Limbaugh seems contrived.

WOW, you didn't even blink before trying to cite another opinion piece, as fact.

Absolute, Undeniable, Verifiable PROOF That All Mass-Shooters Are Democrats
May 31, 2014 by M Styborski
Facts are facts, most of the recent shootings are done by progressives.
Like I said Hypocrisy runs deep in the progressive

Are you trolling or do your posts reflect a genuine stupidity that you feel must be made public?
Career politicians don't deserve such recognition, especially hypocrisy of the progressive.
Facts are facts, most of the recent shootings are done by progressives.
Like I said Hypocrisy runs deep in the progressive

Are you trolling or do your posts reflect a genuine stupidity that you feel must be made public?

He posted an opinion piece as "facts" and then when when shown a newpaper article disproving him, he backed it up with another opinion piece.

Sounds like a Thin Lizzy song "The trolls are back in town.."
Get over it, he was a progressive hypocrisy is in the blood of the progressive.

I'm sorry. If all you have is opinion pieces to challenge my newpaper story saying Loughlin changed and became a tea party conservative before going on his shooting spree, Then you're not worth the spam you're posting with.
The newspaper story is opinion, you have no proof. His actions were of the progressive nature… fact
Career politicians don't deserve such recognition, especially hypocrisy of the progressive.

And trolls don't deserve such recognition. That click you heard, wasn't me hanging up on you.

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