Giffords is trying to steal our rights

The background check is more an infringement than just regulating public firearms - all public owned firearms should be bolt or lever action per round and without detachable magazines.

Unfortunately for you, that isn't the case. The Second Amendment wasn't written about Deer Hunting, and any small arm the Military or Police use should be allowed in the hands of Law abiding citizens as the Constitution was written. Doesn't it suck when Rights and Freedoms go against your twisted ideology. :lol: It must really upset you that your gun free utopia will never be legally realized.
I want to reform the number one killer of black teens, the "inanimate object" that takes 12,000 american lives a year. I stand by the second amendment and would defend it with my life, but why do we have to live like this? Why cant we call a spade a spade and say that there is in fact a gun violence issue in this country?

You are buying into the vernacular of the left, violent crime is the problem and addressing violent criminals is the solution, not looking to the tools they choose to commit crimes. The left wants you looking at the tools so you aren't seeing their failure to address the root of the problem, the perpetrators and the culture that enables them.

Oh I am the number one proponent of the culture being the problem. Thats how this whole deabte started, I said, Am I the only one who sees this as a cultural issue and not a gun issue. Then over the course of many posts we got to talking about numbers and how high americas numbers are. I think that we have a gun culture problem in this country where the weapons are deemed neccessities to the inner city life, and thats wh they are responsible for so many deaths.
I want to reform the number one killer of black teens, the "inanimate object" that takes 12,000 american lives a year.


Other black teens take 12,000 American lives. It is the epitome of stupidity to believe that if the current weapon were prohibited they would not kill - or obey the prohibition.

I stand by the second amendment and would defend it with my life, but why do we have to live like this? Why cant we call a spade a spade and say that there is in fact a gun violence issue in this country?

Because saying that is stupid and avoids the unpleasant fact that there is a VIOLENCE issue in this country, utterly irrespective of guns.

Hollywood and Rap glorify violence - perhaps the real issue is the culture of violence.
No weakness at all, that is exactly my premise. People are inherently stupid, I have no problem with that assesment.
Seems to me that rather than trying to raise awareness of the brutually obvious capabilities of a firearm, you should seek raise awareness of the dangers of living the morally depraved "inner city lifestyle" itself.
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I want to reform the number one killer of black teens, the "inanimate object" that takes 12,000 american lives a year. I stand by the second amendment and would defend it with my life, but why do we have to live like this? Why cant we call a spade a spade and say that there is in fact a gun violence issue in this country?

You are buying into the vernacular of the left, violent crime is the problem and addressing violent criminals is the solution, not looking to the tools they choose to commit crimes. The left wants you looking at the tools so you aren't seeing their failure to address the root of the problem, the perpetrators and the culture that enables them.

Oh I am the number one proponent of the culture being the problem. Thats how this whole deabte started, I said, Am I the only one who sees this as a cultural issue and not a gun issue. Then over the course of many posts we got to talking about numbers and how high americas numbers are. I think that we have a gun culture problem in this country where the weapons are deemed neccessities to the inner city life, and thats wh they are responsible for so many deaths.

Why do people think guns are a necessity for inner city life? Hint, it's not because their law abiding neighbor has one. Yet when it comes to cooperating with law enforcement they do choose to do nothing. They are dying in ever increasing numbers and have no one or any thing to blame but themselves. But tell me where there is a logical reason to alter laws over the nation as a whole because of an inner city problem?
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!

on the surface "more stringent background checks" sounds okay

but there is a lot wrong with it

universal background checks is a backdoor firearms registration program

which leads to confiscation programs

how about in private sales between adults outside of a firearms dealer

if one has a cc permit

that serves as the background check ?
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!

on the surface "more stringent background checks" sounds okay

but there is a lot wrong with it

universal background checks is a backdoor firearms registration program

which leads to confiscation programs

how about in private sales between adults outside of a firearms dealer

if one has a cc permit

that serves as the background check ?

Trying to prevent nutjobs and criminals from buying guns equals confiscation of all it
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Nonsense. 83% of Utahns, the most red state in the Union, believe in universal background checks. Reactionaries like you are as anti-American as the far lefties who want to overthrow the 2d Amendment. Step off.
Nonsense. 83% of Utahns, the most red state in the Union, believe in universal background checks. Reactionaries like you are as anti-American as the far lefties who want to overthrow the 2d Amendment. Step off.

I have no problem with universal background checks, the only reason why it might have a problem is that some may wish to expand background checks into registration. From a realistic standpoint universal background checks without universal registration is not enforceable... how can the government show that you sold your gun without having a background check completed if the government does not know who currently owns the firearm? Experience in California has shown that private sellers will comply with the law requiring background checks 30% of the time. That of course is an improvement over 0% of the time. If you are willing to live with that something can be accomplished which will do some good. However, a push for universal registration so as to force compliance with universal background checks will just not fly politically. Anything that even approaches that will be rejected out of hand.
Nonsense. 83% of Utahns, the most red state in the Union, believe in universal background checks. Reactionaries like you are as anti-American as the far lefties who want to overthrow the 2d Amendment. Step off.

I have no problem with universal background checks, the only reason why it might have a problem is that some may wish to expand background checks into registration. From a realistic standpoint universal background checks without universal registration is not enforceable... how can the government show that you sold your gun without having a background check completed if the government does not know who currently owns the firearm? Experience in California has shown that private sellers will comply with the law requiring background checks 30% of the time. That of course is an improvement over 0% of the time. If you are willing to live with that something can be accomplished which will do some good. However, a push for universal registration so as to force compliance with universal background checks will just not fly politically. Anything that even approaches that will be rejected out of hand.

That's your opinion. Do you have numbers supporting it?
Nonsense. 83% of Utahns, the most red state in the Union, believe in universal background checks. Reactionaries like you are as anti-American as the far lefties who want to overthrow the 2d Amendment. Step off.

I have no problem with universal background checks, the only reason why it might have a problem is that some may wish to expand background checks into registration. From a realistic standpoint universal background checks without universal registration is not enforceable... how can the government show that you sold your gun without having a background check completed if the government does not know who currently owns the firearm? Experience in California has shown that private sellers will comply with the law requiring background checks 30% of the time. That of course is an improvement over 0% of the time. If you are willing to live with that something can be accomplished which will do some good. However, a push for universal registration so as to force compliance with universal background checks will just not fly politically. Anything that even approaches that will be rejected out of hand.

That's your opinion. Do you have numbers supporting it?

I do, but being a newbie I can't post links. Many of my figures which I use on this issue come from a Law Review Article published in the Wake Forest Law Review entitled: IMAGINING GUN CONTROL IN AMERICA: UNDERSTANDING THE REMAINDER PROBLEM Nicholas J. Johnson, 43 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW 837. The Canadian experience with their long gun registry began in 1995. After over 15 years and $2 billion in set up and operating costs, the registry was credited with solving one crime. When it was abandoned as the "billion dollar boondoggle" in 2011 it had a 60% non compliance ratio... in other words 60% of all firearms that should have been registered were not registered (either that or there was a rash of tragic boating accidents--- wipe tear from eye--). The Australians report a 66% non compliance ratio (more lakes in Australia, I guess). California, a 70% non compliance ratio. Without substantial voluntary compliance universal registration simply will not do much good. Gun owners in the US, regardless of whether you consider them paranoid or not, simply will not comply (or on their way to register their firearms they have a tragic boating accident -- wipe tear from eye--).

I guarantee you that the Republican controlled House will not pass anything even smelling of firearm registration. If you want universal background checks it is best to not attempt to ask for too much as politics is the art of the possible and gun registration is impossible.
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Nah, bigrebnc is what he is: a loon. He can do it here if he wishes. He can never win.
Nah, bigrebnc is what he is: a loon. He can do it here if he wishes. He can never win.

We had a preset date and place too debate you failed to show up

You had a preset date that I declined.

The fact is: you get paid for doing this, and you would have got paid even more doing it in the Bull Ring. So when I kicked your ass (inevitable) you still would have got paid more.

Do it here with Board as judge, bigreb, and I will kick your ass. I always have. :lol:
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