Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

'An MO For Other More Serious Crimes'

I know everyone has a take on this Rudy/Cohen shit-show, but I thought I would give you some perspective from someone steeped in anti-corruption enforcement (both domestic and foreign) on the prosecution and defense side.

As we already know, Michael Cohen is the prototypical fixer or bagman. In Mexico, as discussed in glorious detail in this NY Times expose on Wal-Mart’s massive corruption scandal in Mexico , a lawyer-fixer like Cohen would be known as a “gestore.” The bagman’s job is to get bribe money to people while insulating and giving deniability to the ultimate payor of the bribe. Having a dirty lawyer as a bagman provides a number of advantages.

First, bribe money can be laundered from the “client” through the lawyer as fictitious legal services. The lawyer can issue bogus invoices to the client in amounts sufficient to cover bribe payments, a commission to the lawyer, and a gross-up for any taxes the lawyer would have to pay on the fee income (bagmen, after all, don’t want to be stuck paying taxes on amounts they pay out as bribes). Sound familiar?

Second, by disguising the bribes as payments for legal fees, businesses can try to write them off as expenses (bribes are not deductible). This is tax evasion, of course, but it is common practice for the corrupt. Third, the lawyer-client relationship can be an impediment to law enforcement. It can be very difficult for prosecutors to pierce what appears on the surface to be a legitimate attorney-client relationship.

So now we have Giuliani confirming that this is exactly how Trump and Cohen operated. Hush money to Stormy Daniels is one thing and certainly raises potential serious campaign finance violations, but she is not a public official. What I find most significant about Rudy’s admission is what it says about the nature of the relationship between Trump and Cohen and how it suggests an M.O. for other more serious crimes.

Trump is a major real estate developer in NY who has openly bragged about his ability to cut through red tape and get politicians in his pocket. We now have serious SDNY public corruption prosecutors and FBI agents in possession of a massive amount of electronic data from his bagman. They likely already have all of his financial records as well. And Rudy has now given them the roadmap for how Trump may have laundered bribes through Cohen as purported legal fees or retainer payments. Every invoice Cohen has ever issued to Trump is suspect. Every corrupt payment Cohen has ever made or facilitated to building inspectors, councilmen, pornstars, or whomever can potentially be tied back to Trump. In addition, I suspect Trump and his kids had a false sense of comfort that their communications with Cohen would be privileged. I am convinced this is why Trump and his family are freaking out about the Cohen raid and the possibility he could flip. The SDNY is sitting on the mother lode of evidence and Rudy has given them the connection between purported legal fees and payments by Cohen to third parties.
Too long
Opinions and not epistles please
Meanwhile Democrats are obsessing over a hooker, Trump has achieved 3%+ economic growth for some time n ow, and anything under that seems like weakness in the economy, the Norks are dismantling the nuke program, and ICE is deporting tens of thousands of criminal douchebacks each month.
2017 = 2.3%
'An MO For Other More Serious Crimes'

I know everyone has a take on this Rudy/Cohen shit-show, but I thought I would give you some perspective from someone steeped in anti-corruption enforcement (both domestic and foreign) on the prosecution and defense side.

As we already know, Michael Cohen is the prototypical fixer or bagman. In Mexico, as discussed in glorious detail in this NY Times expose on Wal-Mart’s massive corruption scandal in Mexico , a lawyer-fixer like Cohen would be known as a “gestore.” The bagman’s job is to get bribe money to people while insulating and giving deniability to the ultimate payor of the bribe. Having a dirty lawyer as a bagman provides a number of advantages.

First, bribe money can be laundered from the “client” through the lawyer as fictitious legal services. The lawyer can issue bogus invoices to the client in amounts sufficient to cover bribe payments, a commission to the lawyer, and a gross-up for any taxes the lawyer would have to pay on the fee income (bagmen, after all, don’t want to be stuck paying taxes on amounts they pay out as bribes). Sound familiar?

Second, by disguising the bribes as payments for legal fees, businesses can try to write them off as expenses (bribes are not deductible). This is tax evasion, of course, but it is common practice for the corrupt. Third, the lawyer-client relationship can be an impediment to law enforcement. It can be very difficult for prosecutors to pierce what appears on the surface to be a legitimate attorney-client relationship.

So now we have Giuliani confirming that this is exactly how Trump and Cohen operated. Hush money to Stormy Daniels is one thing and certainly raises potential serious campaign finance violations, but she is not a public official. What I find most significant about Rudy’s admission is what it says about the nature of the relationship between Trump and Cohen and how it suggests an M.O. for other more serious crimes.

Trump is a major real estate developer in NY who has openly bragged about his ability to cut through red tape and get politicians in his pocket. We now have serious SDNY public corruption prosecutors and FBI agents in possession of a massive amount of electronic data from his bagman. They likely already have all of his financial records as well. And Rudy has now given them the roadmap for how Trump may have laundered bribes through Cohen as purported legal fees or retainer payments. Every invoice Cohen has ever issued to Trump is suspect. Every corrupt payment Cohen has ever made or facilitated to building inspectors, councilmen, pornstars, or whomever can potentially be tied back to Trump. In addition, I suspect Trump and his kids had a false sense of comfort that their communications with Cohen would be privileged. I am convinced this is why Trump and his family are freaking out about the Cohen raid and the possibility he could flip. The SDNY is sitting on the mother lode of evidence and Rudy has given them the connection between purported legal fees and payments by Cohen to third parties.
Too long
Opinions and not epistles please
Reading hurts your tiny brain, does it?
In your eyes, does "America" include the people that identify as Americans? Or is it an idea that does not include the things or people you don't like?

America never used to be in " " until you Rats decided to divide us into groups to manipulate against each other. BTW, you're a communist and don't even know it.
I've been called a nazi and a communist today. Hilarious. I actually like the competitive aspect of free market capitalism. Competition is one of our strongest motivators against the previous self, amongst peers, and between opposing organizations. It needs to be regulated, though, which will never be an easy or finished task. Both the effectiveness of the policy and the integrity of it's development process will often be in question along with its legality. A complex system that is meant to loosely obey morals and ethics needs to be maintained. If it's not then those with the right resources or positioning will learn to take advantage of it. I'm in the software biz and this is so true for any complex system.
Rudy Giuliani: the five ages of Trump's loyal, long-serving friend

Giuliani’s loose lips on Fox News may have entangled Trump in a new scandal. Ed Pilkington reflects on a career of controversy

“Rudy is great,” Donald Trump gushed last month when announcing the addition of Rudy Giuliani to his legal team dealing with the Russian investigation. “He has been my friend for a long time.”

With friends like that …

On Wednesday night, Giuliani, 73, tied his new boss in knots by blurting out to Fox News that Trump had repaid his private lawyer Michael Cohen $130,000 worth of hush money used to silence the adult-film star Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 presidential election.

If Trumpo really did not have the extra-marital affair with a porn star while his wife was caring for his new born son, it would seem a porn stars credibility would be nonexistent. We know. Trumpo was never above demeaning women. Trumpo's base would never believe her. Some would be impressed with their orange buffoon being s stud.

So why pay?
Because Stormy had proof. Remember the NDA included photos, video and texts.
Rudy Giuliani: the five ages of Trump's loyal, long-serving friend

Giuliani’s loose lips on Fox News may have entangled Trump in a new scandal. Ed Pilkington reflects on a career of controversy

“Rudy is great,” Donald Trump gushed last month when announcing the addition of Rudy Giuliani to his legal team dealing with the Russian investigation. “He has been my friend for a long time.”

With friends like that …

On Wednesday night, Giuliani, 73, tied his new boss in knots by blurting out to Fox News that Trump had repaid his private lawyer Michael Cohen $130,000 worth of hush money used to silence the adult-film star Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 presidential election.

Trump 'paid the money back' through his normal payments to Cohen who Trump had on retainer.

It is not like Trump had a bill that said '$130,000 payment to lying whore' and then wrote a check for that amount.

What these wealthy people often times do is keep these 'fixers' on retainer and pay them a straight amount each month + expenses. The 'expenses are not explained in detail in order to maintain 'plausible deniability'.

That Trump 'paid Choen back' does not prove that Trump knew a damned thing about the pay off to the whore.
'An MO For Other More Serious Crimes'

I know everyone has a take on this Rudy/Cohen shit-show, but I thought I would give you some perspective from someone steeped in anti-corruption enforcement (both domestic and foreign) on the prosecution and defense side.

As we already know, Michael Cohen is the prototypical fixer or bagman. In Mexico, as discussed in glorious detail in this NY Times expose on Wal-Mart’s massive corruption scandal in Mexico , a lawyer-fixer like Cohen would be known as a “gestore.” The bagman’s job is to get bribe money to people while insulating and giving deniability to the ultimate payor of the bribe. Having a dirty lawyer as a bagman provides a number of advantages.

First, bribe money can be laundered from the “client” through the lawyer as fictitious legal services. The lawyer can issue bogus invoices to the client in amounts sufficient to cover bribe payments, a commission to the lawyer, and a gross-up for any taxes the lawyer would have to pay on the fee income (bagmen, after all, don’t want to be stuck paying taxes on amounts they pay out as bribes). Sound familiar?

Second, by disguising the bribes as payments for legal fees, businesses can try to write them off as expenses (bribes are not deductible). This is tax evasion, of course, but it is common practice for the corrupt. Third, the lawyer-client relationship can be an impediment to law enforcement. It can be very difficult for prosecutors to pierce what appears on the surface to be a legitimate attorney-client relationship.

So now we have Giuliani confirming that this is exactly how Trump and Cohen operated. Hush money to Stormy Daniels is one thing and certainly raises potential serious campaign finance violations, but she is not a public official. What I find most significant about Rudy’s admission is what it says about the nature of the relationship between Trump and Cohen and how it suggests an M.O. for other more serious crimes.

Trump is a major real estate developer in NY who has openly bragged about his ability to cut through red tape and get politicians in his pocket. We now have serious SDNY public corruption prosecutors and FBI agents in possession of a massive amount of electronic data from his bagman. They likely already have all of his financial records as well. And Rudy has now given them the roadmap for how Trump may have laundered bribes through Cohen as purported legal fees or retainer payments. Every invoice Cohen has ever issued to Trump is suspect. Every corrupt payment Cohen has ever made or facilitated to building inspectors, councilmen, pornstars, or whomever can potentially be tied back to Trump. In addition, I suspect Trump and his kids had a false sense of comfort that their communications with Cohen would be privileged. I am convinced this is why Trump and his family are freaking out about the Cohen raid and the possibility he could flip. The SDNY is sitting on the mother lode of evidence and Rudy has given them the connection between purported legal fees and payments by Cohen to third parties.
How does President Pence sound to you? :)
So, you are admitting Trump is guilty and cutting him loose? Very smart of you. no guarantee that Pence will ever be elected..Trump has so damaged the Republican brand that I doubt that Pence will ever win anything.
What these wealthy people often times do is keep these 'fixers' on retainer and pay them a straight amount each month + expenses. The 'expenses are not explained in detail in order to maintain 'plausible deniability'.

Fixers with a law license cannot do what Cohen says he did for Trumpo and keep their license. That is, claiming to represent a client in a two party negotiation.

In this case there is no NDA with Stormy if Trumpo does not know what is going on.

So your arrangement is bullshit when an attorney is the fixer.

Nice try.
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
I knew the morons would come out in force on this.. Attorney provides services from his accounts. Bills the client and the client pays his bills.. Did he actually know or was it the fact trump had over 300 lawyers and someone else is paid to pay his bills.

Rudy only indicated that he paid the attorney for HIS SERVICES. What Trump knew or didn't know is still in question.

Get a new Meme. The whore on TV is old an worn out..
Ummm.... Giuliani said the money was paid back for the costs of the hush money. That's a violation of campaign finance laws.

And he said the money was paid back in payments of $35,000, which was just a little extra, knowing there was no work being done in exchange ... that's money laundering and fraud and depending on how they handle the taxes on that money, could be tax evasion.

Are ya tired of winning yet?


Are you truly that dumb?

Rudy Giuliani: the five ages of Trump's loyal, long-serving friend

Giuliani’s loose lips on Fox News may have entangled Trump in a new scandal. Ed Pilkington reflects on a career of controversy

“Rudy is great,” Donald Trump gushed last month when announcing the addition of Rudy Giuliani to his legal team dealing with the Russian investigation. “He has been my friend for a long time.”

With friends like that …

On Wednesday night, Giuliani, 73, tied his new boss in knots by blurting out to Fox News that Trump had repaid his private lawyer Michael Cohen $130,000 worth of hush money used to silence the adult-film star Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 presidential election.

Trump 'paid the money back' through his normal payments to Cohen who Trump had on retainer.

It is not like Trump had a bill that said '$130,000 payment to lying whore' and then wrote a check for that amount.

What these wealthy people often times do is keep these 'fixers' on retainer and pay them a straight amount each month + expenses. The 'expenses are not explained in detail in order to maintain 'plausible deniability'.

That Trump 'paid Choen back' does not prove that Trump knew a damned thing about the pay off to the whore.

And you Lefties are totally ignorant of how things work at the level of a billionaire like President Trump. Do you think HE writes and signs all the checks paid out of corporate accounts? If Cohen was on a retainer, the monthly payment would be made by ACCOUNTANTS who are paid to do such things on a routine basis. The only time Trump would have been involved in such payments was if they were or an unusual nature or something he had personally asked for.
'An MO For Other More Serious Crimes'

I know everyone has a take on this Rudy/Cohen shit-show, but I thought I would give you some perspective from someone steeped in anti-corruption enforcement (both domestic and foreign) on the prosecution and defense side.

As we already know, Michael Cohen is the prototypical fixer or bagman. In Mexico, as discussed in glorious detail in this NY Times expose on Wal-Mart’s massive corruption scandal in Mexico , a lawyer-fixer like Cohen would be known as a “gestore.” The bagman’s job is to get bribe money to people while insulating and giving deniability to the ultimate payor of the bribe. Having a dirty lawyer as a bagman provides a number of advantages.

First, bribe money can be laundered from the “client” through the lawyer as fictitious legal services. The lawyer can issue bogus invoices to the client in amounts sufficient to cover bribe payments, a commission to the lawyer, and a gross-up for any taxes the lawyer would have to pay on the fee income (bagmen, after all, don’t want to be stuck paying taxes on amounts they pay out as bribes). Sound familiar?

Second, by disguising the bribes as payments for legal fees, businesses can try to write them off as expenses (bribes are not deductible). This is tax evasion, of course, but it is common practice for the corrupt. Third, the lawyer-client relationship can be an impediment to law enforcement. It can be very difficult for prosecutors to pierce what appears on the surface to be a legitimate attorney-client relationship.

So now we have Giuliani confirming that this is exactly how Trump and Cohen operated. Hush money to Stormy Daniels is one thing and certainly raises potential serious campaign finance violations, but she is not a public official. What I find most significant about Rudy’s admission is what it says about the nature of the relationship between Trump and Cohen and how it suggests an M.O. for other more serious crimes.

Trump is a major real estate developer in NY who has openly bragged about his ability to cut through red tape and get politicians in his pocket. We now have serious SDNY public corruption prosecutors and FBI agents in possession of a massive amount of electronic data from his bagman. They likely already have all of his financial records as well. And Rudy has now given them the roadmap for how Trump may have laundered bribes through Cohen as purported legal fees or retainer payments. Every invoice Cohen has ever issued to Trump is suspect. Every corrupt payment Cohen has ever made or facilitated to building inspectors, councilmen, pornstars, or whomever can potentially be tied back to Trump. In addition, I suspect Trump and his kids had a false sense of comfort that their communications with Cohen would be privileged. I am convinced this is why Trump and his family are freaking out about the Cohen raid and the possibility he could flip. The SDNY is sitting on the mother lode of evidence and Rudy has given them the connection between purported legal fees and payments by Cohen to third parties.
How does President Pence sound to you? :)
So, you are admitting Trump is guilty and cutting him loose? Very smart of you. no guarantee that Pence will ever be elected..Trump has so damaged the Republican brand that I doubt that Pence will ever win anything.
Meanwhile Democrats are obsessing over a hooker, Trump has achieved 3%+ economic growth for some time n ow, and anything under that seems like weakness in the economy, the Norks are dismantling the nuke program, and ICE is deporting tens of thousands of criminal douchebacks each month.

The economy is about almost all. partisan misconception.

2018 is setting no significant record for job growth and wage increases.

"Wonks will debate how much credit he really deserves, personally, for any of this. (Foreign markets have soared too, and several are also at all-time highs.) But the fact is that his words will resonate today just as his bleak view resonated in 2016, even with many people who ultimately didn’t vote for him. Gallup found in early January that Americans’ confidence in the economy soared 16 points during Trump’s first year in office, reaching positive territory for the first time since Gallup began tracking it in 2008.

But this transformation in perceptions is out of step with the underlying reality. The basic truth is that while the economy displayed steady growth over the past 12 months, the same was true of the 72 months or so that came before that. The big change hasn’t been in the economy but in people’s hearts — Republican Party loyalists, in particular, weren’t ready to admit the economy had recovered until they had a co-partisan in the White House.
but in people’s hearts — Republican Party loyalists, in particular, weren’t ready to admit the economy had recovered until they had a co-partisan in the White House.

The truth about the Trump economy, explained

Whatever economic growth we got in 2017 was coming anyway Trump or no Trump. We know that because the entire global economy has been humming right along at a steady pace.

You may think Trumpo is president of the world but you'd be a fool.
Last edited:
Meanwhile Democrats are obsessing over a hooker, Trump has achieved 3%+ economic growth for some time n ow, and anything under that seems like weakness in the economy, the Norks are dismantling the nuke program, and ICE is deporting tens of thousands of criminal douchebacks each month.

The economy wsd almost all partisan misconceptions. 2018 is setting no dignificant record for job growth and wage increases.

"Wonks will debate how much credit he really deserves, personally, for any of this. (Foreign markets have soared too, and several are also at all-time highs.) But the fact is that his words will resonate today just as his bleak view resonated in 2016, even with many people who ultimately didn’t vote for him. Gallup found in early January that Americans’ confidence in the economy soared 16 points during Trump’s first year in office, reaching positive territory for the first time since Gallup began tracking it in 2008.

But this transformation in perceptions is out of step with the underlying reality. The basic truth is that while the economy displayed steady growth over the past 12 months, the same was true of the 72 months or so that came before that. The big change hasn’t been in the economy
Wonks will debate how much credit he really deserves, personally, for any of this. (Foreign markets have soared too, and several are also at all-time highs.) But the fact is that his words will resonate today just as his bleak view resonated in 2016, even with many people who ultimately didn’t vote for him. Gallup found in early January that Americans’ confidence in the economy soared 16 points during Trump’s first year in office, reaching positive territory for the first time since Gallup began tracking it in 2008.

But this transformation in perceptions is out of step with the underlying reality. The basic truth is that while the economy displayed steady growth over the past 12 months, the same was true of the 72 months or so that came before that. The big change hasn’t been in the economy but in people’s hearts — Republican Party loyalists, in particular, weren’t ready to admit the economy had recovered until they had a co-partisan in the White House.
but in people’s hearts — Republican Party loyalists, in particular, weren’t ready to admit the economy had recovered until they had a co-partisan in the White House.

The truth about the Trump economy, explained

Whatever economic growth we got in 2017 was coming anyway Trump or no Trump. We know that because the entire global economy has been humming right along at a steady pace.

You may think Trumpo is president of the world but you'd be a fool.

If you're going to cut and paste, pay attention to what the heck you're doing.
And that slimy fucker is still saying he never did the deed!
So he's paid $130k for NOTHING?
Bush92, post: 19853656
Post yours online. Nope? Didn’t think so.

Last I checked I'm not running for president.

If I run for dog catcher I will be happy to.

I'd be proud to post my tax returns. All the white trash Trumpo losers would be jealous - we pay more in taxes than most of them make.


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